BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 146

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 146:

1. Disciples, I have stroked your forehead and driven away your deep sorrows, and you have lifted up your eyes to me and said to me, "Have you been here, Lord?

2. You must focus your attention on my Word, because when I am truly heard, I open my treasury and pour out my wisdom on my disciples You ask me: "To what do you attribute your so great patience and your so great divine love? And I answer you: Many of you are parents on earth, and you all have been children. Which father has wished pain to his child, even if he has received from him the most severe insult, the cruelest ingratitude? In that father's heart a deep wound has arisen, pain has penetrated him, and sometimes even anger has clouded his mind, but a word of repentance from that child, or an act of humility, was enough to press it back to his heart. If you do this as men - why are you then surprised that I love and forgive you with perfection?

3. I created you to love you and to feel loved. You need me as I need you. Whoever says that I do not need you does not speak the truth. If it were so, I would not have created you, nor would I have become man to save you through that sacrifice which was a great proof of love; I would have let you perish. But you must recognize: if you feed on my love, it is just that you offer the same to your Father, because I tell you again and again: "I thirst, I thirst for your love.

4. How could you not miss me and how could I not feel your absence when you are part of my Spirit? Do you see why I ask you to fathom my word and even the way in which I came? - That you may not be surprised at the fact that I manifest myself through sinful bodies. For my love, your sin could not be an obstacle. I have come to purify you to bring you closer to me. Some have understood this and others have not. Therefore, among the multitudes of men and women who heard me at this time, there are those who proclaimed loudly that I have come back to men, and also those who said that this is impossible.

5. My presence has never withdrawn from you. It is my word that I pour out on you in fulfillment of my promise. It is my love and my light that radiates from this word. At present I am teaching you, but when the year 1950 comes, which is foreseen by my will as the last of these rallies, I will end this form of rallies without my Spirit separating from you.

6 Only some hearts will be prepared for this time.

7. Have I, in the Second Time, waited for the world to convert and only then to part? I parted under mockery, derision, cruelty and doubt. I knew that my death was necessary for the world to rise to life. In this time I will part anew in the moments of your confusion, dismay and doubts. But my word, bequeathed to mankind as a testament of love, will shake the world once again.

8.Tthe war of ideas, creeds, religions, teachings, philosophies, theories and sciences will come, and my name and teaching will be on all lips My return will be discussed and judged, and then the great believers will rise and proclaim that Christ has been among men once more. At that time I will encourage those hearts from infinity and perform miracles in their ways to strengthen their faith.

9. Humanity today commemorates the day when some wise men from the Orient came to the manger of Bethlehem to worship the divine Child. Today some hearts ask me: "Lord, is it true that those mighty and wise men bowed down before You and acknowledged Your divinity?

10. Yes, my children, it was science, power, and riches that came and knelt before my presence.

11. There were also there the shepherds, their wives and their children, with their humble, healthy and simple gifts, with which they received and greeted the Savior of the world and Mary as a symbol of heavenly tenderness They represented humility, innocence and simplicity. But those who possessed in their parchment scrolls the prophecies and promises that spoke of the Messiah slept deeply without even suspecting who had been born.

12. You sometimes doubt what the history written by my apostles tells you, because my life was surrounded by many false legends. Now I tell you that what they wrote down was truth, and that it was also absolutely necessary for your salvation. All this I confirm now, but what the imagination of men has created will be destroyed forever by the truth of my word in this time. The simple people have come to my word and bring in their hearts their gift of humility and modesty. Later, your scientific world, the rich and the powerful will bow before my invisible presence.

13. Although I have found you more materialized than in past times, the development of mankind achieved by the Spirit will enable them to understand my new spiritual manifestation. No matter how far away man believes himself from my divinity - behold, he is only one step away from it. Some claim that I do not exist. But do not be impressed by this. These people speak in this way because they have unreal ideas about me. When they were disappointed by their science in this regard, and I was not where they thought I was, they denied me. But how great is their desire to know whether I really exist.

