BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 166

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 166:

1. It is a day of rejoicing for my people, a day of peace for them that are come to hear my word When I handed this inheritance over to the first, I told them to nurture it, for it would be like a little sapling that would later become a densely leafy and mighty tree. Today great multitudes come to hear my word, testifying to the fulfillment of my announcement.

2. The tree brought forth branches, and these were taken away to be planted in other soil. But verily I say to you, some were planted according to my will and others according to the will of men.

3. I told you a long time ago that the tree is recognized by its fruit, and soon, when these "trees" begin to bear fruit, you will know what kind of fruit each one bears, whether it is good or not. There were saplings that were full of sap and strength in the beginning, which promised good fruit and benevolent shade for the weary wayfarers, because he who nurtured them went forth full of love and helpfulness and became the salvation of the stray. He answered the questions of men with light-filled words, gave light to the blind and comfort to the sick. Signs were done and wonders worked his lips and works; truths were received through inspiration. This happened because the Father, in the face of the zeal and fervor of those workers, overflowed them with love and wisdom. When the multitudes saw the devotion of that disciple, when they were convinced of his charity and sincerity, they followed him on long distances, they followed him up the mountain heights. They obeyed and believed him blindly. But when he saw that the crowd followed him, that men obeyed his voice as if it were a law, he felt vanity and megalomania in his heart, forgetting him who gave him everything, without whom he could have done nothing, he lost his humility and began to boast of his merits and his power over others. He felt perfect in the practice of my teaching and proclaimed loudly that he was a true disciple and even master.

4. I tell you, whoever boasts of his spiritual gifts and does not sow with humility, his harvest will be null and void.

5. I could ask many of those who loudly proclaimed to do works of love, "Where are your followers? Where are those who have followed you? What became of all those who received spiritual gifts to spread these seeds? And they would have to answer me that they remained alone, because those who found them went astray again, those who got well again fell ill, and those who began to recognize the light sank back into their darkness. But the Master asks you, "Why did this happen to those whom I taught? - Because they made use of the teachings received according to their understanding and discretion, because they started work prematurely, that is, before they had correctly grasped the Master's teaching.

6. Those who waited until the right time to go to work studying, waking and praying are those who stand firm because their roots reach deep down and their branches have braved storms. These set out at a time when their hearts could no longer become the prey of vanity. But this is a day of peace and forgiveness, when I want you all to reflect on my words, so that when you return to your tree and to your fields, you will rectify all your imperfections. There is still time to straighten the tree and save the seed. But you must multiply your efforts.

7. Go back to your land, and when you see yourselves left alone and forgotten by those who followed you blindly and whom you could not hold, protect the roots of the tree, cut off every defective fruit, prune its dry branches, water it, and you will see anew how the wayfarers come in longing for its shade and its fruits.

8. Blessed are they that rise again from their own fall, blessed are they that rise again to the light. You will then experience that they will announce my renewed coming, which men have expected century after century, and which will make many dead tremble even in their graves.

9. Verily I tell you, that divine promise to return to you as a Consoling Spirit has not been extinguished by anyone, neither time nor sin, nor whole epochs that have passed over men. Neither will the proof of my return be wiped out, and in the end men will bow to my truth.

10. When you hear my word, you let your life pass by in the light of conscience, and when my teaching is finished, you feel relieved of your debts, tribulations, and remorse. Even when you receive my word through uneducated organs of the mind, your being trembles because you feel in it an eye that looks at you, an ear that perceives even your lightest sigh, and a sensitivity that is capable of reading even your most secret thoughts.

11. On the first day I spoke to mankind in this way, I opened a new spiritual era. The hearts that were present at my divine rallies felt overwhelmed with fear, awe, wonder and bliss. Therefore, that small group of my first disciples grew and multiplied until they became the large communities that are now present to hear my teachings.

