BTL - Volume III - Teaching 72

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume III - Teaching 56 - 82 
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Book of True Life - Volume 3

Teaching 72:

1 Blessed are those who penetrate the divine revelations reverently and humbly with the eyes of the Spirit, for their testimony of My manifestation as Holy Spirit will be true Go to men and sow the seed of My love yourself in the arid fields and water it with the water of My love.

2 There are many who see the spiritual at this time, but therefore do not believe that they all love Me. I have told you before that not everyone who says to Me "Father, Father" loves Me, but he who in silence exercises mercy on his brothers and humbly communicates with Me.

3 The ability of spiritual insight is a gift of the Holy Spirit. But while some are humble and tremble with joy and fear in the visions, others boast about the gift they possess.

4 Why are there disciples who strive for the first places, though I prefer no one at My table? I, who am the Master and who was to take the place of honour at the table surrounded by the love of My children, have found in the heart of each one of them, in some, a court of justice where My Words and My Works are judged, in others a dark dungeon where I am scourged and mocked, and in others I have found a cross ready for renewed sacrifice; I have found a cross that is ready for a new sacrifice

5 Some of My children suffer when they see the incomprehension of the people who are always disobedient to My orders and instructions

6 Nevertheless, and despite so much selfishness, there are some who visit the prisoner in his cell, the sick in his camp, and some hurry to the hospitals to bring a ray of light to those who suffer forgotten there. Those who are active in such a way love Me in their neighbor and honor Me through their works.

7 Put your minds at rest, remember that the moments are already short in which you have Me present in this manifestation The year 1950 is already very near and I still see you still immersed in deep lethargy. The reason is that you hear My words through a sinful body like yours, and therefore they do not have the credibility for you that they deserve. But the day will come when my prophetic word comes true, and you will then repent of your lack of understanding.

8 This has been the time announced by me, in which I speak to mankind; after that yours will come. But if you should close your lips and not make my teaching known, the stones will speak and the forces of nature will awaken you.

9 People, I will free you from the pain that oppresses you. support Me in this work: have you the will to do this? then learn from Me, hear My instruction, make use of this time which will pass quickly for you

10 If the dining room is left empty and the table is abandoned, the reason is to be because the disciples scattered to the winds and spread the Good News, and not because they turned their backs on Me and did not follow My call

11 I promise you, after My farewell but before you scatter over the world, to come in spirit to give you the light that will make you understand all that I have made known to you with My teachings and to give you the necessary strength to fulfil your mission In these moments the light of the Holy Spirit will be in every mind; some will see Me, others will hear Me, and all will spiritually feel My presence.

12 Make yourselves worthy of this grace; let none of My words disappear from your heart, for you would fall into forbidden ways.

13 Learn now, fill your mind with My light, for the moment will come when you will feel the impulse to set out and do your work But what can he teach who has learned nothing? Can a blind man guide another blind man?

14 With true faith you feel that I am present among you; but you feel unable to do great works for the benefit of your brothers. but truly, I tell you, in spite of your coldness, in this time among you will rise the disciples who will give up everything to follow My footsteps, just as the sinful women who, on My Word, start a new life, sin no more and are an example to their brothers and sisters

15 Know that the light of the sixth seal illuminates your spirit. The book is opened, for the seals are broken from the first to the sixth. I now gather those who are to bear My signs to entrust them with a very difficult task. At the end of this period of time I will receive those who have fulfilled it, and those who have not followed My instructions or have falsified them, I will reproach them very severely, and My word will prove severe on them.

16 People, understand that you must no longer waste time on trifles, on acquiring unnecessary riches or on new worldly adventures Understand that every moment I grant you means light and progress for your spirit.

