BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 144

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 144:

1. Lift up your Spirit and cross the thresholds of the material so that you may unite yourselves with my Divine Spirit

2. Why do you want to subject your Spirit to the earth and thus deprive it of spiritual joys? Do not forget that he belongs to another world.

3. Let your Spirit enter into my sanctuary so that there it may be saturated with light and afterward be the guide of your steps, the master and the inner judge.

4. These multitudes here, hearing my word, have opened their spiritual eyes to the light in this time, for there was no human being who preached with the purity, truth and sincerity with which I gave you my teaching. At all times men have falsified my truth and hidden my law from mankind.

5. Now, I have seen that the teaching I taught you in the Second Age is hidden, imperfect and is not interpreted according to the spiritual development you have today, but according to the understanding of men many centuries ago. But I came to you, and when I saw you hungry, I gave you "bread" in abundance, so that you might be satisfied and then pass it on to men who are yet to come.

6. Remember that a new time awaits you, that my word will come to an end, and that you will be left alone with my teaching When you then know how to prepare yourselves, you will be able to speak of me. But if you fall into temptation despite your knowledge, if you falsify my word or misinterpret it, my teaching on your lips will not be food for your fellow men.

7.  It is still time for you to pray and prepare yourselves for your duty. Do not wait for my righteousness to come upon you, do not wait for pain and war to scourge you like those brother nations of yours that saturate the fields with blood and leave the homes miserable. Support your nation through your prayer and do not allow it to be destroyed like Jerusalem. Tend with your works a garden where the flowers are of forgiveness, love, prayer and charity. That garden will begin in your hearts and end in your Spirit. Devote a few moments of the day to reflection, let your Spirit rise so that my inspiration may reach you. See, you have no books at hand, and only through that inspiration will you be able to receive light in this time. Remember that the moment will come when you must bear witness to my truth, and that you must then draw upon the book that is in your heart. Learn to read in that invisible book so that your mind does not become clouded. Immerse yourself in yourself so that the voice of your Spirit may be expressed on your lips.

8. Every religious community and every sect is preparing itself because it senses the proximity of the conflict. You will stand between them, but then you are to be prepared, because I will use your mind to express myself.

9. Today I still see you weak, because when, in gratitude for your works of love, you received the ingratitude of your fellow men, you cried in silence and said to me, "Is this the cross you have laid on my shoulders? To this I answer you with another question: Have you already forgotten the example of Jesus among men? If the world hurts you, do not complain to me, have pity on it, I will close your wound again.

10.  Let men consider you poor; if you are humble, I will make you great in Spirit Be silent whenever you can, but work hard. Bear witness to me, for I will also bear witness to you.

11. If your Spirit feels the need to soar up, it is because there are moments when he feels foreign in this world, when he feels like a foreigner. He understands that his true fatherland, his home, lies in the hereafter.

12. The twelve tribes of Israel are scattered throughout the world. They will unite in the fulfillment of their mission, even though they are far from one another. They search out infinity in anticipation of my new revelation. But the prophecies will be fulfilled, and they will see the light. Among them are the great Spirits, those with schooled minds, hearts of great nobility and strong inspiration. Many of them will come to you, and you will be amazed at their high spirituality, though they have not heard me at this time. Do not allow them to marvel at your low armor.

13. The time is drawing near, in which communities will come forth that surprise you because of their spirituality and the unfolding of their spiritual gifts, and in which prophets will appear, for the light of my HolySpirit irradiates every spirit and intelligence to reveal to it the time in which it lives, and to indicate to each one his task.

14. The gates of this nation will soon open to give shelter to men and women who will come from foreign nations. They will all bring hunger, pain and distress, and among you they shall find warmth, bread and comfort. Prepare your hearts to receive them lovingly.

15. How many of you will have to go to foreign lands, and you will be dependent on them to receive you as brothers!

16. When I go away from you, you shall form one heart.

17. Speak together with the Spirits of Light: "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will. Thus the angels' song of praise resounds.

18. People, prepare yourselves with all devotion to listen to my words, then you will come to know that it has been a grace to have seen again the light of the Master. My inspiration has become man's word and seeks the souls who need or thirst for light. The sweet consolation once promised to you comes in the essence of this humble and tender word that seeks to convince you. There is a heavenly fragrance in it, and it makes hearts beat faster, just as those of my disciples of the Second Time beat faster on the night of the Last Supper.

