BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 230

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 230:

1. I see you coming from different places, you come to refresh yourselves in the shadow of the fatherly roof. You have gathered yourselves together, and therefore there is joy in the Father's heart. For when even two hearts are reconciled, I celebrate a feast.

2. You are going through a time of trials whose meaning you have not yet understood, though you have the light of my word. But since the time is a treasure which you are not to waste, I come as Master to teach you to make use of it, making known to you your purpose and your task.

3. Use these moments, for soon I will part from you. My divine word, which I have given you for so many years through the human mind, will then end forever.

4. There is still a short time left in which I will give you all my teaching and write all my book.

5. This is why I come in haste to the doors of your hearts to tell the child that he has become too accustomed to my Word, that he should awaken from his deep sleep, that he should grasp the hoe and shovel and dig and cultivate the fields and love them as his own life; that he should share his fields and his water with his fellow men; that his eyes should look kindly, that he should stretch out his right hand as a sign of friendship, and that his heart should be free from selfishness, so that he may be a true worker in the fields of the Lord.

6. Expect not that the heart of man should be moved to make peace on earth. Rise and work! Do not desire the defeat of some and the victory of others to have peace and freedom. What should triumph is justice, brotherhood, love.

7. It will not be the people who create true peace on earth. Peace will come to this world from my kingdom when you have attained true soul preparation.

8. The light that enlightens you in this time is the light of the sixth seal, and if anyone should claim that it is another seal that is broken, he is in error The sixth candlestick now burns as an inextinguishable light, illuminating the living and the dead with its revelations and awakening souls with its new prophecies. But do not believe that this light illuminates only those who hear this word. For truly, I tell you, scientists and theologians are also under this light.

9. Why do you not make an effort to study my teaching, so that the Master need not make himself physically audible to explain what you are to understand by interpretation?

10. Unite the fruits of science with the fruits of the love of the soul, and you shall have a good taste in your mouth.

11. Rest, wanderers, and enjoy the cool shade of this tree, and eat of its fruits.

12. The Father is with you, who has always made himself known in your ways.

13. I receive you as representatives of all mankind and I see you prepared to receive and feel my spiritual presence.

14. You have always sought my divinity. When you felt that you had not found Me, you rushed to the images created by your hands to feel Me close. So a great part of humanity lives in this time. It seeks and worships Me in the images, while I speak to the world at the height of the time of these rallies.

15. I am currently awakening people through dreams ─ symbolic and prophetic dreams to which people do not pay attention nor give any interpretation due to lack of faith and preparation, and so they forget that dream face without knowing that it is a divine message.

16. How far from the true way is mankind! The world lives under the dominion of its freedom of will and runs after pleasure and earthly passions.

17. The soul is asleep, the intelligence has not yet awakened to the light which is the truth, nor does it sense the true life.

18. Man has still not given his conscience the possibility of speaking and judging. There are still those who consider themselves infallible and free from error, though they carry darkness in their hearts.

19. But now men are tired of this, and therefore I approach them to show them the way, to fill their soul with light, to make their errors and the lost time understandable to them and to unleash a fight between light and darkness in the inner man.

20. In many ways I reveal myself to my children, always with infinite love, so that their soul does not perish.

21. When you have entered these inconspicuous houses of prayer, this has not been done out of your will. It has been my mercy that has called you to give you soul food and show you the way to salvation, by which you can enter my presence. You are to come neither despondent nor haughty, but worthy and humble.

22. I offer you eternal peace, as I offered you the land of Canaan in the first time. You cannot stray from the way, for it is marked with my blood. My blood is truth, is love and eternity. Watch, for my truth revealed in my teaching has been falsified by men, and some revelations have been hidden.

23. My example and that of my apostles was not taken as an example by all who tried to follow me. Many have turned into lords instead of being servants. They have filled their hearts with a sense of superiority and pride, and were only after wealth, pomp, and honor. In doing so, they forgot the needs of the poor and became indifferent and insensitive to the misery and suffering of others. Therefore people go from one denomination to another in search of truth. Hence their spiritual need to create new sects to seek me freely.

