BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 151

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 151:

1. You have drunk from many springs, hoping to see your thirst for love satisfied, and in this time you are thirstier than ever what have you done with the water of life which I gave you already then?

2.  I told the woman from Samaria, "Whoever drinks of the water I give will never thirst again. But today I tell you: If people had drunk of that water, they would not have carried so much misery with them.

3. People did not remain in my teaching and preferred to use my name to create religions and denominations according to their interpretation and convenience I rejected traditions and taught them the teaching of love, but today you come to me and present me with empty rites and ceremonies that do not promote the Spirit in the least. If no spirituality is expressed in your works, no truth can dwell in them, and what does not contain truth does not reach your Father.

4. When that Samaritan woman felt that the light of my eyes reached the bottom of her heart, she said to me, "Lord, you Jews say that Jerusalem is the place where our God must be worshiped". Then I told her, "Verily I say to you, woman, the time is drawing near when you will not worship the Father either on this mountain or in Jerusalem as you do now. The time is coming when you will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for God is Spirit."

5. This is my teaching of all times. Behold, though you had the truth before your eyes, you would not see it. How can you live it if you do not know it?

6. For this very reason you have come thirsty into my presence. But when you heard this word, your heart felt the freshness of the water of life, and you did not want to go away from the spring.

7. You said to me, "Lord, you have announced to us that this word which you are giving today through the voice-bearers will have its end. What shall we do then, so that thirst will not come again?" The Master tells you: I have come to teach you to pray, to reveal to you the spiritual gifts which you possess and have not heeded, by means of which you may exercise my law and follow me. He who has spiritualization in his life cannot feel thirst, weariness, hunger, or misery. Furthermore, I tell you: I will be closer to you after 1950 because of your spiritualization.

8. Then you ask me: "How does one attain spiritualization? And I tell you: You will achieve it by praying from Spirit to Spirit, by taking care to be just in all your actions, by practicing active charity toward your fellow man. When one lives in this way, the soul becomes free and guides the steps of man, illuminated by the light of the Spirit. He no longer feels lonely on earth because he understands that the presence of the Lord and that of the spiritual world accompany him. With every step he takes through life, he discovers a new light and gains a new knowledge for himself. He no longer feels like an outcast or a wretch and is refreshed by the miracles created by his Father, which he now discovers through the gift of inspiration and revelation.

9. I tell you also in this time that whoever drinks of the water I give, which is my word, will never thirst again, just as I tell you not to go to any particular place to pray, since you can find me everywhere

10. I have warned you of everything that can cause discouragement in your life, so that you may not despair for a moment in your life's journey I have announced to you that the time will come when all religions will try to explore this teaching, and if they are interested in it, they will judge it by your deeds, words and testimonies.

11. You already know that you will be talked about and fought against, that they will bring up so many arguments against the faith you hold, that many will fearfully hide, others will be demoralized, and most will turn away from the good way in confusion.

12. Do not forget that I have already announced all this to you, but I may also remind you that those who stand firm in spite of all opposition and pray in silence without their faith and hope faltering will be like the seed of the parable that saved itself from the storm When the appointed time had come, it began to germinate, to grow and then to multiply until it covered the fields, because it knew how to wait until the winds died down to live and multiply.

13. Would you not be the little seed of this parable, so that tomorrow you may have the glory of being called by your father "children of faith", as I called Noah? Fear not, for the storm will not be directed only against you. Just as you saw the peoples and powers of the earth getting ready for battle, so too the various religious communities are getting ready to fight the battle.

14. It is necessary that heaven should be closed to all for a short time, and that it should only open again when a single cry rises from the earth, because it is recognized that there is only one Father of all beings.

15. I want you to understand already now what the task consists in, which you have to fulfill in the midst of this conflict - a task that not only includes the spiritual, but also concerns the material.

16. The righteousness of the Father has touched this nation with his scepter to give it authority against war, injustice, and falsehood. Its inhabitants have been anointed in their hearts and souls to keep war away from them. They have been prepared and purified so that they may be patient and not lose heart in the face of suffering as devastation spreads in the world and the lamentations of the inhabitants of the nations are heard. Prayers will then rise from this people, they will clarify the form of worship of their Father, the works of love they do on their way will multiply. For this will be the announced time in which all countries will be prepared to receive this seed of love.

17. Prepare yourselves in advance by your armament for battle, unfold your spiritual gifts, give glory to your weapons. Do not shrink from the trials, for they give your Spirit firmness and steadfastness.

18. Purify your heart, that you may go into this battle pure and prepared, and then you will have nothing to fear. The spiritual powers and the elements of nature will be on the side of all those who rise as soldiers of my cause of love, peace and justice.

