BTL - Volume 2 - Teaching 50

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume II - Teaching 29 - 55
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Book of True Life - Volume 2 

Teaching 50:

1 As the lark spreads its wings to cover its young, so my love spreads over you

2 This voice that calls you is that of the Divine Master; this word is from He who created all things He who has power to do everything will turn the stone of your heart into a sanctuary of love and exaltation and will light the light where there was only darkness.

3 Some of you will be transformed and made ready through My Teaching to go in search of those who have gone astray in the desert; for this is how I see human life - as a desert some feel alone in the midst of millions of souls and are languishing in thirst without anyone to give them a little water; there I will send My new apostles.

I want My name to be pronounced again with love by some and to be heard with emotion by others. I want it to be known to those who do not know it. There are people - old people, women and children, - who know nothing of my existence. I want all to get to know Me and know that they have in Me the most loving Father, that all hear Me and love Me.

4 You must prepare yourselves because the moment is very near when I will make myself tangible in your Spirit. I will come to you and knock at the door of every heart: blessed is he who knows how to give Me shelter. Some I will ask for bread, others for water, as my disciple John prophesied to you: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will enter in and have supper with him, and he with Me.

5 Understand that it will not be the material things I ask you for; it will be the works of love of your Spirit. For my hunger and my thirst is that you love one another and that you live in peace.

6 Let My love germinate in your hearts and quench with it the thirst that consumes this humanity

7 I have not grown weary of waiting for you; but you have grown weary of so much wandering, for you have made your way long. No one is afraid to follow me, for I will be his staff.

8 Fight so that mankind may spiritualize itself. When you see it realized, you will rejoice and thank your Father. But if you should not be granted to experience this, do not be afraid, let the seed be sown. For if you do not reap the fruit here, you will reap it in the life that awaits you. What will that life be like? - Do not worry, believe in it, for it is infinitely more beautiful and perfect than the one in which you live today. In your language there are no words that can describe or express the Divine, and if I described that life to you in any form, you would neither grasp nor understand it spiritually. In every world and on every level that you reach, I will tell you what you need to know there. Yet I have much to reveal to you in this world so that you may rise to those who await you without stumbling through the obstacles of the way.

9 I want man to acquire the wisdom to be humble and charitable at the same time. See how many become vain through a little knowledge, feel great, take up a sceptre and crown themselves before their brothers. Be humble of heart, be simple and kind, then I will crown you, but not with human vanities. It is not necessary that mankind should see this reward. - Seek no rewards among men who have very little to give you. Seek that He who is all righteousness and possesses all things may compensate you.

10 Do not stop in your life's journey, do not take steps backwards in your development. Consider under how many sufferings and changing circumstances you have come to this point. The fisherman of hearts has freed you and brought you to safety; do not defile yourselves anew.

I sent you to the earth to expiate your transgressions, not to multiply them. Do not think - because you see that I forgive you every transgression - that My righteousness can never come to you and force you to awaken from your dream of greatness. Let the peace of My love reveal to you all that you are to know by My will, lest it be the pain of My justice that speaks to you.

11 Learn, make use of divine teaching and let it become action This will be the (best) way to prove that you have learned from me. But when I ask you what you have done with My loving teaching, you will hopefully not answer that you have not understood what you have heard and that everything is unknown to you. If you, who have heard My words, were to lie with your works of My love and My justice, what seed would you leave on earth?

12 In this moment it is My Will that you pray for the nations of the world, for your brothers in mankind, and I promise you that I will come down to all as a "lark", as I have already come down to you; I will be with you all the time; I will be with you all the days of your life

* Lark" stands as a poetic symbol for the fact that the Lord comes down to us in His Won to delight and protect us, just as the lark delights us with its song and protects its young with its wings.

13 With love and joy I see that all of you have prepared yourselves to receive Me, some with their good works, some with their pain, and still others with spiritual penance Thorny paths you had to travel to reach the tree where the nightingale sings, whose song gives peace to the heart.

14 When you went out on the ways of life, experience and development, you went with your heritage; but now, hearing My Voice which surprised you halfway, I find you without heritage

15 What heritage does the Master mean? - That of the Spirit. For while some have lost it, others have exchanged it for the vanities of the world. But the moment came when you felt the need for the spiritual gifts, and since you did not find them in yourselves, you began to seek them in fear in one way or another. This is why I often call you "prodigal sons"; for you are similar to the one of whom I spoke to you in my parable.

