BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 164

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 164:

1. Much have I tested you in this time so that you may attain the light and the strength which the soul needs to reach its perfection There is no test that has no solution, nor pain that does not leave a ray of light in the soul. It is precisely in this way that you can account for your devotion and can correctly assess your weaknesses. For you must give proofs of faith and a testimony of my teaching - not only with your words, but with your works, which are to be an example to your fellow men.

2. I train you so that after receiving the teaching you are able to apply it and you do not forget it. I work you on your way of life, so that when the time comes in which you no longer have my word through the voice-bearers, you may continue to dialogue with me from Spirit to Spirit. Wherever you go, you will be accompanied by me, and in your word will be my word, in your thoughts my inspiration, and in your spirit will be mine. You are my new disciples, and I will not leave you as I did not leave those who followed me in the Second Time. They too were tested, and in the hardest moment of the test I observed them and judged their faith.

3. Remember the following Bible passage: The Master, accompanied by his disciples, went in a boat on a calm lake. Jesus spoke, and they listened to him. When the teaching was finished, the Master closed his eyes and rested. The disciples discussed my word and helped each other to understand it. - Up to that time, all around those disciples was full of peace. After that, the omens of a great storm appeared, the storm broke out and the troubled sea was in turmoil, the waves went up and the boat became a plaything of the waves. The disciples feared for their lives, gave each other instructions, hoisted the sails while some prayed. They did not dare to wake Jesus, but as the danger increased, they cried out loudly for him. But he was asleep, and they were not heard. They then called him a second and third time, saying, "Master, awaken; behold, we are going down. Jesus opened his eyes and said to them, "O you of little faith, who have not believed in me. And by stretching out his hand, he commanded the floods of water to lie down. Peace now reigned again, and the sea remained calm. The disciples, ashamed by their lack of faith and affected by the miracle that had taken place before their eyes, vowed never to doubt again, and after this trial their faith was greater.

4. At this time you also sail on such a sea. You are struggling with a storm of aberrations, of sin and of selfishness. The boat is my work, that master is he to whom you are listening, the disciples are you who are with me now. The waves that whip your boat today are also wildly moving, and in the face of the increasing storm you think that I am sleeping. When you then call for me at the top of your lungs, you deserve that I repeat that very word to you and tell you that you have not used my teachings.

5.. let us continue in the boat. Behold, the moment is already approaching when I stretch out my hand over the floods of water and say to them, "Calm down and become still. Today I am preparing you, for soon you will no longer hear me, and I will leave you strengthened. I have not yet given you my last teaching, but when this hour comes, do not fear the trials, do not despair in the face of danger, remember my teaching and reflect on it thoroughly; through it you will be strong and able to fulfill your task.

6. Now the Master asks you: Where are your dead, and why do you weep over the disappearance of the beings whom you love? Verily I say to you, in my eyes no one has died, for to all I have given eternal life. They all live; those whom you thought lost are with me. Where you think you see death, there is life; where you see the end, there is the beginning. Where you think that everything is mystery and unfathomable secret, there is light, clear as an everlasting dawn. Where you think that this is nothing, this is everything, and where you perceive only silence, is a concert.

7. Your soul has not yet fully awakened to its upward development, but the trials I will subject you to in many forms during this time will confront you with reality, and this world, which you currently love so much, which you admire so much because it has given pleasure to your bodily shell, you will then consider pathetic because you have ascended and reached a higher, more spiritual level of life; and this will continue until you reach the fullness of life

8. Blessed are those who use of the world only what is necessary for the progress of their soul and body, for in this way separation from this world will not be difficult for you. You will not feel that your soul suffers when it has to leave its body shell.

9. I want you to be able to detach yourselves with real surrender from the body that is temporarily your shell, your garment, and that you do the same with everything you have acquired in the world you inhabit today. You are to know that there is no distance, absence, or death for the soul, and when you leave this world, you are to understand that you are entering a better life, in which you will continue to love the same Father, be governed by the same law, and pursue the same ideal of ascension; that from there you will have a better view of life, carry out your mission in a better way, and be able to distinguish the abyss from the summit.

10. How much man fears death, how despondent he is when the hour of death comes. The soul fears infinity, that highest and unknown realm. And why do you fear? - Because you have not prepared yourselves. I have given you spiritual teaching; you know your destiny from the beginning. Always have the divine and the human law been attuned to one another and have taught you to live (rightly) so that you may approach that hour consciously and prepared.

11. Whenever you were close to forgetting my teaching, a messenger of mine, be it a prophet or myself, appeared to you to bring back the light. Therefore I have now come to you in silence, without pomp and circumstance, for some full of mystery, for others as a shining example, in a confusing way for those who could not understand me, but full of majesty for those who have clearly felt my presence.

