BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 119

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 119:

1. It was My will that mankind should know the history of the people of Israel, for I used this people as an instrument for My teachings and subjected them to great trials so that they would be like an open book for all generations

2. Those twelve tribes embodied the humanity of all times. But at present the similarity is even greater between that people, when they were imprisoned in a foreign land, and the present world, which is a slave to sin and materialism, which are the forces that embody the power of the new Pharaoh.

3. When in those days the mercy of Jehovah freed his people by cutting a path for them through the desert and leading them to Canaan, I come today as the light of justice and love to free all the peoples of the earth from their captivity and lead them to the "Promised Land". Now I will lead your souls into my kingdom of light and peace, and likewise I will let a new manna descend upon the souls, which on their long wanderings will be food for eternal life.

4. I will make a new covenant with men, but it will not be with symbols, in it My Spirit will be present.

5. Again the ideal of goodness and the desire to unite with all the peoples of the world will awaken in My people, just as those twelve tribes united when they crossed the vast desert, inspired by the same ideal

6. The conflict will be great, and along the way obstacles, enemies, and temptations will appear But from this process the soldiers will emerge full of steel and the apostles full of charity and faith. Throughout the whole of their lives, but especially in the critical times of trial, I will encourage the multitudes and strengthen their faith through My miracles. When then men have attained peace and live in harmony, I will bring about that they begin already on this earth to enjoy the sweet fruits of the kingdom of light and peace - as a foretaste of the delights, which the souls will experience later when they live in the spiritual home.

7. The fruits which the soul reaps already here will be a compensation for the sacrifices, efforts and privations which your heart has suffered. Later, when this people knock at the gates of my kingdom as an immense flock, I will greet them joyfully and say to them: Come in, come to me and leave the dust of the way and tiredness behind you. Here is the city of peace, adorned and awaiting its new inhabitants.

8. The people, fearful of the presence of their Father, will believe that the hour of his judgment has come. Then I will say to them, "Fear not, enter into My house, which is yours. The desert has already purified you and made you worthy to come to Me.

9. People, seeing so much corruption among men, knowing of their hatred and wars, and knowing the sorrowful result of materialistic teachings, you have thought that in order for this mankind to attain, renew itself and convert to My law, it must first endure severe afflictions, and that much time will pass before men will finally love each other according to My teaching.

10. I tell you that although it is true that this world awaits very great trials, the days of pain will be shortened because the bitterness of men will be so great; that the same will cause men to awaken, lifting their eyes to Me and listening to the voice of their conscience, which will demand of them the fulfilment of My Law

11. My righteousness will eradicate all evil that exists in this world. Before that, I will investigate everything: religious communities, sciences and social institutions, and then the sickle of Divine Justice will go over it, cut off the weeds and leave the wheat. Every good seed that I find in the hearts of men, I will receive so that it may continue to germinate in the souls of men.

12. There are whole peoples and nations who have cast out My seed from their hearts; others who have forgotten My main teachings; still others who neither watch nor pray. Nevertheless, and in spite of the barrenness in which they live, these peoples will soon be transformed into fertile fields, because My mercy will work on their hearts.

13. It is necessary to prepare the "farming tools", to fill the "granary" with the spiritual seed I have brought to you, and that through the spiritual gifts I have entrusted to you, you may recognize the hour when you must leave your resting place to set out for the sowing. You are to watch and pray that that blessed dawn may not surprise you sleeping in ignorance, in materialism, or in sin; for then you would not recognize the right hour to go out into the "fields," and if you would set out you would have no more strength for the fight.

14. If you have faith in My word, prepare yourselves already now through prayer so that you may find the fields favourable for sowing. If you do not finish this work, your children will take the loving seed I have given you and finish My commissions.

15. Bless the labourers who are commissioned to make the fields fertile and cultivate, for they will see the dew of My grace descending on the fields, which will be the Father's constant blessing for the children's efforts and a caress to all who rise to faith and life; I am giving you the gift of My grace, which will be a blessing to all who are in My sight

16. Long ago you were told that the time would come when man would understand all the revelations of past times and I tell you that this time has already begun and that your Spirit in it receives My Light through inspiration; I am telling you that I am the one who will give you the light to live in My Kingdom

17. Christ came into the world and paved a way for you by teaching you with His Life, Works and Words the perfect way to fulfil the Law Even before He was to appear in the world, He was announced by the prophets so that the people could expect and recognize Him as soon as they saw Him.

18. In Abraham and his son Isaac, I gave you a parable of what the sacrificial death of the Saviour would represent, when I tested the love that Abraham had for Me by asking him to sacrifice with his own hand his son, his beloved Isaac. On right reflection, you will recognize in that act a similarity of what was later to be the sacrifice of the Only Begotten Son of God for the sake of the salvation of the world.