17 My presence surprises this humanity which is not prepared to receive Me. My manifestation in spirit in this Third Age coincides with the greatest materialism of science, which has reached its peak. I see the weapons with which men are preparing to fight My teaching, which are their science, their philosophy, their materialistic theories, their self-love, their ambition and pride. But I possess a sword, which is the truth, whose radiant brilliance no one can resist. Its light will enlighten mankind in this time and expose all that is wrong and drive away darkness. When my light shines on all ways and truth is in all souls - who will then still be able to give refuge to the lie? Who will be able to deceive his brother?

18 The human heart has hardened until it finally became insensitive to the spiritual, which is its innermost being and its origin. I tell you: While My Father love is knocking on your heart without answer, the creatures deeper than man and all created things feel the presence of the Creator. I speak to the mountains, and they answer Me; I speak to the birds, and they answer Me with rejoicing; I bless the fields, and they spread a carpet of flowers. If, on the other hand, I speak to men, I must, in order to be heard, die before their eyes as man. But I have come anew because I know that their spirit will rise to the light of my teachings to return to the true way.

19 Beloved people, I give you the name of Israel, because I have given you My Law once more and taught you perfect worship of God you were far from worshipping the forces of nature and the stars as the ancients did; yet I found you in this time falling into a new idolatry My word had to fight against your errors, and still in many hearts are roots of former customs, beliefs and traditions.

20 Where are the idols of gold and silver which men made in times gone by, and where are the gods made by men's imagination? Stone by stone has gradually fallen down from the imperfectly built altars.

21 Today I come to you with a teaching which, once understood, is the easiest to fulfill, even if it seems to the world that it is impossible to realize. I teach you the cult of love for God through your life, works and spiritual prayer, which is not spoken from the lips in any particular place, nor requires cultic actions or images to be inspired.

22 It is not My will that you continue living in darkness. This is why I have sent you My light and have urged you to commune with your God from spirit to spirit.

23 My teaching teaches you to see Me near as a loving Father and not as a distant God, as the greater part of mankind feels Me. It also shows you the purest, easiest and safest way to enter My presence.

24 People, I am giving you a perfect teaching. Try to rise, fight to climb the mountain, purify yourselves so that your soul may be freed from worldly passions and experience the happiness of dwelling in the Infinite. Understand that your soul is hungry and thirsty to be nourished in the regions of My Love where the vibration of My Power, My Spirit of Love and My universal radiance reign.

25 When you have managed to make some steps forward, do not become vain, because you consider yourselves the first people on earth who are the owners of the Truth Remember that without humility all your works will be false.

26  I want you to distinguish yourselves by active charity, by spiritualization, by virtue, so that through your lives you may give mankind the best testimony that you are "Israel", the people of God, into whose bosom My Word invites every soul to enter.

27 Today you want to explain why you are Israel, and have no arguments; you want to explain why you are spiritualists, and you lack words. You try to explain what your spiritual gifts are, and you lack the proof and the spiritual development to explain them convincingly. But when your upward development becomes true, the necessary words will fly to you, as you will demonstrate with your works of love who you are, who has taught you, and where you are going.

28 Times are approaching full of surprises and unexpected events for mankind. I want this people to be able to give the right interpretation of those events, since in My Word all that must happen has been revealed to you.

29 You are in the divine crucible of My work for testing and preparation. But do not despair in the face of pain, for it is necessary that you be ground down. Learn to empty the cup of suffering with patience so that you may have the right to comfort those who suffer and not curse the pain. For if you feel it within yourselves, you will be able to understand better that of your brothers.

30 I am training you so that you may soon become doctors of the soul and body. But know that before me the one who heals the soul is more important than the one who only heals the pain of the body.

31 To the men, women and children who hear My Word, I say: keep it in your hearts and remember My doctrines and commandments in the light of your conscience, for they are to be the weapons that will serve you tomorrow to spread the teaching and make known what your cross of love and redemption will be, so that I may tell you Be blessed, because you recognize more and more the true way of the spirit, from which many have deviated because it is long, and who then told me Lord, we cannot follow you.

32 Many are those who have listened to Me, but few are those who follow Me, and it is to these that I avail myself to encourage those who have strayed from the narrow way - to make the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and the "dead" rise. Through My servants I have performed miracles among men, and I still perform them to wake them up from their deep sleep.

