BTL - Volume 8 - Teaching 218

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VIII - Teaching 208 - 241
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Book of True Life - Volume 8

Teaching 218:

1. Blessed people: You come to meet the Master, who constantly calls you to gather together to nourish you with His love and strengthen you in times of trial. You come, leaving everything behind, to hear me. The fathers leave their children, the mother the infant in the cradle in the desire for comfort for her and yours. The youth renounce earthly pleasures, the old forget the burden of their trials, and all leave behind what are human miseries, diseases, fears, to come to Me and say to Me: "Master, we prayed at an early hour and lifted up our soul, and Elijah, our shepherd, prepared us to hear the divine word. Receive us."

2. You unite yourselves in the shade of this tree which has spread its branches to the borders of this nation chosen by Me, and you hear under its many branches the same word, the same meaning and receive the same fruit which I have given you for so long

3. From all of you I have created a nation that is the firstborn among all the peoples of the earth, chosen at all times, but not the only one beloved of Mine For I love and have loved at all times all the peoples of the world. But this one here, my chosen one, has loved me in a unique way and has proved himself worthy of my kindness. But the favors I granted him have turned him into a rich miser, and so he said: "I am the most beloved, the chosen one, who is above the other, the one who is nearest to the Spirit of the Lord. The rest have to bow down before me, because on me the Father has poured out his law, his benefits". But I say to you: Do not become conceited. It has pleased Me to give you gifts in the Three Times. For three long ages I have acted upon your soul in the various body shells you have possessed, so that you should take Me as an example and partake of My gifts and be full of love toward your fellow men like a tree whose shade and fruit would be there for all wanderers.

4. But now, in this era, enlightened by My Spirit, you are beginning to understand what the Father gave you in the earlier times, what Jesus taught you in the Second Age, and I tell you: do not be again like rich misers, be like this Master who gives himself to his disciples out of love When you show yourselves in other fraternal communities, do not feel superior and do not say that only you possess the three Testaments and that you are their owners, that you have possessed the Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle and the symbols. No, people! I want you to tell your brothers and sisters from different races that you can all belong to the chosen people of the Lord, to that blessed family, because you all came forth from one Spirit, one Father.

5. Then you will have understood your mission and will be able to be the salvation of the world. You will no longer allow the Father to have to make himself materially audible to make himself understood to children who do not know how to rise spiritually, and you will tell Me in your prayers from Spirit to Spirit, "Father, remain on your throne. You have come down for a long time, suffering because of our materialization and sin. Even in the Third Age you had to speak to us in many ways to teach us, and you poured out your strength and your virtues on this your people, who are your disciples. Leave us behind as those responsible for humanity".

6. At all times it has seemed too difficult for you to fulfill my law because you are human beings, and therefore from the earliest times you have created various religions and have practised them in an imperfect way. If in the first times you had obeyed my laws given to you by Moses, it would not have been necessary for Jesus, the Word of the Father, to come to you. Why did that Master suffer: because the people of Judea misjudged Him, drove Him out of their midst, and crucified Him without knowing or feeling who He was.

7. That people had not prepared themselves, had not obeyed the divine laws, had made of these and the commandments their own laws, with which they thought they had fulfilled. But the Divine Master became man, and with his birth, life and passion He wrote another page of the Book of Divine Wisdom, where every word was confirmed by powerful works, words and deeds sealed with blood. This is how you receive the Second Testament, and if you had followed these two Testaments ─ would I have had to make myself known in this time through human transmission, through imperfect and transitory organs of the mind? If you had exercised my commandments and my teaching, which I gave you with so much love, you would not criticize me today, nor doubt me, because I make myself known through the human mind.

8. Unite the three testaments and do not falsify my word, nor mystify it. It is the inheritance that I leave to mankind. The light of my Spirit enlightens you and your soul, which knows who it is, remembers its past and also knows why I have come at this time, and which can understand my teaching.

9. Only in this way will you recognize the sincerity and perfection of my work given in three times, which is above human religions and ideas. It is the way, the life, the beginning and the end of every soul ─ that which the book of my wisdom contains.