19. Abraham was the representative of God, and Isaac the image of Jesus. At that moment, the Patriarch thought that if the Lord demanded the life of his Son from him, it was so that the blood of the innocent would wash away the transgressions of the people, and though he deeply loved him who was flesh from his flesh, the obedience in him to God and the mercy and love for his people was stronger than the life of his beloved Son. - The obedient Abraham was about to take the fatal blow against his son; the moment he was overcome with pain, raising his arm to sacrifice him, My power held him back and commanded him to sacrifice a lamb instead of his son, so that that symbol might remain as a testimony of love and obedience.

20. Centuries later, mankind demanded from Me the sacrificial death of Jesus, My beloved Son, and I had to deliver Him to you so that His example of meekness, sealed by His sacrificial death and His blood, would remain indelibly written in the consciousness of mankind.

21. In the case of Isaac, if a Lamb replaced Him to save His life, in the case of Jesus there was no one who could have replaced Him, since He knew that it was necessary for His blood to be shed so that the meaning and light of that sacrifice would enlighten the Spirit, the heart and the mind of people who were without spirituality. This is why Jesus is also called "the Lamb of God". - The law tells you: "Thou shalt not kill", but Christ showed you in His teaching of love the sublime lesson of dying to save others.

22. Blessed is he who dies to give life to those who need it, for he will live forever.

23. See how the time has come in which you can grasp the spiritual essence contained in My earlier revelations, that which mankind interprets only in a material way, without trying to immerse yourselves in it to discover its spiritual meaning

24. I place you at the beginning of the path of investigation so that you can subsequently reach the core of my teachings. If I would recite everything to you completely illuminated, your Spirit would not make an effort to get to the bottom of my words.

25. I remind you how that crowd of people back then - in the Second Time, bloodthirsty, finally saw Jesus hanging on the cross, and next to Him in the agony of death the other two condemned - heard Him say to the Father: "Lord forgive them, for they know not what they do. All those present heard it, but they did not understand those words, and time had to pass for men to understand that that blood slowly dripping down to earth was the symbol of Divine Love and the highest forgiveness, which descends like an infinite mantle to cover all men.

26. Many centuries have passed since then, but the humanity of this time-who weeps at the commemoration of Jesus' sacrificial death and is horrified at the cruelty of those who brought Him on the scaffold of blood-is the same one that sacrifices thousands of fellow human beings every day.

27. If Christ were to return to earth at this time as a human being, He would no longer say, as He did on Golgotha, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do", for now you receive in full the light of conscience, and souls have developed far. Who does not know that I am the giver of life, that therefore no one can take away his fellow man's? If man cannot give existence, he is also not entitled to take what he cannot give back.

28. Men, do you think you are fulfilling My law just because you say you have religion and you keep the outward worship? In the Law you were told, "Thou shalt not kill," but you violate this commandment by shedding the blood of your fellow men in torrents on the altar of your sin.

29. Israelites and Christians are warring and killing each other - did I not give both of them one and the same law?

30. The atonement for this shall be bloody and sorrowful, because the lives which men have taken away, and the blood which they have shed, cry out for righteousness Woe to those who have killed, and even more to those who have advised or commanded to kill!

31. Step by step the nations are going towards the valley (of death), where they are gathering to be judged.

32. But still those men dare to pronounce My name who wage war and whose hands are stained with the blood of their fellow men. Are these the flowers or fruits of the teaching I have taught you? Have you not learned from Jesus how He forgave, how He blessed the one who hurt Him, and how He gave life to His executioners while still dying?

33. Men have doubted My words and neglected the faith; that is why they have put all their trust in violence Then I allowed them to see their error themselves by reaping the fruit of their works, for only then will they open their eyes to understand the truth.

34. On this table of love there is food which not even the kings on earth could offer you: These are the bread of heaven, which the poor crave for, and the wine which the pariahs of the world drink. Eat and drink, but never be proud to possess these goods, for then you would hide vanity under your poor clothes, and I want you to be humble in spirit and heart. Take an example from those who, although they wear a royal cloak on their shoulders, also understand in their hearts to be humble. The bread and My wine are for all, for I see all of you as spiritually needy. In the beginning I gave you all with My grace, which is divine seed. Since then you have walked on different paths according to your destiny, and on these paths everyone has harvested according to his sowing - the one fruits in abundance, the others have harvested only pain and misery. While some have only lived on earth for a short time because they have gained the necessary light to ascend, others, although they have lived long in the Valley of Tears, have not even gained knowledge of who they are, nor where they are going. I have mercy on these souls who wander without goal, which is why I stop their steps to show them the way that leads to the "Promised Land.

35. The light of My Spirit penetrates every heart, even if it remains closed. It is similar with the light of the royal celestial body, which apparently does not penetrate your bedroom when it is closed; nevertheless its invisible rays reach its interior and give the room a living atmosphere. You are not to wait for my light to penetrate into your inner being, although the doors of your souls are closed. How beautiful it will be to meet you with your inner prepared temple to receive the grace of My caring love. Let Me heal you and strengthen you, and then I will make you My workers and disciples.

