BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 159

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 159:

1. O great multitude, your Spirit is full of joy, because you have been given the grace to see the dawn of the new time, which was announced to you by the prophets and by the Lord your God. Pay attention to everything that happens in the world, because I reveal myself not only to you.

2. I have afflicted men in their materialism so that they may become aware of the time in which they live and recognize many of the events as divine signs, which they had looked at with indifferent eyes because they attributed other causes to them.

3. In past times there were epochs in which the people of God knew how to interpret spiritually everything that happened around them, because it was that people who lived in my law, who loved me and lived a simple and virtuous life. The strings of his heart were still sensitive, as was his Spirit. That people lived in constant spiritual dialogue with their Lord. They heard the humanized voice of their Creator and were able to receive messages from the spiritual world, those entities they called angels. And in the silence of the night, in the peace of his heart and through the gift of dreams, he received messages, instructions and prophecies, which he believed and obeyed.

4. God was not only on their lips, he dwelt also in their hearts. The law was not only something written for them, but it was lived by men. It was natural that their existence was full of miracles, which you now no longer experience.

5. These are the examples worthy to be taken as examples, which that people wrote down with their lives, and which shall be the way and the seed for the generations that came after them.

6. Understand: If those men, by reason of their simplicity and (inner) exaltation, felt the spiritual around them, it is natural that now the materialism and lack of faith of the people of that time have removed them from those rallies. But I tell you that it is now enough of the miserable, barren and wretched life that this mankind lives; that I have therefore sought you out, knocking at the hearts of those who sleep, the blind who are unable to see the truth, to restore their sight and to touch the hidden strings of men to make them receptive to my presence.

7. Do you think that this scientific and materialistic world hardly feels any inclination to spiritualization anymore? I tell you that there is nothing difficult about that, because my power is unlimited. Inner elevation, faith, light and goodness are a more compelling necessity for the soul than eating, drinking and sleeping is for your body.

8. Even though the gifts, abilities and qualities of the Spirit have been dormant for a long time, they will awaken at my call and cause spiritualization to return to men with all its wonders and revelations, which will be greater than those of the past times, because now you are better able to understand them.

9. I must tell the people of this time and of the times to come that they should not expect to see the same signs or rallies that the people of the first time saw, because you must understand that you are now living in a new age, that you have walked and developed enough to grasp, understand and feel in a completely different way. Therefore, do not ask for outward signs that only impress your senses to base your faith on them. I have an infinite number of signs, revelations and miracles ready for you, which you will see more with your spiritual view than with that of your material body.

10. Study and fathom what history tells you, but understand that today is another time, that you are living in another age, and that just as your Spirit has a greater development than in those days, so too the form in which I am giving you my teachings today is not the same, even if its meaning is the same and eternally valid.

11. On this day when you have awaited your Master with a prayer, I really come down to your heart Receive me there, people, for I receive you in my Fatherly Spirit.

12. I find peace in your soul and harmony in your feelings. This peace your being spreads, and this inner armament invites my Spirit to come down in his divine radiance. Have all your abilities ready so that you can fully grasp my teaching.

13. I speak to you presently not of the physical senses, but of those of the Spirit, which have been in it for a long time, but which you have not understood, for you take only the external forms and reject the spiritual essence.

14. You approach the imperishable life and I tell you You are still immature, because the inclinations of your flesh are not yet in harmony with your Spirit. But I have given you strength and courage so that you overcome instincts through meditation and prayer.

15. My Word, transmitted through the voice bearer, has become ever clearer, deeper and more perfect, causing hardened hearts to become humble and noble

16. Who has not experienced his "Golgotha", and who has not suffered in life? - No one, for you all bear a cross in the following of Christ. I see you devotedly and obediently living without rebelling against the natural laws or the forces of nature, and when I saw that you did not break these laws, I told you: you are worthy of the Father and of the Master and have now understood that it is not the sacrifice of the earthly body with which you are to pay homage to the Creator, for you have understood the right way to glorify Him with the Spirit, so that you are no longer pagans.

17. You live on earth and must make use of the elements of nature to live. But since all are subject to one law, you are to make use of them only within the framework of that law. By doing so, you give the Spirit its own and your body what corresponds to it. I deny you nothing, for nothing contradicts my divine counsel; but use everything with moderation.

