BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 120

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 120:

1. For a long time it was announced to you by the mouth of a prophet that a time would come when the Divine Spirit would be poured out upon all flesh and spirit. Verily, I say to you, this time is the one in which you are presently living. But it came as a surprise and unprepared for you because you gave very little importance to those prophetic voices and you have neither studied nor fathomed that prophecy.

2. Today you are searching for all that is supernatural to you, to find confirmation that the spiritual life exists. Some observe and study the stars, others expect mysterious voices or signs, still others want to find the explanation in science; but very few are those who have concentrated on the innermost part of their Spirit to hear, feel and love the voice of their Lord.

3. When I appeared to My disciples for the last time in the Second Time, they saw a cloud enveloping the shape of the Master, lifting Him up and taking Him with them into infinity. There they received the promise and announcement that the Lord would return to the people, in the same spiritual form in which those men saw Him depart.

4. Only they could comprehend that divine manifestation, because they were the only ones who were prepared while the world slept. Now I tell you that you have seen the word of that prophet of the First Times and the promise I made you come true. But my coming in spiritual form was felt only by those who prepared themselves inwardly, or by those who awaited me with waking senses.

5. In the same sublime silence with which I rose in the cloud in that Second Time, I come down to all spirits today; but not all have seen, felt or heard Me, for now, as then, there are only few who are receptive to it. Gently is my voice, yet my presence will shake mankind anew in all its social institutions.

6. Rulers, Pharisees and scribes mocked Jesus when they heard Him say that He was a King, that He had come to rule. When they saw Him die on a cross, their mockery and doubts increased even more, but they could not imagine that they would very soon go down with their governments and vassals and that He whom they had judged and killed as an impostor would win over great multitudes and peoples through the truth of His teaching full of justice, love and humility.

7. Here I am, visible and touchable for him who prepares himself inwardly and wants to see Me, and I spread light in all spirits, so that no one seeks Me in any other form than the spiritual, nor seeks to find Me outwardly, while he carries Me in his heart

8. Elijah has come to prepare my coming. He has once more prepared the way by illuminating the organs of the mind and loosening the lips of those through whom I have given you my word. Once I cease to speak to you through the human mind, Elijah will continue to spread light in the way of mankind.

9. Great is the message of the Messenger of God in this epoch. Know that already in the Second Time I told you: "Elijah will come and restore all things to their original state.

10. Who are those who really feel his spiritual presence? I could also say to you as I said then: "Elijah has been with you and you have not felt him.

11. You call him a forerunner, and this is what he really has been since the first time. He let you foresee the divine message through man and raised the dead even before Jesus was born. He brought you the first messages about the reincarnation of the soul and has since then paved the way of the Lord up to the present epoch, in which you enjoy this rallies and marvel at the order and perfection with which each of the spiritual revelations became a reality.

12. Elijah is like a shepherd, follow him, for he will lead you on the true way until you reach the hurdle where he awaits you, who is the Father of all created things.

13. Prepare yourselves spiritually in the silence of your meditation, for he will draw near to you to reveal to you all that your mind could not comprehend.

14. The battle draws near, and Elijah will make you strong. Do not be afraid, do not mistrust your spiritual leader; for if, in his time, by means of a prayer, he sent down a ray of lightning to prove the existence of the true God to the worshipers of false gods, he will perform miracles in this time before the materialized world, shaking it and making it open its eyes to the truth.

15. Are you afraid to speak to your fellow men about the reincarnation of the soul? Are you not convinced of the loving justice it contains?

16. Compare this form of atonement with the eternal punishment in the unending fire of hell, a concept that mankind uses to intimidate the souls of men. Tell Me which of these two kinds gives you the idea of a divine, perfect and merciful justice. The one reveals cruelty, boundless resentment, revenge; the other contains only forgiveness, fatherly love, hope to attain eternal life. How great is the disfigurement that my teachings have suffered as a result of bad interpretations!

17. I prepare you for battle, because I know that you will be fought because of what you will teach. But if your fellow men, who fight you at this time, were to be surprised by death, and I would ask them - if they die in sin - what they would prefer: the eternal fire in which they believe, or the opportunity to make their voices heard in a new life - verily, I tell you, they would prefer the second solution, even if they should have fought it in their lives, blinded by fanaticism.