14. Man has not yet discovered himself; he must first recognize himself spiritually in order to receive the solution to many confusing riddles and the answer to many questions. Now is the time when he can and should find, discover and recognize himself. When this happens - with what clarity he will then feel my presence!

15. I have allowed you for a short time to get in touch with the beings of the hereafter, which I did not approve of in the Second Time, because you were not prepared for it then, neither they nor you. This door has been opened by me in this time, and with it I make true the announcements of my prophets and some of my promises. In 1866 this invisible door opened for you and also the organ of understanding of the chosen ones to announce the message, which the Spirits of Light would bring to men. Before that year, spirit beings manifested themselves in the nations and peoples of the earth, which were the foretaste of my coming.

16. You have made great efforts in science and have been deeply asleep in spiritual matters. But I have come to teach you a divine science, which has love as its root, and from which mercy, wisdom and brotherhood proceed. Your science has brought the peoples closer together, has overcome time and distances, is fruit of the mind. So what is strange about the fact that the worlds come closer to each other through the Spirit and eternity is gained through him? Let every one who has the desire to travel this way clothe his heart with reverence, watch, pray, and be obedient to the call of his conscience.

17. I have told you that your intercourse with the spiritual world in this material and tangible form will be short, for in 1950 this lesson and experience will come to an end. But if you make proper use of it, it will leave you countless fruits, including those to prepare you for Spirit-to-Spirit dialogue, for direct communication without the need for the enabling that I temporarily allowed your mind. Only love shall then still attract you to one another.

18. I am teaching you in this form so that you do not fall prey to confused sciences, new fanaticism or superstition. Therefore, in the Second Age you were not allowed to know such teachings given in this form because you would not have understood their spiritual content. Christ promised it to you and Elijah fulfilled it in this time. Spirit beings will continue to manifest themselves materially in the world after 1950. This will serve to make many doubters believe and many spirit beings awaken. But this people here should be obedient and allow this kind of rallies to end with him at the indicated time. Later on, these disciples will go out to the nations and with a firm hand will pull out all the tares that have shot up among the people, leaving only the light of experience as fertile wheat. After the desecration that is done with the holy, those who teach reverence for what is pure will come. And then, when spiritualization reigns in the hearts of men, they will feel that their minds are elevated to other worlds, and they will feel them enter into their hearts. Then men will have reached a spiritual elevation that will enable them to feel in their hearts the presence of the kingdom of heaven.

19. The bonds of love with which you have been united on earth will become even closer with those who join you spiritually in eternity. Thus will be formed the universal family, in which there will be no more differences.

20. You have also had among you manifestations of confused beings living in darkness. They have come through the doors of that gift which I have entrusted to you. But who could consider these manifestations to be evil or therefore judge these my teachings to be unfair? Do you not think that this gift serves to do good not only among men, but also among those whose souls are darkened?

21. Whoever judges these teachings to be false has studied the works of Jesus badly in the Second Age. The spiritual life is similar to the material life, and the material life also has its crossroads, visitations and temptations, like this life you live. Whenever a door opens to do good, the needy hurry there, as it happened with Jesus in the Second Age and as it happens with those who received that gift in that time. It is there that I want to see your mercy.

22. I bless you, because when possessed came to you, you did not call them possessed by the devil, but you saw in the possessed a fellow man atoning, and in those who rule him, brothers and sisters in need, who confuse him.

23. In the future it will no longer be necessary for those beings to use your brain to comprehend reality. It will be enough for them to receive your thoughts in their Spirit to see the light.

24. This is already the last period of time in which I will be with you in this form. Believe it, and believe also that I will not come back into this world to make my word materially audible, and still less to become man.

