BTL - Volume 2 - Teaching 53
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume II - Teaching 29 - 55
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Book of True Life - Volume 2
Teaching 53:
1 Why am I discovering that from the day I make myself known to you until the next day I give you a new teaching - in such a short time - you have already lost the peace I gave you? On your ways of life, do not lose the graces that I give you.
You come despondent through the trials and vicissitudes that you encounter on your path; you approach with contrite hearts. Thus I see you almost always when I have given you My peace so that you may cover the development path of your life with joyful courage and faith.
2 I have taught you to pray so that you may free yourselves from the dangers and obstacles, the pitfalls and darknesses. I have told you that even the forces of nature will hear your prayer when they are unleashed for My righteousness' sake. They will pass over you without touching you because you understood to pray with faith and sincerity.
3 From the dirt and the abyss I will lift up your Spirit in this time so that he may know not only his God but also himself and his gifts of the Spirit. But first you will have to pass through the melting pot of suffering, which will purify you. For without inner renewal your gifts will not be able to shine in full strength.
4 Human passions are like a storm that whips your inner sanctuary, and only he who prays is strong enough to withstand the trials, and only he who watches is sufficiently alert to protect himself.
5 When I speak to you of temples and sanctuaries, I do not mean the places of assembly you set up in the material, but your heart; for wherever you go, there the temple will be and you will find My Love always present in it
6 Mankind has created religions, something like paths that lead to Me But I tell you: no longer walk according to the human interpretation that gives everyone my laws. It is now time that you all understand to receive My inspiration so that it is that Light that guides you.
7 Sometimes you wonder: why is this people* the only one to whom I have spoken, when there are so many nations in need of it? - to this I answer you that in those days it was only one group of people who witnessed My crucifixion and death, and yet the Blood of the Lamb spread over all mankind to show them the way to their atonement So I will speak to these communities here today, but the light of My Spirit has been poured out over the whole world.
* Meant is the spiritual people of Israel, represented by the small band that lives in the Mexican nation.
8 I have already handed over to you all the means to learn and act accordingly and I do not want - when you come into My Presence in Spirit - you to adjust yourselves without harvest, pretending that the intransigence and stubbornness of the body did not allow you to fulfil your task. For he who does not triumph over the temptations of the world will have no merits to show himself before his Lord. The body has much power in its passions, inclinations and weaknesses, but the Spirit is endowed with a higher power, and with it he can conquer evil.
9 What merit would your Spirit have if it were to work within a body without will and without inclinations of its own? The struggle of the Spirit with its body shell is that of power against power. There he finds the touchstone by which he must prove his superiority and his spiritual greatness. It is the test in which the Spirit is often for a moment inferior to the temptations into which the world brings him through the flesh. So great is the violence that these (temptations) exert on the Spirit that you finally have the impression that a supernatural and malignant power has torn you to pieces and destroyed you in the passions.
10 How great is the responsibility of the Spirit before God! The flesh has not accepted this responsibility. See how it rests forever in the earth when death comes. When will you earn merit so that your Spirit may become worthy to dwell in homes more perfect than the one in which you live?
11 The world offers you crowns which testify only to vanity, pride, and false greatness. For the Spirit who knows how to transcend these vanities, another crown is reserved in the Hereafter, that of My Wisdom.
12 Once I sought valleys, mountains, the sea and the desert to speak to you also today I have found that there are hearts which by their peace are like the valleys, others which are like a stormy sea, like the one that frothed up when Jesus went on it with His disciples in the boat. Some, by their (spiritual) exaltation, when they listen to Me, become like the mountain, and others, by their solitude and (spiritual) drought, become like the desert.
13 You who hear My word - love it, study it, and practice it. How many who had the desire to hear it cannot hear it, because this grace was not given to them at that time. But truly, I tell you, its echo will reach all and in greater purity, because it will not be the voice of a man that comes to them, but the Spirit of God.
