BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 124

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 124:

1. People, Israel, heir to my word, I prepare thee that thou mayest be the consolation of mankind. Seek out the spiritually poor, the sick, the toilsome, and the physically and spiritually needy, and give them of this spiritual bread that brings strength and health.

2. In this time of graces I will pour out My Spirit on you so that tomorrow you may bear witness to Me and spread the word that I manifested Myself as Master, as Father and as Judge, so that My children may find Me in the form in which they will seek Me, for in Me are all forms of manifestations of love.

3. Elijah, who is the Pioneer, fetches the stray sheep to bring them to Me. His pugnacious Spirit inspires you to speak with perfection and help him in his blessed mission to deliver souls from the confusion that prevails in this time.

4. Only to you, people, has this knowledge - the great mission of Elijah, his qualities and his perfection - been revealed. He will guide mankind and bring it to me. But I tell you likewise that you should not forget Mary. Take your refuge in her, which is divine mercy and goodness. All perfections and beauties have been eternal in her Spirit, and I have entrusted mankind to her as a daughter, over whom she has always watched. Rise to her in your tribulations, feel her peace and love. The eyes, which have attained the ability to see the spiritual spheres from the earth, see her descending from perfection to your world with grace, and the hearts, which have become sensitive through my word, feel her presence.

5..Yyou possess all these gifts of grace. You have tangible proofs so that you do not doubt for a moment. Your Spirit feels that the grace he has received is so great that he desires the whole world to hear My Word and every soul to be enlightened. But I tell you: You can work in favor of mankind, for which I have given you great gifts. The Sun of My Wisdom is currently illuminating all men, My justice full of love is making the souls of all men attentive.

6. The world is asking the reason for so many catastrophes, why sin is multiplying and there is no human hand to stop it. Then they think that only a higher power, only the Heavenly Father can help mankind to find back to balance and reason.

7. You, my disciples, shall give them the answer. acquaint them with My teaching of love, which can give back peace to all these creatures and offer them a new horizon, a new life, by following My laws.

8. Create in the bosom of your families a world of peace and understanding, live and develop in it Make your works speak of Me. Teach only when the time has come for you to be prepared; then you shall tell those who hear you how much peace you have found in loving your fellow men, how joyful it is to love your God, and manifest all your experience.

9. Your mission, Israel, is to serve your fellow men. Who among you is ready to carry a message of peace to other nations? Already those who are to receive the good news have been chosen. The suffering they have gone through has come to you, and your fervent prayer has relieved many sorrows and brought them peace and hope. In those nations, according to My will, pioneers have appeared who speak of spiritualization and prepare hearts for the coming of My work, which they do not yet know. In all nations My word shall be known. If mankind would hear Me, they could feed on one single one of My teachings, because in them I am spreading My Divine Essence and My Presence is really felt in all My rallies.

10. I have filled the emptiness of your hearts with My Love, I have awakened great spiritual ideals in you that strengthen you, and your faith has triumphed. The trials that once oppressed your hearts seem small to you today, and you are content and happy because you have found Me.

11. Men judge you and put their hope in you, and even when they doubt, their Spirit recognizes in their innermost being that you are My chosen ones. Your mission is great, therefore you are to pray and watch always to show attention in the place where I have placed you as My disciples.

12. I am currently speaking to the disciples of the Third Age whom I am teaching to seek the spiritual essence contained in this word, for whoever discovers its meaning will be able to understand the divine language. Love and truth do not find human terms that can express them in all their sincerity. Therefore, one must seek them in a language that is beyond the human word. You are the disciples who begin to understand what true love is. Do not bother to judge whether a certain word has been pronounced well or badly by the voice bearer. Such external trifles should not be a stumbling block to your study. These are the mistakes of untrained and simple men. I have come from the kingdom of love and mercy to a world where love is something foreign, and have begun My teaching through an unknown, simple people who live inconspicuously among mankind; but this people listened to Me, and more than that, they believed Me.

