Words of Wisdom 81 - 100



Those who were full shall be left empty, so they may be truly filled up,
and those who were thought of as first shall be last…
Yet those who were forsaken as last shall be first partakers of The Glory.
And those without knowledge shall be given great knowledge,
for Love has saved them… Yet those who had attained great knowledge
shall be brought down to shame, so they too may be glorified in My presence,
for Love has saved them… Says The Lord.
When offering a gift, One does not demand its acceptance…
Lest the gift be polluted and a division occur,
causing both to depart offended… Says The Lord.
What is life without love?
And what is love without the free will to choose love?…
I tell you the truth, a gift commanded is no gift at all!…
Yet a gift accepted is where you shall find life, love and salvation…
Says The Lord.
No servant is greater than his master…
How he serves others shows the master he serves,
How he serves his master reveals the master within him,
and what the master suffers will his servant suffer also,
for he serves in his name.
No one can serve two masters…
Either he will hate the one and love the other,
or he will be devoted to the one
and despise the other… Says The Lord.
There is no greater love than to lay down your life for another,
and blessed is the one who embraces the calling of The Lord wholeheartedly.
For a servant such as this lays down his life each day,
bearing his cross after Me, upon waking he kneels down at the feet of The Lord,
with an open heart and open hands… And in this servant My soul delights.
For the servants of The Most High uphold My cause…
And as My love is poured out, it fills the hearts of the penitent,
even as My stern correction and harsh Discipline comes swiftly upon the defiant…
For My ways are not human ways… For I do what is right by My children,
doing that which is most needful for each one, that they may come to Me
in their due season… I AM THE LORD.
My servants, to warn your brothers and sisters,
even to your neighbors and countrymen,
whether they will hear or whether they will forbear, is LOVE…
For only an evil man would fail to warn his fellows,
when he had knowledge of coming calamity…
And only a wicked man meet for death would save himself,
while forsaking those nearby to the sword… Says The Lord.
My forgiveness runs far and wide,
entering deep into the hearts of those
who come to Me in sincere repentance.
Yet many of My sheep believe themselves to be above reproach,
and in this do they greatly err.
Therefore let all My beloved grow wise in Me,
and learn also to walk in My ways…
For I am a pillar of strength to those of low degree!
I uphold the powerless and steady the weary,
as I renew the hearts of My elect!
Behold, I fill all those who come
to Me empty with spirit and grace,
As they walk with Me into everlasting life!…
Indeed, they shall experience Life in abundance, forevermore!…
Life of such a kind, which is only found in Me and I am! Says The Lord.
Learn the lesson of obedience in The Lord…
For obedience is far greater
than witnessing a prophecy come to pass,
and much greater than receiving healing by a miracle,
for obedience is born of love…
For those who have no trust seek after signs;
and those who remain in unbelief wait for miracles…
Yet only those who love Me,
without condition, will remain faithful,
and only those who truly know Me
will endure in times of trouble… Says The Lord.
My glory is revealed in the lives of all My children,
no matter what path they had chosen, no matter how they have tread.
I know My own, and I know when each will come to Me
and how each shall come to walk in Me…
And by this I am glorified, even as each shall also share in My glory.
For to one, it is as the son who remained faithful to his father,
and never lost his inheritance, but kept it close his whole life.
Yet to the other, it is as the prodigal son
who went out and wasted his inheritance in the world,
yet was met with much rejoicing when he returned home…
For the one who was faithful remained in his father’s love,
and was rejoiced over his whole life;
and the other returned to his father’s love,
and was met with much rejoicing.
Yet both shall dwell in the house of their Father together,
from that day onward, sharing equally in all he had laid up
in store for them, forever…
Thus by one I am glorified in their walk,
and by another in their return… I AM THE LORD.
The love of man is born from the desires of the flesh
and comes forth from a place of longing,
to fill a void which remains empty,
affections built upon conditions and unrealistic expectations,
learned in a world without natural affection… Corrupt.
Yet My love is a light which shines in a dark place,
warmth which brings peace and healing to those
whose hearts have grown cold, a cup overflowing,
never-ending; affection in its purest form… Unconditional.
Therefore come to Me, beloved, that our hearts may be satisfied!
For all those who sincerely long for Me shall surely receive of Me,
and all those who obey My voice shall surely walk beside Me,
and all those who love Me, above all else, shall know the depths of My Mercy.
