BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 129

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 129:

1. From my kingdom I come to man's home and seek the lamp of his faith. I have knocked on every heart to recognize in everyone the good will to come running to my call. In some I found a sanctuary, illuminated by the flame of a lamp, in others only darkness. Some are pure places where I can enter, others are defiled, and they must first purify themselves to receive me. But I bless them all with the same love.

2. He who knocks at your doors does not come with royal garments, though he is a king. He comes in the robes of a wanderer and in search of an inn. whenever I see you awake, alert and expecting Me, My Word pours out in you like an inexhaustible stream to make your hearts fruitful This heart that beats within you is a suitable soil to sow the divine seed. Your Spirit is the temple of divinity, it is My home. Your conscience is the interpreter of My Voice of Justice and the support of My Scepter. All these powers tell you that you are not independent, but that you come from an omnipotent being to whom you must submit your will, since It is perfect.

3. The Father approaches His children to obtain from them their merits as the best harvest, and not only the tears of your sufferings; for it is not they whom I store in My granaries Almost always your weeping is the fruit of your disobedience to my law. Only seldom do you weep out of love or out of remorse.

4. Hardened I have found your heart in this time. But if I chiselled My law in the First Time in stone - why should I not stamp it in this time in the rock of your heart? There I will show you the power of My Word and write not only a leaf, but a book that contains secrets of My hidden wisdom, which only I can reveal.

5. I speak to you as Father and as Master; but when I speak to you as Judge, fear My Justice, but do not flee from it, for even this voice is a friend, and when it calls you to account, it does so because it loves you So I show myself before your eyes so that you can get to know me. How could you achieve this if I were to live eternally hidden behind a veil of mystery? Understand that I felt the need to reveal Me gradually before your Spirit so that you may finally see Me in all My glory. If, at the beginning of your spiritual development, I had shown myself to your Spirit in all My greatness - what would you have seen, felt or understood? Nothing! If you had felt close to Me, you would have perceived an infinite emptiness, or in striving to comprehend the deep truth, you would have found your mind incapable and your Spirit too weak. Today again I draw aside the veil of My mystery a little so that you may know your God better.

6. Who is blind so that he cannot see Me? Who is insensitive so that he cannot feel Me? I have been preparing you for a long time to hear Me in this form, which is like: To see my face, while at the same time I prepare you for coming times in which you must know more about me. So when you long for light, when you are hungry and thirsty for truth, listen to Me with all your senses and soul powers, and you will see Me. Do not get used to this word as something commonplace, nor do you fall into the routine of a worship ritual. Do not take My teaching as some material ideology, and do not make use of it to profit from the good faith or the physical or mental sufferings of your fellow men.

7. The time of understanding has come for you, the moment of enlightenment has come, and not far away is the time when you should set out to let this light shine in other hearts. I give you sensitivity and give you knowledge so that you may fulfill your spiritual mission. All of you are able to give a light-filled advice to the needy to dry the tears of him who cries. I have given you a precious healing balm in abundance, which shall not be wasted for one day. Pain has purified you so that you can develop your spiritual gifts. Do not defile yourselves anew with sin. Your lips and your heart were also purified - some to become a fountain of charity and good feelings, and others to express the pure, the sublime.

8. Here is My teaching, clear, transparent like the water you use to quench your thirst I am turning your heart into a well so that it may gather this water and you may see to the bottom because of its transparency, which is as if you were seeing My Spirit free from any form or veiling.

9. Listen to me, disciples, for all wisdom proceeds from me. I come to you with words and works to surprise you in your sleep. But truly, I tell you, before I come to a people or a heart, I send to it a messenger or a forerunner so that it may recognize and receive me at my arrival. Now ask yourselves at which of my arrivals you were really prepared to receive me.

10. The prophets of the first days, who announced the coming of the Master, were mocked, persecuted, and stoned in the cities. Elijah, who in those days spoke through the mouth of an inspired and righteous man named Roque Rojas, preached "in the wilderness", and very few heard his voice.

