BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 147
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174
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Book of True Life - Volume 6
Teaching 147:
1. I receive my people, you who come in desire of the goodness of my word, to relieve the sorrows of life. I give you the tenderness that is in my divine heart and bless you.
2. Now is the time in which I give my Word of Truth in this form on this planet - a valley of pain in which you, O humanity, are suffering.
3. Above your heavy dream and tribulation that you are going through, my law appears once more, which will awaken you, illuminate the earth, according to my promise given in the Second Time.
4. It is written that my light shall shine upon the world, all souls shall be converted, children and old men shall prophesy, and women and men shall have spiritual visions, when men shall have reached a great degree of corruption
5. Recognize that you are already in those times when the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah has spread, when the parents misjudge the children and they rise up against the parents. Just then my light will enlighten you like a sublime beacon of hope as the shining sun of the future.
6. I promised you that my ray would descend and my divine thoughts would become words to comfort and strengthen you in your tribulations and desolation when three of you come together in the name of the Father. For I am the divine "Word" who loved and loves mankind, before and after the death on the cross.
7. The world is shaken because its thinking is sick and men in their confusion do not know whether I am the Master or not. Again and again men have lost the balance between justice and truth; they have turned to extremes. In past times you worshipped God in all kinds of material forms that were before your eyes: in the stars, in the elements, and in idols made with your hands. Today man feels great, elevates his personality and is ashamed to say "God. He gives him other names so as not to compromise his conceit, so as not to fall from the pedestal of his social position. Therefore they call me: Cosmic Intelligence, architect of the universe. But I have taught you to say to me: "Our Father," "my Father," as I taught you in the Second Age. Why do men believe to degrade or diminish their personality when they call me "Father"?
8. The Master asks you, O beloved disciples, what is yours in this world? - All that you possess, the Father has given you that you may use it in your walk on earth as long as your heart beats. Since your Spirit comes from my divinity, since it is a breath of the Heavenly Father, since it is the incarnation of an atom of my Spirit, since your body too was formed according to my laws and I entrusted it to you as an instrument of your Spirit, nothing belongs to you, beloved children. All created things belong to the Father, and he has made you temporarily owners of them. Remember that your material life is but a step in eternity, it is a ray of light in infinity, and therefore you must be careful of that which is eternal, that which never dies, and that is the Spirit.
9. Consider that all the beauties of this world are destined to disappear to make way for others at some point. But your Spirit will continue to live eternally and see the Father in all his glory - the Father from whose bosom you are born. All created things must return to the place from which they came.
10. The love of God is infinite, and the more you desire to diminish it, the greater it will rise before you, and the more forcefully it will be revealed in your ways. You have sought to humanize it by seeking it in various forms, and you have worshiped it in the confinement of a man-made sanctuary of stone. But I say to you: Do not seek for such a little God. Seek him in the greatness of his HolySpirit - sublime, divine, majestic, as owner of all that was, that is, and that will be.
11. If you still wonder in your thoughts whether it is possible that the light of Jesus of Nazareth is illuminating this sinful world at this time through His Word, this voice asks you When shall the doctor come, if not when the patient is dangerously ill? Today the world is rolling around in its deep pain, in the souls is agony and death rattle. Therefore, it is the right time chosen by the Father to enlighten and uplift the souls in fulfillment of the prophecies through this message of peace and love.
12. Man has forgotten his Creator and wanted to live only for matter. Today the Master comes and tells you: "Learn to make use of the abilities of your Spirit, that the Lord of the world and of the atoms, of the glories of infinity and of that which is no longer perceptible at all, may also be the Lord of your thoughts, that he may shine and shine forth in your home of light, and that that light may envelop and illuminate you like all stars.
13. No longer ask yourselves why I am with you. Let my divine Spirit quake with love for all creatures. Approach this spiritual banquet that I am currently giving you, the table where the tenderness of my words invites you to ascend with firm steps on the way to the true Light. Hurry, my children, for I will hand over this legacy to you in just a few moments.
14. I hear the lamentation of the dying and that of the mother in moments of sorrow and fear. My Spirit, who is in every place, inside and outside human being, answers them: Fear not, I hear your supplication, here am I!