14 Today I am working your heart with the chisel of My Word, teaching it to feel the pain of others; for he who has no compassion cannot be My Apostle I do not want the needy - after they have knocked at your door in vain - to ask Me sobbingly whether those are My chosen ones, those whom I have prepared as trustees of their brothers' sorrows, as the trustees and supporters of the needy. Watch, O disciples, so that even in the middle of the night, when you are deeply asleep, you may perceive the hand knocking at your door. This needy one who visits you today can be the one who - moved by your helpfulness - likewise transforms himself into My worker and facilitates your mission tomorrow. How many of those who come today asking for a little love, understanding or justice will be tomorrow the shield that protects you or the witness that saves you. But what can you expect from the one who in all his pain knocked on your doors and put his hope in your helpfulness and then was not heard? Let him come to you who is sunk in the mud of vice; if you can move him inwardly, he will feel remorse. Let the ragged one feel worthy of your house and your table; but do not be averse to his poverty; perhaps he is spiritually purer and more adorned than you. Do not save your best attentions and your kindest smiles for those who have material wealth in their hands, or who present themselves in costly array. Do not let your heart look upon these differences and distribute the benefits of your gifts equally to all. Suffering is abundant - how much good you can do every day and at every moment!
15 If you observe the children, you will see that there are many little ones without love, without law, without bread. If you go among the young, you will find the struggle of passions, the wrong ways, and if you look among the men and women who have reached the maturity of life, you will find among them tragedies, the very bitter cup: sometimes that of widowhood, the lack of hope and faith, and of true spiritual encouragement that comforts and sustains them.
16 My word alone can touch and make sensitive the heart hardened by suffering. Many of you had suffered so much that you did not feel the pain of others and were indifferent to it.
I speak to you much about pain and often mention the mercy you should have with your brothers because there are as many sufferings in the world as there are human beings, and in this day and age the sufferings of humanity are only beginning. That is why I prepare you so that you give new strength to your brothers with your love.
17 If it pleases the great peoples of the earth to drink to the "good" of the world by raising the cup of bitterness and pouring it on mankind, I am offering you from this humble table a spiritual cup full of sweetness and life to bring this message to those who have death in their heart and bitterness on their lips
18 Go step by step on this way of love. Let the stormy winds blow over you without weakening. your ears will hear them say that you are on the way of perdition; but strengthen yourselves in the memory of My words when I told you that My Mantle will cover everyone who walks in the world the way I have marked out for him with the bloody trail of My suffering
19 I want your face to reflect the gentleness of your Spirit, but not hypocrisy; for what your brothers do not see, I will judge - After storms that will have to whip this people, the number of those who will be gathered around Me will be small, because many will despair through the trials. But the remnant will be those who make my work flourish. Everything will then be louder, in the material as well as in the spiritual. For with my word I have opened the way for you, which was closed by the wickedness and disobedience of men. The eyes of your Spirit were also opened so that you may see the truth. I tell you once again that every eye will see me.
The rightly understood repentance that I have demanded of you has the purpose that you make a beginning of renewal in your life. Therefore I tell you that I do not want you to cover yourselves with "garments" of hypocrisy. I want you to be good and sincere and testify with your works to the truth of My teaching.
20 You will obtain a great treasure of wisdom without needing the books of men, since your only textbook is this Word in which you will have no influence from foreign teachings, nor from bad interpretations or from theories of men, but only My Law which will show you the way of your development
21 The dense veil of your materialism had let you sink into an ignorance that caused you to feel distant from the Divine and hid from you the light that must illuminate the life of the Spirit At this time My Voice tore that veil and showed you My sanctuary, revealing to you new teachings from My secret chamber of the heart. At My spiritual rallies some have lit their lamp of faith while others have preferred to continue to look at life in the light given to them by their little spiritual knowledge. When will you grasp all that you have to accumulate for your Spirit (in knowledge)?
22 I do not forbid you to study nature or to accumulate knowledge if it is for the good and progress of your human life. But I want you also to be interested in obtaining light for your Spirit because it will be the only thing you take with you from here to the hereafter and which will serve you on the spiritual way for your progress. I am so close to each of you that you only need to ask me something with your thoughts to immediately receive my answer. No one can reproach the father for having withdrawn from his children. Because as a loving shepherd I have always watched over all my sheep, and I can tell you in truth that none has got lost and also will not get lost because I am everywhere. My light is present in every place, and the life and love of your Father pulsates in all creation.