19. Welcome to my teaching. You come by the promise of your salvation, you come by the Word that shows you the true life. Take me as your model, love your cross, kiss the cross of your life, bless the will of your Father.

20. I tell you to love your cross, for if you rebel against it while you must carry it on your shoulders, the pain in your hearts will tear a deep wound. I truly love my cross, O people; but do you know what I call my cross? My cross consists of you, O people whom I love so much.

21. You shall not blaspheme in the difficult journey; every new pain is a new light in your heart, every trial will cause the flowers of experience to sprout in your being Understand: If a pain strikes you, it is because you need it. You must also understand that when joy takes possession of you, you too have just needed it.

22. Blessed are those who hide their sufferings and let their fellow men share in all their joys, even if they are very small.

23. Blessed are those who, in accepting pain, know that it will perfect it and lead it to the summit, because they have become aware that pain is man's heritage and that this will serve to purify him so that he may return to the Father.

24. I granted man all necessary means to build with them, through works of love, a ladder that will lead him up to me. I have given him my wisdom and my love as an heir. But since he did not make good use of these gifts, pain has set in to fill that emptiness.

25. The cradle is at the beginning of man's existence, the grave is the end, and I see that you suffer more than you rejoice in the period of your existence which unites these two extreme moments. You weep when you are born, as long as you live, and lastly when you die. I, who follow your steps, will and must save you. My teaching is the voice that calls you to find the way of peace. At all times my law has been that of justice, love and peace. It has shown you and made recognizable the way in which you can save yourselves.

26. Many of the people of this time, when they hear that the word love is frequently repeated in my teaching, will say to themselves, "What kind of love is it that they preach so fervently? My followers must then do works that explain and clarify what is the love that I have taught and inspired you. Also in the Second Time, people asked me what kind of love was the love of which Jesus spoke so much to people; and since the Master had just settled down by a rosebush whose flowers were dry and withered, he stroked them with his hand while preaching, and those flowers came to life under the influence of his caress, and all who surrounded him were truly moved in the face of such a miracle. Such things will also happen to the hearts of men when they know how to love one another. The rose bushes will blossom again, and the withered roses will revive.

27.  Not all men will be of the same opinion when they receive this light, for the time of development is not the same for all men. Some spend more time than others on the path of life; you should also know that all men have fallen behind in knowledge and in upward development because they have strayed from the path of development.

28. Man has lived long, but he has derived little benefit from his life, because he has given the greatest importance to material satisfactions, and he has despised the art of living with love and with justice.

29. I bring to the world a new lesson, which will be like a divine rain that will bring new life to withered hearts and enliven the souls that are stagnant or sick.

30. Remember that I said to you, "Ask and it will be given to you", and that is why you come forward with your various petitions. But now I tell you that you should learn to ask and to receive: Ask with humility and receive with devotion.

31. Your heart tells me: "Master, how many times have we offended you by foolish and ignorant petitions? But I tell you that you have not offended me when you have done so out of ignorance.

32. Because of your lack of knowledge I prove myself once more as Master among you, and here I am, teaching and correcting my disciples with love.

33. You do well to rush by my call, for all destinies are founded in me. It is not the world that imposes them on you, nor are the laws of the earth that determine your fate. Your freedom of will also has its limits; man is not independent. I am the only independent, in whose being everything created is founded. Nevertheless, I tell you that I thirst for your perfection.

34.  Why do I see you dejected as the failed go through this life? Lift up your face, have confidence in your destiny, always look ahead, for there, on the horizon, you will see me.

35. Mankind, recognize my teaching. The spirituality it conveys will make my voice heard in moments of loneliness or pain. It will give you unknown powers in the hours of trial, and when the chatter of the world has tired your minds and you feel sadness in your hearts, you will hear the heavenly concert from infinity. When you then awaken from your rapture, you will ask, "From which book do you think I learned this? But I will tell you: "In the book of my wisdom and my love."

36. When these things are done, you shall have dialogue from Spirit to Spirit. Then you will have entered the temple of the Lord.

37.  Your Spirit must soar up so that the body may strengthen and assist you in the struggle of life. If you would truly trust in me, you would not need to knock in vain on the doors of your fellow men, whose hearts are almost always closed for helpfulness.

38. My teaching forges your Spirit. Work with your father, educate the hearts of your children in my teaching.

39. Today you are my disciples, tomorrow your children will be.

40. Think of those who lose their father even as children.

41. Think of those who never experienced the tenderness of a mother.

42. Only the way of my law shall be able to make up for their lack and lead them to the gate of salvation. Therefore my trace is indestructibly imprinted on all the paths of your life.