18. Be disciples, be faithful and persistent in my teaching, for in the end the light will overcome the darkness The light is true faith, is reason, knowledge, wisdom.

19. Elijah will go before you like a divine torch, illuminating your way.

20. In this time I arm you with virtue so that you can fulfill the difficult mission which I have entrusted to you in the Third Age - a mission which will be for the good of mankind and will serve to lead your soul upwards on the path of development As counsellors and doctors I make those who were pariahs or simply egoists before. It is necessary that you have faith in your spiritual gifts so that you can do amazing works. If you have faith, you will be so astonished at the works you do that you will say to Me, "Why do you grant me so great things, though I am so unworthy? Understand that after the "crucible" of pain through which you have passed, My divine teaching has equipped you so that you may progress upward.

21. Pass on with absolute selflessness what I have given you, and you will open many eyes for the truth and will inwardly move many of your fellow men with your deeds. Teach that he who serves men serves me. There are temptations on the path, but to fight against them, I have given you the necessary weapons.

22. Disciples, how many of you, in their simplicity, have been like shining beacons in the way of your fellow men? as long as you practice My teaching, you will be invincible in the trials But if you do not unite, or if you exercise this teaching according to your imagination and will, you will be defeated in battle, not in my work, for this is the truth and is indestructible. Prepare yourselves, because after my parting I will leave to you the fields ready for sowing, the lands, the villages and even the nations. And you are to continue sowing this seed and teaching those who have not heard Me, passing on to them the essence of My Word and making known to them My prophecies about what will happen after 1950.

23. Yes, people, these are the prophecies I will leave imprinted in the hearts, for in those times you will no longer hear this Word given through human mediation Of these voice-bearers whom you look upon today, some will be taken from the earth and those who remain shall shut their minds to this rallies and to the spiritual world. This will be the time of pitfalls and dangers, in which false prophets, false voice-bearers will rise and false gods will speak. Then you must be strong so that you do not let yourselves be deceived by the deceivers. Take strength from my words so that you do not succumb out of weakness.

24. Be obedient, practice obedience, be ready to carry out what I order you, and you will experience that pain will depart from your way and you will never be duped. It is not my will that you perish, nor that the misfortunes happen with you, of which I warn you. Watch and pray because just as men in the world can put snares around you to bring you down, so exist - as you well know - in the hereafter unfair and confused beings, which can influence you with their darkness.

25. Recognize, O leaders of the churches, that this people who hear my instructions understand more and more the reproaches I make to you and the responsibility of my voice bearers, and if you do not obey the instructions tomorrow, this very people will revolt, reject you and let you recognize your faults.

26. It is My Will that this people and the multitudes to come will see you taking your place with all zeal and dignity in the place that belongs to each one, so that men may recognise by your work that you have been good workers in this vineyard Do you understand Me, people? Are you willing, during these last years of My rallies among you, to obey My decrees?

27. Think carefully about My commandment to obtain your unity, that you may discover the true meaning of it Many times you have sought to demonstrate your unity to Me, and I have proved to you the falsehood that was present in it. I wanted you to stand by each other, that you respect each other, since the office that each one holds has been assigned by me; that you have true love for each other, because then I will find in your works the foundations for a uniform form of execution and devotion. Be clearly aware of my wishes and follow my instructions, because if you should not do so, you cannot imagine the chaos that awaits you. I do not want to frighten you unnecessarily; I want to wake you up now, when there is still time for reflection, to correct your mistakes. You should not be able to say tomorrow, when you fall, "Lord, since you foresee everything, why have you never foretold us this disaster?

28. Disciples, I have given you this teaching today because I do not want you to weep after My parting, even though I know that many will weep.

29. In the early times all spiritual was a mystery to men, and therefore they had to create sciences and theologies to study and understand the divine. But truly, I tell you, Christ spoke when He was among men, with the greatest simplicity, so that all might understand the teaching of love. He knew that He would not be properly understood, but that He had to wait until the time would come when, through the spiritual development that would then have reached mankind, it would be possible for them to realize the whole truth. That is why He promised the world to return spiritually and send it a light that would make it understand all that would be confused in the hearts of men.

30. Lift up your souls, for the time announced is the one you are experiencing now. That Master who promised you to return is He Who speaks to you, and the light He promised to send you is this which is presently spiritually active in all men.