10. Why don't the sects and large churches recognize Me and show such a great lack of understanding? You who hear Me shall judge no one. I will judge ─ as it is written ─ all nations and all religious communities.

11. If you humbly fulfill your mission, the world will believe you. This world, tired of words and rites, needs examples. You, Israel, have received the pure seed at all times ─ who could you take as an example? Which of the religious communities that have arisen has paid attention to the observance of all my commandments?: None. But I can tell you: If you meet pious people in them, take them as an example. If you meet love, take their love as an example. When you see reverence for me in them, emulate them, so that you may learn to appreciate virtue and recognize to each one what is justly due to him. But never take the imperfect, the reprehensible, as an example. If you do not know what is just and what is reprehensible, pray, listen to my word and let your conscience counsel you.

12. The lamentation of mankind comes to Me; the fear of children, of young people, of men and women of mature age, and of old men, comes up. It is the cry that calls for justice, it is an imploring plea for peace, for mercy, that comes from the Spirit. For the seed of love in this world is corrupted, and do you know where love is now? In the innermost part of the human heart, so deep inside that man cannot discover it, because hatred, the desire for power, science and vanity have crushed the seed, and there is neither spirituality nor mercy. The cup of suffering becomes ever fuller, and the world drinks it down to the yeasts.

13. But you, people, behold the tempest that has broken loose, in peace from the lifeboat, full of trust in the Father. While some of those warring nations blaspheme against my Spirit and others practice imperfect religious cults, you glorify me. But you will all awaken in this time of trials and finally unite through love and spiritual knowledge.

14. Disciples, I receive you and am quickly ready to forgive you I want to feel loved by you and also want you to live in harmony with one another. The absent child is to return to my bosom, and if he has turned away from me out of incomprehension or ignorance, he should not fear that I reproach him for his behavior. I will caress your soul and give it back what it has lost ─ its peace, joy and hope. It is my wish that you taste the sweetness of this life, that you also know how to accept its adversities, that you live meekly and patiently, that you strive for your upward development. Who could remove Me from you, or what power is there that could prevent Me from loving you and protecting you?

15. You, on the other hand, are quite capable of moving away from Me and acting like the "Prodigal Son," and only when the pain wounds your heart do you remember that there is a Father who loves you and is ready to help you to save you from every danger that threatens you

16. I have always instilled confidence in you so that you may be able to

a loving father, a faithful friend, a confidant.

17. Remember the parable of the "Prodigal Son" ─ you who bear the burden of a great transgression, and remember that I am love and forgiveness above all. You must remember that you are destined to be perfected, free from fault, to come pure to Me. Since today you have the opportunity to shape your heart and do great spiritual works, you must take advantage of these times and shorten the days of your "banishment.

18. Since you already have the experience of the past ages and know that there is the law of reparation ─ why do you want to fall into the former errors instead of taking a big step forward on your way?

19. Consider mankind as it now atones for its transgressions and washes away its stains of shame. It is undergoing great upheavals to cleanse and restore all that it has stained.

20. My word is fulfilled. You have seen a great part of my prophecies come true before your unbelieving eyes. Many others you will soon see, and you shall bear witness to them. My judgment is opened, as I announced it for these times.

21. Chaos is surrounding the nations. While some are awake and know the cause of their sufferings, many are sleeping and content to live without trying to see the cause of all these trials. Though you know the cause, you have read in the Book of Wisdom, and my word has prepared you. Nothing can surprise you. But you are still too immature to let the wake-up call sound to mankind. You have not yet become strong, and your steps are still uncertain. You have heard my word, but you cannot understand it, or, if you have understood it, you do not apply it. You divide yourselves, although you know that you are one people, and the commissions which I have assigned to you you feel as if they would weigh on you like an unbearable burden. I ask you: Why did you not get to the heart of this teaching although I have enlightened you with the light of truth? Why are you not strong although I have nourished you with this bread of eternal life, of which a crumb is enough to give life to the hungry? The reason for this is that you have become accustomed to my word and have received it without using it. Remember that while you are full of it, there are many hungry people who long to receive it in order to be nourished by it.