43. Beloved people, tomorrow, when the news goes round that I have been with you, crowds of people will come to question you. If at that time life in your homes is pure and your devotion to the Father is as I have taught you - do you not think that this will be the best answer you can give and the best proof that you have heard my word?

44. In this time when even the air, the earth and the water are poisoned by the evil deeds of men - how few are those who do not let themselves be infected by evil or by darkness!

45. Which of your fellow men, when they meet a community living in virtue and peace, will be able to deny that the Father has taught them? Dethroned monarchs might come forth to weep over their lost power, and they might regain their peace of mind in the bosom of this people, when they recognize the falseness of earthly vanities. There will come clergymen from sects and religious communities who, when they experience the spirituality of this community and its worship of God with sincerity, will feel in their hearts the judgment of their own conscience reproaching them for their errors.

46. That people is the Lord's people, who will make his voice resound over all the peoples of the earth, conquering them with the light of truth; and, once conquered, will cause them to become a part of this family, for all Spirits are children of the people of God.

 47. Knowing this day to whom you are listening, you make your Spirit ready to receive this bread of heaven in him. You prepare your Spirit, because he who teaches you is not a human teacher. He is not a scholar, a philosopher, nor a scientist, nor a king on earth, and yet he is more than all these together. Opened before you is the book that teaches you the way to perfection.

48. All these things my disciples know, but the "last" who are just coming in wonder to find me in the midst of this material poverty; and then it is necessary to tell them that I possess nothing on earth, and when I dwelt among you, I lived in humility, for thus I taught you to understand that my kingdom is not of this world and that what I seek are human hearts. The "crown" which you see on my head was not I who put it on myself, but men, and it was made of thorns.

49. Come to me and entrust me with your sinews, confess your weaknesses and ask me for strength. Here I am with you, I do not depart from my children and follow you wherever you go, for even if you go to prison, I am there to comfort you. If you go on a long journey, you have my company on it. If you fall sick, you have me at your head as a nurse and doctor. When you are lonely, I let you feel my presence.

50. Recognize me here as I nurse my seed I have been speaking to you tirelessly since the time when Elijah announced the new time through the mouth of Roque Rojas. Many have abandoned the seed and the farming tools, but I continue to work in my fields. But if some believe that I will always communicate myself in this way, they are mistaken, because the time has already become short in which you will hear me in this form. It is necessary that this rallies come to an end so that you may begin to spiritualize, to connect directly with my Spirit, and you may see your Lord on the cloud of your spiritual upliftment.

51. Do you not yet worry about the absence of this word? Have you already accumulated enough for yourselves and for your fellow men? Or do you think that this work will end on the day of my departure?

52. I blot out forms of worship, rites, and traditions, that in the times to come you may confine yourselves to the fulfillment of the law, and not act as you did in times past, when you devoted yourselves with all your enthusiasm to traditions and solemnities, leaving the law aside.

53. Know ye not how much the Spirit of Moses wept in the hereafter, when he saw the faithlessness and weakness of the people whom he so loved. His seed was later watered with the blood of the Redeemer.

54. How did I meet the people to whom I had left an inheritance in the name of their patriarchs? Divided, separated into two kingdoms (Judea and Galilee), who regarded each other as strangers. I came to unite them, and not only them, but all the peoples of the earth. All that I brought I left here; from the world I took only ingratitude and pain. I left my word to the world as an eternal inheritance, as well as my blood, which was shed to the last drop. My body sank into the earth, and my Spirit I poured out among my apostles. This was my testament. After my passing away, people recognized me. My seed germinated and spread to other nations. My persecutors were my soldiers. Those who had blasphemed me blessed me later.

55. For the nations, the blossoming of the Christian seed meant an epoch of peace and morality. Virtue bore fruit; the goal and ideal were heaven. Later on, weakness returned, the only apparent adherence to my teachings - a fulfillment that leads the world astray with festivities and splendid rites that impress people, but which do not satisfy the Father, nor uplift the Spirit.

56. Chaos has returned because there is no virtue, and where there is no virtue there can be no truth. The reason for this is not that the law which the Father gave to Moses had no power, nor that the teaching of Jesus was applicable only to the times past. Both are eternal laws in their spiritual content, but recognize that they are like a spring whose water no one is forced to drink, but that everyone who approaches this fountain of love does so of his own will.

57. In the first time I gave the law to the people, that all tribes should live united in it. But when I came, I found them divided, misjudging one another, profaning my law and falling into idolatry.

