BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 228

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 228:

1. On the top of the mountain where the Master is, Mary, the universal Mother ─ is also the one who became a woman in the "Second Age" so that the miracle of the incarnation of the "Divine Word" would become reality.

2. Man has often judged and searched Mary and also the way in which Jesus was born, and these judgments have torn the robe of purity of the maternal Spirit whose heart has let his blood flow down on the world.

3. During this time I have removed the veils of the unknown to remove the doubt of the unbeliever and give him knowledge of the spiritual teachings.

4. Men have made of my truth, which is like a way, many by-paths, where most of the time they go astray. While some seek the intercession of the Heavenly Mother and others misjudge her, her mantle of love and tenderness covers them all eternally.

5. From the beginning of times I revealed the existence of the spiritual mother, of whom the prophets spoke even before she came into the world.

6. Sometimes I reprove you in my words, but my reproach contains light, people. I would not be a perfect master if I did not let you know everything you need to know. I would not be a father if I did not let you know when you strayed from the path.

7.  I do not want your soul to be defiled, nor to die concerning the true life That is why I haunt you with My righteousness when I meet you surrendered to harmful joys and pleasures. Your soul must come pure to my bosom as it sprang from it.

8. All those who leave their body in the earth and detach themselves from this world in a state of distraction wake ─ when they see my presence, which is revealed in the light of eternity, which enlightens the Spirit ─ from their deep sleep under bitter tears and in the despair of self-accusation As long as the pain continues in the child to free itself from its sufferings, the Father suffers too.

9. Do not doubt that I make myself known through the human mind, so that "the last", when they hear the sound of the bell and the call of the Lord, may see the light of the HolySpirit, which will give them salvation.

10. I sought neither churches nor synagogues at that time. Since I was born in the Second Age in the shelter of a stable, I profess myself today through man, even if he is a sinner. The means by which I present myself is characterized by poverty and humility. But do not be surprised by this, considering that in those days I lived with the poor and even in my clothing I expressed my humility.

11. In my love for those who do not know how to seek me, for those who go astray and for all those who need me ─ in my divine task to love you, I have sought the way to approach you so that you may see me, hear me and feel me.

12. Today I give you My Word under the humble roof of these houses, which are a reflection of the places where I once gathered you: the banks of a river, the mountains or the desert.

13. But if the events are repeated ─ must you crucify Me again and painfully pierce Mary's Heart with seven stabs of the dagger?

14. When Jesus died on the cross, He was surrounded for a moment by darkness and an infinite sense of abandonment. In the same hour Mary felt an immeasurable abandonment in her mother's heart. The reason for this was that the Son felt misunderstood by the people at that moment.

15. Come to Me, humanity, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, I am the Master of Love who transforms man soulfully. you sick and weary mankind, I receive you and bless you, and while I bless you, I soothe your pain

16. Come with childlike confidence to rest with Me and receive the teaching you need I am He who greets you to uplift your heart. Space is filled with laments, cries of pain and old and new sufferings.

17. You who hear this word or repeat it tomorrow ─, when you receive its meaning, leave behind all your problems, weaknesses and desires to dedicate yourselves to the reflection on the Divine I am bringing you.

18. The soul also has problems, and you must strive to solve them. In what way? By allowing wisdom to penetrate into you ─ that seed which, with my care and your efforts, will germinate and develop until it becomes the tree of eternal life. Then you will give good fruit to the world, which so needs it. This will be the realization of my work among you.

19. I have told you: "Arise and walk. But today I have said it in simple words to your soul, showing it the way that leads to true Paradise, to eternity.

20. I want to pluck you out of your sad lethargy, so that you may know all that is destined for the soul, and also to teach you to possess it. Years, eras and ages have passed over this planet, but mankind continues to go on without knowing the truth, still denying Christ. For to men there exists only the apparent life of material bodies and forms, only to them they attach importance, ignoring the soul's abilities and not perceiving them.

21. Man, created with soul and body, forgets the meaning of the life of the soul, which should be his priority, and pays attention only to the human part, seeks in the material his happiness, his joys, his satisfactions and passions, and when I speak to him from the soul, he finally says that these teachings are only one of many. This is the reason why he remains impassive on his path.