11. When you look at the wrestling of Moses in those first days, you will likewise see the low faith, the lack of armament in the decisive moments. Remember: When Moses commanded his people for the night of deliverance that no one should sleep, and that they should spend the night hours standing in prayer, with sandals on and the walking staff in their hands, there were many who abandoned themselves to sleep, and when they awoke, the people had already departed. And when Moses left the people alone to pray on Mount Sinai, on his return he found the great multitude devoted to the idolatrous cult; they had completely forgotten the announcements of their leader and prophet concerning the promises of Jehovah.

12. I never wanted to meet you unprepared, or to surprise you, sinning or sleeping in the womb of the world and of the flesh. This is why I have sent you My messengers before to let My voice reach you, starting from the most humble hut to the most splendid abode. I had seven great prophets born among the same people to announce to them the coming of the Savior of the world - seven men who were brothers of that people and possessed their blood and language. In them I put My voice so that they would be like a beacon of hope for the poor and oppressed, and a prophecy of justice for the proud, the wicked, the unjust.

13. When the promised one came to his people, very few followed him, only those who were hungry and thirsty for justice. But those who received many honors, who were full of vanity and striving for power and felt that the index finger of My righteousness pointed at them, these were the ones who prepared the cross for the Son of God.

14. You shall bring the good news to mankind that they are already living in the time of the Holy Spirit, this time announced by great signs in nature, to open the eyes of scientists to the truth, to make the sinner's heart repent and to make the world think. But this humanity - without wanting to interpret these voices (of natural events) in their true sense - when it could not attribute everything to material causes, it succumbed to superstitious fears. That is why my word came across hearts in this time, which are rocks, with which a new passion began for me.

15. The light that My Spirit poured out on you in this time is the blood that Jesus shed on the Cross for mankind As a preliminary symbol of these revelations, in the First Time you sacrificed lambs and marked with their blood the doors of your houses. The blood is life, the sacrifice is love. Love is the light of the Spirit. This has always been your characteristic or mark.

16. O people who have followed this voice - never forget that the love of the Lord has marked you for a great mission. This divine sign is My kiss of love, is protective power, weapon and shield.

17. The life you are crossing today is a greater desert than the one Israel crossed in the First Times. But if you do not lack love and faith in passing through it, there will be no lack, nor hunger or thirst. There will be manna and water, oases and joys in the journey of life. Those who do not flee from the hot sand, nor retreat from their enemies, nor become tired on the long journey, will soon feel that they are coming to the Promised Land. But those who seek comfort, pleasure and the means to grow up along the way will stop along the way and delay their arrival at the gates of the city. The way is upward development, the desert is a test of faith and a baring for the Spirit.

18. Do not make this way a path to your liking, do not seek to conform My law and My work to your life, habits, and passions You must conform yourselves to My law.

19. Sometimes you cannot understand why I love you so much, why I forgive all your transgressions Then I show you your neighbors to do to them what the Master has done to you.

20. Who can doubt the goodness of My teachings at this time? I have said to men as once: "Love one another," to children: "Honor your parents," to men: "Respect the woman," to parents: "Set a good example to your children. That is not darkness. My seed brings peace, love, unity. With it you stop that atonement which passed from parents to children from the earliest times - a sorrowful reparation, which has been the seed which you have sown and reaped again and again. It is necessary that every transgression be washed away, and verily, I say to you, no transgression escapes My righteousness. A year, a century, and even an age may pass over it, but the time of judgment will come.

21. Love purity, live in accordance with the law, which conscience shows you. Use these times of teaching to put into practice what you have learned. Do not sleep while others cry, do not get used to the news of war. Remember that these messages are full of sobs, laments and fears. Understand that these reports that come to you are cries of pain from your brothers and sisters. It would be better for you if, on the basis of My Word, you would feel the pain of those people, and be inspired to pray for them with compassion and earn merit so that they may find peace and the war may not take your nation by surprise, and then, while you are drinking a very bitter cup, you would cry out: "Now I understand what those nations have been through!

22. What would become of this people whom I have brought together if I did not teach them with words of justice, truth and love? do you not believe in My word of this time because I am bringing it to your ears through My children?