12. Among these multitudes are also those who, having heard me year after year, have become accustomed to this rallies and are no longer so moved as when they listened to me at the first teachings received. Nevertheless, the majority continue to hear my word with true enthusiasm, and their hearts beat faster when they are here to hear my wise and loving teaching.

13. I wanted to give spiritual form to the hearts that receive this Word, so that each one might become an active worker for the work that was assigned to him, conscious of his mission and devoted to my work. But while some continued to listen faithfully to me, learning and perfecting themselves to be worthy to offer to their fellow men the fruits matured by their study and reflection, patience, effort and perseverance, others sought flattery, desiring to sow before the time came. They moved out before the indicated time and taught the little they had learned.

14. Therefore, some mystified the teachings received and, for lack of knowledge, changed my teaching as they saw fit, thus creating difficulties for the success of those who preached my teaching only when they were able to follow my teachings.

15. I say unto you, when the hour is come, the wheat of the good sowers shall overcome the weeds of the unfaithful, and in the hour of contention shall the world know which have brought my truth unto it.

16. When you hear that some spiritualist is boasting of his mission and is going through the world shouting that he is one of the new disciples of Christ, you may be sure that his mouth is spreading lies, for the true disciple of this work is the one who does not boast, who works silently for the glory of his Master and truly loves all his fellow men. You will recognize my good servants by their humility.

17. Finally, what will happen to those who do not practice my teachings according to the commandments of my law? - They will have to be purified and on a new mission to correct all their errors and wash away all their stains until they succeed in turning the weeds they had tended to into wheat.

18. To the multitude that hear my word in these moments I say, Hear my teaching still with reverence. Do not allow it to fade from your memory without first having thought about it. Seek not to teach when you are but weak little children. You must wait until you become strong and equipped disciples. Then you will be able to see that every seed you sow will germinate, grow, blossom and bear fruit. And I will tell you: I accept your gift, the fruit of the seed I have entrusted to you.

19. I will not yet judge you, for if this were to happen, I would find few merits with you. I come to you as a Father to forgive you and to offer another period of time as a precious opportunity to be seized and for which you will be responsible to me.

20. On this day of grace I tell you that I have made known and made tangible to humanity the presence and love of Mary, because in her, in this time, the "New Covenant" will take place. Mary in her gentleness and humility has likewise communicated herself to you.

21. The Father has poured out his gifts of grace upon this people; but verily I say to you, you must also be responsible before me for the presence of the Divine Mother.

22. I call you to account, yes - because I want you to be fully aware of what I have granted you. But at the core of this accountability lies my loving mercy.

23. The world does not know my work and my rallies at this time because you have shied away from proclaiming these teachings to men. But the new generations will know them and strengthen your ranks. Verily, I tell you, the name of Jesus and the name of Mary are united in the work of redemption; and since men in this time have not known how to make a covenant with their Lord, the name of the Mother will be the symbol of union and brotherhood among men.

24. The violence of the elements will be the voice that will awaken those people who persistently want to live in darkness, and not I will judge them. They will fall to judgment through their own deeds.

25. Men have created for themselves their own tasks, which were originally pure, but which they have defiled by their sin and desecrated by their sciences, and many of which are inspired by selfishness, hatred and pride.

26. Listen: In the First Time I made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants. This covenant was forgotten by the children of that people. I made a covenant with Moses, who freed Israel from bondage. But in the course of time people forgot the covenant anew.

27. In the second time I came into the world; I sealed my covenant with men with my blood, and this covenant of love had enough power to teach my children the way in which men of all times can wash away all their sins. For in Jesus I conquered death, triumphed over darkness, transformed pain into divine passion, and paved the way to the light for souls.

28. Today you have heard that I want to make a new covenant with you, because I find you neither in me nor united among yourselves, and it is my will that in this third time, in the womb of the sixth seal, you make the covenant of love and brotherhood in me.

