BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 168

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 168:

1. Come and quench your thirst in my love, shake off your tiredness, wanderer. I bring you a gift in my words, which is a teaching for you. Even if you come to me without merit, I gladly entrust you with tasks within my work so that you may feel yourselves to be children of the Lord and brothers and sisters of all people.

2. Your gifts, which are innate qualities of the Spirit, will be revealed in a way unknown to this humanity, and no one will be able to tell you that you have stolen them or appropriated them illegally. Later on, this people will be regarded as pioneers of the time of spiritualization.

3. A legion of spiritual beings has been sent to your aid so that you may unite together in this mission. These beings will encourage you, inspire you, and raise you up again if you stumble, and if your path is beset by beings of darkness, they will show you the way to give them light that will enlighten them and free them from their confusion. The light of your guardian angels will enlighten you so that you can recognize the path and discover the pitfalls.

4. Study and comprehend my teaching so that you may realize it unadulterated, then no one will confuse you with false teachings taken from the spiritual to create sciences, doctrines and philosophies. You will be among educated men, questioned and tested, but you will not lose heart because you feel my caring love is with you. Understand that you must carefully guard the jewel I have placed in your Spirit and not mix it with useless knowledge nor sell it for material rewards.

5. The time is drawing near, in which every eye shall be ready to see my presence. Then you are to set out as my messengers and bear witness to the way in which I make myself known to you, to shake every soul out of its lethargy. You shall be the prophets who announce to the world the visitations that must come and the epoch that will precede these events.

6. Do you see how the people of today selfishly seek the satisfactions that human life gives them without caring about the future of their souls? verily, I tell you, at bottom they need my love, and the food that has awaited them so long on my table will still be the food of those who looked at them indifferently before

7. Harret out to the end, disciples, do not be sad when you, despised by your fellow men, come to me. I will reward your faith and bring justice to you, so that your face will finally be illuminated by a smile of victory. The light will dawn, the darkness will give way, and restoration will begin, so that on foundations of peace and justice the temple may rise, in which mankind honors its Creator through a life that is a cult of love, spiritualization, and respect for the laws the Father made for His children.

8. The light of my Spirit is with you. You do not see it with your physical eyes, but you feel it shining in your mind.

9. The Spirit of the Father is invisible, but it is manifested in infinite forms. The whole universe is but a material manifestation of the divine. All that is created is a reflection of truth.

10. I have surrounded the existence of the spirit beings, who are children of my divinity, according to the place they inhabit, with a series of life forms, in which I have placed wisdom, beauty, vitality, and good disposition, to give each of these homes the most visible proof of my existence and an idea of my power. I point out to you that the meaning of life is to love, to know, to possess the truth.

11. I tell you: He who does not love, who does not manifest his love in the highest form and with absolute sincerity, will have no true knowledge and will possess very little. But he who loves with all his soul and all the powers given to him will carry within himself the light of wisdom and feel that he is in reality the owner of all that surrounds him, for what the Father possesses is also the property of his children.

12. I am explaining to you now what I told you in the Second Time and what you have not understood, and I am revealing to you in the clearest way, according to your present spiritual development, what I did not tell you then

13. On one particular occasion I said to the crowd of listeners: "I still have many things to tell you, but I do not say them now because you would not understand them". Now that my voice is again to be heard in the world, I tell you: This is the time when you can understand what I concealed then. Listen and think about it.

14. The Father is the Creator, the original source of all truth and all life. But to enjoy his work it required the existence of beings who possessed Spirit, who were to enjoy with him all that came forth out of his divine mercy; who furthermore had full knowledge of his existence, and who were to accept the love of their Father and also to know how to love him.

15. I have already explained to you what was the cause that prevented mankind from fulfilling the law of love to which I subjected them, although man is enlightened (inwardly) by the light of his conscience. I have also told you that this aberration, which has caused so many human errors and sins, caused the Father to send His Word to the world to give you the greatest proof of His infinite love when He became man and showed you the way which enables you to attain your salvation of soul.