15. Beloved disciples of the Third Age, I invite you to shine with Me, to be the light of the world and my collaborators in this divine task, to till the seed-field with spiritualization, with mercy, with compassion, with love, as I have taught you. Water this seed with tears of compassion, which you shed when you feel the pain of your neighbor, also with tears of repentance. They delight my divinity and possess the sublime power of deep repentance and faith. I do not demand that you do it with the blood of your veins, for this has no value to me.
16. Man in his blindness seeks me in error, and if he does not humanize my divinity, he deifies his humanity. Therefore my voice says to him, 'It is time that you heard me and felt me in the depths of your heart. Remember that my love is always present in your tribulations and your joys. But when your heart wants to tell me: "I have felt you", you silence it. When your Spirit wants to rise up to me, you hold it back with the heavy chains of your earth-attachment.
17. Do not despair in the trials. Carry your cross with submission, as I have taught you to carry it. Have faith and remember that nothing of mine goes unnoticed, and that everything that exists is numbered, even the last grain of sand of the sea and even the most distant star. My words in the Sermon on the Mount were also counted, the hammer blows that pierced my hands and feet when I was nailed to the torture wood; the thorns of the crown that mankind pressed on my divine temples, and my last words on the cross.
18. Never feel left alone and do not take your life, for your days are likewise numbered by the Father.
19. Forget for a moment your sufferings and be merciful, compassionate, and loving so that you may express the Father's power and love through yourselves.
20. If you have felt too small for God to deal with you, I tell you You think so because of your selfishness, which does not let you comprehend the greatness of your Father. Remember all that your earthly parents do to guide your steps while you are small, and how they watch over you to keep you safe. But the love of all fathers and all mothers of the earth together is only a faint reflection of the love of God for you. Understand how much your Heavenly Father had to love you to come into this world and suffer, to teach you the true way and to give you eternal life. You are the most precious being, the sublime work of His creation. Although you are atoms, you are great in his eyes. In you his kingdom is embodied and the universe is symbolized. You can discover in you a heaven and a shining sun, but you have not been able to recognize yourselves, which is why I say to you today: Seize my word, let me light up your inner heaven and live in you. Let my works blossom and bear fruit in your hearts that your Father may be glorified and he may accomplish his divine plan to save all souls.
21. Mankind, in its materialism, tells me: "Is it then certain that the kingdom of the Spirit exists? But I answer you: O unbelievers, you are the Thomas of the Third Age. Mercy, compassion, tenderness, goodness, generosity are not qualities of matter, any more than are the gifts of grace which you carry hidden within you. All those feelings that are imprinted on your heart and mind, all those abilities belong to the Spirit, and you must not deny him. The "flesh" is only a limited instrument, but the Spirit is not: he is great, because he is an atom of God.
22. Seek the seat of the Spirit in the core of your being and the great wisdom in the glory of love.
23. Learn from me, that ye may become good sowers in the fields of love. Just in the time when men do not love one another and are not aware of the hour in which they live, I have come to you in fulfillment of my promise.
24. I am teaching you anew and awakening your slumbering feelings and abilities so that you may put all the good that is in you at the service of my divine law.
25. The end of my rallies is already drawing near, and you shall until that time attain real spiritualization and knowledge of my teaching.
26. The rallies which you are presently experiencing you will not experience again. They have only been the preparation for my direct spiritual communion with you.
27. Whenever your Spirit lifts up to me, you will truly feel my presence.
28. It is already time for my work to be known more. But your fearfulness has not allowed this to happen. You are often afraid to speak. But after 1950 my work will be known and understood worldwide.
29. In my work as a teacher during this time, I have been supported by the spiritual world, which has left an example of brotherhood, upliftment and fulfillment among this people. Now you must do the same.
30. My word has fought against your religious fanaticism. Lovingly I then convinced you that your Spirit, in the development it has attained, can renounce all outward worship and ritual form.
31. I wanted to leave you united as brothers and sisters, because the time of struggle is drawing near and I want you to gain firmness of spirit and moral strength.