12. Pray, people, that the peace of my Spirit, united with this prayer, may be felt and spread throughout the world. Once you are all in the spiritual homeland, you will know that your prayers have not been in vain. There you will experience how close all spiritual beings are to each other and how easy it is to communicate from Spirit to Spirit. What science has not been able to impart, you will realize on the basis of my teaching, which contains everything in itself, and through which I am currently giving you these teachings by means of the human mind.

13. On this morning of grace the radiation of Christ is revealed to receive you vicariously for the whole world.

14. Gather yourselves together inwardly and hear my word. I have come to you in the Spirit because you have not come to me. But truly, I tell you, man must achieve his full spiritual development so that he may ascend spiritually and come to me. - At all times man has shown hostility to my commandments, pretending the inflexibility of his flesh that stops the progress of his Spirit. But I have taught you full of kindness to put my teaching into practice so that you may realize that it is not impossible to follow it.

15. Recognize that you have come to a standstill while the world needs you; that it is necessary to work on you and to join together so that you may find strength in your works You must comprehend that this Word gives you not only earthly righteousness, but also spiritual confidence. The grace of the Father is contained in it.

16. By your zeal to perfect yourselves, and by sowing love and mercy in your life's journey, you will attain spiritual salvation.

17. Struggle to attain spiritualization by being men of good will, with firmness of character, for this work is above all human science, above all that man possesses and can know in this world. The materialization in which mankind has fallen does not allow you to imagine the wonderful life of spiritualization. I am not judging you at this moment, I only want you to understand me by reflecting on my word.

18. The world does not hear me, for the voice of these bodies through which I rallies has little range. Therefore it is the voice of conscience, which is my wisdom, which speaks to men and surprises many who, under the spell of their selfishness, are otherwise deaf to the calls of that voice, paying attention only to flattery and earthly prestige, and intoxicating themselves in their social position and power.

19. When these people learn that I have spoken to you and revealed to you that you must exercise love and mercy to come to me, they will awaken from their deep spiritual sleep, become desperate and humbly come to me to serve me. Through these examples I will speak to mankind, I will shake their basic principles. Languages and races will intermingle, because men will discover the mystery of brotherhood, which they had not found in their books and parchments.

20. I love you all, to all of you I give My guiding Word to lead you on the true path and finally convince you that you are exercising My perfect Law

21. Today you live more for the world than for me You must do justice to both equally, giving your body what it needs for its sustenance and your soul what it needs for its salvation.

22. All strive to expand their human work, each mind produces different ideas, but not all the works of men serve you to achieve a higher development, for to do so they must be in harmony with the perfect law of love.

23. Man with his science violates the laws of nature and leads the forces, which I have created for your benefit, on the way of destruction Therefore, there are many shocks in your life. For you unleash murderous wars, and the messengers of peace feel failed and find no faith.

24. But I train new messengers, that they may bring my peace to every heart that needs it, and this you are. Let mankind share in this peace through your prayers. Make peace among your fellow men also through works, then you will win one heart after another, and the day will come when the world will enter the kingdom of peace - not that peace which men make, which is based on their power and threats, but that which is based on spiritual peace, that peace which you will achieve by loving one another.

25. After 1950 the time of spiritualization will begin. I will manifest myself through everyone who equips himself, and so you will feel that my Spirit never departs from yours.

26. My word will be imprinted in your Spirit and you will see it fulfilled. Whenever you remember it, you will feel comfort in your hearts and confidence and light in your Spirit.

27. My law cannot be a heavy cross on your shoulders; on the contrary, it is refreshment and bliss for the Spirit.

28. Fear not your unbelieving fellow men, because you serve me in such a way. The time is appointed for them too, when they must come into my presence, and when this happens, they will set out to serve me. But first you must serve me so that you may give an example of my teaching. The time you spend here serving me, I will replace you in eternal life.

29. Through you I will give my love to mankind. See: While your nation is safe, others are falling to ruin. Turn your eyes and thoughts to the East, and you will discover hunger, pain and despair there. Therefore, let your prayer be full of compassion and love for your fellow men, for then the love of your Spirit, for whom there are no distances, will reach your fellow men and wrap them in your loving mercy.

30. How many dream of dying in the expectation that this moment will bring them to me, so that they will then worship me eternally in heaven, not knowing that the way is infinitely further than they have believed. In order to climb even one step of the ladder of heaven that will lead you to me, one must have lived human life in the right way. Ignorance is the reason why many misunderstand the essence of my teachings.