16. Today, many centuries away from that event, I tell you that although I shed my blood for all mankind, only those who followed the way that Jesus taught you could obtain the salvation of their soul; while all those who remained in ignorance, in their fanaticism, in their errors or in sin, have not yet been saved

17. I tell you, even if I became man a thousand times and died a thousand times on the cross, as long as men do not rise up to follow Me, they will not attain the salvation of their souls. It is not my cross that is to redeem you, but yours. I carried mine on my shoulders and died on it as a man, and from that moment on I was in the bosom of the Father. You are to follow me in gentleness and in love and carry your cross on your shoulders with true humility until you have reached the final goal of your mission, to then likewise be with your Father.

18. The striving of many is to get to know God, but they have not achieved the realization of this striving because they have not sought me where I actually dwell - in the Spirit. In order to know me, they must first get to know themselves.

19. Today I stand by all my children. To some I will help them carry the cross, so that they can soon climb the mountain on whose summit their father awaits them. To others I will open their eyes and give them clarity and vision so that they may see me, and still others I will teach them to immerse themselves in their inner being, so that they may discover in the most sublime part of their being an inheritance of which they could not have dreamed of possessing it before. Then many of the idealistic aspirations will become reality, and in all those who are of good will, harmony will shine forth. The divine light will fully take possession of those souls who do not resist the knowledge of the truth.

20. Do not be surprised that I have told you that it is your cross that must redeem you, because with this I wanted to tell you that through my divine example I have left a Redeemer in every heart, so that he may guide your steps and finally redeem you.

21. Listen to my voice in your conscience and tell me whether my word was not perceptible in it during your whole existence, and whether this influence is not felt most strongly in the moments in which a test hits you.

22. I would violate righteousness and perfection if I took you into my kingdom defiled, without your Spirit being purified by your restitution. What merits would you have if you had received all bliss through my sacrificial death alone?

23. I tell you this to make you reflect, to shake you out of your lethargy and to call you to come to me, which is why I call you constantly.

24. Come, chosen people, and rest from your toil, for I am offering you today as always my love Open your hearts and let me heal the wound that has made you suffer for so long without your fellow men noticing. Why do you fear the future when you know that I am near you? I look into your inner being and know that you are still getting weak in the trials and fearfully call Elijah and me, the Master, because you feel that you are perishing. But I tell you that I will not let you fall, that Elijah is the strong rod that supports you, that I have assigned a righteous destiny to each of my children, and that the trials will shape your soul and bring it nearer to me.

25. I am beyond time, and I give you of this treasure that you may use it for your spiritual upward development. I am your master, who teaches you throughout your life. The destiny of man is not to suffer. I have not sent you to suffer, but to perfect you so that you may come to me. I have made known to you my will at all times. In the third time I am now teaching you as I had promised you.

26. You have come from different places on earth to hear my word, overcoming the resistances on your way. Your love was greater than the obstacles you encountered on your journey, and you were successful in your efforts. Today you thank me for what I have granted you, and in my love you feel secure.

27. I have encouraged you because you have believed and have remained steadfast in my teaching. You have realized that the world cannot give you peace, and you turn away from it to devote this time to the study of my Word.

28. Feel my peace and the freshness of the tree. This house is not the tree of which I speak to you, but my Spirit full of mercy and love for all my children. How often do you weep at the thought that there are many who hunger and thirst for this grace, and the pain of it fills your heart. But I tell you: If you want my word to reach all your fellow men, prepare yourselves and be ambassadors of good will. I tell you that all will be saved, not one soul will be lost, and all of them - some in this world and others on other levels of life - will love me and acknowledge me.

29. Through the disobedience of the world my Spirit is sad. Even the people who have heard me are shaken, and I do not want this time of pardons to be followed by another of pain.