For I shall take them… And they shall dwell with Me where I am,
in The Kingdom of My joy, forever… Says The Lord.
The presence of The Almighty is a consuming fire, a purifying flame.
The cloud of The Almighty is a covering for all who put their trust in Him.
The Sanctuary of His peace is in His Holy One,
and none shall fear who abide in Him.
And though the terror of The Lord comes upon all nations,
it shall not approach the penitent,
nor shall the trembling of the humble continue without comfort.
For The Lord God has a Holy One,
and in Him is the loving mercy of God revealed.
In His bosom are healing tears and laughter, joy beyond compare,
the fullness of love, life without end.
Behold, The Lord has come down to look upon
the rage of the nations, to search the hearts of men,
The Mighty One has come down to gather His own,
to take from among them the penitent,
everyone of a contrite heart and humble spirit…
Those who do justly and love mercy,
whose eyes long to look upon their King…
Those whose hands reach out for His healing touch,
Whose fingers know His wounds,
Whose lips have tasted of the divine gift…
Drinking from His cup, always.
Behold, The Gift is given already!…
Therefore, all those who come to Me, who love Me with all their heart,
with all their mind, with all their soul and with all their strength, shall be blessed indeed!
For is it not written… ‚Wisdom is justified by her children?‘
Therefore, here is wisdom… CHOOSE ME! Says The Lord.
I am The First! Behold, I am also The Last!…
Blessed therefore are all those who bow down before Me…
For in them shall the vision be made complete and The Word established,
Even as it was at the first, and shall also be at the last…
Trust in Me therefore, for I AM HE!… Says The Lord.
Thus says The Lord…
When tears well up, let them burst forth as a flood overflowing the dam,
let them break through the barriers!
Yet understand this…
Let not your tears turn to anger when shed over hurt,
nor let resentment come forth, lest you strengthen the dam
and build up the barriers, leading to rebellion against The Lord
as you hold unforgiveness in your heart.
Beloved, let your tears flow when The Spirit convicts you…
Let them cleanse your eyes so you may see, as your heart is set free…
And no more resist the cleansing of The Lord.
Pay attention to the robes you wear, and those which you seek to put on…
Rather be willing to come to The Lord naked,
that He may clothe you with that which He has prepared for you.
Why do you depart from the Sabbath at sundown and return to the ways of the world,
Welcoming in again that which you shut the door to on the Sabbath?…
Rather treat everyday as the Sabbath, and you will do well…
Says The Lord YahuShua.
I have laid My heart open before your eyes, and into your ears I have spoken…
As a harpist playing soft music, beautiful music,
plucking each string with delicate fingers, I revealed the song of My heart to you…
With precise strokes, in gentle tones of healing, with many notes of unending love
and by soothing vibrations of peace, did the sound of My love speak…
And I, even I, The Lord of Hosts, did not withhold from you…
Says The Lord YahuShua.
Who are these I have made?
And what man have I brought forth from the dust of the earth,
that I might share My glory with him?…
There are none worthy, not one formed from the dust of the earth
who knows Me, not one who is righteous, no, not one.
All lie down in death, all return to the dust of the earth.
Yet I came down to you in the image in which I created you,
so you might receive of Me and have life, that you might share in My wisdom
and find healing, great peace in My love… Exchanging your life for Mine…
That you might roam free in My creation, close to Me, at My side always,
until your first days are called ancient and your latter days laughter…
Years beyond number… Thousands of years passing by as the setting of the sun,
millions of days passing by as a breeze caressing the face of the forever young…
Each one remembered as yesterday… Says The Lord.
My children, seek My glory and look to My Righteousness,
for The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Look into My eyes, open your ears to My voice,
for the mouth of The Lord has spoken!
Return to the first works, it is time to be consumed in your First Love!
Beloved, see the Word of The Lord, drink deeply from this vine!…
Consider My Mercy and the name of Love, that you may know Me as I truly am,
That we may be one!… Consider, for it is time… Says The Lord.
100. ENVY
Envy is a double-ended sword… One end is covetousness,
piercing the heart of those who envy.
The other is pride, piercing the heart of those being envied.
Behold, envy is also a snare.
For those who envy are held captive by covetousness,
and those who are envied are easily ensnared by pride.
Therefore repent, and place all your trust in The Messiah…
Make Him your focus, your only desire, and He will keep your foot from being taken…
Indeed, HE will preserve your life.


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