... then Christ can create himself in you



D. posted yesterday in our Telegram group a video from a channeler on the Immaculate Conception of Mary, where the talk was that Joachim, the father of Mary, visited her mother Anna at the age of 80 and sealed her with a kiss, so that Mary was conceived.

Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, was created in the same way that Christ created Himself in her. Mary is the third, divine person, the Holy Spirit, and this is none other than Christ Himself. 

The night I was thinking about this, I then heard these words:

"...that is, if you are fully prepared and in the here and now, then Christ can create Himself in you."

Towards morning I had a


I was sitting in the apartment by the window, and I saw a man walking around outside, going from one apartment to another, thinking to himself, "Those back there will get it too."

Then I saw how I put a pin in the door lock and turned the pin around so the door was then locked and I felt safer. (Note: We recently got a new locking system from the building association and new digital keys that you can lock from the central office).

First came the door. They built a small black box in front of the door lock and used it to seal the door. Then I saw the same box on the phone and router. They also sealed the phone and the Internet. (Surveillance)

When I woke up, I felt eerie and I asked:

Lord, Jesus Christ, what does this mean? And inside me came the word:

" Clarification!"

I am to enlighten about the fact that with the sealing of front doors and telephone and Internet, surveillance is being advanced.



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