22. On the other hand, the one who longs to spiritualize cleanses his heart and mind, washes in the water of repentance, renounces ambitious material goals and feels that the steps of his life are illuminated by the light of God. That person knows that those who attained greatness in their souls were transformed in the melting pot of their sufferings, thus becoming leaders of humanity on earth, and later enlightened beings in spiritual space, protectors of men, inspirators and guardians. Those souls are connected with men through love, and so they shine in a firmament beyond the visible, in the lovely spiritual life, and with their light they enlighten this humanity without ever abandoning it.

23. It is necessary that you awaken so that your soul may realize the longings to reveal itself through its material body. Know that through your works you can express the degree of development of your soul. Begin by being tolerant of the weaknesses of others. Remember: If you have already gone rough ways and corrected your mistakes, there are others who have not yet gone through them, and so you must be understanding toward your neighbors and help them to rise again from their falls, giving them the light of your experience.

24. Verily, I tell you, older brothers and sisters of you who earlier walked the way you are walking today have climbed the spiritual heights because they lived to love their neighbors when they were benefactors, doctors and teachers on earth. Therefore, I say to you: If you had obeyed the drives of your soul, you would be in a better place. And if you do not make use of what I offer you in this teaching, then later, in the spiritual world, I will reproach you for your lack of fulfillment of duty. Therefore, do not miss this opportunity, act full of love and trust in my word.

25. The one who denies love to his fellow men denies it to Christ. If you see that your neighbor suffers and weeps and needs you ─, why do you not serve him? The reason is that you have materialized even the noblest and most delicate of your feelings.

26. Change your being and your life, dematerialize what you have materialized. Spiritualize your feelings, thoughts and works. Be more and more conscious of the mission of the spirit soul, then you will no longer be useless and useful through this transformation, and your life will bear witness to my truth.

27. For all will come the moment when the soul will feel the burning desire to triumph over the body, to destroy selfishness to reveal the love it received from the Father and the wisdom and power it received as an heir. When the soul takes its true place in man, he will bear a resemblance to Christ. The word "Christ" means love, power and wisdom, truth and life.

28. But some generations will pass in this world without mankind realizing the great significance of Christ. Christ disappeared as man and appeared as a triumphant Spirit without body, wholly as love. He is the constant revelation of divine mercy towards humanity.

29. Know that it is pleasing to me to see you useful and ready to serve your fellow men. It pleases me to see you in the camp of the sick. I rejoice when I see you sowing the seed of my teaching, caressing, comforting and assisting the needy. Remember: When I was in the world, I left my teaching founded on the foundations of this divine supreme commandment: "Love one another. But centuries have passed, and I am still waiting for you to feel this commandment in your heart.

30. Prepare your heart, your mind and your soul, for you are hearing my heavenly word.

31. You must not fall into error, for I speak to you in perfect clarity and through various voice-bearers.

32. I also come to search your hearts to see what you have understood of my teaching. I seek the light of your faith.

33. Hear the voice of your Spirit. Meditate so that you may be able to fulfill all that you have vowed to your Father.

34. My law has been defiled on this earth, but I have always charged you to guard and defend it.

35. Defile not the law, neither sleep, neither materialize your souls. Work!

36. Consider that your soul is the same as that which in other times did not obey the commandments of the Father, and that today it has a new opportunity for salvation, which your Lord gives it out of love.

37. I know, O Israel, that in spite of my so great love for you as in the second time, the crowds will rise up to hurt Me and make fun of Me. I know that Iscariot is hiding among you. But my rallies through the human mind will not be useless, it will not be in vain that I have broken the Sixth Seal.

38. My coming among you is to save you by renewal and improvement, by turning you away from filth and sin, offering you instead the way to peace and prosperity.

39. Blessed is he that purifies and prepares, for he shall prevail in the trials.

40. The elements of war and destruction are unleashed. Hunger and pestilences with their unknown and incurable diseases threaten you. Watch and pray therefore. Work in your mission, and the trial will pass.

41. I am Christ, the same one who revealed himself in Jesus in the second time. It has pleased Me to manifest Myself to you in this form.

42. In this time all peoples of the earth must feel Me.

43. My word is the book of teaching which I have put in your hands to study it. There will be sects against sects, religions at war with other religions, and doctrines against doctrines. In the face of this chaos of souls, I want you to set an example and be a protective shield.