18. If you know the Father's law, you have nothing to fear, for you will know how to make use of that which is yours within my law.

19. Fulfill that which my word charges you, for I will make of you a people of peace and progress, because you are the people I seek. You are Israel, in whom is Levi, whom I have purified to serve me in this time.

20. In the first time the Father anointed Levi, that the servants of the worship of God might come forth from him, and that they might become the transmitters of my inspiration and my law. Therefore you see that I myself seek my servants among the newcomers - those who must go to other nations to fulfill my commission. This will happen after 1950, for my work will be recognized worldwide.

21. Today you are still inquisitive disciples because you realize that you cannot yet consider yourselves masters; and so you hasten to hear the word of him who knows all things.

22. Prepare your Spirit, your heart and your mind, and you shall eventually become Master and delight in your disciples.

23. I receive your prayer, in which you ask me to bestow my grace upon you, that you may understand my word.

24. Look, I do not always speak to you in parables, I do it with all clarity so that you may understand

25. Nourish and strengthen your Spirit with my teaching so that it may develop.

26. The teaching of the Master always begins in the same way, because it contains the same love It begins with love and ends with mercy, two words in which all my teaching is contained. It is these high sentiments that give the Spirit power to reach the regions of light and truth.

27. Recognize in what way I gradually bring you to understand and fulfill my will - not as a command, for I, as infinite wisdom, know that out of yourselves the will to obey my law will be born when I inspire and awaken you to love My love enlightens you and leaves you in freedom. My caring love only shows you the way to perfection, which you are to walk. The way of which I speak to you so often is that which leads beyond bodily death, for you are always to be prepared for this moment of transition. Does not your intuition or your Spirit tell you that there is something that survives the earth-bound body, and that this something is the Spirit? I have always taught you this way and prepared you for passing through this crossroads, so that your Spirit, when it passes from the transitory life of the world to the spiritual home, where eternal life is, may not be surprised nor disturbed in the face of infinity.

28. It is only for you to fulfill your destiny here; then, for the good fulfillment of your tasks and duties, I promise you a happy existence in the spiritual life. When this happens, you will no longer tarnish yourselves in the mire of the wickedness of this world. Spirit will no longer be darkened by the lower passions of the earthly body.

29. Verily I say to you: In order that you may attain complete purity, your soul will still have to purify itself much, in this world and in the spiritual.

30. As often as it is necessary for you, you will have to return to this planet, and the more often you miss the opportunities your Father grants you, the more you will delay your final entrance into true life and prolong your stay in the valley of tears

31. Every soul must show the progress and fruits of its development during every earthly existence, taking a firm step forward each time.

32. Be aware that the only good that is for your own good is that which is done out of true love and mercy for others, and selflessly.

33. When a soul becomes obedient and devoted to the will of its Lord, it is because it trusts in him. It does not resist leaving an earthly body and returning to the hereafter because it does not fear its judgment, and it does not resist returning to earth where danger and temptation await it because it knows that it will emerge from this purifying crucible more pure.

34. He who overcomes the temptations that come to him from outside and from within himself will be called by others as one enlightened and chosen by the Lord. Moreover, he will have at his side a spirit being or an angel of light who will watch over him, and together they will work until my will is done.

35. Be therefore unworried if your eyes do not see the fulfillment of these prophecies in this life. I will grant your Spirit not only to see, but even to reap the fruit which he has sown in times past, whether it be a short or a long time ago.

36. The time of contention is coming, in which men will show their intelligence and eloquence, which will lead them to boasting and vanity. Again my word of the Second Time will be put up for discussion, and the different interpretations given to it will also be discussed. Verily I say to you, out of this whirlwind the light will break forth, many veils will be torn, and hypocrisy will be brought down by the truth.

37. It is my divine desire that men may come to the union of their ideas and spiritual forms of worship, for I have something ready for them when this happens.

38. Study my teachings, make them your own and live them, so that you have nothing to fear from the worldly wise, the scientists and scribes

39. Pray that infinite wisdom may flow out of your mouth.

40. People, are you afraid to come into my presence and find me a judge? Verily, I say to you, even as a judge I am perfect, therefore you have nothing to fear from my side.

41. Suffice it to remember the case of the adulterous woman, who had already been condemned by her judges. She remained untouched by the words of Christ, the same one who is speaking to you at this moment.