16 In your hearts are imprinted the traces of the storms that have passed over them, on your feet are still fresh the scars left on them by the thorns of the way, and in your whole being I see the hardships of a life of which you understand today that it cannot be eternal

17 Your Spirit went through a long night of sleeplessness and tears; but the hope on which you set out to seek Me was not disappointed For a beautiful dawn surprised you and blinded your Spirit for moments.

18 At last the prodigal son, present in the hearts of all those who make up this people, returned to his Father's home, hearing His Voice anew and feeling himself embraced with infinite love The shame of tearing his clothes and showing his feet without sandals disappeared when he felt the fatherly kiss on his forehead, as proof that all was forgiven by that Father who had waited a long time for the return of the Son.

19 This is why I have told you this day that you all prepared yourselves to receive Me and that you made yourselves worthy of My caress When you were rested and the sobs in your chest had ceased, your Father, transforming Himself into the Master, gave you His teaching so that you might begin to fulfil the task for which you were created and sent to earth.

20 Whoever increases his love for the Father and becomes His disciple cannot fail to go the way after that. I let all of them enter My sanctuary so that, at the sight of the purity and perfection that reign in him, they may not dare to ever defile it.

21 The newcomer gets into joyful enthusiasm in the teaching of the Divine Master and in penetrating into the essence of His teaching, he becomes aware that the heritage he thought he had lost on his path of life has always been with him But his eyes did not see it, and his heart did not feel it, because he was deaf, blind, and insensitive to his spiritual gifts. Strengthened again, secure and trusting, he has the desire - since he loves his Creator and feels loved by Him - to once again cover the paths he left behind him. But not to lose his way, but to illuminate them, to remove the thorns, and to seek out the strayed wanderers and show them the direction to that tree where he himself regained life and faith.

22 Blessed are those who tirelessly seek the truth, and even more so those who do not keep it for themselves after they have found it, but bring it to men, to enlighten with its light the way of their brothers.

23 I have called you "workmen", and you can be so in truth. I have given you the time, the seed, the water, the fields and the implements.

24 Simple is the symbol in which I speak to you so that you may understand all that I want to tell you in these teachings.

25 I leave on your Spirit My dew of love which makes you fruitful and caresses you. Neither on the mountains, nor in the valleys, nor on the flowers have I let so great a grace flow as on you. My love will always accompany you; but this word which I am giving you at present through the mediation of the human mind, this will not be with you forever.

26 Hear My words and keep them in your hearts If I did not grant mankind that I, having become man anew, returned to earth, as is the desire and the conviction of faith of many, neither will I grant you that you continue to hear Me in this form after the indicated time, which is at the end of the year 1950. Today you do not yet know what I hold ready for you after this time.

27 I will prepare you to heal the sick, to comfort the widows and the orphans, to convert sinners with words of authority, to heal the "lepers" and fill the spiritual way of your brothers with light.

28 Again I bequeath and leave to you the seed of life, love and spiritualization. Do not lose your inheritance any more in your life.

29 I leave you My peace, for I am the peace that spreads over the world, like the wings of the lark that covers its young in the nest. When will you be spiritual like larks of peace?

30 I let you be born in this nest of love, where you have never lacked food, and where My teaching fills your heart with delight You are still weak, your wings have not yet grown, the plumage is sparse. But the day will come when you will feel strong enough to soar in flight, to overcome distances and to brave the raging of the storms. Do not act like those who wanted to leave the nest before time and fell to the ground because they did not yet know how to beat their wings. Wait until I tell you the way, then you will not get lost. Like a great flock of larks you will scatter, taking an olive branch as a symbol of peace, and in the foliage of the trees you will build new nests.

31 You ask Me why I have come to you at this time and I tell you: are you not aware of all that is going on in your surroundings? do you not know that what has happened in the world recently and what is happening in the present means the proclamation of My coming and My presence among men?

32 See how war has taken hold of the most advanced nations, wickedness has reached its highest level of development the lie is taken up as if it were truth; science, when it revealed great secrets to mankind, allowed them to be used for destruction And how many unfair acts has the world sanctioned as good! Just then I appear with you to enlighten your mind and stop you in your raging run into the abyss.

33 I speak to you with My eternal truth and tell you If you seek pleasures and desire science, you will find in Me true science and true bliss.

34 How small your planet is, and yet - how far you live from each other! How much discord there is in your world!

35 Man is no longer ignorant, his spiritual and intellectual development is great; therefore, his responsibility in this hour of trial is also great. The man of this time will perhaps say that he does not know My laws and My righteousness. But this is not the truth because he carries a Spirit of Light within him. The reason (for his breaking of the law) is that the Spirit yields to the temptations and pleasures of the world, to which he lays his spiritual gifts at his feet and before which he bends his neck.