19. In this epoch I seek the hearts of men to show them the right way.

20. You who still have traditions, remember My presence among you in the Second Time: you remember the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, remember that time with love and reflect with love on the meaning of some of those passages, and I tell you Today I am not entering the blessed city, but I am entering the heart of all my children of good will. If you wish to receive me as a guest, prepare yourselves, then I will be with you. I have always loved you in the same way, my Spirit is unchanging. You who love me and longingly want to follow me, see before you the ladder of heaven that leads to me. My way is known to all; your Spirit knows that, in order to reach me, he must obey all the commandments of the law.

21. I want you to be pure Spirit. I am ready to pour out into everyone who prepares.

22. The righteous spirits who live with me lament the incomprehension of the human heart when they contemplate my Third Age work. Some still doubt and set conditions to be obedient; but I continue my struggle out of love for you and call hearts in the desire for love and compassion like a simple pilgrim.

23. The way is that of sacrifice, but it leads to the top of the mountain. Come with me and let us walk together. Hear the word that speaks to you at this time. It is very simple, but it will touch the sensitive strings of the heart of those who have died for the life of grace, and it will bring them to new life.

24. In the second time twelve disciples were with me at the last supper. Now I invite all mankind to take the Bread of the Spirit to themselves. I also offer you the peace of my kingdom, for in me is the power to offer you these gifts. Whoever wants to follow me is welcome. But whoever is called by the world and wants to serve it, if he once seeks my way, he will have to make up for the time he has lost with great effort and great pain.

25. Serve me, and you will be clean with your conscience. I will give you what is necessary for your livelihood on top of it. As long as you are busy with the fulfillment of your spiritual task, my angels will watch over your goods.

26. I have seen how you prepare yourselves, and verily I say to you, I will give you my "body" to eat and my "blood" to drink.

27. The Spirit is ready to study the teachings I gave you in the Second Time and the explanation I am giving you now.

28. See here the table on which is the bread of life and the wine of grace The disciples surround me, and in their hearts they ask themselves: "Although the Father is with us, why is sorrow revealed in his words? But among those who ask this question there are others whose Spirit suspects that the Master is about to tell them something difficult. They are those who remember how the Lord dipped his bread in the wine to offer it to the one who would betray him.

29. When Jesus celebrated that Passover meal with His disciples, in accordance with the tradition of that people, He told them: "Something new I reveal to you now: take of this wine and eat of this bread, which represent my blood and my body, and do this in memory of me.

30. After the Master's passing away, the disciples remembered the sacrifice of their Lord by taking wine and eating bread, which were symbols of him who gave everything out of love for mankind.

31. In the course of the centuries the peoples divided into denominations gave different interpretations to my words.

32. Today I want to tell you what I felt in that hour, at that banquet, where every word and action of Jesus was the lesson of a book of deep wisdom and infinite love. When I used bread and wine for this, it was to make you understand that they are like love, which is the food and life of the soul, and when I told you: "Do this in remembrance of me," the Master meant to say that you should love your neighbor with a love similar to that of Jesus and give yourselves to men as true food.

33. Jesus did not only give you His Word. His teachings and works were not just parables or symbols. Just as he symbolized his body and blood to his disciples with bread and wine for their instruction, the next day he gave his body before the eyes of a crowd and shed all his blood to give all mankind the bread of eternal life, of perfect love, to eat.

34. Every rite you make with these teachings will be fruitless if you do not apply my teachings and examples in your lives. This is the difficult thing for you, but this is the merit.

35. Jesus taught you mercy, gentleness, love; he taught you to forgive your enemies from your heart. He told you to flee the lie and love the truth. He announced to you that you should always repay evil with good, just as you should always repay the good you receive with good. He taught you respect for each of your neighbors and revealed to you the way to find health for the body and soul and how to honor the name of your parents with your life so that you too may be honored by your children.

36. These are some of the commandments by which everyone who wants to be a Christian in truth must be guided.

37. That that teaching in the hearts might kindle the faith, that it might be loved by men, I did wonders in it, and that those wonders might be as impressive as possible, I did them on the bodies of the sick: I healed the blind, the deaf, the dumb, the paralyzed, the possessed, the lepers, and also raised the dead to life.

38. How many miracles of love did Christ do among men! Their names went down in history as teaching examples for future generations.

39. Today I give you my word again; the spiritual content is the same as that which I gave you in the Second Age. I speak to you with the same love. I show you once more the way by which one reaches the Father. I teach you with the greatest unselfishness.