23. If you killed the prophets of the First Times in the streets and later subjected My apostles to martyrdom, I tell you that it is also death that you cause to these voices if the word that comes from their lips is not believed Are you so enslaved by your material senses that you do not feel the divine essence of this Word? Remember that I told you: "The tree is recognized by its fruit.

24. I am preparing you for the time when you will no longer hear My Word, because then men will call you the people without God, the people without a house of God, because you will not have splendid church buildings to worship Me, nor solemn rituals to celebrate, nor seek Me in effigies. But I will leave you a book as a testament, which will be your protective shield in the trials and the way on which you direct your steps. These words, which you hear today through the voice bearer, will flow out of the Scriptures tomorrow so that you may refresh yourselves again in them and they will be heard by the crowds of people who will come at this time.

25. Despise not that which is written down in other times, for you would be fanatical. Do not be dominated by passion and learn to respect your brethren who at other times with their love, faith, and even with their blood wrote pages of that book in which are written the names and example of those who have borne witness to my truth.

26. Do you love Me and know Me? Do you love Mary, your Heavenly Mother? For among those pages of the book there is one written with the blood of your Savior and with the tears of Mary, the one who contains in her bosom the maternal love of God.

27. If you want the new generations to respect the Third Testament, you respect the earlier Testaments.

28. The great plagues will shake the world, and then people will pay attention to the new book of revelation, which they will find firm as a rock, engraved in the hearts of a people.

29. Understand My word correctly. I have spoken much about My absence and My farewell to you. But understand that I have spoken to you figuratively. I will then indeed no longer speak to you in this form, but can you imagine that I can move away from one of you when I am the life of your Spirit and dwell in him forever? Will you be able to stop hearing the voice of your Father within your being? Never, if you know how to prepare yourselves.

30. You are moving towards this goal, for this purpose I came to prepare you through these rallies. If you are prepared, you will hear My voice pure and clear; if you are not, you will be confused and will be able to give nothing but testimony. What then will you hand over, of what will you speak after the parting of My word?

31. I want - without you straying away from a natural and simple life and without you getting into a state that could be considered out of the ordinary, that you remain always prepared and that you keep spiritualization in your hearts, so that at any moment when you are called, you may be ready to fulfil your mission

32. I have told you that in 1950 I will gather the 144,000 marked ones on earth. But no one knows at which point on earth I will let those be born who are still in the spiritual so that they fulfill my mission.

33. Your destiny is in me, for I am the resurrection and the life. Later you will come together again in the spiritual home and from there you will complete your work.

34. Spiritualize the exercise of your assignment. The year 1950 is already approaching, and you are not to remain unprepared. I want to see you eagerly fulfill your mission, but not fanatically. Use the time that is light and redemption for the soul.

35. Although mankind has come a long way, it still remains spiritually separated. Has a different truth been revealed to each people? No, the truth is one.

36. The spiritual division of men is due to the fact that some took one branch and others another. There is only one tree, but its branches are many. But men have not wanted to understand my teachings in this way, and the disputes separate them and deepen their differences of opinion. Everyone believes to possess the truth, everyone feels right. But I say to you: As long as you taste the fruit of a single branch and misjudge that of the others, you will not come to the realization that all fruits come from the divine tree, the totality of which represents the absolute truth.

37. When I speak to you of these truths, think not that the Master means the outward cults of the various religions, but the fundamental principle on which each of them is based.

38. A great storm is now making itself felt. Its gusts of wind, when shaking the tree, will cause its various fruits to fall down, and they will be tasted by those who had not known them before. Thereupon they will say: "How misguided and blind we were when we - induced by our fanaticism - rejected all the fruits that our fellow men offered us, just because they were unknown to us!

39. A part of My light is in every group of people, in every community. Therefore no one boasts of possessing the whole truth. Understand, then, if you want to advance further to the nature of the Eternal, if you want to get further than where you have come, if you want to know more about me and about yourselves, then you must first unite the knowledge of the one with that of the other, and likewise with all the others. Then a clear and very bright light will shine out of this harmony, which you have been searching for in the world without having found it.

40. "Love one another," this is my principle, my highest commandment for men, without distinction of creeds or religion.

41. Approach one another through the fulfillment of this highest commandment, and you shall find Me present in each of you.