33 In the Second Time you left Me alone on the Cross when I drank the cup of bile and vinegar, and only My Blood was shed on Calvary. But now you will accompany me with your cross and have your Lord as your helper, just as I had a man on the way of pain who helped me carry the cross. Your life is the road of bitterness, on which you will reach the top of the mountain step by step, falling and getting up again, where you can tell your Father "Lord, into your hands I commend my spirit."

34 Who are those who follow me to the end without boasting? You do not know. - Who will get there? All, says the Master to you, first some, then others. Some with less pain, and some with great sacrifice, according to the way each one chooses and the way he walks on it.

35 The straight way is the shortest; it is made by light, love, and virtue. It is the way of the law.

36 The crooked ways lengthen the course of development, but in the end you will all come to me.

37 You do not know the place of peace which the souls who reach the "mountain heights" reach, but you have faith in the existence of the Promised Land, and therefore I tell you anew: Blessed are those who believed without seeing.

38 From ancient times, prophecies announced to you that in this time every eye would see Me - that of the sinner and that of the pious; but Jesus in human form will not all see. My presence will be seen with the eyes of your faith, love, and spiritual upliftment.

39 My voice will vibrate in the innermost part of your being, and you will feel that I live with you. But you must cleanse your heart chamber so that you will not be ashamed to receive Me in it when it is stained. Seek the support of your spiritual brothers, and they will help you in your armament.

40 You have already begun your wanderings on the way to your spiritual development, continue them without fear. I have encouraged you in the trials which I have imposed on you. What human power could have brought back out him who had fallen into the abyss? Who could have made possible the impossible that happened in your life? Who could have destroyed the snares of temptation that afflicted your soul?

41 I am the only one who is able to do these works among you, without demanding any compensation for them. I do not enumerate My blessings to boast to you of what I am giving you, but because I want My teachings not to pass unnoticed (by you) and your minds to fathom and comprehend them. I want your heart to become kind so that it may help the soul to do good works and sow the way of your brethren with love and mercy.

42 You come to these humble assembly places where you hear My word, as to a school where you are to learn what you are to put into practice later in your life's journey. Understand that by merely hearing the instruction you have not yet fulfilled your task. I entrust the world to you so that you may spread in it the seed of My teaching. I entrust your home to you, showing you the areas of activity and the paths to be taken. The prisons, the hospitals, the orphanages, the places where vice and depravity reign, are suitable fields of activity for your prayer and your works of mercy.

43 Conquer yourselves, and the way will become easy for you. Then you will be able to defeat the beast, which my apostle John saw in his Revelation.

44 Many times you have wanted to vow to Me that you will follow Me, but I have sealed your lips so that they will not pronounce the vow. Others among you wanted to write down the vow that they will always love Me and I have stopped your pen because I want it to be your spirit from which the irrefutable intention to follow Me springs.

45 If for a moment you could see your own spirit, you would be surprised to know who you are; you would marvel at its light and feel respect for yourselves But though you cannot see him with the eyes of your body - have faith in him because of his utterances, then your body will no longer be a dungeon or an obstacle to his elevation. Remember that your spirit, as a creature similar to the Creator, is destined to accomplish works worthy of Him who gave it life.

46 Now, more than ever, you must gather your strength to see to the maturation of your soul, which has left a trail of pain, sorrow, and tears in many of you. But now that you have left the city of sin and step by step you are approaching the new land that awaits you lovingly - do not turn your face back, continue to walk until you reach your destination.

47 Look at misguided humanity - misguided because the great religious communities that call themselves Christian attach more importance to the ritual and outward appearance than to my teaching itself. That word of life, which I sealed with works of love and with the blood on the cross, no longer lives in the heart of men, it is locked up and mute in the old and dusty books. And so there is a "Christian" humanity that neither understands nor knows how to follow Christ.