40. Today I do not symbolize my body and my blood with bread and wine, nor do I come as man to shed my blood and give you my body on a cross. This is another time. Now I come in spirit, and it is your Spirit to whom I speak about his spiritual mission, because he is now able to understand the earlier teachings and also the new revelations. I am currently preparing my temple in your heart.

41. As man I had form, as God I do not have it. Behold, there is no more physicality in me than my truth, nor is there any wine other than my love.

42. My Spirit, which is omnipresent, is felt when you are prepared. Seek me, and I will lift the veil from many mysteries before your spiritual gaze. I will turn your heart for good, I will show you the way, which you are to follow.

43. How can you continue thinking of blood and body when it is the HolySpirit who comes down to you, since I come only to enlighten your spirit with my words, to nourish you and to shake your material nature?

44. The voice of your Spirit called me at this time; your inner exaltation, your thirst for light made me come nearer to you

45. Soon the disciples of spiritualism will spread this teaching among men as the teaching that will inspire men to fight for the ascension of their Spirit.

46. Form no more sects; only the mind shall unite you. Your conscience will indicate to you when you depart from the (right) way.

47. I have given you one law from the beginning of time. It marks out for you a path full of clarity, which is that of the development of your soul.

48. In this time I will likewise be betrayed, sold, and delivered. You do not yet know the way, but open your eyes and work on yourselves so that you are not the authors of such works.

49. What will become of him who heard my call, whom I called a disciple, and whom the world and his conscience thereafter call a traitor?

50. Watch and forgive one another, for my forgiveness covers the whole universe.

51. On this day your heart has been throbbing with power because I have been in it.

52. Men, you who hear my word Turn your thoughts away from earthly plans and lift yourselves up so that your Spirit may be refreshed and rejoice in my presence. Keep the necessary preparation, for the moment is solemn. The Father speaks to his children, and if the Father does it with so much love - why should the children not listen to him with all the reverence of which they are capable?

53. Ye voice-bearers, transmit my teaching more by your Spirit than by your lips.

54. Ye "gold feathers": Write down my word more through your love than through your feathers.

55. I want this message to wake men from their sleep. I want that when men hear my teachings from your lips or read them in your writings, they will be moved and tremble.

56. My people shall arise, and shall spread the glad tidings, and make known my message of this time. You shall not only give proofs of my truth with your words, but with all your works, directing your lives to the observance of this teaching. You will insist that the re-embodiment of the Spirit (with the soul)* is one of the great truths that mankind should know and believe. Some suspect it, accept it and believe in it out of intuition, as something that could not be lacking in my loving justice towards men. But there will also be many who will call you blasphemers and liars. Do not worry, the same happened to my apostles when they preached the resurrection from the dead as Jesus taught them. The priests and the judges threw them into prison for preaching such teachings. Later on the world accepted that revelation, although I can assure you that it could not grasp the full meaning of this teaching, so it is necessary that I come at this time and teach you that the "resurrection of the flesh" can only refer to the re-embodiment of the Spirit, since the Spirit is the essence and reason for life - that which is in truth eternal.

* Additions in brackets in the text were also inserted by the translators.

57. For what purpose should the dead bodies be resurrected, since they were but the perishable garments of the soul?

58. The flesh sinks into the earth and mixes with it. There it is purified, transforms, and continually rises anew to life, while the Spirit continues to ascend, continues to reach perfection. When he returns to earth, it is for him a resurrection to human life, and also for his new body shell it is a resurrection in connection with the soul. But the material is not of imperishable nature, but the spiritual is well, therefore I tell you once again that it is your Spirit, whom I seek, whom I teach and whom I want to have with me.

59. At that time I told Nicodemus, who had sought me out in good disposition to speak to me: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Marvel not when I tell you that one must be born again. Who understood those words? I wanted to tell you with them that one human life is not enough to comprehend a single one of my teachings, and you need many earth lives to understand the textbook that this life contains. Therefore, the flesh has only the task of supporting the soul as it walks over the earth.

60. The soul receives from the body the impressions it receives in life. The more its sensitivity and maturity increases, the greater is the harvest for the soul. The body is only the tool, the transmitter, the support and the touchstone.

61. Life in this world is a constant teaching and a reflection of the eternal life of the soul. I speak of its harmony, its beauty, its perfection.

62. This is another of my teachings, people; but that you may better understand it, deepen yourself more with your Spirit than with your understanding of it.

63. You have prepared your heart to await my coming. In him I am your guest.

64. The veil of mystery and silence is torn; already from here you see the rays of light of the kingdom and hear the voice of your Father Your soul has washed in the cleansing waters of pain. Which of you has not shed tears? Who has not known bitterness?

