BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 140

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 140:

1. I am present among you to teach your Spirit the way of peace, light and good.

2. I come to you because I alone know that the pain and fear in which men live are nothing but hunger, thirst and misery of the Spirit.

3. One man today and another tomorrow, they will open their eyes to the light of truth, finally convinced that they can never reach perfection with pleasures, riches and worldly satisfactions, suspecting that something exists beyond the material, whose essence, beauty and truth is that bread, that food and that joy which the Spirit so lacks.

4. For the heart of men to be filled with My light, it must first cleanse itself from all that is in it. How will you fulfill My law when your whole being is permeated by materialism? First it must free itself from every pain, evil and hatred that it carries within it until it is pure, and then My grace will enter into it.

5. Know that I have created in every man a place reserved for Me; but you have taken possession of it and filled it with unfairness, imperfections and profanations. This is the truth; man has profaned in himself the most holy thing I have granted to his Spirit.

6. Only I could have compassion on men, because charity moved away from them. Today they no longer know it, and so I have come to show them all their faults, which are the cause of their bitterness.

7. What good are their religions to men? I see that all have as a principle the faith in God and as a law the good. Do you obey what your religions teach and command you? You cannot tell Me that you fulfill it, for you would be lying about this through the imperfect works you do daily in the world.

8. People do not believe in Me, nor love Me, nor obey Me The life of men on earth would be different if they believed me, loved me, and were obedient to me.

9. I showed myself to the world and gave it proofs of My presence, My truth and My power, so that it should follow Me. And the greatest proof of my wisdom I revealed to her with the word, "Love one another" - a simple sentence, but one that contains the secret of true greatness, which is reserved for spiritualized men.

10. "Love one another" was the last commandment which I left to my disciples at that time. Commandment is the same as law, therefore in this law, to love you as brothers and sisters in God, I united all regulations, all highest doctrines and wise sayings, so that you might know that love is the law that governs life.

11. Only Christ the Lamb revealed that light to the world, which is why I tell you that the hour will come when all men will unite in the truth of this commandment.

12. It is now time for man to offer me his tribute of love, as all beings of creation do. Up to now mankind has offered me only the bile and vinegar that the captain held to my lips during my death struggle.

13. Do you not know that with bitterness the thirst for love can never be quenched? And yet this is what you have always offered me. I, on the other hand, am bringing a mantle of infinite mercy to cover you, a chalice with the wine of life and bread of the Spirit, bread of wisdom, of faith, of love and truth, to lift you up - not on a cross of pain but on a mountain of perfection.

14. My disciples are not to surround their practices within My teaching with mysteries. This is simple, of that simplicity which you find in nature. The prayer that I teach you is the one that comes from the heart. What can you hide from Me that I do not know? If a storm rages in your soul, how can you tell Me in a prayer that is not yours that you are calm and that you do not need help? Formulate your own prayer daily according to your needs. Feel me close, and when this world wearies you with its problems and tribulations, come to me, also turn to the spiritual world where you will find protectors and friends, true love, pure affection, and you will feel its company and its comfort.

15. I rule and contemplate all the worlds and will see with love how the brothers and sisters approach each other, who dwell on different spheres, to agree with each other and reach out their hands. Later on you will be only Spirits, emulating those who have been examples of virtue - these your protectors and your intercessors whom I have allowed to manifest themselves in this time before the people of Israel, so that they may fulfill a great mission among mankind.

16. Learn to live for a short time in higher spheres Fly to those regions where you breathe peace and harmony, then you will feel stronger and comforted on your return.

17. You have everything necessary to live in My laws You cannot tell Me that your living conditions do not allow you to fulfill them. Even in the midst of the struggle of life, you can pray, love and do good to your fellow men.

18. The doors of My heart are open for you to enter and study My word.

19. You are the Spirits who have received a mission since the beginning of creation. You are sparks of My Spirit and have been endowed with reason, will and intelligence. I have created you in My image and likeness, and therefore you are enabled to think, feel and love.

20. You are like precious stones that are to shine in this time to spread light among men, like jewels I love you For Me you have an inestimable value. Awaken and allow My chisel to smooth you so that, already prepared, you may work carefully in the provinces and make My Truth known, bearing witness to it through true works of love.

21. Do you think that after 1950 I will cease to manifest Myself among you? My word will indeed end through the human mind, but My gifts will remain in you. I have told you that you are the foundations of a world of love, and I want you to be strong so that you build up stone by stone and leave this heritage to future generations.