22. The time is drawing near in which this word will end. Then it must remain in the heart of my disciples and will be written down in books to be made known to mankind. After 1950 I want you to keep the greatest purity in your ritual acts and obedience to my instructions and commandments. In this way you will testify that I was with you.

23. All your assignments have been given to you according to your ability and strength, for I know your limits. Work for love, not for fear. Look to the core of my teachings. My fatherly love and my forgiveness are revealed in all my children.

24. What happiness I discover in your hearts as you hear my word! I am the infinite patience that waits for the moment when you will rise up to fight. I have revealed your future to you.

25. How great will your day's work be after my departure! You have not even guessed it. For this time I have some secrets to reveal to you so that you can convince the people.

26. I surprised you like those fishermen of the Second Age whom I met in their works and duties and whom I said: "Follow Me, from now on you are fishermen of men. I granted them the ability to heal the sick, gave them the gift of the Word, enlightened them with my revelations, and taught them to free the possessed. As soon as they were prepared and strengthened, I showed them the way and directed them to the different regions so that they would apply my teaching of redemption there.

27. In that time you were not twelve chosen ones. You are a numerous multitude whom I have gathered and taught in the shade of various trees. You are to be those who will give courage to men in the great trials that threaten the world.

28. Soon the spiritual world will no longer make rallies, and I want you to unfold your gifts so that you will not then waver.

29. I want you to live awake, so that you may intuitively or in dreams hear the voice of the hereafter when it tells you, "Get up! Then you shall direct your steps to the homes and lands where disease or the unleashed violence of the forces of nature have left desolation. When you have to go to remote lands, listen to the Father's instruction, who indicates the time and shows you the way.

30. People from churches and sects will come to watch you. They will put your authority to the test. Some, convinced of your gifts, will tempt you with money to use you for material purposes. Do not forget that all those who make my work a business will lose my grace.

31. I will soon no longer speak to you by human transmission, for this is what has been written down. But I will not abandon you. I will give you inspiration and make you feel my presence. Your good conscience will not allow time to leave deep traces in your body.

32. Any house of prayer and assembly where my teaching is not sincerely applied will disappear, and only those will survive who are a refuge and a lifeboat for those in need.

33. After my departure, the cleansing of this people will come. The time of worldly struggles and conflicts will then be fully inflamed, after which peace will come and misery will give way.

34. Be strong, for in the time of battle you will be persecuted and hostile. They will deny you work and bread. But then I will reveal to you my mercy and my power. For you will suffer no hunger, your face will never be disfigured, nor will you be in need. Then your soul will remember the way through the desert to the Promised Land in the First Time and remember that when you were thirsty, the rock opened to offer you its fresh water. When the burning desert sun burned down on you, clouds covered you like a protective mantle, and when hunger and want threatened, manna fell as a message of your Father's love.

35. above all I warn you, lest tomorrow you say that I had not prepared you for it

36. I am explaining to you clearly my teaching so that you will not be tempted or taken by surprise.

37. I want to see you always prepared so that you may understand and respect my will. Since you are the first to receive my teaching, and you have experienced with yourselves the proofs for whose sake I have come down to communicate myself to men, you must make an effort to leave a good example to those who come after you. You must know your spiritual origin, your duties and the missions which I have entrusted to you so that you may watch over your soul and be able to preserve yourselves in virtue.

38. As you have evolved by coming to earth in different incarnations, you see that my work has remained unchanging, unchanging through the times that have passed Always I reveal the same qualities to you, let you feel my Father love, my boundless patience, my redemptive works. But despite all these proofs you do not recognize me. It is necessary that you awaken and give account to yourselves of the time, which I have given you, so that you obtain your redemption in it. The moment comes nearer in which you part in the hereafter, but you have not hurried to come to me exactly at the time when I call you to bring your harvest. This harvest is to consist of seeds cultivated through prayer. Also, your soul should be in the best state of repentance and upliftment.

39. Remember: Since you are a part of my Spirit, you possess life and grace as I do. You are pure in your origin, and likewise you must come to Me on your return. Therefore, you must fight unceasingly in this time so that you may return to your original purity and perfection.