44. Do not become conceited because you are my chosen ones. After you have taken on this responsibility, you must not "sleep", for then you will fall again into the abysses you have left behind, and when misery and pain meet you on your way, you will ask yourselves, "How is it possible that we, who were among those who heard the Master's teachings, should have to drink such a bitter cup?

45. Remember my exemplary works and learn to love the spiritual more than the material, and truly care for the welfare of your soul after its life on earth. Work out for them from now on a life full of light and peace. For up to now the welfare of your body, its vanities and its garments was more important to you than the soul, which perishes from hunger and thirst, and whose garment is torn.

46. Make no mistake. The body is the garment of the soul, and it is the soul that must ascend to me. The body is dust, and it will return to dust with its earthly possessions. Allow that your soul obtains the spiritual treasures because this will very well take it with it into eternity.

47. For those rich in earthly goods I do not exist; their wealth is everything for them. They have forgotten me. What do they care about the misery and pain of the world? What does the grief of strangers worry them? They have closed their ears to the voice of conscience, which judges them in every case and speaks to them of my power at every turn.

48. Verily I say to you: In this way they challenge my justice.

49. But everything will change, the concession will come to an end, and that power which I have granted to certain men to bring good or evil to mankind will be subject to judgment.

50. How many would already have known my work if you had gone out and invited the needy to eat of the bread of my table!

51. Remember that what I have given you is for your fellow men.

52. "Love one another" I taught you already at that time. centuries have passed, I continue to speak to you of the same teaching, but still you do not feel in your hearts that sublime commandment

53. I ask you so that you answer yourselves inwardly: Who can love the selfish? Understand that I am speaking to you of those who think only of themselves, who do no service, nor give away bread, nor give comfort to anyone. I alone understand their faults of character and therefore I can love and understand them.

54. As soon as you understand that you came into this world to gain experiences and to realize the divine law of love and mercy toward your neighbor, you have entered into the harmony of this life. You already know through my revelations that whoever does not obey my law must return to this world until the soul fulfills the task that has been entrusted to it.

55. You are like thousand-year-old trees, which show an innumerable number of cracks as a trace of their struggle against time and storms, although in man the light of his soul does not shine fully. I love you very much; nevertheless, the violence of the forces of nature will continue to whip mankind, for they have challenged it, and their effects will be destructive. It is war that materialistic man will unleash, and it will bring devastation among the peoples who will weep bitterly. But who will be able to comfort them? Hear: Mankind will receive one wake-up call after the other, the unleashed elements will descend upon the planet and devastate entire regions. Then you will realize that you have not done justice to the spiritual works, that you have done nothing. I speak to the whole Christian world.

56. People will weep over your state of mind, for it is hard as granite and cold as a tombstone. How will you comfort them?

57. If ye were a fertile land, the seed would already have sprung up in you. But you are barren land that bears no fruit. Mankind will look upon you. But how will you give them the loving encouragement they need when your hearts radiate only contempt, reproach and hardness? Who will hear the lamentations of people with a moved heart? Who will be the shield of those who suffer? It will have to be I, through my voicebearers, who comfort the suffering.

Yet I say to the Christian world: Open your heart so that you may at least perceive the weeping of men. Make an effort to counteract the effects of wars and misfortunes. For in reality what has happened up to now is little compared to what is yet to come. Human pain has not yet reached its highest level, and you, as Christians, as you claim to be, must prove that you are. If you are not trying to be ─ now, when will you set out to fulfill your mission?

58. The desperate cries of pain of your fellow men echo in the room. If you would see what comes up to that point, you would regret your lack of duty, and then you would do something for the benefit of your neighbor. There are beings in the spiritual world who shed tears for the sake of those men and plead pleadingly for those who are blind because of their selfishness, and also for the sake of that, that the storm, which is brewing over this world, will be eased. Like them I want to see you transformed into healing balm, into caress, into light, into compassion. Eliminate from your hearts the indifference that distances you from the human family, and remember that death will sweep over this world, sweeping away most of its inhabitants. There is a disease of the soul and the body. There are bodies that are healed by material medicines and others that cannot recover because it is the soul that is sick.