42. Be attentive observers, and you will realize that the struggle of ideas, creeds and religions is already beginning. The result of your human conflicts will lead you step by step into this new battle.

43. Alas, if only men were receptive to when

always my light approaches them - how much pain and confusion would they save themselves! But they do not yet understand how to send themselves to receive peace. They seek only to prepare themselves for war, or at least for defense.

44. After I have announced all this and warned you - could you still fall into dismay like some ignorant man when the time of battle has come?

45. Send yourselves for peace, for harmony, for reconciliation and brotherhood.

46. You will see the great religions attacking each other, the confused crowds of people fleeing in wild flight. At that hour this people shall have full knowledge of its task, it shall be free from prejudice, from stains or errors, to reach out its hand full of mercy to the needy for peace, comfort, light and health.

47. Renew your life, spiritualize your works, study My Word, because in it I give you the taste of all the fruits of the divine tree, so that when your fellow men offer you the fruits they possess and which they have cultivated, knowing the taste of the fruit I have given you, you may accept its fruit with love if you find it pure, or reject it with kindness if you do not find it pure.

48. The Spirit has a higher sense that enables him to discover what is true, pure, perfect. But it is necessary for this gift to develop so as not to fall into error, that is, that you feed on unhealthy teachings and reject what is really food for your Spirit.

49. I will give you My teaching; but first lay down your grief with Me, weep at the Master's heart, recover, and when you have soothed your grief, when the tears have dried on your cheeks, lift your spirit so that My teaching may come upon it; I will give you My teaching

50. I will not see hunger or thirst in any of My disciples; I will see you satisfied to have eaten and drunk at My table. Only in this way will you be able to do in this world works worthy of Me. Do not forget that every day that passes brings nearer the one of My farewell, and whoever does not make use of this time of teaching will later feel like an orphan.

51. It was not by chance that brought you into my presence. My voice called you on the way of life, and My mercy led you. Now you know that you have come to know the task I have sent you to earth to fulfill. In My words you have learned what your origin and what your destination is. You have received the revelation that you are part of a people that received the manna of the Spirit in three stages.

52. When you translate into the spiritual all that happened in the people of Israel in the first two epochs, you will know that the same thing has happened in you in the present time.

53. The life of that people, its history, is a teaching for all mankind, it is a parable, a book whose stone foundations were the law which I revealed to you in Sinai. Its content preserves the voice of the prophets, the development of a people, its struggles, its victories and its defeats, its joys and its bitterness. Also in it is the perfect work of Christ among men and the mission of those who followed Him.

54. Today that book opens before your Spirit, and you see new rays of light breaking out of it, because what was not understood in those times has been explained to you today. Today your Spirit can knock at the gates of the beyond in the desire for wisdom. Today your spiritual ability allows you to come closer to the Master so that He may show you the new lessons of His Divine Secrets.

55. My people, though there is peace in the glory of My Spirit, I cannot refrain from sending you My help, for I see you walking in the ways of the world, dragging chains of toil and imperfections with you.

56. You are on your way to cross a desert and in the midst of it I have made palm trees grow so that you may find shade and rest From the barren rock of your world I have caused an inexhaustible spring to gush forth so that you may drink from it and have no more thirst. Today I do not give you fields in the world to cultivate them; your fields you will find in your hearts. Some have just begun to cultivate, others are finishing a work that was begun long ago, and still others are reaping the fruit of their sowing.

57. The fathers of families should not make the excuse that they have many children, that their time is devoted only to the acquisition of daily bread, and that therefore they cannot think of doing good to others.

58. Men should not tell Me that they feel incapable of teaching My law To all of you I say that there are more than enough occasions in your life's journey where you can sow My seed without wasting your time and without neglecting your duties.

59. Serve Me, and I will serve you

60. Do not let your heart be disappointed when you sow love in your children or in your fellow men and reap only pain from them You know exactly what Christ sowed in the world and what He reaped. But He knew that the harvest does not take place in the world, but in heaven when the time comes. You too, disciples, when you emulate the Master in patience, do not seek rewards or rewards on earth, but rather wait until the hour of your bliss in the hereafter.

My peace be with you!


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