32. Consider that on your way you encounter images of misery, of pain. You meet the living dead and those possessed by darkness. You will see those who have petrified hearts and who have fallen as victims of their passions.
33. I tell you already now: Fear not to go to them. If your body suffers from sicknesses that are repulsive or contagious to you, fear not contagion nor the sicknesses of the soul. Do not forget and do not doubt that you are protected by my grace, so that this too may be another testimony for the unbelievers. Seek out the sick and needy and lead them by your elevation, your counsel and prayers to the physician of the physicians. So when you do, you will use the gifts I have entrusted to you.
34. You still have to struggle much with yourselves to achieve the unfolding and development of your soul. You must increase your will to serve me in your neighbor.
35. Unite the results of your studies and your interpretation of my word, so that your worship of God and your works may be equal among all.
36. When men approach you and ask you what your imaginary world is based on, you shall show them this side of divine love through your works, words, and writings.
37. This task is entrusted to the disciples of the HolySpirit. Work, and you will see your efforts crowned.
38. I see in your Spirit the desire to know the hereafter. You are no longer content to live and deal only with what belongs to this world. The pain, the tears, the trials have disappointed you, detached you from the material and set you on the path of spiritual upward development.
39. On the wings of prayer, swing yourselves into the regions of the Spirit, so that there you may be sated with peace and light
40. Give my teachings their true meaning, not forgetting that the men whom I use to speak to you are but instruments of my will.
41. You are before the altar of wisdom, to whose guardians and responsible I appoint you Watch that it is not profaned, but beware of getting into bigotry, for I have seen many who are like white tombs, which show their pure white on the outside and have only mold inside.
42. Ye that work in my field shall carry my word like a seed with you, and sow it and tend it, as I have taught you. You are to be the followers of my disciples of the Second Age and preach my gospel in the different nations.
43. How much you will have to struggle to soften the hard human heart, and how much you will have to endure trials to find faith! Only faith and persistence in my teaching will lead you to victory. If you become weak, you will miss this opportunity to save yourselves, and you will carry in your Spirit the pain of succumbing to the influence of the unbelievers.
44. You have obediently followed the call which I have sent out to you to come to me and arrive here sick, stripped and hungry. You have sought me out without knowing which is the best way to show yourselves before your Father. But I tell you: Come as disciples, my children, and stay with me.
45. Even before you make your request, I know what you want to ask me for, what you lack; but I grant you only that which is for your good, for you yourselves do not know what is good for you. If you trust me and agree with my will, I will give you what you lack, and your heart will tell you that what you have received is what you need, and then you will grant me the right to rule your fate.
46. I do not demand payment from you for my benefactions. I love you and only fulfill my duty as a father. If, on the other hand, the world grants you a favor, it does not do so to ease your pain, but for admiration, to draw praise upon itself, and this humiliating charity is not meritorious. I have taught you the inconspicuous works of love, the compassionate works, which honour him who does them and him who receives them - those works which concern only the two hearts, and which seek to soothe and comfort, and have my divinity as their only witness.
47. All you who follow me shall seek your hope of salvation and of reward for your toil in the life to come. Then you will be patient in the trials with confidence, agree to your reparation, and more than that, you will be happy because you will be able to pay old debts, make amends for mistakes, and free yourselves from grave offenses.
48. In this moment you feel lifted up because you are replete with my words. You have no secrets from me, inviting me to enter into your heart so that I may know all that is within; and I leave in it, as in a languishing flower, my Word of Love, which is invigorating dew. As you have prepared yourselves today, so shall you always do. Keep my teachings in your memory and investigate them, and then act upon them.
49. Do not believe that you humble yourselves when you serve others, and that your personality becomes weaker. I have already told you that it is better for you to give than to receive, and if you pass on a part of your (spiritual) heritage, you will accumulate works of true value for your soul. What I have given you does not belong only to you. I have made you trustees of a great wealth of spiritual gifts to be given to your fellow men.
50. This voice which you are hearing now is the same as that which the first inhabitants of the earth heard, the same as that which the people of Israel heard in their beginnings, and which Moses made tremble. Do you not recognize it by its nature?