13. If I had given My Word in all nations, the majority would have rejected it, because the vanity of materialism and the false greatness of men would not have accepted any teaching that speaks of spiritualization, of humility and brotherhood The world is not yet prepared to understand love, which is why not all would have been receptive to my presence in this form.

14. Just as Christ sought then the hollow of a rock to be born as man, so today I discovered this corner of the earth which was ready to hear Me and which bears a resemblance to the grotto and the manger which received the Son of God on that blessed night

15. Here I prepared you in silence; after that, the day will come when you will have to set out to prepare the ways so that My Word may reach all hearts At that time the world will be purified by suffering and My Word will no longer appear to it as a foreign language but as something that the Heart and Spirit can easily understand and feel. I am handing over to you the book that speaks of truth and love so that you may bring it to all mankind.

16. There is not a people on earth of whom I could tell you that you need not go there because there is no need for this revelation. What nation can claim to be truly Christian-not only by name, but by love, mercy, and forgiveness? What nation can prove its spirituality? In what part of the world do they love one another? Where do people actually follow the teachings of Christ?

17. Verily, I tell you, although you possess My Law written in books, sometimes even in your mind, I do not see it realised in your life Do not tell Me that this is not true, for I have put you to the test for this, and when the hour came to forgive, you did not forgive the offence, but avenged it instead. When a needy hand knocked at your door, you did not lovingly help, and when it was necessary to sacrifice yourselves to save someone, you rather sacrificed your fellow man to save your life and the goods you have. This is why I tell you that mankind keeps My Word only in dusty books.

18. If My Word seems to you very humble, I tell you again: this is only the outward expression. Go beyond all human concepts, and you will hear in infinity the voice of the Father, who speaks a Heavenly Language, which will not be foreign to your Spirit, but familiar, since it has its origin in God.

19. Are you aware of the mission and responsibility you are currently assuming?

20. Do not seem to anyone to find My teaching alienating nor burdensome his cross, for truly, I tell you, more difficult and oppressive is the life you live in the world My Cross of Love is the most gentle of all yokes.

21. Consider that your Spirit has followed Me during three ages of spiritual development, and you still have not reached the final goal of the Way. You have followed me voluntarily because I have never forced anyone to do so.

22. When from the deepest of your being your confession arose, in which you said to me, "Master, you are my Lord," it was the voice of your faith that spoke, and since this moment of inner enlightenment you have been following my trail, step by step, sometimes falling and also then rising again to follow me. How happy is the Spirit who feels the weight of his cross of love upon himself. Only the one who does not take on love will show himself dissatisfied and fearful in the last moment of his life, and in his unreasonableness he will sometimes blaspheme against his Lord, and thus do the same as the robber who was crucified on Golgotha to my left. This earthly life is only a preparation, a stage to reach true life.

23. My teaching is the law that teaches you to live in harmony with the spiritual and with nature. Despite the light that shines in your mind and shows you the safe and right way, you sometimes shed tears because you occasionally deviate from the law, and then your conscience judges and punishes you. Whenever you challenge nature and violate its laws, it immediately haunts you. Yet you would be unjust if you were to say that it has taken revenge, for I am in nature as I am in everything. If you definitely want to throw yourselves into an abyss - how could you avoid the pain of the fall?

24. Feel how you spiritually cross an immeasurable desert; beyond it lies a dwelling place of peace, perfection and light, which is promised to your Spirit Behold in your back the far-off, sinful city, how far away it is. Today you are free from chains, for you have finally freed yourselves from the slavery of passions. The idols you bowed to remained far behind you, numb and dead. Later they will be pushed off their pedestals by others who will come after you. But if your enemies should persecute you, a sea of salvation will block their path, so that you can reach the goal of your life's journey safely.

25. Who would want to turn back? So forward, the light of hope is already shining on the horizon. Behind you lies the darkness of disappointment.

26. Bravely forward, my people! The desert is dry and hot, but still manna falls on you and water gushes from its rocks. Watch and pray, for even in the desert temptations will pursue you. Woe to him who does not watch and pray! Woe to him who is weak in his intentions of renewal!