24. Those who were once considered saints and demigods are now rejected by a disappointed humanity.

25. People no longer seek confessors to absolve them of their wrongdoings because they find it unworthy. And the threat of eternal hellfire no longer impresses or frightens the heart of the sinner.

26. Taking advantage of this spiritual disorientation, the wolf lurks behind the hedge.

27. Every servant of my divinity and every representative has the task to create peace among men. But it is the opposite what they are doing at this time. Everyone thinks himself to be the first, everyone wants to be the strongest, forgetting that the only strong one is me, who is in everyone.

28. Now you can explain to yourselves why I promised to come back to you in the second time. Now you understand why I am teaching you anew. For only my word can remove the dark bond of the Spirit; my love alone is able to redeem you from your sins.

29. You have been called and chosen to set an example of faith in my coming and of trust and obedience to my word. But do not wait until those who have come last give you the example of good fulfillment of my law, for then your pain will be very great. But when you see them breaking them, crossing borders and entering other nations as messengers of my word, you will realize your carelessness and ingratitude.

30. Think about it, and if you want to be credible, start by setting a good example in your home. I want you, although you once rejected each other because of the differences of the tribes, to love each other today as one family.

31. This is my clear word. If I spoke to you in another "language", it would not be right.

32. I prepare your hearts to dwell in them. The world will likewise prepare itself; in man's mind the seed of peace will sprout, and you who will have scattered it in all corners of the earth will rejoice when you see the fruits of your labor. For walking in the following of the Master, you have taught to live in goodness and have prayed for all.

33. In all nations there will be talk of reconciliation, brotherhood, and peace, and this will be a beginning to the unity of unity.

34. I have prepared you and asked you if you are already ready to go to your fellow men to show them the wisdom I have given you as word inspiration and to answer their questions satisfactorily. No one is to make it seem impossible to fulfill this mission. Consider that the knowledge that I have given you enables you to understand your mission.

35. It will not be necessary for you all to visit the nations you call "strangers" to spread my teaching. It is enough to lift up your thoughts in prayer and to purify your hearts so that your souls may manifest themselves to your fellow men from afar and put themselves in their place, wherever they may be. And those will be awakened through beings of light.

36. You are to unite with the spiritual world and form with it a protective wall that prevents new wars and new sufferings. You are to continue to pray for those who strive to gain spiritual dominion by force. You will be amazed, and the world will be amazed, when men realize that violence has not overcome reason, brotherhood, and justice.

37. Beware of apparent charity, though selfishness reigns in your hearts. Do as much good as you can without any self-interest. Do it out of love, which is the law that I have taught you, then you will have earned merits for your soul. Present my teaching as I have given it to you. It is the same as that which I taught my prophets and my apostles at other times.

38. Man in his materialism has found an agreement to change the word I gave you in times past. But my work is perfect and has not its roots in earthly words. Prepare yourselves, and you will always discover my truth. Then you will find that I have given you my seed at all times so that you too may pass it on in this way.

39. There will be no need for you to impress anybody by applying rites or outward cult forms. The temple of your heart will become visible, and in it your fellow men will see their lampstand and their altar.

40. Learn already now to feel Me, both in your works and when you struggle to leave the dirt behind you when you have fallen.

41. I have taught you to seek the truth in simplicity. How wretched is the human mind still when it seeks truth in the complicated teachings it has devised. Why seek Me so far away when I am carried within? Who does not know that he was created in the Father's image, endowed with divine qualities such as Spirit, intelligence, and will?

42. I lived with men in the Second Age, sharing your bread and your roof with you. But the greatness of Christ has its roots in his humility.