23 Man has strayed from the fulfillment of My Law; but today I can tell you that with My love teachings I am putting many straying sheep on the way to their upward development But when these return to the hurdle, I will bring others until I have kept them all in the enclosure of my love.
24 Today you know that pain purifies the soul and the heart and that it is not the first time that you have to cleanse your soul from its transgressions. The cup of bitterness poured out its contents on the world, and it was like a new deluge, but more painful, more bitter and longer lasting. There will come times when it is not pain that tames and restrains men, but the light of their conscience. If you still need pain as a bridle, it is the clearest sign that you have not developed spiritually.
25 Remember, My children, that you have to climb the mountain (of perfection) carrying a cross of pain on your back. But understand that the cross that is to lift you up (spiritually) is not that of removing it for your sins, but that of your sacrifices for others.
To men I say that they are to be leaders, defenders and protectors of men. To women, to mothers, I say: Pray for the great multitudes of children without parents, without home and without bread. Your prayers will be like the wings of the lark that spread out to cover the young. But think in this moment not only of yours, for they have your motherly love, but of those who have nothing on earth but loneliness and hunger for love. Pray for them! Who better than you can understand the cold, the emptiness and the thirst of those tender hearts? Pray, and soon bread, shelter and love will come to them. This is the right opportunity to practice mercy.
26 You have been banished to the earth, to this planet which man has turned into a valley of tears, although it is a wonderful garden, which the Creator has showered with His blessings. But men will learn to understand that for the sake of removing their guilt they were destined to be born at this time, to turn this desert of tribulation and pain into a paradise of light, a place of brotherhood and peace, where My commandment is fulfilled, which tells you: "Love one another!
27 Among those who listen to Me there are unbelievers who, in order to be able to believe, want to touch (with their hands), as Thomas did. To them I say that one day they will unite with Me from Spirit to Spirit. First of all they are to wash their vessel clean from within and from without, so that My word may descend into the same as a dew of grace and life for the Spirit.
28 The sick want to touch My garment as in the Second Time, so that their faith may heal them. But I tell you: why do you not touch My Divine Spirit with your pure thoughts, with your fervent prayer? You would obtain everything that your Spirit and your body need.
29 This is the teaching I am giving you, by which I make you see the book I have opened before you at all times It is the book of My eternal wisdom that I am showing you today opened at the Sixth Seal, using as My interpreter the voice bearer I have prepared.
30 At all times you have wanted to study My rallies to know My Will and My Commandments and I have answered your questions because anyone who seeks Me out of love, desiring to find the Truth, finds Me, sees Me before him, feels Me and is refreshed by My Love, just as I am filled with joy when My children show Me the fruit they have obtained with their works of love and mercy, with which they have soothed the pain of their brothers
31 In this book, which I have opened before you once more, all My teachings are contained, and what is written in it you shall know, and it will be to your happiness because it will lead you on the way of your upward development
32 You long to receive my inspirations, which I let flow abundantly at all times; but you have not used them Today, as I communicate with you through the human mind, will you continue to doubt My teachings and My presence among you? - I am not speaking to the dead or to beings without reason, but to you who are human beings and have a conscience and know Me.
If I were to speak to the dead, they would already have risen from their graves; if I were to speak to the stones or to the elements of nature, they would already bear witness to Me. But the unbelief of my children will not stop my teaching, and this book will continue to speak of the truth, the life of grace and the hereafter.
33 What do you seek in My teaching, what do you want to know, My children? "The Light", some tell Me. "We long to find peace," I hear others say. I tell you: If you prepare yourselves, you will find in My words all that your Spirit yearns for. I have prepared this nation like a fertile and blessed field from where you can see the mountain of New Zion, the land that awaits you. And tomorrow, after you have gone through the world and fulfilled your task, you will be in the Spirit on the ways of the hereafter, and you will all be united in one "valley" and form one Spirit with Me.