22. Fulfill your mission, for I will pay with increase of each of your works. The way to reach the goal is still far, but you can shorten it with good will.

23. I receive your Spirit, for it is he who can soar to the heights of perfection. I expect you to spiritualize so that we are one, for you will all merge with me. Meanwhile I enlighten your Spirit.

24. You will triumph through your trials and I will welcome you It will be My love that will meet you at your reception. My love does not ask how you come, it only says: come.

25. So that you may enter into My presence with your calm Spirit, care for him, for he is your true being. Do not forget him, for this would be as if you were to forget yourselves and God. Cease to be too preoccupied with satisfactions, comforts, personality cult, and human pleasures.

26. I speak to those who neglect their Spirit and ask them: What have you given for your eternal life, for what is today and will not be tomorrow, for the life of constant change, where triumph is short-lived but pain is the immediate result of it.

27. Think deeply about these words. My law and My teaching always remain unchanging for you; they remind you and teach you your spiritual and also human duties. I have already told you that your life corresponds to your works. If mankind carries a chain of pain, it is not I who put that chain on it, but it itself. You will still experience much weeping and suffering. Study My words so that you do not lengthen that chain of bitterness and human trials. Have pity on yourselves, for I have already forgiven you.

28. In the time I was on earth as Jesus, sinful hearts told Me: "Rabbi, how strange is your teaching which announces to us, sinners, the forgiveness of God! My word seemed strange to them because they knew that they were criminals or adulterers and that the only law they knew was: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Therefore they asked Me in wonder, "Why do you speak of the forgiveness of sins? Why do you, O Rabbi, show love for the depraved? When your lips speak, they shine with a heavenly radiance, and your teaching is a burning message of the purest love. To them I answer with every one of My works.

29. My teachings are not strange teachings, it is the teaching of love, the path where the soul can develop, where it can give true direction to its thoughts, words and works, and which will follow it until the end of its atonement

30. It is necessary that the one who has sinned enters the temple and there, filled with repentance, attends the feast of Divine Love.

31. You can shorten your journey through the ambushes of life, with fewer falls than others, with fewer missteps, if you know how to use the key that opens the door of the temple to your spiritual armament

32. If you truly repent of the evil you have caused, you will always be welcome. But it is necessary that you prove your repentance by works, for only by them will you purify yourselves.

33. Three virtues must ye strive for: Repentance, forgiveness and love. If these feelings, these virtues do not shine in your being - how will you then obtain for your Spirit the light of My Kingdom? How will you enjoy the bliss reserved for those who know how to rise up to reach it?

34. He who obtains this bliss carries the glory of his Father within him Only by the way of love will you reach your true home, that kingdom which no one can obtain by any other means, which you cannot buy at any price unless it is won with the heart.

35. Love eases the burden during the journey of life, and all pain passes. The word "love" means life. Love and life are My teaching.

36. Three qualities are necessary in My disciples to change their lives: The first is to listen to Me, the second to understand Me, and the third to put My teaching into practice.

37. If you move away from the whirlwind of your life and come here with the purest thoughts, My Word will be light in your mind But you come confused by the struggle of life and by your works, which do not always correspond to what the Father has commanded you to do. I remind you especially of the work which you left unfinished or forgot: the spiritual work, which you forgot when you came into the world or afterwards.

38. Your eyes experience a joyous exaltation when you experience the rising of the sun at dawn in all its splendor. But you do not know what a joy it is for the Spirit when he sees the appearance of My Divine Light as a sun of infinite love.

39. Ah, if you could understand to awaken your inner senses to see Him who awaits you and whom you have within you! How great will be the surprise of those who one day discover me in themselves, after having sought me in so many ways.

40. Listen carefully: one spring of crystal-clear water will faithfully reflect the light of the sun, while another spring of turbid water cannot reflect it with the same clarity. So is your soul; your task is to purify the spring and then fill it with clear water.

41. You cannot win the kingdom of heaven in a moment; it is necessary to reach it step by step. The light of the sun does not suddenly flood the earth; it appears gradually and gently, without violence, until it tenderly awakens you from your sleep. Your spiritual awakening should be the same.

42. Disciples, I will speak to you of Mary, My Mother as man, and the spiritual Mother of you.

43. It is necessary for the human heart to know from the bottom of its heart the precious message that her Spirit brought to the world, and after you know all the truth, you shall blot out from your heart any idolatrous and rapturous devotion you have consecrated to her and offer her your spiritual love for it

44. Mary's message was one of comfort, motherliness, humility and hope. She had to come to earth to make known her maternal nature and offer her virgin womb, so that in it "The Word" might become man. But her mission did not end on earth. Beyond this world was her true home, from which she could spread a mantle of mercy and motherliness over all her children, from where she could follow the steps of the lost and pour out her heavenly consolation on the suffering.