36 Humanity, out of love for you I have come down and have materialized in this form. My Spirit descends into the abyss and My helping hand stretches out to save the stray sheep. I teach you to pray and ask with the Spirit, and not with the lips; for it is not the body that should ask, but it is the Spirit who knows what both need. I gave you the language so that you could communicate with your brothers.

37 The language of the Spirit is beyond your language and your thinking. How can the body express what the Spirit feels? Always these expressions will be poor, and imperfect these expressions in prayer. Always a tear, which springs from your eye and which often no one sees, will speak better to the Father - a sobbing, which suffocates in your breast, a pain, which you bring before me in silence and which you bear with patience, or your good works, the spiritual content of which rises to me, as fragrance emanates from the flowers.

38 I prove My presence among you with the fact of My teaching. Someone may say, "Master, it is difficult to put Your teaching into practice, and perhaps it is unsuitable for our materialistic times. But I tell you, the same was said in the Second Time of My Word, and yet it was precisely the heathen and idolaters who were the quickest to convert to it.

39 Just as I announced to you these times of great suffering, so I tell you that when the confusion is over, harmony will come among men

40 The haughty, those who think themselves great, those who are without charity and righteousness, will be held back for a time in the hereafter, so that goodness, peace and righteousness may progress on earth and in the midst of them spiritualization and good science may grow. For it will not be necessary for you to lead a mystical life to please me, nor will anyone be compelled to follow me. For the works which you offer me under compulsion will not be accepted by me. Only the sacrifices of good will, the sincere impulses, the spontaneous love reach me. Nor do I want you to serve me for fear of punishment. It is time that you know that God does not punish His children. Therefore no longer hurt me through your bad judgments (about me).

* Completely immersed in the spiritual and withdrawn from the world.

41 Never let selfishness guide you, and never give anything because you think in advance of the reward; for this is neither love nor mercy. Do not expect your Spirit to reap love in the world as a reward for his good works, for you did not come to earth to reap love but to sow it. The harvest is not of this world.

42 Those who have fulfilled their task in this life have left it with peace in their hearts, with a smile on their lips, full of satisfaction and humility, and have blessed all, not thinking of all the pain they reaped for the love they sowed. I am the perfect and just reward for your works. Do not forget that I told you: "All that you will do to your brethren, you do to Me.

43 When, for the sake of a brief act of repentance and spiritual exaltation, My Divine Ray descends on these bodies (the voice bearer) and puts on their lips the Word that expresses My divine teaching that moves you and makes you tremble with its love - what will the Father give you when you enter in that other world full of merit in your Spirit?

44 I even say to you: ask Me for My Sceptre and I will give it to you! yes, My children, know how to ask and all will be given to you, for if one day you make yourselves worthy of My Sceptre, I would not refuse it to you. But I want you to understand this word correctly so that you will not be confused.

45 Many men of recognized erudition in the world will not be able to recognize me in this form and will deny me. But do not be surprised by this, since I announced it to you long ago when I told you: "Blessed be, Father, that you have revealed your truth to the infants and hidden it from the learned and the prudent. This, however, does not happen because I hide my truth from anyone, but rather because those whose mind is unencumbered can feel me better in their (spiritual) poverty or insignificance, while men with gifts, whose mind is full of theories, philosophies and doctrines of faith, can neither understand me nor feel me. But the truth, which is for all, will come to everyone at the appointed time.

46 Many will come and tell you that it is not I who speak to you, that it is not My divine Being who pours into this Word As a result some of you will get doubts and in their sorrow will say to Me: "Master, how is it possible that I lose faith and (now) have to go on living without law and without God? But truly, I tell you, he who has felt and experienced Me can no longer deny Me.

47 A storm of ideas and dark forces has long since divided men. A storm of light will unite them in this time. The Tower of Babel, which men built, has been destroyed, but in the heart of the peoples and races that tower of pride has continued to grow. Only a spiritual storm can bring it down, and this storm now begins to shake its foundations and its walls. But when this tower is destroyed, another will rise there in its place, which cannot be destroyed, because its firm foundations will consist not of disunity but of brotherhood and harmony.

48 To help you to understand My Teaching, I tell you: receive Me in your heart so that you may understand the teaching I am revealing to you at this time this Word I am giving you is the New Testament that will lead you to eternal life Blessed is the one who recognizes the high values of this word; for then he will recognize in the world beyond the world the high values that are there.

Do not demand proofs to believe, for you would imitate the pagan peoples of antiquity, and these are different times now. Do not push your materialization and your doubts so far as to deny your prophets and even kill them, as you did in the First Times.