27. As soldiers you will cross the vast distances and deserts. I have already introduced you to your weapons. The battle will break out, and then you shall measure your strength against those who try to stop and destroy you. How will you manage to survive in that battle? By not losing your faith, by walking through darkness and confusion without your light going out, and by reaching the end of the desert with your heart free from insults, resentment or hatred, and by loving and forgiving your enemies. You will then experience that your Spirit became immensely stronger in the fight, because it forced him neither to stop nor to retreat, making use of all his known powers and abilities and searching for unknown or dormant gifts of the Spirit within himself.

28. Be humble before your Lord, and you will be great in the Spirit. Do not become weak before the temptations of the world and the flesh. Men will tell you: While Jesus makes you "last" and inferior, they themselves will make you "first" and great on earth; but do not believe them.

29. I am also able to give crowns, thrones and sceptres in the world as I did to David and Solomon when they knew their Lord; but I made them feel My righteousness when they betrayed Me, and allowed them to disinherit themselves from the gift of power, inspiration and wisdom.

30. Today I do not offer you kingdoms in this world, but I have deprived you of earthly possessions so that you may follow Me with more freedom. The kingdom which I offer you is beyond all humanity. Whoever succeeds in entering this kingdom will no longer leave it.

31. See men and the rulers of the earth. How short is their glory and their dominion. Today they are lifted up by their peoples, and tomorrow they push them from their throne. Let no one seek his throne in this life, for in the opinion of advancing, it will stop its course, and your destiny is to advance without stopping until you reach the gates of My Kingdom.

32. At the end of 1950, when you no longer hear My Word, you will therefore not stop being My disciples, for My inspiration will continue to reach your Spirit and your mind to make you understand all that you have received in My Word

33. Only the last part of the book is still missing, the seventh chapter, which is still sealed Once this seal is opened, you will receive the last lesson from Spirit to Spirit.

34. My righteousness will wisely bring mankind closer, little by little, to the great revelation. The life of the Master teaches and corrects incessantly; the trials let their spiritual voice reach men through conscience.

35. So that the world finally succeeds in holding dialogue with me from spirit to spirit, I had to approach you before in this form and prepare you for the step that men had to take on their path of development. My word spoken in this time - by means of the voice bearers - will serve to free you from pitfalls, from doubts or errors on your way. In him you will discover the clarity of my teaching.

36. I commission you, people, to proclaim My promise that I will unite with men from Spirit to Spirit. I want you also to pass this light on to your children so that they may illuminate their path with the light of hope.

37. If you sleep, if you forget to wake and pray, if my promise is fulfilled and my Spirit calls you, then you will again be troubled by confusion and doubt which men have always had when I have returned to them because they did not know how to expect me.

38. From the moment when I let my word fall silent, I want you to dedicate yourselves to the study of it and to the spiritual exercise, which is to give you the necessary development to achieve to connect yourselves directly with my Spirit. In this inner, intimate, spiritual development you will receive the most beautiful fruits of inspiration, revelation, spiritual face and strength. Then this people will be on the verge of seeing My promise realized when the last seal is broken and it reveals its contents to the world.

39. Do not desire, when you once no longer have my rallies, to replace them with false imitations or outward cult forms, because you would then sink into lethargy, into routine and could not hear my divine voice when it comes to enlighten your Spirit.

40. I do not want that it is only an indefinite idea, which lets men expect my presence in the Spirit. I want it to be the certainty, the full conviction of that, that my kingdom comes to men in this way.

41. In that Second Time I announced My return, but it did not happen in an indefinite way, but in a clear way. Nevertheless, the peoples grew weary of waiting and finally forgot my promise.

42. I made appear all the signs that were to announce My return, but they too remained unnoticed by men, because they were spiritually asleep, addicted to the world and stopped in their religions.

43. I do not want you to fall into error again now. Hear my word, which tells you the way in which I will get in touch with men from spirit to spirit.