36. Many of you who are currently nothing in life, being yourselves the last in your families, will soon see yourselves sitting at My table You who have been spurned and driven out of the circle of your relatives will be recognized tomorrow by the very ones who had misjudged you.

37. Will you make your hearts sensitive or appease? Then go this way, which is that of humility, spiritual exaltation and charity. Bring healing to the sick, visit the camps of pain, comfort the suffering and respect those who have taken up this cross before you. Take as your example those who keep vigil at night and study my work, and also those who render services of love to their fellow men even though they drink a cup of suffering.

38. So I speak to those who begin to utter the first words of spiritual language, to the newcomers whom I teach the basic rules of the law and the final purpose of My work. In him you will learn that if you pray from Spirit to Spirit and love your fellow men, you will not only heal the sick, but also raise the dead.

39. In this humble region, where I am presently making myself known, I have revealed to you that the Third Age began in 1866 and that this rallies will end in 1950, when already many of My children have heard Me. Verily, I tell you that the lips that have given you My teaching have not spoken of their own will, but under a divine inspiration.

40. Beloved workers of these fields, embrace your task with true love, cultivate My fields by making furrows in which you put the divine seed Recognize the seed, so that you sow only this, for in its fruit the upward development and the light of your soul will be grounded. Do you consider it just that you have to pity yourselves at the transition to the spiritual world only because of your lack of zeal in the task that caused you to inhabit the earth?

41. Do not forget that I tell you again and again that you are to sow the wheat in my fields, because those fields where weeds and thistles have grown will be cut off by the sickle of Divine Justice

42. I said the same thing to the disciples and the crowds of people in the Second Time: "Verily I say to you, every tree that has not been planted by the hand of My Heavenly Father will be uprooted by the root".

43. Pray, labourers, do it humbly before your Father and see to it that your sowing is pleasing to My sight Tirelessly cleanse your fields, seek the light to clear up errors, until only the wheat bears fruit in them.

44. It is a pure seed which you have received, but your small faith did not let you recognize that purity, and without being conscious, you have mixed it with other seeds which are not of Mine

45. I have said to you, know the seed, that you may cleanse one by one of your seeds, and from the lips of your children, when they begin to walk in the way of the Lord, come only truth. I see those who strive to get to the bottom of this teaching, but have not yet been able to free themselves from the influence of foreign teachings, religions and dogmas.

46. People, help my voices with your prayers, train and strengthen your prophets. Do not forget that towards the end of My rallies I will reveal to you many teachings which I have kept for you to complete this legacy with a golden brooch.

47. After the time of these rallies, My Light will help you to understand what you have heard, by which you can separate the essential and the true from the superfluous, that is, from what is material

48. I will inspire this people, witness of My Word, so that they may study My teachings thoroughly and understand the deep meaning of what I have told them and what is the essence of My Teachings

49. When you have passed through the stage of preparation and are ready to teach, I will pave the way for you and then you will no longer be intimidated by the invisible dangers and thorns or the treacherous pitfalls and threats you will encounter, for then everything will be prepared for your sowing

50. All will I then have ordered, and My Light will descend on you as the dew descends on the valleys in the stillness of the nights Love is what you shall sow. How do you want the nations to make peace treaties when there is no love in their hearts?

51. I told you that peace would be among men of good will, but among no people on earth do I find this good will.

52. For this reason it is necessary that a people should arise which does not seek the treasures of the world, but which teaches active charity, prayer, virtue and faith. This people I will call mine, and men will recognize it as the people of God. From the morality of its people, their good customs, the virtuous life they lead, there will come forth the peace that will bring prosperity to men, without forgetting that perfect peace, the one who is the only one who fills the Spirit with bliss, comes down only to the one who desires it with true love.

53. When will you attain the peace of the Spirit, when you have not even attained the peace of the heart? - I tell you, until the last fratricidal weapon is destroyed, there will be no peace among men. Fratricidal weapons are all those with which people take each other's lives, destroy morals, deprive each other of freedom, health, peace of mind, or destroy faith.

54. The limit of so many wickedness is almost reached, they must stop. This is why My voice has been heard in the depths of souls and has called on the people of all nations to lay down the weapons of destruction and death so that they may be consumed in the fire of My justice.

55. Then I will speak spiritually, and My voice will be heard in the conscience of all My children.

56. If the proud and unreasonable men would reflect and pray, they would become aware of where their steps are directed and they would pause. But they cannot gain complete clarity in their Spirit because hatred and ambition blind them.

57. Pray all you who wish to belong to the people of peace. All those who want to extend a brotherly hand to their fellow men to save them - approach the light.

58. The seed of evil, scattered over the whole earth, bears fruit as never before. But I must also tell you that the good seed is likewise sprouting in various points of the planet.

59. Prepare yourselves spiritually, all you who feel, that in your hearts this divine seed begins to germinate, so that whenever you meet other sowers in your ways, you may recognize them and unite yourselves in My law

My peace be with you!


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