25. Arm yourselves, because rumors will come to you from men who claim that I have come back, that Christ has come to earth. Then you are to remain faithful and say with firmness, "The Lord is in the Spirit with all his children. But if you sleep and do not spiritualize, you will deny that I withdrew my word (spoken by human voices); and, having become blasphemers and disobedient, you will invoke My ray on the multitudes and say to them, "Let us ask him who gave us his word to continue speaking to us. Let us offer him songs and hymns that he may hear us. But verily, I say to you: My ray will not return to the human organ of understanding, for I will not support your folly. What consequences would that have? - That the words of apparent light would throw you into confusion! Does your heart not want that? Then prepare yourselves for that trial, and above your obedience and humility the light of my inspiration will shine.

26. I announce to you that very soon confusion will reign unless before 1950 these churches are united into one community, for there will be those who say that the Master continues to manifest, and then woe betide this people! Have you not yet considered this threat? That Spirit of brotherhood and unity has not yet awakened in you, and you expect that it is these events which unite you. But if you expect this, you will instead see epidemics, disorder, wars and the judgment of the forces of nature breaking out until there is no place of peace in the world - neither on the surface of the earth, nor in its interior, neither on the sea, nor in the air.

27. People, I began my word on this day full of kindness, but then it became severe because it is necessary to warn you of dangers and to correct your errors in time. But I will end my teaching word with kind words.

28. Disciples, do not forget that on the day when men commemorate the birth of Christ, I have opened your eyes even wider, so that you may come to me by the way of spiritual duty, humility and obedience.

29. Today you have not offered me milk, honey, and bread as a gift of love and delight, as the shepherds of that time did. Nor will the kings and scholars of that time bring me incense, gold, or myrrh. All of them will stretch out their souls to me, so that I may place a gift of love in them.

30. In this moment I come down to you by means of a human organ of mind in my word to welcome you and tell you that I have given you my forgiveness forever.

31. I await in you the new seed. Hear me so that you may become the seed of light.

32.Many of you want to die because you are weary and on earth without ideals. Although the death of the body is the rebirth for the soul, that body which you possess serves you to purify you. Pray and watch, and you will not weaken. I am within you. When you say that the blood of Christ fell upon mankind - do you mean that it is only a symbol or a symbol? What would you think if I told you that both my blood and my body marked out for you the way to fulfill the mission entrusted to each one of you? And when my Spirit overflows into each one of you - why do you not recognize yourselves as brothers and detest each other instead? Have you never considered that whatever you do to your fellow men, you do to me?

33. Search no longer for the human descent of Jesus; it will not reveal to you the perfection of my body Penetrate into the great revelations I have given you then and now, and you will understand what I am telling you now.

34. Do not resort to the books of the world, which, even when they speak of me, were not written under divine inspiration Remember that errors may contain what comes from the human mind, but what comes from heaven cannot mislead you. Guard my revelations with more zeal than if you guard pearls or diamonds.

35. People claim in their books that Jesus was with the Essenes to gain his knowledge. But he who knew all things and existed before the worlds came into existence had nothing to learn from men. The divine could learn nothing from the human. Wherever I stayed, it happened to teach. Can there be anyone on earth who is wiser than God? Christ came from the Father to bring divine wisdom to mankind. Did not your Master give you a proof of this when, at the age of twelve, he amazed theologians, philosophers, and teachers of the law of that time?

36. Some have ascribed to Jesus the weaknesses of all men, and take delight in throwing the dirt they carry in their hearts upon man, who is divine and without blemish. These do not know me. If all the wonders of nature which you contemplate are nothing but the material embodiment of divine thoughts - do you not think that the body of Christ was the materialization of a sublime thought of your Father's love? So Christ loved you only with the Spirit, not with the flesh. My truth can never be distorted because it contains an absolute light and unlimited power.

37. I reveal at this time, through these simple and uneducated organs of the mind, the loving and unforgettable sound of the words of Jesus, which do not offend.