34 You must study so that you may understand the cause of the events of this time: Why Elijah came in this time and why I give you My Word. At all times Elijah has come as My forerunner to prepare the Spirit of all men. In the First Time Elijah came to earth, approaching the hearts of men and finding them addicted to paganism and idolatry. The world was ruled by kings and priests, and both had turned their backs on the fulfillment of the divine laws and led their peoples into paths of confusion and untruth. They had erected altars to various gods to whom they worshipped. Elijah appeared at that time and spoke to those with words of full justice: "Open your eyes and recognize that you have profaned the law of the Lord. You have forgotten the example of His messengers and have fallen into cults unworthy of the living and mighty God. It is necessary that you awaken, look upon Him and acknowledge Him. Destroy your idolatry and lift up your eyes above every image with which you have portrayed Him.
35 Elijah heard My voice saying to him, "Depart from this evil people. Tell him that for a long time no rain will fall until you command it in My name." - And Elijah said, "There will be no more rain until my Lord indicates the hour and my voice commands it," and in saying this he removed himself. - From that day on the earth was dry, and the seasons appointed for rain passed without the rain setting in. In the sky there were no signs of rain, the fields felt the drought, the cattle died away little by little, men dug in the earth for water to quench their thirst without finding it, the rivers dried up, the grass withered because it succumbed to the rays of a scorching sun, and men called on their gods and asked them that that element return to them to sow and reap seeds that would nourish them.
36 Elijah had retired by divine command, praying and awaiting the will of his Lord. The men and women began to leave their homes in search of new lands where they would not lack water. Caravans could be seen everywhere, and in all places the earth was parched.
37 The years passed, and one day, when Elijah lifted up his Spirit to the Father, he heard His voice saying to him, "Seek out the king, and when I give you the sign, the waters will fall on this land again.
38 Elijah, humble and obedient, went to the king of that people and showed his power before the worshipers of the false god. Then he spoke of the Father and of His power, and there the signs appeared: Lightning, thunder and fire were seen in the sky, and the life-giving rain fell down in torrents. Again the fields were covered with green, the trees were full of fruit, and there was prosperity.
39 The people awoke in the face of this evidence, and remembered their father, who through Elijah had given them a call and an admonition.
40 The miracles of Elijah were numerous and very great in those days, to stir up the people.
41 In the second time John the Baptist appeared, counseled repentance and prepared hearts to receive the Messiah. That blessed forerunner spoke to the crowds because the time of Jesus' preaching was approaching and it was necessary for them to recognize Him. - He baptized with water and poured it out on Jesus as well, saying to Him, "Master, why must I baptize you when you are without blemish? To this Jesus replied, "It must be done, then, that I may begin My day's work by showing submission, that these who follow Me may know how to purify and prepare themselves as they prepare to fulfill their task.
42 Elijah, a Spirit of great power, who has not been recognized by mankind, has always been My precursor. Today he has come once more to prepare those who are marked, who are to serve Me as voice bearers, and all men.
43 If you prepare yourselves and study My teaching to know My will, Elijah will come to your aid and be your support and friend
44 Elijah is (a) divine ray that enlightens and directs all beings and leads them to Me. Love him and worship him as your pioneer and advocate.
45 Disciples, if you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, do righteous works, fulfil the law, then My work will be recognized by all and will stand out among religions and teachings as the only way I have marked out for men.
46 Come to Me to help you in your preparation, sit at My table where I have a place ready for each one of My disciples from where you will attend My teaching Do not care whether the person through whom I rallies is a man or a woman, an old man, a young man or a child. Fathom My teachings until you have found the divine meaning of this word; then you will feel My presence through each one of My chosen ones. Make use of these moments, for later you might complain if you do not do so.
47 Let this people grow as the trees grow, multiplying their branches, as the rivers expand, forming new rivers and brooks See how from one community new communities emerge in the provinces and in the cities!