58. My teaching of love came later, to unite all nations in one law. But now that I come back to the people, I see them again divided into sects, religious communities, ideologies and theories. Each of them exercises its faith according to its ideas or its advantage. All claim to love the same God, yet they are separated. But I tell you, he who does not love his fellow man does not love me either. Admittedly, not all souls go their way in the same step and tread, since they have a different stage of development; but what man who knows my laws and my teaching does not know that these contain mutual love as the core of being? Many call themselves Christians, but I tell you once again that not one who has no love can be a Christian.

59. Verily I say to you, the world does not know many spiritual teachings of my teaching; for instead of seeking the interpretation of my teachings to apply them, it has made do with rites and traditions. This is the reason why the great afflictions have come upon mankind and conflicts are arising for which men cannot find a solution.

60. Was the chaos of that time something unpredictable for mankind? No, it was announced to them so that they could avoid it. I gave my disciple John the revelation of these times, so that if you had understood how to interpret it, if you had given it the value it has instead of putting it aside indifferently, you would have learned that this time is the sixth seal of the book of Revelation, you would have watched and prayed and saved yourselves from great evils.

61. See how my word prepares you for the times to come. Therefore I tell you that you shall use it. For this rallies will pass, just as it was with Moses who went through the desert and did not reach Canaan; just as it was with Jesus who went through the world and ended his life on the cross.

 62. I prepare you for the time that shall follow the end of these rallies. In every place of assembly there shall then be a book containing my word, that ye may gather together and be refreshed in his reading.

63.  Just as I chose for the transmission of my word in this time those who were to express it, so will I be the one who determines those who are to transmit it through the rallies when I no longer manifest myself in this form. But I tell you already now that in the end you cannot reap any seed at all if you are content only to listen to my teachings without the intention of putting them into practice. You must understand that my teaching is not there for you to take it as an occasion to create customs and traditions, but that you consider it as a true way of fulfilling your duty to your Spirit, and that you bear witness to it through your works.

64. After 1950, my people will study this teaching in depth in order to come to significant conclusions.

65. The books which the "gold nibs" are currently creating according to a divine dictation will be highly valued like jewels of infinite value. For every time you open them in your meetings, the spirit essence they contain will be like a breath of air from heaven over your souls and your sufferings. This book will reveal to you many secrets that are locked up in the Book of Seven Seals.

66. You are to study these teachings without getting into discussions about them, then the light of the HolySpirit will enlighten you so that you may give the right explanation of what once appeared to you as a mystery.

67. Already the year announced during all these rallies is near to say my farewell to you, and it is my will to give you all that I have to say to you. Do not lose one of my teaching speeches, not one of its syllables, because I am currently giving you the last words of this New Testament, through which the two preceding ones and the coming ones will be understood.

68. I did not give you any enlightenment about the seven seals at the beginning of my rallies, because you would not have understood me then. But now I have brought light into this mystery so that you may fathom it and become free from any ignorance, doubt or error.

69. The world will eventually be interested in all these Divine Revelations, and because it learns of your interpretation, it will seek you out to question you. When this happens - will you hide from your fellow men? You who have had my revelations before others at all times - will you deny them?

70. Do not sleep, do not become wavering or divided. Let not men find you preoccupied with outward appearances; for then, instead of fellow men who ask you, you will see enemies approaching who attack you, and you cannot be sure that they will not, with their hostility, teach you what it means to fulfill my law, and make you respect the truth. Then you will ask: "Lord, have you given your arm of justice to my enemies?

71. I have told you that you should work on yourselves, so that wherever you look, you will find only brothers and sisters. I want the divine sign I have laid on you to be the light that serves you to be recognized as my new disciples.

72.  How beautiful it will be for your Spirit to return to the Father and show him your fulfilled task. An image of this happiness has been experienced here in the world by the child who has returned to the Father's home after obediently obeying an instruction of his Father. What joy embraces the hearts of both when they embrace each other - the father knowing that he was obeyed and respected, and the child seeing himself praised and received by his father.

73. Have you any idea what the feast will be like for the Spirit who returns to the house of the Heavenly Father? What will be the kiss with which the Father receives his child and the rejoicing of the beings who inhabit that home?