38. Men have dared without respect and without love to judge the lives of the highest beings whom God has sent to men, using my own word as the basis for their cunning. When I called my disciples brothers on a certain occasion, this was not the only time, nor were they alone whom I called so. Mary carried the body of Jesus in her virgin womb. The Chosen Mother, the purest Mother, the lily without blemish was the incarnation of the maternal tenderness that exists in the Divine. Why should Jesus, who called himself the Son of God, not call men brothers, since they too are children of God? When will you finally have the necessary maturity of mind that will enable you to give the right meaning to the divine and the human? Understand that this is the only way to know where the errors are and where the truth shines.

39. Men cannot tell you about me with more truth than I can, even if I give you these teachings through men. Remember that they are in raptures when I speak through them. My teaching will still be understood; their essence, which is law, will be praised by mankind. Before that, the seed of tares will be destroyed. But when will you all men call brothers? When will you see in them children of your Father? The only document that can bring you to my bosom will be that you have been able to be children of God and brothers of your neighbor.

40. You who care so much for your home, why do you not care as well for the home which you must prepare for your Spirit in eternity? You, who turn on the light in your home so that you do not be in the dark - why do you not light the lamp of your heart so that you do not dwell in darkness?

41. When you are ripe for it, I will speak at length and clearly about the three "times" and the seven stages or epochs, so that you do not confuse the two

42. Behold, here is my revealing and simple word. Understand it and let it become a deed.

43. This is a moment of grace, in which the light of my HolySpirit is spreading in all worlds - a light which is divine wisdom for every spiritual creature. And you who hear my word and are refreshed by the wisdom of the Spirit of Truth, discover in all this the meaning of my teachings, prepare yourselves truly, for you must teach my law to many.

44. My law is a way of justice and love, to which I call men once more to rule families and peoples with that love and justice of which I speak to you. On that law is founded the origin and the end of all created things. It is my will that everything lives in harmony, and that you develop spiritually within this creation, as the various nature kingdoms develop, so that you may achieve the progress of your Spirit.

45. Man has stopped morally and spiritually. He has created a worship of God and a form of life which he considers the best, and has fallen into a routine which bores and tires his Spirit and makes him fanatical in meaningful rites and ceremonies. On the other hand, consider the level of development that the realms that make up the material nature have. Recognize their order, their harmony and their perfection.

46. You must comprehend that you, endowed with Spirit, are the most beloved work of the Father in creation because he has placed in you spiritual essence, spiritual attributes, and immortality.

47. For the soul there is no death, a death as you conceive it, that is, ceasing to exist. The death of the body cannot be death or the end for the soul. Just then it opens its eyes to a higher life, while its body shell closes them forever in relation to the world. It is only a moment of transition on the path that leads to perfection. If you have not yet understood it this way, it is because you still love this world very much and feel closely bound to it. It depresses you to leave this home because you consider yourselves the owners of what you possess in it; and some also have an indefinite presentiment of my divine justice and are afraid to enter the spiritual world.

* Spanish "valle" literally means valley and often means: beyond, (spiritual) world, living space, home, home.

48. Humanity has loved this world all too much - too much because its love was misguided. How many have perished on it for this reason! How much have souls materialized for the same reason!

49. Only when you have felt the steps of death near, when you have been gravely ill, when you have suffered, only then have you remembered that you are only one step away from the hereafter, from that justice which you fear only in such critical moments; and then you make vows to the Father and swear to love, serve and obey him on earth.

50. Pain purifies you; pain is the chisel that forms the heart of man to attain spiritualization. So that your pain may not be barren, the torch of faith must illuminate you so that you may have spiritual upliftment and patience in trials.

51. You are the best fruit that has come forth from me, the universal tree. Always fulfill my law of love so that I may rejoice in you.

52. If you empty a cup of bitterness in life because of your fellow men, give them back the same cup, but full of honey. Just as Christ did, who reaped only pain and bitterness among the people whom he loved so much, and who, still hanging on the cross and while the crowd blasphemed and offered him bile and vinegar, opened his side as a fountain of love to give his blood to the children as the wine of the resurrection and eternal life.