48 It is My Spirit who has sent them (the called) to the various provinces to bring a message of spiritualization. Why do some turn away from the principles of spiritualization that I have shown them - namely, without giving love and mercy for any selfishness - and sell the services they perform by means of gifts that have cost them nothing? do you not remember that from the first teachings you heard, I told you to watch and pray because temptation lurks around your steps? Think, then you will remember that I also told you that I have more to give you than you have to ask from Me - so that you should limit yourselves to receiving from Me what is permissible.
49 Know that in the book of your destiny the day and the hour is recorded when the gates of the hereafter will open to allow your Spirit to enter From there you will see all your work on earth, all your past. Surely then you do not want to hear voices consisting of reproaches or complaints against you, or see those who call you the originators of their evils!
50 What sorrow, what pain does a Spirit feel when he comes into that world of light and peace and hears that the lamentation of his victims is reaching there. If you do not want to live through this critical situation, cultivate already now the fields which I have entrusted to you and plant in them the seed of My teaching in all its purity. Do not feel incapable of accomplishing works worthy of Me and do not leave your agricultural implements at only half done work to forget this assignment and to give yourselves again to the temptations of the world.
51 Come hastily to hear my word. Remember that the day is very near when you will no longer hear it in this form. For you the time is already past when it was necessary for prophets to appear before the people to admonish them to repent and to threaten them with the righteousness of God if they would not listen to that warning call. Today I want you to be the prophets who awaken mankind and convey this heavenly message to them. I will perform miracles in your way and give you the weapons of truth to fight with them, for you will be fought.
52 Many crooked ways I will make straight by serving the righteousness of My good disciples. The spiritual presence of the people of God, called Israel on earth, will be felt among men, and many will come to the realization that what had been interpreted in material form had a high spiritual meaning.
53 Even though the spirits who formed this people were scattered over the world and the Spiritual Valley to fulfill a duty of atonement, they will now - united by My love through the light of the Holy Spirit, which illuminates the path of their development - on their way bring together all who hunger for freedom, for peace, for truth and justice, for love and redemption.
54 Verily, I tell you, the people of God are boundless, you all belong to them spiritually Therefore, this people could not be limited to one nation or one race. The people of Israel, which was called the people of God by the prophets and patriarchs of the First Times, is a symbol of the universal family, a people formed from beings wisely chosen for My purposes, and I used them as instruments, to give My teachings to mankind like a book opened before men - a book that speaks of spiritual and material development, of divine revelations, of prophecies, of human interpretations, of successes and errors of that people, of glory and decline, of freedom and bondage, of light and
Darkness. This people will have no more "Promised Land" under their feet. Its task is to seek out the lost, to instill new courage in the weak and to show them the way out of the desert, behind which lie the gates of the New Jerusalem, the Spiritual City, where you will dwell with your Master forever.
55 The one hundred and forty-four thousand marked out have the task to stand up for the law with zeal, to encourage the people on the way to defend the faith. They are to be soldiers of peace, masters in My wisdom, doctors for all diseases, comforters and prophets.
56 Great events have been witnessed by the generations of this time. Without you being aware of it, you are experiencing the great battle that is taking place not only on your battlefields or in the warring nations, but in many areas. The true battle is fought in the spiritual, where your eyes do not penetrate, in the human mind and heart, in the men of science and religions and in all human institutions. The reason for this is that a new time is approaching in which the Seventh Seal must be opened and justice and light triumph in the Spirits. Before that, I will have to send spirits to earth, full of My grace, who will guide men like children to attain salvation.
57 Pray and feel Elijah rushing through space from one end to the other, spreading light in the dark ways, saving those who are lost, purifying the defiled, awakening those who sleep in ignorance, and putting everything in order, for this is his time. Fear him not, love him, for he has come as a shepherd to lead you to the Father, to the heavenly hurdle that awaits you.
58 My word and all prophecies will come true.
59 In the second time you nailed My hands to a wood, the same hands that healed the sick and caressed children, young men and old. today I have made My rights free, but not to reject the cross on which you lifted Me up - no, beloved children, today I am stretching them out lovingly to give you My blessing
My peace be with you!