51. When you are ready to dialogue with me from Spirit to Spirit, those words of the prophets will come true which said, "Men and women will enter into a spiritual life unknown until that time, their eyes will look beyond the earthly, and all things will be changed. You belong to the called who experience the beginning of a new age, which leads mankind to recognize the true goal for which it was created. In that time I will be loved and recognized by my children, and they will love one another. This is the goal which I have shown man and to which he will reach. I announce it to you already now.
52. Come in the present time period to the Master of Masters, rest under the foliage of the tree of life from your earthly toil Feed yourselves on the bread of eternal life and quench your thirst with the crystal clear water which I pour out in torrents upon your Spirit.
53. I receive you to give you my warmth as Father, my teaching as Master and the healing balm as physician of all physicians. You will find everything in me and you will have no reason to complain because I do not abandon you. Like a thief I approach your heart on tiptoe and quietly refresh myself in it when I find you prepared. When you meditate on my work, I teach your Spirit to commune with my divinity in your prayer. Then I reveal the truth to you and give you everything you need on your way.
54. Difficult times will come for you and also for mankind, times of great disaster, and if you are not prepared then you will become weak in your faith and trust in what I am telling you now. In the future you will see my prophecies fulfilled. Remember that I do not deceive you. I strengthen you in your good intentions and say to you: Go this way. But if a bad thought comes to you, I tell you: Stay away from this way. Do this and omit that. I show you the best way and say to you: Eat of this fruit and deny yourself the other, because this one is good and the other one poisons you.
55. Why then does not your faith in my divinity burn more strongly? Why do you not let yourselves be guided by my words? Do you find wickedness in him and a bad direction for you? - No, you tell me in your hearts. In truth, it is your Spirit who speaks to me, who confesses me, who girdle himself with my strength and saturates himself with my wisdom, for he knows well who he is, who teaches him and commands him.
56. I turn to your Spirit, it is he whom I have called, because my voice is heard spiritually in the whole universe and calls every spirit. For now is the time when you all must remember the spiritual teachings which have been forgotten in the heart of man.
57. It has been my will to pour out the light of the HolySpirit in streams so that the world may recognize with full clarity the way that leads to spiritualization, to further ascent and progress for this humanity - a way that I show to all, without making any distinctions, a way on which there are no worldly pleasures, nor materialism, a way without base passions, without material conflicts, and which leads only to a divine goal, a spiritual goal.
58. But who are those who will walk in this way? It will be he who wants to free himself from materialism, he who wants to go the way of spiritual duty, he who wants to be my servant, my comrade. For I have lands, and to these will come all who want to serve men, because, when they serve men, they serve me.
59. Understand my inspiration and my divine desire so that you may prepare yourselves step by step and be able to receive what I have to give to each of you in this third time. For I am currently giving great commissions, bequeathing to the spirits their inheritance and working on their bodies so that Spirit and matter may rise together in fulfillment of their mission.
60. I make you a stronghold of strength among the nations of the world. Through you I will send messages to the troubled, I will stop the unleashed forces of nature. Through one of my servants, who has in his Spirit the triangular symbol of my divinity and who faithfully soars in his prayer, I will stop the chaos that surrounds mankind.
61. I will continue to prepare you and give you the Light so that you may learn to understand my teaching and thus gradually reach the height of spiritual knowledge. I will entrust to you the essence of my word, my wisdom, that tomorrow you may become the great interpreters of my word.
62. I will remove your errors, your ignorance, your spiritual retardation. I give you a new opportunity to come closer to me through knowledge, through the light of conviction, and so you will then be able to defend yourselves and my work. My law, which I have given you in three periods of time, you are now no longer to hide. This law is to be given to men in all its sincerity, truth and wisdom, because everyone who fulfills the law will renew himself in a short time. The (new) people of Israel will be equipped by it and will be the people who teach everyone who is on their way to purify themselves.
63. Beloved people, I have always revealed myself in my power, in my light and in my wisdom, and if men have not seen me as I am, it is because they have not thought about my greatness, nor have they seen it. They only got into confusion about it, their mind was clouded, and they find no solution to their contradictory ideas. But the time will come when all will feel and see me - in the divine, in the pure, in the invisible, in the spiritual.