53. In the second time the Master departed from his disciples for a few hours, and when he returned, he observed that they were discussing with each other. Then he asked them, "What have you learned from my teaching? And one of them answered, "Master, when you are not with us, we study Your words, but we do not always succeed in understanding them. Then the Master said to them: "Look at the sea, see how immeasurably great it is. Such is also the law of the Father. It is the beginning and the end of all created things, but I will make you understand it as far as it is my will".

54. In various ways mankind walks in this Third Age and does not find the truth. I send it messages and signs, but it is blind. The cries of the forces of nature and the wars have not been enough to witness the return of Christ among men.

55. I am among a few, teaching my message of spiritualization, which man in this time shall know. And among those who have come to me to hear me, I have chosen the new disciples who will be the messengers and messengers of my work in the world.

56. See therefore how untiringly and persistently I teach my teaching; for I will leave you strong. This word must be heard in all the world.

57. If you work with sincerity and love, you will accomplish a work that will make you worthy with me, because you have worked in fervent effort to plant morality, love, and spiritualization in men.

58. I will cause that your example will be noticed and recognized by men. Then the coming generations will follow your steps unwaveringly.

59. To achieve peace, fulfill my law, then you will have it in your Spirit, and the hour of death for the body, which you do not know when it will come, will meet you in peace

60. Take heed, taking care that ye do not pollute your minds with unclean thoughts. It is creative, and if you give shelter to a bad idea, it will work its way down to lower levels, and your soul will be enveloped in darkness.

61. Observe my law carefully, for I have put it in you. Do you know why I removed the material symbols? Because you yourselves are the symbol of the Father's Love.

62. Be inwardly prepared whenever you attend one of my teachings, and when you receive a lesson, think how you are to use it; for otherwise the spiritual seed in your hearts will be barren, and not only would you not have used the divine seed, but you would not have used your time.

63. Gather yourselves inwardly before you come to hear me, lest you leave my places of assembly with the same afflictions with which you came here. Then you will be able to say with inward satisfaction that you knew how to use the teachings of your Master.

64. If you do not concentrate in listening and take care to put my teachings into practice, you will never be able to see the fruit that my word can bring forth among you. But if, on the other hand, you make an effort to carry out my teaching and you apply it in your actions and live it, you will gradually see how you will come out of your spiritual stasis and progress on your path of development - that path which will lead your Spirit step by step to true greatness.

65.  My word speaks of love, and this love is to be expressed in the application to your life in brotherhood, unity, equality, harmony and peace. But for you to be inspired by my word in obedience, you must first believe in the truth of my rallies.

66. If you should not believe me now that I am manifesting myself through the mind organ of these creatures, what will happen when I speak to you through the Spirit of the great inspired ones of the times to come?

67. You all wish to save yourselves. You all want to escape the atoning duties of the Spirit, and you all dream of getting to know heaven. But I tell you that the effort you make to achieve all this is quite small, and that often, instead of seeking the ways and means that might help you to attain this, you often flee the same.

68. Zou believe that heaven is a region in infinity, and that by sincere repentance of your transgressions you can enter into it at the hour of your physical death, trusting that you will find forgiveness at that moment and be led by me into the kingdom of heaven This is what you believe. I, on the other hand, tell you that heaven is not a particular place, nor a region, nor a home. The heaven of the soul is its high emotional world and its perfection, its state of purity. On whom, then, is it up to you to allow yourselves to enter heaven - on me, who have always called you, or on you, who have always been deaf?

69. No longer limit the infinite, the divine. Do you not understand that heaven would no longer be infinite if it were - as you believe - a certain home, a region, or a certain place? It is time for you to conceive the spiritual in a higher way, even if your imagination is not able to encompass all reality. But it should at least come close to it.

70. Always be aware that the Spirit, reaching the high degrees of goodness, wisdom, purity, and love, is above time, pain, and distance. He is not limited to dwelling in one place, he can be everywhere and can find in all places a supreme bliss in existing, feeling, understanding, loving and knowing himself loved.

71. This is the heaven of the Spirit!

My peace be with you!


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