29. You are all within the sixth seal, which is a stage, a chapter of the book of the seven seals, the contents of which is the wisdom of God and the perfection of souls

30. New generations will come and will recognize the work of the Third Age, in which you took the first steps They will continue your work, and when the different races and peoples finally love one another as brothers and sisters, when people have overcome their feelings of hatred, the work of the HolySpirit will be founded in the hearts of men.

31. Already in the First Time I taught you to consecrate the seventh day to Me. Since man devoted six days to the fulfillment of his worldly duties, it was only right that he should consecrate at least one to the service of his Lord. I did not ask him to dedicate the first day to me, but the last, so that he might rest in it from his labors and devote himself to spiritual contemplation*, so that he might give his Spirit the opportunity to draw near to his Father and speak to him through prayer.

* Spanish "meditaeiön" = meditation, contemplation; also: contemplation, inner contemplation, spiritual contemplation.

32. The day of rest was instituted, so that man, in forgetting the hard earthly struggle for life, even if only for a short time, might give his conscience the opportunity to speak to him, to remind him of the law, and he might explore himself, repent of his transgressions, and make noble intentions for conversion in his heart. The Sabbath was the day formerly dedicated to rest, prayer, and the study of the law. But in following the tradition, the people forgot the brotherly feelings toward their fellow men and the spiritual duties they had toward their neighbors. Times passed, humanity developed spiritually, and Christ came to teach you that even in the days of rest you should practice charity and do all good works.

33. Jesus wanted to tell you that while a day is dedicated to reflection and physical rest, you should understand that neither day nor hour could be predestined for the fulfillment of the Spirit's mission.

34. Although the Master spoke to you with the greatest clarity, men deviated from this, and each chose the day which was most convenient for him. Therefore, while some continued to keep the Sabbath as the day of rest, others chose Sunday to celebrate their services.

35. Today I speak to you once more, and my teachings bring new knowledge for you. You have lived through many experiences and have developed. Today it is not important which day you dedicate to rest from the earthly toil, but it is important that you know that you should walk every day on the way I have marked out for you. Understand that there is no fixed hour for your prayer, for every time of day is suitable for prayer and for exercising my teaching for the benefit of your fellow men.

36. I want light, inspiration and love always to dwell in your spirit, that the mind and the heart be the mirror of the Spirit, and that in it its virtues be reflected and expressed in glorious ideas and noble thoughts and feelings. Then you will realize how perfect is the harmony that exists between the Spirit and the body, between the spiritual and the human, between the laws and duties of the Spirit and the laws and duties of the world. Finally, you will be able to realize that the whole of life, with its trials and lessons, has a single goal: the perfection of the Spirit, through which he will experience rest and true happiness in the kingdom of the Lord.

37. Sometimes you think and say, "What good is this existence, since it does not bring us any good and we have no use for it? If someone thinks like this, it is only because he prevents the light from shining in his Spirit. He thinks that life is senseless, because it was not possible for him to fulfill all his wishes, for he would have liked to have everything according to his ideas. He then believes that he too is useless, and that only because he has not grasped and fathomed the meaning of my word.

38. The spiritual part of man still slumbers, which is why he has lived so many useless lives.

39. I could compel and force you to fulfill my commandments, but then your merits would not be real, your progress would not be real. I allow that the life in which you - without realizing it - create lessons and tests for yourselves, may give you the true teaching, which is sometimes painful, depending on how your works were. But in the midst of trials, my Spirit sends you the light that reaches your spirit, sometimes in a gentle way, but sometimes as a relentless judge, so that you may awaken and hear the voice of conscience, which is my own voice.

40. I ask you: Do you want to be useful and feel that your existence is useful too? Then learn from my words - that which I gave you in times past and that which you hear today, for both complement each other. But do not believe that by merely repeating my sentences and rules of life you have already realized my teaching. No, he who does not know how to love will not be able to proclaim the divine words and fulfill what they teach.

41. Love is the origin and the reason for your existence, O human beings. How could you live without this gift? Believe me, there are many who carry death within themselves, and others who are sick just because they love no one. The healing balm that has saved many has been love, and the divine gift that raises to true life, that redeems and lifts up, is also love.