59. Disciples, do you not wish to heal the sicknesses of the soul as well as those of the body? Verily, I say to you, you can do it. But when do you want to begin your activity? When do you want to put an end to your materialism? When do you want to begin the new life of spiritualization?

60. Transform yourselves through my teaching, feel as new men, practice my virtues, and the light will appear in your Spirit and Christ will manifest on your way

61. My messages are the power that animates the earth, are like a sun that gives warmth and life, are the water that irrigates I speak of the soil of your heart, which remains unfruitful despite my unceasing rallies.

62. "People, people, rise up, time is pressing, and if you do not do it in this 'day', you will not awaken in this life on earth. Will you continue to sleep despite my message? Do you want that the death of the flesh wakes you up ─ with the consuming fire of repentance of your soul without matter?

63. Be sincere, put yourselves in the position to be in spiritual life, in the face of truth, where nothing can excuse your materialism, where you really see yourselves in rags ─ stained, dirty and torn ─ which your soul will wear as clothing. Verily, I tell you, there, at the sight of your misery and in the feeling of so great shame, you will feel the immeasurable desire to wash yourselves clean in the water of deepest repentance, because you know that you can only go pure to the feast of the Spirit.

See yourselves beyond human egoism with all its infirmities, which are currently your pride, your satisfaction, and tell me whether you have felt the pain of men, whether the sobs of women or the cries of children echo in your hearts. So tell Me: What have you been to men? Have you been life for them?

64. After you have made a self-examination in the light of your conscience ─ are you not ready for my Divine Spirit to appear and free you from the chains you have created with your faults? Decide to attain spiritualization so that the rags may fall off your soul. I help you to get to know yourselves inwardly as you are.

65. But you, who will read with great interest the scriptures that will spread the essence of my word ─ you will be moved inwardly because you will know that I love you as I love all those who are listening to me right now

66. For a long time the Master has been waiting for you on the way of life, and even if ages still pass by, I will continue to wait for you. Be aware that no one comes to the Father except by the way which Christ has marked out. But now come forward, even though you are stained, ragged, and dirty. I will cleanse your mind and heart, renew your "garment" and lead you to the "manor" where I celebrate a spiritual feast. There you will find the exquisite food of wisdom and love, there you will hear the harmonious song of praise, which the whole universe sends up to me.

67. I want you to learn to love, that your love, having become compassion, brings you to the sick and makes you seek those who have lost faith. I want you to bless everything without there being anything that you cannot bless, so that through your spiritualization and perfection you may gradually come closer to the understanding of the sublime.

68. It is the materialistic selfishness that has taken hold of the greatest part of humanity, and the soul has waited for centuries for the opportunity to manifest itself Verily, I say to you: If it were permitted, the stones, shaken by the essence of my Word, would move to demonstrate your lack of spiritualization, and you would see them rise and cry out, "Christ is right. But I will finally defeat you through love. Even if the world is ashamed of you, I will not leave your side. If they condemn you mercilessly, I will defend you and raise you up again at your downfall.

69. There is in you a material part which is of the earth and a spiritual part which is of heaven. There is a time in which man feels as matter and a time in which he feels spiritual. When you leave this earth body and change over into the spiritual state, you will understand what you have not understood now. Your body will remain here because it belongs to the earth. But your soul will fly up to the high regions where you will continue to live to continue your spiritual development.

70. "Blessed are they that mourn, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are they that weep, for they shall be comforted." Now I add: "Blessed are those who understand the hidden and inconspicuous in the long sentences, for they will possess wisdom.

71. Everyone who loves will be rich, because he will feel loved. Love, even if you are not loved. Be like Jesus. Love is above the little things.

72. I did not have to come to suffer under you. But I tell you that my love is bound to your destiny. I knew that you needed me and came to you. But never have I told you: Love Me that I may love you.

73. Do you know that some are loved without deserving it? So I love you. Give Me your cross, give Me your afflictions, give Me your hopes that have failed, give Me the heavy burden you carry: I will deal with all pain. Feel free from your burden so that you may be happy; enter into the sanctuary of my love and be silent before the altar of the universe so that your Spirit may communicate with the Father in the most beautiful language: that of love.

Peace be with you! 

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