BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 225

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 225:

1. Beloved disciples: My love and my peace are with you. I teach you with my divine teaching to forget the goods of the earth, so that your soul may detach itself and unite with the Master in the hereafter.

2. In every heart there is a worry, a lament, which you try to hide from my gaze. You come to learn from me, and you do not want to show me your suffering. But you are before my piercing gaze, which penetrates to the bottom of your heart and feels your pain.

3. Before I give you my teaching, I will put my balm on your wounds, filling your soul with peace. I want to see you strong, feel you close to Me. The bonds that exist between you and the Father shall become closer every day so that the chains that bind your heart to the earth shall break and your soul shall be set free. I have taught you to obey the spiritual and human laws, whereby you do not fall into materialism or spiritual fanaticism.

4. You have suffered much to come to witness my third revelation and to hear my word again. Among you are those who, although they have heard Me, are not free from suffering because their soul could not free itself from human needs. But I come as a patient and loving Master to assist you with my teaching so that the newcomers may advance in their wanderings.

The trials of life are a part of my teaching, they shape and steel your souls to withstand the new trials that are to come. Pain has been the means by which you have come to Me. The same happened in the Second Time. It was the blind, the lepers, the paralyzed, the possessed, the deaf ─ those who had festering wounds not only on the body but also on the "heart", who bore witness to Me.

5. The works of love and mercy which I did among you, and which you called miracles, inflamed the faith of those hearts, and through them many others came to Me. It was My will to do those works to make the deepest strings of the heart and soul tremble, so that man would directly experience the power of Jesus ─ that supernatural man who did works that were impossible to be realized by other people ─ works that were above science and everything that the messengers of the Lord had done in past times. It was not yet the completion of times, and therefore the Father, being Spirit, came down to men hidden in the flesh of Jesus, so that all His works would be visible and His words audible.

6. Therefore on many occasions I first healed the physically sick so that the proof would be given to the eyes of the most unbelieving and materialized. For if I had performed those miracles only on the soul, they would have been neither seen nor believed by the people.

7. Times have changed. If you were not the same, I would repeat those miracles among you to bear witness to me. But you were my witnesses in those days. You not only witnessed my mercy, but also received it. How many of you have felt the caress of Jesus, the gentle pressure of His hand on your head. How many of you have heard the sound of that Word that filled your body and soul with its healing power and love.

8. Today I come directly to your soul, for I have found it blind in some, robbed it of mobility in others, deaf to the divine voice in others, and leprous in some through sin and vice. Then I have called you so that you come to me willingly and peacefully. But you have been hardened of heart. Only when the pain was very severe did you set out for Me.

Before that, you knocked on one door after another in your desire for peace of mind, health or consolation. But when you could not find these benefits anywhere, you humbly bowed your neck to come into my presence. You all came here like this. Not one heart, not one soul has come to me that did not need my mercy, which is why I tell you once again that through pain you have found your way on this path.

9. Some in their unbelief demanded a miracle from Me to believe. Then I put them to the test by not granting them the miracle they asked for. For he who believes in me and loves me never makes conditions to the Father. Others, despite their lack of faith, continued to listen to my teachings until their heart bowed, whereby the miracle was performed on them. When they opened their eyes full of faith in their Lord, they realized with infinite joy that she had regained health and peace. And still others, who likewise persevered in listening to my word, forgot their physical pain and lifted up their souls until they themselves blessed their sufferings, because they were among those who came closer to me.

10. Be blessed because you have realized that in this way I have tested your faith and your love, and that through your longing for salvation you have obtained my mercy and my gifts

11. I have been master, have been father, physician and judge. I am the highest love. Seek me always as father and as master. Do not become sick so that you do not seek Me as a physician and do not challenge my righteousness so that I am not with you as a judge.

12. The practice of morality, virtue, and spiritualization will free you from the diseases of the body and the reproach of conscience.

13. I tell you once more that I have not come to mankind today to repeat my miracles of the Second Age For I came in desire for your soul, but without forgetting your body, for it too is my creation. I have approached Me to fill your heart with peace and to make your face smile in the midst of the vicissitudes and pains of this time.

14. I have enkindled your heart with the light of an ideal that is a reality, because this ideal is I, the goal of the Way, in which you always have my presence, my support. On it I will be the wake-up call, friend, doctor and watchman who will guard your sleep.

15. Your soul is now discovering its world, though it still dwells on earth. It now gets to know its sanctuary, has found the way, and from it it sees its true fatherland on the horizon.

You ask me in your heart which ones will come to him, and I answer you: All. But in the future it will not be the pain that guides you, nor the trials that compel you. It will be your love, the light, which leads you to me. The trials of the Way serve only to shake you out of your materialism.