43. So I teach you that you may know how to separate yourselves from the material for the sake of love for your neighbor. But first you must purify yourselves, because it is law that you develop, and since it is law that everything develops, the events that are yet to come must not upset you. What your eyes then see should only fill you with rejoicing when you realize that everything rules a most perfect law, and that what is happening today could not have happened earlier, because everything is approaching its perfection.

44. It is not only on earth that one works for the progress of mankind. Also from another world one asks and works for its salvation and progress: it is the spiritual world. This is why I tell you that after the great struggles the spiritual seed will bear fruit in the bosom of all religious communities. If people should say that this is a new religion that sows discord, you should answer that spiritualism is a teaching, that it is the same as the first and only one that has ruled souls. But that voice must come from your heart, where your feelings have their roots. These will be revealed when you shed tears for the sake of other people's pain, even when you cry out of joy over those of your neighbor. For this is what I have always taught you.

45. I speak to you through the human mind; my light and my grace flow into it and become words ─ that word which shows the only way to come to me: that of perfection and that of purity of feelings.

46. Humanity very much loved by Jesus: You need great proofs of spiritualization so that your faith can awaken to new life and strengthen your hope. You need the clear word to lift yourself up from the lethargy in which you find yourself. My Divine Spirit had to make himself known in this form so that you would feel that the Father never leaves you, that he leads you from the kingdom of truth.

47. Are you not convinced in the face of this proof of love? My thoughts are light that shines down to revive the dying light of your lamps. The Master tells you that the truth of the universe will be revealed through spiritualized man because he will know how to live harmoniously on this world, to which he comes to learn lessons useful for his development. This world is not eternal, nor need it be. Once this home no longer fulfills the purpose of existence that it now has, it will disappear. When your soul no longer needs the lessons that this life here gives because it expects other, higher ones on another world, then, because of the light gained in this earth struggle, it will say, "With what clarity I now understand that all the ups and downs of this life were only experiences and lessons that I needed to understand better. How long did that journey of life seem to me, as long as suffering depressed me. But now, when everything is over ─ how short and fleeting it seems to me in the face of eternity.

48. Man is called to make his soul greater, is called to spiritualize his existence more and more, the more he soars up in the desire for perfection.

49. The body that you possess is likewise destined to be spiritualized. When this happens, the living conditions of men will change. They will develop spiritual abilities that are still unknown to the inhabitants of the world today.

50. You need this teaching, which revives your hope, this source of inexhaustible and true wisdom, to quench your thirst. My light comes down to the darkened mind of one who says that he does not love the soul because he does not know it, but loves material wealth, physical beauty that flatters his vanity ─ intelligence that is cause for admiration, names and titles. This is what he loves, and this means to love the insubstantial. The human being is not the body, nor its riches. The human being has value only and exists only because of his soul.

I tell you once again that man is called to be the one who expresses the truth of the universe, the heavens and the worlds. Today he does not yet achieve this because his materialization does not allow him to develop the subtle gifts of the Spirit.

Once this materialism disappears, he will become a seer who will rejoice when he sees the wonders of spiritual life. Then he will understand the conversion of Saul to Paul, the transformation of man to such a degree that the change of name was necessary. With his former name, the memory of his passions disappeared, and his nature and the transgressions he committed became ashes.

When the soul realizes that it is evolving, that it lacks elevation, or that what it had to learn and develop on the material world will now come to an end, then it is ready to unite with the light of divinity, because the soul is light that goes toward the light.

51. Rejoice, people, think that you are migratory birds in this world full of tears, wretchedness and suffering! Rejoice, for it is not your home for eternity; better worlds await you.

So when you part from this earth, do it without regret, then the sighs of pain, the troubles, the tears will remain here. You will say goodbye to this world, and you will rise up to those who await you in the heights of heaven. From there you will see the Earth as a point in space that you will remember with love.

52. Do not be sad, for the day will come when you will depart from this valley of tears, in which you have suffered so much, and which you will love tomorrow, knowing that in it you have obtained the light that your soul longed for

53. Be happy by loving your neighbor, healing the sick, comforting the afflicted, giving new courage to the poor. Then the blessings of heaven will come to you. Do you want to spiritualize yourselves? Christ will stand by you that you may obtain this grace.