31. The light of truth is so clear and illuminating that you do not need to be theologians to understand what has been revealed to you through the ages. If at the beginning of the path of development everything was a mystery to you, I have, step by step and from teaching to teaching, pulled away the veils, dispelled darknesses and eliminated untruths.

32. The Father cannot be a secret to any of His children, for He lets Himself be felt, sensed, and seen in all created things, from the smallest to the infinite. Men create the "secrets" without wanting to become conscious that they thereby stop the soul in its development toward the Creator.

33. I do not say to you: Come to the Father that you may know Him, but Get to know the Father so that you may come to Him. He who does not know Him will not be able to love Him, and he who does not love Him will not be able to go to Him.

34. I came into the world to say unto you, I am the way, and added, He that knoweth the Son knoweth the Father.

35. What was the way from Christ? That of love, of mercy, of gentleness, of sincerity. What was the Son like, to know the Father through Him? Wise, just, loving, merciful, full of power and active charity.

36. The Master therefore came into the world to show you the true God-not the one whom the nations have created in their hearts. Likewise, in this epoch the light of the Divine Spirit is fully descending upon all souls that you may enjoy your spiritualization at the sight of the Father's infinite love.

37. Blessed is he who follows me in the way of love and humility.

38. Blessed is he who loves and trusts, who knows his mission and fulfills it

39. When I speak to you of the "way", I do not designate anyone on earth, for it is not in the world inhabited by you that my kingdom is. It is the spiritual way, which always leads upwards. It is the development and progress, which your souls are to reach. Therefore, wherever you are on earth, you can be on the way of the Spirit.

40. My children, when you have gone astray, return to the way, and when you have stopped, continue to advance.

41. The task you bear I have given you according to your ability and strength; you only have to understand and love it Pray daily that you may receive the necessary light for your work. Then remain prepared, attentive, so that you may hear the voices of those who call you, of those who ask you, and also so that you may withstand the trials. Every day of your existence is one page of the book that each of you writes. Every day is marked by a test, and every test has a purpose and a reason.

42. I want to make of you a people healthy in soul and body because you are the Chosen One, the witness of My manifestations of all times, and you are to accomplish a difficult mission in this time and prepare the way for the new generations.

43. I have strewn your path with proofs of love so that you may doubt neither Me nor yourselves. You who have heard Me in this time - do not go to the grave and do not take with you the mystery of this union I had with you, for this is your primary mission. Speak to men in my name, bear witness to my revelations with your works.

44. Do not tell Me that you are lacking armament to do this, for I have spoken many things to you, and while listening to Me you have purified yourselves and made yourselves worthy You all can bring this message to the world. People are expecting it and are prepared to receive it. Have you not discovered the desire for spiritualization and peace that men have? Do not their ignorance and pain move you?

45. My Spirit pours out upon them, speaking to them through their conscience and telling them Come to Me and rest. Accept the faith which you lack, cease to be the blind in the way.

46. People, knowest thou the work which I am building up in the world? - "no", you tell Me, "we see only mankind in turmoil, we see them plunging into deep abysses and suffering a great affliction". But I tell you that I have allowed man to do justice to himself with his own hand so that he recognizes all his errors, so that he returns to me purified. On all creatures I have sent down My light and have stood by them in the days of tribulation.

47. My Spirit has descended upon every soul and My angels are everywhere in the universe fulfilling My orders to put everything in order and on the right track When then all have fulfilled their mission, ignorance will have disappeared, evil will no longer exist and only good will reign on this planet.

48. Ah, if only you had understood Me! If only you could be aware of how great My Longing is to perfect you! How far you would have already ascended and how close you would already be to Me! If your will were mine, you would already have reached the summit where I await you.

49. And what is My desire, people? - Your agreement and your peace.

50. To assist you, I am among you once more, I speak to you, I move your heart in expectation of your awakening

51. Every good tree will be protected, and its roots and branches will spread out to give shelter and food to the wayfarer; but the tares will be uprooted and thrown into the unquenchable fire.

52. I speak to you figuratively, and when I speak to you of that tree, I mean the works of men.

53. To whom I have entrusted great commissions, I say: prepare your harvest. Fathers of families, teachers and rulers, masters and servants, great and small, I do not want you to show me your fields uncultivated. Even if it is only a small grain, it shows Me pure and pure.