16. Once the storms and hurricanes are over, there will be peace and quiet in your hearts. Then you will achieve your union, and the Father will tell you: Now are you prepared. Now think of others; now you have the right to teach your fellow men, for now you can set a good example.

17. The "New Jerusalem" will open its gates. In it the watchmen will remain, and from it the messengers will set out to the nations to bring bliss and the testimony.

18. Your word shall cast the idols from their pedestals, and the light that goeth out from you shall drive away darkness.

19. Although it seems to you to be too great a responsibility, I tell you that you can accomplish this task. For your soul began its path of development a long time ago.

20. In the first days Israel kept the Ark of the Covenant only for itself. But when Jesus preached on earth, He crossed the borders of Judea and sent His apostles to other nations to spread the seed of love.

21. Today I come as the HolySpirit, and my Universal Teaching includes all, without distinction of race, scholars or ignorant, rich or poor. It will unite all the inhabitants of the universe who dwell on an infinite number of worlds.

22. From this "people" the spiritual temple will grow up, in which I will dwell forever ─ the inner temple, in which an altar of love for my divinity rises ─ a sanctuary, which will not be built with stones, but with prayers, works of mercy and true testimonies In this temple, my image will be ─ not the one made by the hand of man, but the one that I have created "for my image and likeness": the human being, gifted with soul and enlightened by the light of the Spirit.

23. You have a reflection of the divine in you; I am truly in you. The intelligence, will, abilities, senses and virtues that you possess bear witness to the higher nature of being to which you belong and are a living testimony of the Father from whom you come forth.

24. At times, by disobedience and sin, you defile and desecrate the image you bear of Me in your being. Then you are not like Me, for it is not enough to have a human body and soul to be an image of the Creator. The true resemblance to me consists in your light and in your love for all your neighbors.

25. "Grow and multiply" I tell your soul in this Third Time, as I told the fathers of the human race when I commanded them to populate the earth with human creatures. Grow and multiply, beloved people, but grow in spiritualization and multiply in virtues.

26. Be a light under so much darkness that reigns in this time. Be prayer and manna, be balm and caress, then you will harmonize with the people who love Me, with the souls who worship Me.

27. On earth you have a refuge which is your home ─ that institution which is the image of the universe, so that in its womb you may gain forces for the struggle of life

28. Make sure that your home has something of a sanctuary in itself, that it is a small kingdom, an oasis in the arid and hostile desert of your life Watch over the virtue of your home, but do not become selfish because of an excess of ambition, for then it will not be like the universe because of its lack of hospitality, love and mercy. Let your roof be hospitable and your table fraternal.

29. Only by the way of love will you come to me and get to know me. That is why I have instructed you in how to live according to this teaching. For true love inspires you.

30. My word will be your guide in this third time and will break through obstacles, "abysses" and "darknesses" because in it my instructions are contained.

31. Remember that I alone am your salvation. In the past times, in the present and in the future, my law is and will be the way and the guide of your souls.

32. Blessed are those who trust in my law, for they will never go astray at the crossroads. They will come to the Promised Land and sing the triumphal song.

33. Beloved people: Every step forward you take along the way I bless you and fill your soul with peace and trust as an incentive that you will not stop nor fall asleep as you did in times past.

34. Be not content and be not satisfied with your former works Be aware that the goal is still far away, and that to reach it you still have to "wander" a lot, earn new merits and make an effort to achieve your elevation.

35. The perfection of the soul cannot be measured by periods of time on earth, be they centuries or ages. The perfection and development of the soul has eternity as its field of activity. But because you have eternity before you, you must not belittle the days or the minutes of your earthly life because you think that if you leave them unused, you still have a great deal of opportunity to replace them.

You have not realized what your soul suffers if it has missed even one step on its path of development, or if it has been left behind for a "moment. It is necessary that you recognize the value that each moment of your existence has, so that you may live awake and use it for the benefit of your physical and spiritual improvement.

36. I know that not all of you can progress in this way with the same step. Therefore, I say to those who have already been able to walk with sure and firm step: Do not forget those who come after you. Recognize that some come exhausted, others have stopped, and still others lose faith for a short time.

37. I give you the commission to take care of those who stumble and fall on the way, so that you may find opportunity to exercise your brotherhood and prove what you have learned from my teachings.

38. If any man should intend to keep his knowledge, faith, and gifts for himself, because he fears that others will use and enjoy what he has worked out, he will come to me alone and empty-handed He will present his seed to me, but not his harvest, because he never sowed, since he was content to receive seed and use it for himself.