40. Have compassion on your brothers and sisters and on yourselves, for you all form one family, one soul. Above you there are beings who are working for your salvation, for your upliftment, crossing the space as your protectors and doing charity. What would become of you without their help? For you have not understood to interpret my will and fall prey to every moment of error.

41. Think of the struggle of your spiritual protectors and support them by making their work less painful. Do not strew their way with thistles, do not overhear their voice, which always warns you of dangers, their counsel, which guides your steps, and their light, which leads. Live in harmony with them, and you will be in perfect communion with me.

42. You are not to distinguish yourselves from your fellow men by a badge or any material feature. Distinguish yourselves by your works, in which it will be your own fellow men who bear witness to them. In this way you will succeed in winning the trust of those who surround you, and you will make friends of your enemies.

43. You are not all awakened. But I will make use of one prepared heart in every meeting place to awaken the rest. So that in the hour of call, in the hour of the Lord's righteousness, you all may offer Me a single fruit, equal in the hands of all my workmen. That the Father may give the call to mankind, and that all the peoples of the earth may have access to your nation, that they may come to receive not only the word I leave in writing, but also your example.

44. So my teaching will make its way among all the teachings. For in the end it will prevail and prevail among all others.

45. Every teaching that is not confirmed by deeds and examples has its own death sentence. But every teaching that is confirmed by deeds will prevail. My examples, my sacrificial death in the Second Time tell you much, and today I tell you: He who seals his word with his blood and his life gives an example of truthfulness and strength of soul.

46. In this day you shall not seal your words with blood nor with life. The world has no hunger for your life, nor thirst for your blood. Man is thirsty for truth, for love and for mercy. If you have prepared yourselves and spiritualized without falling into any fanaticism, if you sincerely obey my divine laws and the human laws, as the Father has taught you, then you will give the world the secret of its salvation, the secret of peace and redemption in all ways.

47. For my work is not directed against science, nor against human institutions. It is not directed against marriage and the family. It is not directed against anything that includes justice and love.

48. Verily I say to you: If in other times man has risen up against science as a servant of my divinity, this servant has not honored me, has not understood me, nor has he followed me. For since I am the origin of every spirituality, I am also the origin of every science. But if you have often heard that the Father abhors the human sciences, this does not refer to the sciences as such, but to the purpose that man has given them. I detest the evil sciences that have brought mankind to its destruction ─ the sciences that man has put in the service of evil, to destroy life and the foundations of life. This is in my eyes the detestable of the sciences. But for every scientist who has become a benefactor of mankind, I have a chosen place on the spiritual plane, even if you have not declared it sacred.

49. This is what the Master tells you on this day, lest you fall into fanaticism. For in reality you too enjoy the fruits of science, because I have inspired men with my light so that they would find the elements of life in their way. If it had not been my will that man should use science for his benefit, I would not have created the forces of nature, nor would I have put into the interior of the earth and into the spheres of life all that man has used for his progress and development. But I did everything for the refreshment, the welfare and the upward development of the soul and also of the body.

50. Already in the earliest times I handed over the earth to its first inhabitants, saying to them, "I give it into your care; it is your treasure, your garden, your dwelling place and your home. Grow and multiply!" But this sentence I gave you not only as human beings for the multiplication of the human race, but also as souls and as intelligences. For I will multiply you in all ways and in all fields, in the spiritual and in truth.

51. In this time I turn against all superfluous and unnecessary, against all bad, reprehensible, against every bad seed. With my spiritual teaching I fight against all who have put science into the service of evil. I will fight all bad science until man awakens to my truth. Then this teaching will penetrate everywhere like daylight and awaken all. Prepare for it and recognize your task, your mission and your responsibility among men.

52. Know that which my teaching teaches you. See the horizons which my teaching and my word open to you, and consider how great the soul is and how short the distances. He who has prayed with love, feeling his brother's pain, has set himself free and gone from here to faraway places, leaving his love, healing balm and caress with those who suffer.

53. For the sake of this prayer of my people Israel, who come up to Me in all assembly places, I bless the earthly world and give it my light and my fatherly caress, since it does not partake in my word. I effect that my power of love reaches all hearts, that they all feel me, that they set out on the way to my truth, on the search for the way. Because I now prepare all so that they reach me.

My peace be with you! 

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