You were born again in the flesh to take a step forward on the path of development, not to stop at the same lesson. If My new teaching is more profound - see how I Myself explain it to you so that you may understand it.

49 You all receive the same teaching, but you do not all have the same number of reincarnations. You are living in the Third Age, and still some do not know in what time they live, nor what is the truth, nor what is the right way.

50 This is the time of Light and Spirit, and many still do not know the true worship of God. While some do not have the slightest fear of my righteousness, others fear God in an erroneous and unjustified way.

I tell my disciples that man should fear himself, because it is he who works, who builds up or destroys. How unjustly do you show yourselves to your Father when, in the deep pain you cause yourselves, you say to me, "Lord, why do you chastise me? - I do not place a crown of thorns on the head of my children, nor do I place a heavy cross on their shoulders. They condemn themselves, crown themselves and shower themselves with hardships.

51 Jesus the Righteous accepted the crown you gave Him and the Cross you put on Him, for His sacrifice and His Blood were the only things worthy to show by His example the way you must ascend to cleanse yourselves from your sins.

52 I am your Judge, but My judgment, which is irrevocable and inexorable, springs from love Today I judge the living and the dead; but learn to understand who are the living and who are the dead. I am resurrection and life, and raise to new life those who were dead to the truth. I come as king, but I wear no crown of vanity, for my kingdom is that of humility. For many, I am the dead who resurrects because I have come to mankind in the Spirit to tell them anew that "My kingdom is not of this world" and that - to hear the voice of your King and Lord - it is necessary to raise the Spirit to reach Him in this way.

53 Whoever has succumbed to temptations during his stay on earth and has been a slave to the world and its passions, death without power and without development of the soul will surprise him, which is as if he were carrying death within him.

54 Thrones are set up in the world for evil, and worship is shown to it in all possible forms. Good is mocked and fought against as if it were harmful or useless. But when my voice calls you from infinity so that you come to me on the way of good, which is the only (way) that leads to me, this happens because I am your Creator and because you belong to me. If I seek you, it is because I love you and do not want anyone to lose the bliss that I hold ready for all. Like a thief I have come to surprise you; but what I have sought is your Spirit. Since I saw you carrying a heavy cross, I did not need to increase its weight through my judgment; rather, I help you to carry it.

55 Verily, I tell you, I cannot yet demand perfect works from you, because you are born in sin and live in sin But I assure you that through the power of My Word I will cause virtues to spring forth from your hearts. The gifts that are present in your Spirit, which mankind believes were the property only of the righteous and the prophets of another age, now appear even among great sinners, and by means of these gifts mankind will be saved.

56 I am thirsty for your love, hungry for your peace. But if you too are hungry and thirsty - what can you give Me? Your spiritual commission is that of peace. Watch and pray that you may make this gift, which I entrusted to you, come true. Pray daily for a short time and use the rest of your time to fulfill your spiritual and also material duties.

57 Tell men that I have illuminated the way of sinners so that they may escape destruction. I come in search of the erring, for the righteous are already with me.

58 I will teach you to go through the world with meekness and at the same time with firmness. When my rallies began at this time - who could have told you of all the spiritual gifts of grace that you would enjoy?

59 You have been investigating the prophecies of the past times and have found that My new revelation had been announced but when you received the rallies of Mary, your Heavenly Mother, many a one wondered: should Mary's presence also be announced? - Verily, I tell you, if you interpreted the prophecies of the apostle John correctly, you would discover that her "presence" also had to be at this time.

60 How many of those who belong to this people have not even studied the Scriptures; for the inspiration of their Spirit and the faith of their heart have told them in their hearts, "It is the Divine Master. It is our spiritual Mother.

61 Verily, I tell you, wherever My Spirit makes itself known, there Mary's motherly tenderness and goodness will be present

62 Why have many misjudged her? consider: if she had lived only as a woman and had limited her mission to giving birth to the body in which "The Word" rallies, I would not have left her to you as your mother right at the foot of the Cross, nor would My disciples have looked upon her as their own mother after the Master had gone away; I would have left her as your mother, and I would have left her as your mother

In this day and age when one part of mankind denies her purity and divinity and another part recognizes her as Universal Mother, worships her with fanatical, ignorant and idolatrous cults, I send you My Light and grant you her presence, so that through her Word, which spreads motherly nature, infinite tenderness and divine consolation, you may go out to men and carry in your hearts a sanctuary in which your most tender offering shall be that which you consecrate to your Heavenly Mother. Then you will rightly be called Trinitarian Marian spiritualists.

My peace be with you!

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