54. Come to me, knock, and it will be opened to you. But come rejoicing, content with your work, so that you may feel great, like me.

55. My word is heavenly water that quenches the thirst of the soul. Whoever tastes of it will never thirst again. I am the inexhaustible spring that falls like a waterfall, bathing your Spirit and your heart.

56. You who have purified yourselves in pain, through prayer and penance, have earned the right to the grace of hearing My word. Continue to be meek and humble so that you never lose this light. Your life had been barren, like a desert, without a shadow, without an oasis; but I caused that in the middle of the desert you would find a palm tree and a spring where you could recover courage and hope. Now that you have regained strength, having peace in your hearts, do not go to the "city of sin" to perish in its pleasures and vanities.

57. This is and will be called the "time of the Spirit" because in it I had to come on "the cloud" to let the light shine that reveals and dissolves the mysteries - the time when I had to open the book of teaching on the page corresponding to the epoch in which you live. With my divine love I am currently illuminating the intellect of men, which is like a rock because of its insensitivity to the spiritual. But from these rocks I will let water flow and even flowers sprout.

58. Turn your eyes back, look at the past, and you will discover that I have always sown love on your path. Whenever you thought Me absent and your loneliness has prolonged, I make myself felt in your heart and I become the supporting rod so that you do not collapse. In small groups you come together to hear My word; but tomorrow you will multiply like the sand of the sea, and these crowds will be spiritual those who formed the twelve tribes of Israel. It is written that I will reunite them to judge them. From these multitudes I will choose those who will be My new apostles in this time. But I will prepare the hearts of all so that they may feel love and mercy for their neighbor and, in obedience to the promptings of their conscience and the sentiments of their heart, do works among men worthy of Him who has appointed them to carry My new message with the good taste that destroys the bitterness of the world.

59. If you consider your mission as a cross, I tell you truly that it is indeed so; but I will be your "bearer of the cross Everything that you do for the good of your fellow men, I will reward you, transforming it into light for your Spirit. Remember Christ, when He ascended to heaven full of glory and majesty, after He had completed His work of love and redemption.

60. Pray, people; prophets are appearing in the nations and speaking of My rallies and My presence among you. You shall acknowledge them because they are My messengers. But learn to distinguish them from the false prophets, who will likewise appear and utter words of apparent light, but which will basically contain only darkness. Those who are my messengers will prepare the hearts, will awaken the nations, will be my forerunners, so that when you come into those regions, you will find the fields fertile.

61. Everything that is happening now has already been announced to you by My prophets in the past But who today recognizes the fulfillment of what was promised to you? Many are sleeping, very few have been awake; but in the midst of the darkness of this night of sin of the world I have come to those who apparently slept, but who were expecting me.

62. The Book of the Third Age is currently being written down by My "gold feathers" under the dictation of My loving voice. The guardian angels, who eagerly watch over the Father's teachings, guide the hand of those who write, so that they may lay down in the book that which is to be preserved for future generations - a book of love, a book of perfect wisdom, a book in which the simple and the learned, the small and the great, the haughty and the simple can read. My word will be the sword that fights, speaking of My coming in this time, of the manner of My communication. It will enlighten the minds of the uneducated and pierce the hearts of the rocky ones and dispel their doubts. My teaching will continue to spread from heart to heart and from people to people and will be understood, believed and loved even by the uneducated, the ignorant, the sinners, the heathen and the idolaters who will acknowledge My manifestation of love.

63. Refresh yourselves and rejoice at the thought that you have felt My Presence in this time, for you have already reached the point where your soul renounces all superfluous things to walk with steps of perfection the path that leads it to ascent Watch and pray for those who did not want to hear me although they were called. Have mercy on them.

64. In the third time I say to you: it is necessary to have merit to earn the Lord's gifts. Many of you I have given gifts without you being able to tell Me what your merits are. But I, who see all things, know what merits you have earned in past times to earn what I have entrusted to you today. But no one is to boast about this revelation, because for good reason the Spirit is not permitted to reveal its past to the flesh.

65. Beloved children, continue to come together; but when the day of my teaching comes and the voice bearer once does not come, do not be afraid. Pray, prepare yourselves inwardly, lift your Spirit to Me and I will at this moment pour out on you My light, My power, My grace and My love. If you seek Me with the Spirit, I will speak to you from Spirit to Spirit.

My peace be with you.


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