74. Do not stop on the safe way, come on it, men, and do not turn your eyes back until you come before the great gate where I am waiting for you to receive you

75. Be fervent, learn to kindle in your hearts the flame of faith and trust in me so that you may always agree with the trials I am sending you

76. I enlighten you. Innumerable rays of light are falling upon mankind to bring light where you had previously created darkness. The dawn of a new epoch has appeared, inviting everyone to awaken and make their way back to me. I call you because already the hour is approaching in which I have to collect my seed from the earth as I have announced it to you.

77. You, my listeners, have seen my word rallies, have seen men and women redeemed under its influence; how those who were dead in faith and hope returned to life, how those who were sick in body and soul were healed The reason for this is that I have returned to you to stand by you and make your wanderings less painful. Watch and pray so that nothing prevents or delays your coming to the Father. Come on the way of love and sacrifice, and when you lift up your Spirit to the Father and ask me for strength, I will hear you and strengthen you until you reach the final goal of your pilgrimage, where I will give you peace.

78. Put into practice all that I have taught you in the course of time. Make good again willingly; but I also say to you: Teach your fellow men with the love and patience with which I have taught you.

79. You have sought me in various religious communities and sects which mankind has created, but I want you to renounce rites and erase from your hearts every trace of fanaticism Come to me in Spirit, love me sincerely, respect and obey my laws, and in this way you will show me true devotion.

80. Come to me, you sad, lonely and sick people. You who drag chains of sin with you, you humbled, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, be with me; in my presence many of your evils will disappear and you will feel your burden lightened.

81. If you desire to possess the goods of the Spirit, I will grant them to you. If you ask me for earthly goods to make good use of them, I will give them to you likewise, because your desire is noble and just. Then you are to become good stewards, and I will grant you the increase of these goods so that you let your fellow men share in them.

82. Look at men, how they are tired of fighting in vain without finding the meaning of their existence. They show me a life without ideals, because they have strayed from the path of virtue and seek pleasure only where unnature and death reign. They could not find the joy of life in love, in helpfulness and goodwill. They did not listen to the fervent plea of the Father, who loves them so much and who wants only peace and salvation for all.

83. The world, divided into religious communities and sects, calls me at this hour because it considers me absent or at least distant. Although I am with her, she has not felt my presence. But to you I say that one by one you will enter the Lord's hurdle and there all will be together when you have understood my teaching.

84. Cultivate this seed and go forward. The Light will be your guide, and in your following will come the great multitudes whom I will entrust to you.

85. Go on wings of prayer to spread light among your fellow men Go to the prisons and hospitals and leave your comfort there.

86. If you are tired, come to me, for I will strengthen you. Have no timidity, I am the forgiveness, the mercy and the true justice.

87. I am the fountain that pours out in torrents on the fields in the desire for seeds and workers

88.The earth is prepared so that men may hasten to take up their share of work

89. The field awaits you; till it lovingly and sincerely, and when you then see that the good seed begins to bear fruit, destroy the weeds that might disturb it in its development. Destroy all that comes from the poisonous plant, and do not become idle, for then you will not reap a good harvest.

90. Show me the fields, when the golden ears of corn shine upon them. Then you can reap and fill your granaries, so that the number of souls assigned to each one may not suffer hunger in their journey through life.

91. The idolatrous rites that predominate among men shall be rejected as false. The teachings which I have revealed to you possess the reason of truth, and they will finally be recognized.

92. The scholar seeks the reason for everything that is and happens, and hopes to prove with his science that there is no principle, nor truth, outside of nature. But I regard them as immature, weak, and ignorant.

93. When the twelve-year-old Jesus had to withstand the questions, looks and judgments of the crowd, he had not read any books. Nevertheless, he gave a teaching address full of wisdom, because in the mind of that child the light of the Most High shone, and on his lips the Word of God itself blossomed. I say this to you because you too can do this when you have to face the interrogations and tests to which you will be subjected. Then you will be convincing because you speak of the teachings of God, which always have a principle, a logical basis and justification. There is no miracle that has no logical and natural reason; nothing happens without cause. No leaf on a tree moves without my will

94. They will ask you, "Considering that the majesty of the Lord is so immeasurably great, why does he use the most insignificant mortal to spread his wisdom?

95. To this you shall answer that the love of God for his children has no bounds, and that therefore man is often unable to comprehend it.

96. You are to be humble; for if your Master left his kingdom to live and be humble on this earth, you must emulate me in the sight of those like yourselves.

97. If it were necessary, as in the Second Time, to return to matter, I would come, even if I knew that I had to go through that painful ordeal for body and Spirit But now I come in Spirit, and you must prepare yourselves to grasp my divine truth.

My peace be with you!

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