44. Banish from your hearts all materialism, so that you may expect this dialogue in the highest form you can imagine, and so not to suffer disappointment or any confusion in the face of reality.

45. When the Messiah was promised to the people of Israel in the first time, the people expected Him as a mighty king on earth; but when they saw Him before their eyes, they did not recognize Him.

46. While I was in the world, I announced My return to men and made them understand that it would be spiritual. Yet today, when I have sent you my ray of light which became the word in the mind of my voices, many who believe in me have denied me because they had forgotten that I would come again or because they think that when I came back to the world, it would happen in the same form in which I once came, that is, as man.

47. I am speaking about this now, so that you may prepare your fellow men and your children to watch, and when the hour comes and the divine voice seeks you to be heard, men and peoples will be met with prayer; for their joy will be infinitely great, and the revelations they receive will be incomparable.

48. Let the present time be that of merit, people. Already the patriarchs gave you teachings and examples, already the prophets announced to you My messages. You have already had Christ among you, who gave you everything for your salvation, and later it was apostles and messengers who brought you the light.

49. Now it is your turn to take up the cross which you once left to others. Now it is your turn to live your own passion, so that you may attain the highest esteem for your soul. Your task is to spread light and peace among your fellow men, like a fruitful and invigorating dew. Do not lean back to sleep. Do you want the wars raging in the East (Europe) to spread to the West (America)? Do you want to see your native soil stained with the blood of your fathers, children, or husbands, and that the women take the tools of labor to provide the daily bread? Do you want to wait until the roads become roads of bitterness?

50. Remember, while mankind suffers and bleeds to death, you must not make any feasts, not even remain indifferent. You are to carry the pain of your neighbor in your hearts, send out your prayers and thoughts like a constant message of love and peace, asking for mercy for your suffering fellow men.

51. I see that you want peace, people, but you do not fight for it. You want me to forgive you, but without first having forgiven one another. I teach you to love one another even when you do not know one another, and to feel the pain of your neighbor even when you do not see him because he is far away. You are not alone in your struggle, I am with you, I who came "on the cloud" in this time to give you support and love in the desert you are crossing.

52. I have prepared everything in this corner of the earth so that you can fulfill your task. A new land where milk and honey flowed, a radiant sky, a virgin earth, fertile and fertile, full of wonders and beauties. Everything was prepared so that your life struggle and your earthly duties would not overwhelm you and would leave time and strength for your Spirit to remember your Heavenly Father and to be useful to and love your neighbor. But since you did not know how to pray in order to achieve your spiritual ascent, you also did not watch over what you had in the world, and so it came about that you felt like strangers when you passed through your lands, and when you looked at your inheritance you had no right to it. Now you must fulfill your spiritual destiny, although you sometimes carry bitterness and even misery in your souls. That is why I give you strength in My words so that you do not tire in your struggle and know that you can still experience the time of justice.

53. When the spiritual struggle is great, give one another warmth and encouragement; this is the unity I require of you. You know through me that on your way those who will fight you will rise. Already 1950 is approaching and I tell you: Bless those who use my word, for my parting will not wound their heart.

54. No one is a prophet in his own country. Your relatives have made you bleed and weep with their doubt and mockery. But persevere and be like Jesus, be like the prophets or apostles who, instead of shedding tears, set out to other regions and other nations to preach the truth where they found faith.

55. After 1950, those of you who go to other provinces and also to other nations, where they will find more understanding, will set out among you, and there their wounds will close.

56. When My word shall cease, My prophecies shall be fulfilled one by one. Then the unbelievers will repentantly find faith.

57. Interpret My word correctly, fulfil My commissions, continue your work of renewal, unite in truth, and I tell you, there will be peace in this land You will be refreshed by the abundance and good taste of the fruits, and it will be considered by the foreigners as a beacon, a bulwark of justice and a stronghold of peace.

58. Banish from your sight every useless illusion, every false idol, cleanse your ways and pray for the peace of the nations

My peace be with you!


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