39. The one who forgets himself in order to give his fellow men of what he carries in his soul, and whose greatest joy is to help his neighbor to rise to the summit of the mountain, where the spiritual goal is, will arrive with great multitudes in his wake, blessed by his spiritual brothers and sisters, with a soul full of light in the fulfillment of his mission.

40. Come to me, disciples, disciples and stragglers Disciples I call those of you who have studied my teaching from the moment I revealed to you that now is the third time in which man's soul must soar up and reach a great height to be in harmony with the Father.

And to you, who feel yourselves to be students, I say in truth that this is not the first lesson, which you receive from me. Long ago, in other ages, I spoke to you, and since then you have known the Law, and likewise since that time I have awaited your fulfillment of it. To you, whom I have called stragglers, I say that you should not be surprised that I make myself known among you, for it was foretold that I would return to men.

41. Hear Me all and prepare your soul, for I am giving you the soul food, the bread without leaven, as I told you in the Second Time Only from Me can you receive this bread, which is the essence and love of my Spirit for every creature. Feed yourselves from today on from him, so that none of my children will lack this food. Do not die of hunger, for I, the Father, tell you now that you have never had Me so close to you as now.

42. I have promised you to keep you and give you protection because you are my children. Doubt no longer, do not feel hungry or abandoned by this love, and feel My presence on every step you take.

43. I want you to know the taste of the fruit I am offering you so that you may not be deceived. For the end of my rallies is near, and after this time there will be dangers and pitfalls for the chosen people. Those who do not make a careful study of the teaching they receive will be tempted. Only those disciples who remain awake and praying will see themselves free from error and will bring the pure seed and know how to pass it on to their fellow men.

44. I have marked the times of my revelations in the three ages: From the first man to the birth of Jesus was the time that encompassed the first age of mankind. It was a long period of trials, struggles and experiences for your soul, which was in full development. Jesus marked the beginning of the second age, and man studied the lesson He gave him by example, and he was shocked when he felt close to "The Word", the messenger of the Father.

His sojourn in this world was short; after a short time He returned to the Father, from where He had come, after having trained and prepared the chosen ones, so that His Word would be taken to the ends of the earth. From this time until 1866, when the signs appeared that announced the beginning of a new age, what happened was what the second period of time held.

After that time, a new cycle opened up for mankind, the third, and My Spirit in its full efficacy taught you to progress from one period of time to another and to receive the seed, the light and the grace that correspond to this time, so that you may recognize what degree of development you have reached and, step by step, come closer to spiritualization.

45. The period of time in which I give you my teaching through the mediation of a man is fixed, and like every order from Me it must be fulfilled After that your faith, your intuition and your trust in Me will tell you that I am near you, and you will feel Me deep in your soul as I direct your steps, always pointing to the top of the mountain and assisting my children to attain the perfection that is the goal that awaits souls.

46. Blessed women: You too belong to my apostle body. There is no difference between a man's Spirit and yours, although you are physically different, and the tasks of both are also different.

47. Take Jesus as the Master of your Spirit and follow him in the way which his love has marked out. Make his word your own and embrace his cross.

48. I speak to your Spirit with the same word with which I speak to men, because you are spiritual alike. Yet ─ if your female heart is looking for an example to follow; if you need perfect examples to support you in life, remember Mary, observe her throughout her life on earth.

49. It was the Father's will that Mary's humble life should be written down by my disciples, who knew her throughout her ministry and discussed with her.

50. That life ─ humble for the one who knows it ─ was radiant in the world from its birth to its end. Mary wrote many pages of loving teaching with the humility of her Spirit, with her infinite tenderness, with the purity of her heart, with her love for humanity, which she expressed more with silence than with words, knowing that he who was to speak to men was Christ.

51. The Spirit of Mary was the maternal love itself, emanating from the Father, to give humanity the perfect example of humility, obedience and gentleness. Her walk through the world was a trail of light. Her life was simple, majestic and pure. In her, the prophecies were fulfilled that announced that the Messiah would be born of a virgin.

52. Only she had been able to carry the seed of God in her womb, only she was worthy to remain behind after the fulfillment of her task towards Jesus as the spiritual mother of mankind.

53. Therefore Mary is your perfect example, women. But turn to her and take her as your model in her silence, in her works of humility, of infinite self-denial out of love for the needy, in her silent pain, in her compassion that forgives all, and in her love that is intercession, consolation and sweet assistance.

54. Virgins, wives, mothers, parentless girls or widows, lonely women who have a heart pervaded by pain ─ call Mary your loving and caring mother, call her in thought, receive her in Spirit and feel her in heart.

May my peace be with you! 

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