64. Acquire merits through works that will lift you up and make you worthy before me, for according to your armament you will draw nearer to the Father.
65. Therefore I say that you should prepare yourselves, for you must come to the Father, and I do not want you to appear with the shame of your sin.
66. I hand over to you the weapon of love. With this weapon you will be able to overcome all obstacles, you will be able to remove every error, hatred and evil-will. With love you will be able to accomplish great works. Seize this weapon because it is it with which I guide men; it is the weapon with which I fight in this third time, and with it you are to do admirable works among your fellow men according to my will.
67. People, listen to me and follow me, eliminate with the power I have given you, everything that opposes your step, then you will be the victor at the end of your journey, be the fighter who triumphs in battle. For even if you are not yet in the great battle now, you will certainly be tomorrow, and then, in the understanding of the mission entrusted to you and in full knowledge of your responsibility, you are to set out and shake everyone awake, you are to pass on the good news of my teaching, which gives courage to the hearts of men so that they may rise up and follow you on your way.
68. I am teaching you at this time how to fight and how to achieve victory, so that you may be an example to your fellow men.
69. You are under the protective leaf canopy of the tree and eat of the most delicious food that no man could offer you. But the Master can give it to you, for I have set the table and prepared the fruits, and Elijah has gathered you together so that you may be satisfied, to refresh and nourish your spirit and to strengthen your body.
70. I have come again as the great warrior, fighting for the salvation of my people. I have appeared in the deepest darkness to scatter them by the light of my HolySpirit, that my people may see me in all my glory, in all my power.
71. I have already spoken to you in the second time in the parable and in the allegory, and now it has been my will to make the meaning of my word more tangible earthly, so that you may all understand me. For I have told you that in this time every sinful and not sinful eye will see me. Now great crowds will hear my word, rejoice in my wonders, and their minds will fully comprehend my teachings. I enlighten the minds of the uneducated so that they may fathom my word. Therefore I cleanse you from everything that could confuse you, so that you, with your free mind trained by my light, can make the essence of my word your own and make it known everywhere, as it is my will.
72. The scientists, with their teaching buildings, have created many ways, according to their free will, to lead their Spirit to me. But I tell you, I have allowed men all this so that - after they have sought me in their materialism - they may pause and reflect on the spiritual; for they have forgotten that they have a Spirit that is part of my spirit.
73. I fight against the confusion and error to which mankind has succumbed by trusting only in matter and living for it. That is why I appeared in all humility in this Third Age to live together with you - now no longer physically, but spiritually, so that you may become like me and awaken your Spirit more and more, and in it the gifts that it possesses may unfold, and they reveal themselves through the body. For I want to have a strong people in whom I put all my trust, in whom I entrust the great missions, the great commissions - a people that does not weaken at the first test, nor shrink from the intruder; that regards the enemy as a brother inexperienced and ignorant in the work of the Lord, so that it approaches him without fear and teaches him with unreserved love and helpfulness, admonishes him, guides him, and speaks to his Spirit, to his heart.
74. My struggle is great, because I want to see a people who feel responsible for their actions, an active people, in whom the good works, the love, the humility, the recognition of my divinity, the understanding of the Trinitarian-Marian Spiritual Work are reflected. A people that only takes up the weapons of love, mercy and light. This is how I want to see my people, this is how I want to leave them equipped for the time after the termination of my rallies by the human mind in 1950 - a date determined by my divinity; and since my word cannot be taken back, I will at that time terminate my rallies by the human mind.
75. You shall not disobey this destiny, neither shall you try to keep my ray among you and my spiritual world with you. For woe betide yourselves if you should do this! For then it will not be my Spirit, it will not be my ray that illuminates you. After 1950 I will communicate myself to everyone who knows how to prepare himself spiritually, to everyone who spiritualizes himself, so that he can hold dialog with me from Spirit to Spirit. For then my inspiration will be received by all, not only by those whom I have called footstools-no, my inspiration will be transmitted in its truth and in its essence by all, because this is my will.
My peace be with you!
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