45. Many centuries before Mary was to be born, made flesh in a woman to fulfill a divine destiny, a prophet of God announced her. Through him you learned that a virgin would conceive and bear a son called Immanuel, that is, God with us.

46. In Mary, a woman without blemish, in whom the Spirit of the Heavenly Motherhood descended, the divine promise announced by the prophet was fulfilled.

47. Since then the world has known her, and men and peoples pronounce her name with love, and in their pain they long for her as Mother.

48. You call her Mother of Sorrows, because you know that the world thrust the sword of pain into her heart, and from your consciousness does not escape that sorrowful face and that expression of infinite sorrow.

49. Today I want to tell you that you should remove from your heart that everlasting image of pain and think instead of Mary as a gently smiling and loving Mother, who works spiritually and helps all her creatures to develop themselves on the path laid out by the Master.

50. Do you now realize that Mary's mission was not limited to motherhood on earth? Nor was her manifestation in the Second Age the only one, but a new epoch is reserved for her, in which she will speak to men from Spirit to Spirit.

51. My disciple John, prophet and seer, in his rapture saw a woman clothed with the sun, a virgin radiant with light.

52. This woman, this virgin, is Mary, who in her womb will not again receive a new Savior, but a whole world of people who will nourish themselves in her with love, faith, and humility, to follow the divine footsteps of Christ, the Master of all perfection. The prophet saw how that woman suffered as if she were giving birth, but that pain was that of the purification of men, the atonement of souls. When the pain is over, there will be light in men, and joy will fill the Spirit of your Universal Mother.

53. Come to me today, beloved disciples, come and take the place that belongs to you And you beginners, you too are with me. Today, as you take your first steps, the path of upward development begins. I receive him who comes for the first time to hear my word and seeks comfort for his heart and light for his Spirit, and I welcome them all.

54. I call you blissful because in this time of materialism, in which mankind lives, you open yourselves up and seek My traces, closing your ears to talk and only bringing you the hope that you have put in Me As I now see you - innocent and pure - I want to see you always. And as I receive you on this day when you feel my peace, so will I always receive you.

55. My Spirit is grieved when He sees that not all prepare themselves in the same way. There are some who have no faith. Others who have faith are not ready to face the coming confrontations. Some, in their egoism, do not feel united with their brothers and sisters and have separated. But I tell you: Only love will make you strong, and faith will save you. Watch forever so that you will not suddenly be overwhelmed.

56. Awake, you who are still asleep, see the light that illuminates the world, and prepare yourselves so that you may recognize my coming in this time. Many of your fellow men want to turn you away from this way by offering you welfare in life on earth and progress for your Spirit. But in them there is neither love nor sincerity, and so I ask you: Who in the world will be able to give you true peace in this time? The nations that say they have returned to peace have not forgiven each other, the rulers have not reconciled, so they have not laid the foundations for lasting peace.

57. Before you came to hear Me, you were riding on a fragile boat, your faith was wavering The spiritual teachings you had received were very little and your Spirit did not have the peace and joy you experienced when you heard My word. If you feel hurt in your beliefs, do not be silent for fear; confess that you are My disciples. For if you who have heard Me keep silent, the stones will speak, the forces of nature will bear witness to these teachings. I do not want to see cowardice among you that makes you deny all that I have given you. For when you do this, there will be much pain in your heart. If those who have turned to you sick and needy, after their healing, deny you, weep not. Rejoice in the thought that you have fulfilled your duty and that their suffering has been stilled. Many, having denied you their gratitude, will seek you out and acknowledge your gifts.

58. Only he who has faith in me can do miracles. And I serve myself to those who believe in this way to grant benefits to those who demand proofs from me. I want to see love with you, the true love, which is to restore all powers and give back grace to mankind by teaching men to love one another.

59. The light of My teaching will enlighten the world My power will be revealed through My workers and just as the sufferings have been very great, so will the miracles I will perform among My children be even greater.

60. If you prepare yourselves, you will be amazed at My works and step by step you will reach the summit of perfection

61. Youth, pray and keep My laws, for I will avail myself of yours. Do not put your souls in chains through the false glories of the world. Be free, with that freedom that I grant to 'men within the framework of My commandments. Do not sow pain, lest you reap this seed.