30. If, after I have spoken to you, you seek for your delight teachings in chosen language and despise my word because it is simple, it is because you have not fathomed it, because you have not understood the teaching which teaches you all that you need to live within my laws and reveals to you the secrets which man could not penetrate

31. You have felt the obligation to pray and to help not only your earthly brothers and sisters, but also those who already live in other regions, and to them your love has reached. You do not know how much consolation these forgotten beings have received. They have recognized by your love and intercession my workers in this time.

32. I have not come to surprise the world with new teachings. All that I teach you I had announced to you since the beginning of times. I have prepared you to receive my word, which I give to you through the voice bearers, and later from Spirit to Spirit. Only then will you really recognize me when, united with me, you receive the essence of this fruit of life. And those who judged this revelation to be imperfect will then know that it was the first step in the Father's communion with his children, and they will regard it as right and perfect.

33. Give thanks to me and thank your mother for the benefits she has bestowed upon you. She is your guide, helper of virgins, nurse of children's hearts and encouragement to men in their struggle for existence.

34. Open your heart and let me be in it. Follow me on my track, which is deeply engraved, so that you never deviate from it. I want you too to leave a deep trace of your steps. From every point you find yourself, you will be able to recognize the top of the mountain as the goal of your destiny. Lift up your gaze so that you can see it and not stray from the path.

35. I am currently giving you a bread to eat in the wilderness, which I promised you in times past. You have finally reached the tree you were looking for. I am the tree that awaited you to give you shade and offer you my fruits. The eyes of your Spirit have opened, you now see wonders and truths. Blessed are you who, while eating this bread, think of those who have not yet enjoyed it. Pray for them, but do not grieve, for the hand of Elijah will likewise take hold of them to carry them on his shoulders as if they were sheep. Here are my arms, which are like a cradle in which your soul will grow with the help of my counsel and also the care of Mary, your Heavenly Mother.

36. Your heart must be sensitive and loving tenderness must enter your soul so that you may carry out the task I have assigned you. Remember that this task is not limited to bringing consolation to those who suffer on earth, but that you must also, by means of prayer, penetrate into the invisible region, into the beyond, where pain, misery and confusion also reign, so that you may give a little compassion and love in their atonement to those who form great masses of needy people and who expect so much from you. Feel them for you when you pray for them, make their pain your own, love them without reservation, without reluctance, because even as defiled they are still my children and still your brothers and sisters.

37. In this time you will see your spiritual gifts and abilities unfold. The light of the sixth seal illuminates you, and the light of the seventh will illuminate the whole earth at the end of your development.

38. From one revelation to the next I have always let a certain time pass. You cannot say that my revelation came as a surprise to you in this epoch, or that you are not able to understand it. Behold, now I school you and speak to you through the human organ of mind; after that you will have to strive for your dialogue with my Spirit through yours. Then will be the time of my new and great miracles. Why do I speak to you in this way? - Because I want you to get used to the idea that this word will no longer be heard and that you will have to spiritualize yourselves to be strong. These rallies by the voice bearers will end, and then there will be grief in my people, and those who doubted and hurt the voice bearer most will shed most tears.

39. Then you will know me better; then you will understand that I have set you at the beginning of a way and have used a human mediator for the rallies of my will, as a further step on the ladder of your spiritual development. I wanted that Mary's voice should also be audible in this form, so that you may hear her gracious voice and continue to be the Marian people who, without offering her the flowers of the gardens you cultivate on earth, know how to harvest the fragrant flowers in the meadows and gardens of the hearts and souls, which virtue raises to consecrate them to her. No fragrance is better than that which rises from the hearts, for it will reach the heart of your mother. Mary is a beacon of maternal light. Blessed is the one who never loses hope to drop anchor from this saving lighthouse.

40. Come, beloved disciples, and receive the spiritual baptism. You felt dead in the Spirit, but you have risen again.

41. Much have I spoken to you of the gifts of the Spirit, for this is the time when you shall know who you are, what you have come for, and what future awaits you.

42. This knowledge has enlightened your minds; for though your memory cannot retain all my words, your Spirit retains the essence of them, and when the time comes, it reminds the mind of them with the same clarity with which they were heard. Therefore you are responsible for everything I communicate to you.