42. I cannot pass judgment on you that is more severe than the weight of your transgressions. Therefore I say to you that you have nothing to fear from me, but from yourselves.

43. I alone know the gravity, the greatness, and the significance of your transgressions. Men are constantly impressed by outward appearances, for they cannot see into the heart of their neighbor. I, on the other hand, look into the hearts and can tell you that men have come to me who have accused themselves of grave transgressions and who were full of remorse because they insulted me, but I have found them pure. In contrast, others came and told me that they never did anything bad to anyone, but I knew they were lying. For though their hands were not stained with the blood of their neighbor, the blood of their victims, whom they had commanded to take their lives, poured down upon their soul. They are the ones who throw the stone, hiding their hand. When I have pronounced the words "cowardly," "false," or "traitor" in my rallies, their whole being is shaken, and often they have removed themselves from my teaching because they felt a gaze resting on them that directed them.

44. Because human justice is imperfect, your prisons are full of victims, and the places of execution have been stained with the blood of the innocent. ah, how many criminals I see enjoying freedom and respect in the world, and how many corrupt ones have you erected monuments to honor their memory!

45. If you could see these beings, when they then live in the spiritual world and the light rises in their souls! Instead of nonsensical and useless homage, you would send them a prayer to comfort them in their heavy repentance.

46. I come to establish a kingdom of peace among men, and although this only brings a smile to some, I will continue until I have proved to you the power of love and justice - powers you do not know because you have made very little use of them.

47. It will not be on ruins nor on corpses on which I build this kingdom, it will be on fertile fields, fertile through experience and fertilized by pain Thereon my seed will blossom, there you will see my righteousness shine forth.

48. The people of this time have the task of renewing and purifying their earthly body so that they may leave a good inheritance to those who come after them; for as for the souls who must come to incarnate in those times, I have already prepared and selected them.

49. Understand your purpose, people. Fathom this Word, that you may know your purpose. I do not want you to undertake to do more than what you are really meant to do, nor to do less than what I have entrusted to you, for then your work will not be permanent.

50. Some of you tell me in your heart: "Master, why do you sometimes in your words make us responsible for the peace of mankind? But I tell you that it will not be you who save the human race in this time, for it is a superhuman work. But still you are the beginning of a new way of life, the beginning of a spiritually oriented humanity, and this beginning should definitely contribute to the salvation and liberation of peoples and nations.

51. I must tell you once more that the community of faith which you form around my rallies is not a community which the Father in his love places above the other communities of the earth. The Lord has turned his gaze upon them only because he has formed them from souls that have always been in the world when a new divine revelation has come down. They are spiritual children of that people Israel, the people of prophets, messengers, seers and patriarchs.

52. Who better than they could receive me in this time, and understand the new form of my revelation, and testify to the fulfillment of my promises?

53. I tell you this, since only I could reveal it to you. For it is written that only the Lamb could open the book of the seven seals. I am letting you know this so that you may understand the responsibility that you again take on towards the other peoples of the world, for whom you are to be like a mirror reflecting my law.

54. For this people here has existed only one God and they know that Christ was the "Word" through which the Father spoke to men. Neither Moses nor Abraham, neither Solomon nor Elijah - none of the prophets was regarded by him as a deity. How many of the Lord's messengers, on the other hand, have been deified in other peoples and thus forgotten or not recognized the true God!

55. When I speak of my "people of Israel", of the "people of the Lord", I mean those who brought a spiritual mission with them to earth - those who made my law known, those who announced me, who were faithful to me; those who proclaimed the existence of the living God, who planted the seed of love, and who were able to recognize the presence and the Word of the Father in the Son. These are the ones who form the people of God, this is Israel, the strong, the faithful, the wise Israel. This is my legion of soldiers who are faithful to the law and the truth.

56. Those who persecuted my prophets, who tore the heart of my messengers apart; those who turned their backs on the true God to bow down before idols; those who denied me, mocked me, and demanded my blood and my life, did not belong to the chosen people, even though they called themselves Israelites because of the race; they did not belong to the people of the prophets, to the band of the enlightened, to the faithful soldiers. For "Israel" is a spiritual name that was unlawfully used to emphasize a race.

57. You shall also know that everyone who has the desire to belong to my people can achieve it with his love, his mercy, his zeal, and his loyalty to the law.