54. Verily, I tell you, though men today are more matter than spirit, tomorrow they will be more spirit than matter. Men have tried to completely materialize their Spirit, but they will not achieve that total materialization. For Spirit is like a brilliant, and a brilliant never ceases to be one, even though he has fallen into the dirt.

55. Man does not know the bliss of the perfect soul, because he has not attained the height of perfection. If he purifies his heart and preserves in his soul my truth to exercise it, he will discover a peace and bliss he did not know before. This will be the life that the tree symbolizes in the first parable revealed to mankind, whose ripe fruit will satisfy the hunger of the soul. Perfect yourself, rise above the earthly, and you will no longer suffer the ingratitude or lack of understanding of others.

56. Love is the stepladder that leads to God who loves you and to Mary, the Spiritual Mother, who loves you as well, and to your spiritual brothers and sisters who also love you.

57. A stream of messages emanates from the Divine Spirit. Keep as many of them as your hearts deem proper.

58. Surrender to Me the darkness of your sufferings. I will transform them into clarity of peace. Surrender to Me your sobs and tears. When I visit your heart in silence, I will enter like a ray of sunlight to illuminate it.

59. I have given you the Word of Love so that you may feel this power in your hearts Here is my consoling balm which pours out on all your sufferings and strengthens your souls.

60. I tell you, blessed are you who approach Me with a prepared heart. For my word will then become a healing balm and caress that will enliven the flame of your faith.

61. My kingdom comes down upon suffering humanity, and my word resounds through the elect of this time, so that those who hear me may become the consolation of their brothers.

62. At all times I had mediators between men and my divinity. They were the meek and humble of heart, whom I have used. I am now preparing the new messengers of my teachings, so that this Good News may be the awakening to spiritual life among men.

63. How many of those who are enabled to accomplish a noble spiritual mission are still sleeping scattered throughout the world! They will awaken, and they will prove their spiritual progress when, in the generosity of their sentiments, they become useful beings for their neighbors. They will be humble and never boast of superiority.

64. Vanity ─ a weakness that was already evident in the first man ─ will be fought by spiritualization. It is the fight that has always existed between Spirit and matter. For while the Spirit is inclined towards the Eternal and High in his desire for the essence of the Father, the flesh seeks only that which satisfies it and flatters it, even if it is to the detriment of the spirit. This struggle, which is evident in every human being, is a power that arises in man himself as a result of the influence the world exerts on him. For the earthly demands all that is in accordance with its nature. If the Spirit is able to control and direct that power, in his own being he has brought both natures into harmony and will achieve his progress and exaltation. If, on the other hand, he allows himself to be dominated by the power of matter, he will be tempted to do bad, he will be a boat without rudder in the midst of a storm.

65. You who hear Me feel the desire to turn away from all that is harmful, to set your soul free. You are in the midst of the struggle, which is why I tell you to keep on watching and praying so that the time may come when your soul will be one with its body and harmonize with it.

Today you still suffer from the attraction of the world and feel too weak to resist the temptation. Intuitively, man intuits an age of perfection, but he does not know the time in which this will be.

66. Man will strive for this goal in different ways. But only those will reach it who fight for the progress of the soul. Those who devote themselves to religious fanaticism will not develop, and those who devote their time to the study of the material will achieve only material results.

67. Spiritualization will be that which leads man to perfection. But do not confuse the exercise of true spiritualization, which is attachment to the Creator and approach to Him through love, mercy, and inner worship, with the exercise of those "sciences" by which men profane and make materially perceptible the beings of the hereafter. Here is my teaching, which removes the veil of ignorance that hides the truth from men.

68. My love teaching prepared you during this time to receive in your midst the presence of my spiritual world, so that it would help you to understand my word ─ a time that is now coming to an end.

My peace be with you! 

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