43. Sometimes you think that you do not possess and remember anything of my teachings, which makes your heart feel too weak to fight But the Master asks you: What is the fruit of the seed I have put in you? - All the works that you do, inspired by my teaching; the happiness that you feel because you know that my grace has touched you; and the perseverance in the struggle of those who spread the light of truth everywhere.

44. I want you to work in this way that my word may blossom and bear fruit in all.

45. Not only I expect this from you. On earth there are so many who expect the reappearance of my messengers and apostles, and also in the spiritual valley there are beings who longingly await your fulfillment in my law. For the spiritual world seeks fellowship and harmony with the material world: to some it lets its affection be felt, to others pain, and to many it ignites the light of conscience.

46. they are near to you, and your faith will cause there to be more light in those who need it, and more joy in those who love you

47. The true spiritualist will pray daily for the suffering souls in the hereafter

48. My teaching has the purpose of illuminating the human mind. But do not wonder at the way I have come to you at this time; do not be confused about it and do not get used to it. When my Divine Light hits the organ of the human mind, which serves me as a mouthpiece, it condenses into vibrations that are transformed into words of wisdom and love. How many steps of the ladder to heaven must my Spirit descend to reach you in this form! And also my spiritual light beings must I send to you so that they give you further explanations of my teachings.

49. Do not judge the voice bearer with too much severity, because every man is fallible and far from perfection. But if you want to judge the meaning or the essence of the word that comes from his lips, do so, for there you will find my presence, my perfection.

50. The essence, taste, or content of this Word is the same as the Word that Jesus gave you in the Second Age. The form may be variable, according to the preparation and inspiration of the voice bearer, but not the essence.

51. The mind of man is limited, and it reaches only to a certain point. Until then, my divinity must descend to you out of love to make the connection between man and God.

52. This time had to come, for spiritual development does not stand still, much less the master in his teachings. Therefore I demand renewal and purity from my servants; for if the brain of those through whom I speak to you were not pure, the rallies would be imperfect.

53. Reject every imperfection, that you may not fall into doubt or error. For my disciples are to recognize clearly and distinctly that which the others perceive only veiled.

54. My loving word is the key that opens your hearts. I have sent your soul to earth - not to suffer a punishment, but to fulfill an atonement. But this atonement will not be painful if you take up the cross of love for your neighbor and climb with it the summit where the love of your Father awaits you. If you fear damnation or the punishment of the eternal fire because of your transgressions, you are in error. While you expected to suffer only the bitterness of atonement, I sent you to the world to grant you to hear my word and thus make you soul fishermen. How changed your souls will return to the beyond compared to the last time! They came contrite, fearful, without merit. Now they can return smiling, and their inner elevation will bring them into the light of my kingdom. Who would dare to exchange this cross of love for the heavy burden of pain that disobedience brings? How many have I entrusted a leadership office to so that they may gather the fruits that they have not reaped in other lives! Could any of them claim that they gained this position through their merits? This task is so delicate and demanding that only my love could entrust it.

55. Use this time as if it were the last opportunity to come to me, so that you may make an effort to fulfill your mission. Work selflessly, without expecting any reward for your service to humanity in this world, for it would be sorrowful for your soul to come into the presence of its Father after its day's work and realize that its work was unfruitful.

56. Make your works worthy to serve as an example to others. Then you will rightly be compared to a clear mirror in which your fellow men can look at themselves so that they may correct their mistakes. Your soul already devoted its earthly existence in other lives to the bliss of earthly pleasures. Now dedicate a part of your time to the fulfillment of your spiritual duties. In this way your soul will ascend without you having to give up your human duties.

57. Who were you before this life? Who are you in the present, and will you be in the future? These are the mysteries that only the divine Judge can answer. For the time being it shall suffice for you to understand the true meaning of the law of reincarnation, which I have revealed to you as a higher truth.

My peace be with you!


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