42. Therefore the Master says to you little children who have heard this teaching, Begin to love from this day forward. Let all your works towards others be permeated by this feeling, and let it also flow into the words and prayers which you consecrate to me.

43. Know that the word, which has no love in it, has neither life nor power. You ask me how you can begin to love and what you must do so that this feeling may awaken in your hearts, and I tell you: What you have to begin with is to understand how to pray. Prayer will bring you closer to the Master, and that Master is Me.

44. In prayer you will find consolation, inspiration and strength, it will give you the delicious satisfaction of being able to talk to God in confidence without witnesses and mediators. God and your Spirit are united in this sweet moment of intimacy, spiritual dialogue and blessings.

45. Prepare yourselves, disciples, for I will reveal myself to you. You all bring sorrows and needs before me, but I tell you Why are you afraid? Have you not felt my gaze resting on you with compassion? Does not my presence make you strong? Do not give cause for me to repeat my words of the Second Time and tell you that you are of little faith, that although I am so near you and you claim to know me, you have not trusted me.

46. Whenever you send up your prayer and seek Me, I will be with you. My word and the commandments which I have given you at all times will give you my teaching through your conscience. Become rich in strength and armament. Bring this word of life everywhere to the hearts in need of consolation and light, for I have called you sowers of the spiritual fields.

47. Since you are rich in my gifts of grace, and what you have received is an inexhaustible treasure of teachings, you are to pass on this knowledge lovingly Go to other needy people, to those who have no goodwill, prestige, or respect on earth. Seek out the orphans, the widows, the terminally ill, and stand by them without reservation. Give them that spiritual balm which rises exuberantly from the bottom of the soul, paying more attention to their soul than to their body.

48. I have formed the band of laborers of men and women, since not only men know how to interpret my law. The woman, gifted with beautiful and noble sensations, has always been a collaborator in my work of redemption. To her, too, I transfer in this time the responsibility for the good fulfillment of my instructions. I am letting both of you together watch over this work entrusted to you.

49. My people, I remain with you for a short time through this organ of understanding. You have prayed, and at the moment of supreme exaltation you have heard in the silence of your hearts the loving greeting of the Master, who said to you, "Peace be with you. You have become conscious of the effect of prayer and have comprehended the immeasurable power which is inherent in it when you send it up, both to relieve a spiritual need and to ask for the solution of a material emergency.

* By this the mind is meant above all in regard to the ability of the voice bearer to speak.

50. Remember that it has often been enough to say the word "Father" to shake your whole being and make your heart feel that it is being flooded with the consolation that his love gives. Know that whenever your heart calls me with intimacy, my Spirit also trembles with joy.

51. When you call me "Father", when this name bursts forth from within you, your voice is heard in heaven, and you snatch some mystery from divine wisdom.

52. Do not allow that it is not only your lips that call me "Father," for many of you are in the habit of doing this mechanically. I want the prayer "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name", this prayer to come from a pure and deep heart and to ponder every sentence, so that you may be inspired and be in perfect communion with me thereafter.

53. I have taught you the powerful and perfect prayer which really brings the child closer to the Father. When you pronounce the word "Father" with fervor and reverence, with exaltation and love, with faith and hope, distances dwindle, space disappears, because in this moment of dialogue from Spirit to Spirit, God is not far from you, nor are you far from Him. Pray in this way, and you will receive in your heart with full hands the benefit of my love.

54. Then you will see me with your spiritual gaze as I go before you, as the shepherd does with the sheep. You will see the divine light illuminating your path of life and hear my voice which, to encourage you on your way, repeats incessantly: "Be strong, do not stop, every step forward will bring you closer to your Father.

55. On this day, O disciples, I have spoken to you once more about love and prayer so that you may learn to comprehend the grace that is in them and also their efficacy, so that you may obtain the high reward that My Father's love has promised you

My peace be with you!


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