31. They fear to tarnish themselves in the world because they believe that they will lose heaven forever. But they are in error, because no one will lose heaven. Eternity is the God-given opportunity that your Creator offers you, so that you all come to him.

32. Another error is to want to keep oneself pure, but not out of love of the Father, not to be pleasing to the one who created him, but only out of the selfish desire to fulfill the conditions to gain a position for oneself, a comfortable place - and this also in future in eternal life, according to the conception that men have made of it.

33. Some feel moved to do good works because they fear that death will take them by surprise and that they will then have no merits to offer to their Lord. Others detach themselves from evil, but only for fear of dying in sin and having to endure eternal hell after this life.

34. How distorted and imperfect is this God in the form in which so many imagine him! How unjust, monstrous and cruel! If all the sins and crimes committed by men are united, this cannot be compared with the abomination which the hell-punishment would mean for all eternity, to which - in their opinion - God condemns the children who sin. Have I not explained to you that the highest quality of God is love? Do you not then think that an eternal torment would be the absolute negation of the divine quality of eternal love?

35. Christ became man to reveal divine love before the world. But men have hard hearts and a know-it-all mind; they soon forget a received teaching and misinterpret it. I knew that little by little people would confuse justice and love with revenge and punishment. That is why I announced to you a time when I would return to the world spiritually to explain to men the teachings which they had not understood.

36. That promised time is this one in which you live, and I have given you my teaching so that my righteousness and divine wisdom may be revealed as a perfect teaching of the sublime love of your God. Do you think that I have come because I fear that men will eventually destroy the works of their Lord or even life itself? No, I come only out of love for my children whom I want to see full of light and peace.

37. Is it not right and proper that you also come to me only out of love? Not out of love for yourselves, but in love for the Father and for your fellow men. Do you think that he who avoids sin only out of fear of hellish torment, or he who does good works only in the thought of the reward he can obtain with it, namely, to gain a place in eternity, is inspired by divine love? He who thinks thus knows me not, nor comes to me out of love. He acts only out of love for himself.

38. The hour has come when the dark band of ignorance will fall forever, which has covered the eyes of men for so long that they may see life in its fullness. If some want men to continue to believe in the punishment of hell, so that this faith may serve them as a rein to direct their steps on earth, I tell you that truth has more power over the soul than deceit.

39. Listen to my word with inner composure, O disciples, and reflect on it thoroughly.

40. Mankind, if you had used all that you have used to wage bloody wars to do humanitarian works, your existence would be full of the Father's blessings. But man has used the riches he has amassed to sow destruction, pain, and death. This cannot be the true life that those who are brothers and sisters and children of God should live. This way of living is not in accordance with the law that I wrote in your conscience.

41. To make you aware of the error in which you live, volcanoes will erupt; fire will pour out of the earth to destroy the weeds The winds will be unleashed, the earth will shake, and the floods of water will devastate whole lands and nations.

42. In this way the kingdoms of nature will express their displeasure toward man. They have broken with him, because man has broken one bond of friendship and brotherhood after another, which bound him to the nature that surrounds him.

43. The Master gives you these revelations because I see that scientists on the one hand do their utmost to wrest from nature its secrets and discover new elements and forces to destroy and kill, and on the other hand they disregard true science, namely that which teaches to preserve, love and build. The people of this time are not aware that they have neglected their true mission, that they have abandoned their task.

44. Millions of sick people live on the earth, millions of children are left to themselves and disoriented in the world. Countless old people are without the consolation of a helper to help them bear their lot. There are unprotected widows and women who do not know the delicious warmth of a real home. You have trampled on the most precious thing in human life by desecrating marriage, which is an institution of divine origin. You are attacking human life, which should be sanctified. You destroy the homes of my children, which must be inviolable because they are the sanctuaries and temples where I am worshipped, however humble they are. Yet people claim to have a religion, which I could ask them about: What is this religion that teaches you to do such works as you have done?

45. On that great day the Father will speak to all men, and his voice will be judgment.

46. This calamity is the result of the materialization into which mankind has fallen. Since you have relegated the Spirit to the last place, preferring to him the passions of the flesh and your ideas of death, it is only natural that you have finally achieved the result you see today. Since the flesh is selfish - what other fruit could you have expected from it except wars and complete moral degeneration?

47. Only the teaching of spiritualization will be able to cause the voice of conscience to be heard by man, and the Spirit to deliver himself from sin.

48. The new war that will break out will not be fought for material ends, but will be a struggle between the Spirit and the "flesh," and then, when the Spirit has triumphed, it will proclaim the reign of love among men as a sign of the restoration of peace in the world. Do you not think that you can build a world of spiritual and material progress on the foundations of true peace?