62. To you fathers of families I say: lead your children with love, teach them true charity, watch diligently over their virtue, then you will obtain peace

63. Watch over your rulers and respect their decisions. i have preserved this nation in peace because i want it to be a refuge for weary hearts and a home of peace on earth. do not allow war to take hold of it. But if you summon it, if you so will it, it is not My will that is done, but yours. If it is necessary for you to know the hardness of the trials to become sensitive, so that you may learn to have mercy on the pain of the stranger, be done as you ask. Remember that the element of war is only waiting for your call to adjust and occupy lands and nations. While some have called for war, others have prayed for world peace. This your nation has shared its bread and clothing with those who have suffered great afflictions. I have made it possible for your country, rich in fruits, to offer its help to those who lack it.

64. Many powerful men in those nations have seen themselves as needy, comrades in fate with those who have nothing. They have had the opportunity to experience misery and human pain, and have reflected on what greatness and possessions mean on earth. They, who have not thought about the spiritual life, prepare themselves today and raise their Spirit to Me, because pain has purified them.

65. Workers, prepare yourselves for the time when I give you the commission to carry this message to other provinces and nations.

66. Come and rest today, rest your minds, that you may receive the Word that proceeds from the HolySpirit It is the Word that reveals, illuminates and explains the truth to men, that will fill hearts with comfort and overflow souls with peace.

67. It is the promised Comforter who speaks to you, O people, it is My Presence in the Spirit that fulfils the promise I made to you in times past When I come in, you welcome Me, beloved multitudes, and immediately your hearts begin to bring their bitterness and their sorrows before Me.

68. When, instead of tribulation, will you express to Me your satisfaction by telling Me: Master, come and rejoice in our works, come and reap the flowers planted in our own Spirit Then I will enter as if I were a gardener, I will come into your hearts, and from there, as if they were beautiful flowers, I will reap your thoughts and your good works.

69. It is the only Messiah, the only Rabbi, who speaks to you today through these voices. It is your brothers and sisters who transmit My word to you.

70. Each one of My children will have three abilities, essential so that their words can reach the heart of mankind These are: Authority, love and wisdom.

71. When you visit one or another or different assembly places and hear the same word through their voices, your heart will be filled with joy and faith and you will take that lesson as a real proof that those communities are united by their spiritualization. However, when you attend a poor rallies, you feel that you have been wounded in your hearts, and you understand that there is not the unity or manifestation of the unity that should be present in this people.

72. This is the truth. Not all love one another in My work, even if they are in it, nor have all understood it. That is why I can tell you that some belong to My work, and others do theirs.

73. Those who follow Me out of love love My Word because they know that it corrects them without hurting them and indicates to them their faults without exposing them. This causes them to persevere in the perfection of their ways of life.

74. Those who instead of striving for perfection seek only praise, superiority, flattery, or their livelihood, instead of attaining perfection of the soul, these do not bear my word when it shows them their faults. Then they must set up a work that is different from mine, where they are free to do their will. They have not yet understood that the only thing the listeners have to do during the time of my rallies is that they listen to me with greatest exaltation to be able to fathom my message afterwards.

75. After I have spoken so much to you - what is it that you have understood so far? very little, because you have been distracted by many superficial rituals which My Teaching does not teach you, and moreover you are confused by the different interpretations you give to the teachings you have received; I have not given you the opportunity to understand My Message

76. This is the opportunity to learn a lesson that the earth can never give you. In the books of men you can learn about material science, but the Divine One who speaks to you of eternal life can only teach you "The Word," which is the book of true wisdom.

77. This comfort, this compassion, this understanding, in a word: this love that I am pouring out on you today is what the world cannot give you. When you are sad, I lovingly collect your tears, when a suffering torments you, I come close to you to soothe it. I have the task to save mankind and to redeem until the last of men. Do not be surprised that occasionally I knock on your doors and ask you to give Me shelter.

78. Blessed are those who, hearing My call, have in their hearts the foreboding of My coming and say to Me: enter My humble house, O Lord, it is yours; for in it I will give you My message

79. Tomorrow many of you will be sent to other countries and nations and take the place of My new messengers You will be able to speak with Me to subsequently transmit My teaching to your fellow men - with words expressing peace, wisdom and brotherhood. From your hands will flow healing balm and comfort, able to raise the "dead". Your example will awaken many of My children so that they can follow Me, inspired by your example.

My peace be with you!


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