48 That is why I have only a few disciples in this time - those who love their brothers who suffer, those who soothe the pain, those who live in virtue and preach it by their example: These are the disciples of Christ.

49 Whoever knows My teaching and conceals it, or makes it known only with his lips and not with his heart, he is not My disciple.

50 I have not come in this time to visit temples of stone and make myself known in them. I seek for souls, hearts, not material festive garments.

51 On men who deny my existence because they have lost their way on the paths of science, I look with mercy. Not even those who seek to destroy Me in the hearts of men do I regard as enemies; I love them and forgive them because they are My much-loved children.

52  Penetrate into My word, but do it with respect and do not demand to know what only your Lord may know But feel the infinite joy of knowing that you have a perfect, wise and just being as God.

53 Beloved people, see this oppressed and sick humanity, not aware of the time in which it lives, nor of My presence among men

54 Awaken, people, for I am giving you a message of light, faith and salvation for this humanity Free yourselves from your lethargy and think about the task you have on earth in this time.

55 I am not telling you that you will be the saviours or redeemers of this mankind, no; but I am telling you to carry the Good News to the provinces and nations. your mission will not be limited to repeating My doctrines but to interpreting them and always confirming them with works of mercy and sowing love among your brethren

56 Do not doubt your authority to do works that surprise and convince your fellow men; that you are simple and uneducated is not an obstacle to fulfil the mission I have entrusted to you. There is a spirit of light in you, which needs only your faith to reveal itself.

57 Among these multitudes of poor and disinherited, I will enlighten those who will be counsellors, doctors of souls, interpreters of My Work, messengers of peace and prophets

58 Some will go away to other peoples, the rest will await the arrival of those whom you call foreigners, the strangers who seek peace, light, brotherhood and hospitality.

59 I have told you that this nation is being prepared at this time, so that it may rise at the hour appointed by My will as a banner of peace and spirituality among the peoples of the earth. It will give shelter, be a refuge and protect those who come to it bent by pain. Great is the destiny of this people, therefore I test them and make them feel My righteousness.

60 Would not your heart be filled with delight when you saw the refugee trains coming at your doors in search of peace? Would you not rejoice to share your bread with the hungry?

61 Prepare your hearts and ennoble your sensations because you do not know the hour or the day when my word will be fulfilled Develop the gift of healing with which I have made you spiritually rich because with the homeless many sick will come and others who are depressed by exhaustion. Known and unknown diseases will torment them; but I give you one healing balm for all sufferings, whether mental or physical. In order to work miracles, that balm needs the true love of neighbor, which is the basis of prayer.

62 O blessed nation, into which I let My Ray of Light, which has become the Word, enter, in which I made My people appear: destroy your religious fanaticism, free yourself from ignorance and you will never again be a slave!

63 I have blessed these lands so that when the day comes, the manna of Mercy will fall on them and the great crowds of people who are searching for the Truth will eat from it

64 Watch over your heritage, watch over your gifts, for you are destined to teach mankind spirituality, the teaching that reveals the greatest wisdom and ensures the peace of men and the ascent of the spirit.

65 The assignments and missions I entrust to you are by no means a yoke or a burden for you. You have not endured the burden of your imperfections and have not dragged the chains of humiliation and bondage with you so that I offer you a new yoke. The tasks I entrust to you are certainly difficult and of very great responsibility, but their fulfillment assures your peace, your welfare and your salvation.

66 If you carry out your task well, instead of being a heavy cross or a painful burden, it is an unspeakable joy for the spirit and an immeasurable satisfaction for the heart.

67 This is the age of Elijah, who came to you in spirit, paving all paths, breaking down obstacles, bringing light into darkness, breaking chains of ignorance, and showing the way to all souls.

68 Just as Moses freed Israel from the yoke of Egypt and led it into the land of Canaan, so in this time of Elijah will free you from the darkness of this world to bring you into the light of the Spiritual Kingdom, the new Promised Land.

My peace be with you!

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