49. It is the spiritual edifying work that awaits the coming generations. When man dedicates his life to this noble and high task, he will feel that he has found harmony with his Lord, with his Creator, who is still building.

50. If, in listening to these teachings, you begin to renew the small world of your words, thoughts and works, you will contribute to the renewal of humanity.

51. The universe is a great book of wisdom, which I have opened before the eyes of man, that he may know the laws governing creation and learn to observe them. By studying in this book he will attain wisdom, he will strive for improvement, welfare, and progress in his life on earth; and if he crowns this knowledge with every kind of spiritual insight, he will achieve an absolute victory in this existence, which is a deep and great trial; for he will make the truth his own and will be immortal.

52. The divine laws governing the universe are those of wisdom, power, and love. From them derive all others, which underlie the creation of all that exists.

53. "Universe": If man studies you with a pure heart and with a mind full of longing to know more of my truth, and if he is inspired above all by the Spirit, and not by selfish or arrogant feelings, he will receive from you the great teachings which he has not yet received. In you he will be able to find an image of my kingdom.

54. My beloved children, in your minds my light is pouring out so that you may study my words as letters of the book of my wisdom. The human mind is an infinite field for spiritual contemplation. Think about my words.

55. Many have listened to me, but for the time being not all of them will begin to follow me with the same love. Also at that time I called great crowds of people, but of them only twelve men followed me. Also of them only three were really close to the Master, and John was the only one who received the revelation of the great mysteries because he opened the treasury of divine wisdom by the power of his great love. Love opens the gates of wisdom because it contains humility and gentleness. Love is the true home of peace in the eternity of the Spirit. The one who exercises it need not ask anything, because wisdom comes to him. He understands the imperfect, the sinners, condemns no one, excuses all. He understands the weak and also the strong. Love effected everything, through it man was created, and it will be the power that will move all and bring them to unity. Love is the reason for your existence.

56. How many secrets are there still for man. He is surrounded by invisible and impalpable beings, which should already be visible and palpable for him.

57. A life full of beauties and revelations pulsates above the existence of men, but these in their blindness are not yet able to see it.

58. Do not forget my teachings, for they will help you to be apostles of truth. A true apostle of my teaching is he who does all that God taught him through Jesus. I assure you that if I were to ask each of you who have heard me for so long, "What are you doing at this time, what have I commanded you, or what do you desire? Are you doing what God commands you to do, or what you have ordered?" You would not be able to answer me.

59. This nation was chosen to fulfill my promise in this time, that you might be witnesses of the beginning and the end of my word. Neither was it necessary in the second time for my rallies to spread throughout the world that they might know of my coming. It was enough to awaken a people so that they would set out to witness and spread the seed they had received. I must point out to you that the people whom I had instructed through my teachings could not consider themselves the absolute owners of such a great inheritance, nor the only ones to whom a spiritual mission was entrusted in this work. My message of all times was addressed to all men; but it happened that the people who received the revelation were the least able to benefit from it because they were not able to appreciate the gifts and graces with which the Lord had showered upon them.

60. Remember how in the Second Age the seed which Christ sowed in Judea flourished outside it.

61. I do not mean to tell you that all these things must be repeated among you, for it is my desire that my teaching should shine forth among this people and lighten their way. But if you do not devote yourselves to the fulfillment of the blessed mission which I have entrusted to you, if you do not engage yourselves like true disciples of the Divine Master, at least summon men, explain to them what I said to those who listened to me, pass on my commissions to them, lighten their way so that they may obey my law and my instructions.

62. Do not forget that my word is life-preserving and that mankind is perishing because it lacks it. My word is the trace that shows the way to salvation. Remember that there are many who have strayed and are wandering in confusion. Go to them and save them.

63. Turn your attention to those who come to hear my word. See how they weep with happiness, repent of their former transgressions, and make resolutions for betterment. See how those who came into my presence hungry for love carried peace in their hearts when they returned to their homes. They were despised by society when you brought them into my presence, and you witnessed that I made them voice bearers, leaders, and prophets so that they would spread my work further. My Word not only strengthened their Spirit, but was health for their bodies.

64. You are a people to whom I have spoken and taught for centuries. By this I mean your soul, which I have often illuminated through the light of my truth, to which I have often stood by on their way of atonement and granted a new body shell.

65. I have bequeathed to you through the ages a book of love and wisdom so that you may find in its pages the light that shows you the way that leads to God. If you wish to find in my revelations of this time a tangible proof of their truth, you can find it in the intimate relationship that exists between this Word and that which I gave you in past times when I told you: "I am the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father unless he fulfills my law.

My peace be with you!


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