65. You long ardently for peace, and in your prayer you tell me: "Lord, may the wars in the world come to an end and the peace of Your kingdom come to us!

66. You begin to feel the task I have given your Spirit from the beginning. You are that people whom I have chosen to speak to him and entrust him with the task of bringing peace and the light of truth to the peoples of the earth. You too are a part of that ungrateful people who would not acknowledge me in the likeness of Christ. Other people recognized me better than those who claimed that they would expect me.

67. You have shed many tears because of your materialization and ingratitude, so now you watch for peace and pray that people may love one another. In silence you ask yourselves how it was possible that you did not discover your Lord in Jesus; how it was possible that you carried him to sacrificial death and had the strength and courage to see him die; how it was possible that you did not weep for him when even the sun hid your face to make people understand their blindness. Marvel not that you were capable of those aberrations; here I am in another manifestation, and it is very possible that some will deny me again.

68. There is no peace on earth, not even in those days you dedicate to the memory of your Lord's Passion, and I ask you how have you used the reincarnations I have granted you? What have you done with the life of your neighbor? You have only let time pass and used your life and your ideals in the wrong way. You wanted to be masters, and in reality you were slaves of the world and of sin. You dream of immortality, but you do not live for eternity, but for death. I, who am the resurrection and the life, have raised you up again and again so that you live the true life.

69. Verily I tell you, I will subject this fratricidal and selfish world to judgment and purify it until I see love and light rising from it Also to those who today lead their peoples to ruin, who are currently sowing and spreading all vices, who have created their kingdom of injustice, I will give the commission to fight temptations, to remove corruption and to uproot the tree of evil by the root in order to make amends. Under this judgment you will also fall, people, because you misjudged Moses, sacrificed Jesus, persecuted Elijah and killed the prophets, as well as apostles and disciples.

70. I offer peace to the world, but the pride of the great nations, with their false power and false splendor, rejects every call of conscience, and lets itself be torn away only by its ambitions and hatred.

71. Man does not yet bow down to the side of goodness, justice and reason; still men rise up and condemn the cause of their neighbors; still they believe that they can bring about justice Do you not think they should rather call themselves murderers and hangmen than judges?

72. The men of power have forgotten that there is one owner of all life, but they take the lives of their neighbors as if they owned them. The crowds cry out for bread, justice, shelter, clothing. It is justice that I will create, not men nor their teaching.

73. Man has always wanted to see me as a judge; never has he understood how to build me a throne as his king or an altar as his God; he has only been able to create a tribunal. So I say to you that from that divine court I now judge every one of your works.

74. In their pride men themselves have sought to subjugate nature and its elements, not realizing that these become judges to chastise man's pride and presumption

75. What the prophets proclaimed will be fulfilled in this time. My new word will reach philosophers and theologians, many will scoff at it, and others will be outraged. But while this happens, their amazed eyes will see the fulfillment of the prophecies I have now announced to you.

76. I have only taught you to love good, and if I have come for it, it is because I know that you have worshipped in the world evil, whose power has arisen from your imperfections; I have not taught you to love the good, but to love the good, and if I have come for it, it is because I know that you have worshipped in the world evil, whose power has arisen from your imperfections

77. I desire to speak to you in another way - not to correct errors, not to rebuke mistakes, but to give you teaching words of high wisdom and deep revelation. But this will only happen when you are outside this body that binds you, and outside this world that holds you captive. People, you hear my voice, do not settle down in this desert, remember that in that First Age you set an example of faith, perseverance and strength to the world for all ages as you crossed that desert which was full of trials, obstacles and enemies until you reached the high goal you were pursuing: the land of promise.

78. Take this example for an example to yourselves, take an example to yourselves, for you are a part of that people. Without ceasing I encouraged the faith of my children, and in the end I rewarded their faithfulness. Verily I say to you, a new manna I have in store for your Spirit, and again in the hour of trial water will spring up from the rock of the desert.

79. With songs and praises for Jehovah, the crowd eased their difficult journey. In this day and age, prayer and good works will prevent you from feeling the hardships of the way. You are already crossing the last desert. Have courage and faith and reach the top of the mountain with your works of love.

80. Beyond this world there is a homeland*, where you will all enter in Spirit. Who does not have a beloved being there? Who does not want to see it again, someone whom he remembers as a father, a mother, a brother, a child, a husband or wife, or a friend?

* See footnote under 145, 29

81. Your memories, thoughts, and prayers of today are calls which those beings hear in their homes. Tomorrow spiritualization will unite you and cause you all to inhabit one world and obey the commandment that tells you to "Love one another.

My peace be with you.


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