58. My people have no particular countries or cities in the world; my people are not a race, but are represented in all races, among all men. This crowd of people here, who hear my word and receive the new revelations, is only a part of my people. Another part is scattered over the earth, and another, the greatest part, lives in the spiritual world.

59. These are my people, who know me and love me, who obey me and follow me.

60. Before the people one hundred and forty-four thousand chosen ones go forth as leaders. Some are in the flesh and some in the Spirit. Following them are great legions, both of spirit beings and of men, who strive to attain the light, in order to call themselves rightly "children of the people of Israel.

61. The children of this people have always given evidence that they have power over the forces of nature. Their walk through the world left a trail of great miracles that amazed the people of those times. This power shall continue to show Israel to the world, for it testifies to the superiority of Spirit over matter.

62. When some of your fellow men demonstrate to you the power of their secret sciences, do not be afraid and do not be amazed either, for I have taught you greater miracles. Neither are you to judge anyone badly because every ethnic group has sought the truth about spiritual life according to their ability and faith.

63. I speak to you about everything so that you experience everything and nothing surprises you. I give you my teaching in a detailed manner so that you do not get into areas of knowledge which you call occult, into secrecy or into dumb and useless brooding.

64. Spiritualization is clarity, is simplicity, is turning to love and is the struggle to reach the perfection of the soul.

65. When this people sets out and spreads among mankind with words and deeds teaching, it will be fought by churches, sects and the sciences. Some will attack some, while others will fight certain ideas. Then the people of God will already be strong, and faith and knowledge will be a ripe fruit in their hearts.

66. Which of the children of this people will be among those who will carry this seed to the ends of the earth? You do not know, but I reveal so much to you that you are the beginning of the sowing in this time.

67. The disciple John spoke many things for you. His inspirations are light for your path, are answers to your questions and are the theme for your study. In his revelation he saw the spiritual battle of this time, whose fratricidal wars are only a faint image of the great battle being fought in the spiritual realm and (spiritually) in this world.

68. Man is blind to the truth of what is going on, and he needs this revelation to know the cause of the battle and the chaos that prevails in the world. He also needs spiritualization to have weapons for his defense in the midst of battle.

69. Blessed are those who believe in my word and prepare themselves, for they shall be saved. But woe to those who listen to my admonitions indifferently, for they will be caught up in the whirlwind in utter helplessness!

70. Rather heaven and earth would pass away than my word not be fulfilled. You see - many centuries ago already this time was announced to you, and it came true because I had predicted it.

71. You must pray, crowds of people, because prayer will pave the way of those who later set out as sowers. Know that at the moment of your dialogue with me, from infinity, my light as dew of grace falls down on those for whom you pray.

72. Understand your mission, that each of you may be a worthy child of Israel, the people of God.

73. I prepare you that you may emulate those apostles who followed me in the Second Age, and who by their example marked out a way of meekness, obedience, and humility. You will be bearers of this Good News, and at every turn you will hear the voice of your conscience telling you whether you are leaving a good example in your way with your works. I have shown you the vast fields of seed, upon which my divine seed shall fall. Already my caring love prepares and provides everything.

74. On every Spirit and all flesh I have poured out the light of my Spirit so that you may all feel me and see me, so that the whole world may bear witness to my truth.

75. Man has awakened, trained and developed his mind, but he has let slumber the gifts of the Spirit, which are indispensable for his perfection.

76. Man has failed in the way, for the wars he has caused are fruits of his bad science, which he did not want to purify in the light of his conscience. When the human mind once develops in harmony with the senses enlightened by the divine light, you will see men discover and work miracles with the help of their science, inspired by love for their neighbor.

77. Only my voice can guide you in the midst of that confusion of concepts, in which no one knows anymore what truth is, nor is able to distinguish good from evil or light from darkness.

78. To you who listen to me, I say: your inheritance in this time is the same as in former times, namely to bring the light of my message to the nations.

79. Not only my word has trained you - also the trials you constantly encountered were a part of my divine lesson Sometimes you were able to understand and use the trials, in other cases you remained unfeeling and deaf to the Master's voice.

80. A man who separates from you to live in the spiritual home; something that is taken from you on earth; an illness that ties you to the bed and purifies you through pain - these are all trials that wisely enter into your lives to help you fulfill your destiny, which is to love one another.

My peace be with you!


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