BTL - Volume 6 - Teaching 143

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume VI - Teaching 143 - 174 
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Book of True Life - Volume 6

Teaching 143:

1. I strengthen your Spirit to stand firm in the coming struggle, for great will be the struggle of ideologies, teachings and creeds. Verily, I tell you, when the persecution of spiritualists begins, new apostles will rise full of faith and courage. They will be the ones who will proclaim that I have truly been with you in this time, and they will be pioneers and prophets in their peoples. Among them will appear those who write down my inspirations, who fathom my teaching and see spiritual visions.

2. In that time I will manifest myself both in men and women, in youth and children and old men.

3. The whole world will receive revelations, rallies and visions, for it is written that every eye will see me.

4. I have made myself known in the scientist's workplace, and my presence has amazed him. I have surprised the armies in the midst of the battle, stopping their advance through the forces of nature. I expressed myself by pouring out my mercy on the impoverished homes where there was no more bread. A young man came to the front door and brought a loaf of bread in his hands, and the men and women asked themselves, "Who is this?

5. Study my work, disciples, for you must be strong, so that when all visible and invisible elements rage, you will bear witness to my teaching of love. Seven gifts I have entrusted to you in this time for the development of your Spirit and for the fulfillment of your mission: here there is the leader, the "foundation stone", the voice bearer, the plenipotentiary, the seer, the "gold feathers" and the "pillar "*. But this is not the first time that I have granted these gifts to the people of Israel. Even when you crossed the desert in search of the land of promise, I gave you the same gifts. Moses was a leader, and at the same time he transmitted my word and showed the people my will. Into his hands I put the foundation of my law, which is the foundation of the temple that you shall build in your hearts. The tribe of Judah was the strong pillar that supported the courage and confidence of the crowds. The tribe of Levi was the legion of spiritual workers who were enabled by me to keep the faith in the Lord alive. History, prophecy and revelation were written down by designated hands, and through my inspiration the prophets saw the future through the eyes of the Spirit.

* 1. the leader: head of the church.

2. The foundation stone: an experienced, advisory elder.

3 The voice bearer: A transmitter of rallies.

4. The representative: especially responsible for the healing of the sick.

5 The seer: A person especially gifted with the gift of spiritual vision.

6. The gold feathers: Those responsible for the writing down (stenographic transcript) of the rallies.

7th column: Seven proven elders of the community. See also: Teaching 246, 31 (in volume 9), according to which the leaders of that time will be the last.

6. There are no new gifts for your Spirit at this time, everything you carry within you from the moment you have risen from me.

7. The days are drawing near in which I reveal to you the great teachings which you did not know until now; for it will not be men who reveal them to you. True, in every religious community there are messengers of mine, but it will not be they who open my treasury, still less can it be those who, without being destined for this task, have taken it over of their own accord. Those whom I have sent for this service possess wisdom through inspiration. Those who are not my servants have taken the knowledge from books. While some pray and love*, others read and study; but never will the mind reach the high vision of the Spirit**. When the former speak, they convince, shake, caress and heal. The latter amaze, can be admired, but they do not comfort or save.

* Additions in brackets in the text were also inserted by the translators.

** In the current original Spanish text, no distinction is made between the terms Spirit and Soul. There it always says "espiritu" = Spirit. In German, the use of the term Seele is often more appropriate and sometimes even essential. If it seemed appropriate, e.g. for the first time in a teaching, or where both terms would be justified in a certain sense, but the translator, after careful consideration, decided to use the term soul, a footnote is added to this note. (See also: Appendix in volume II)

8. Be humble, disciples, work without expecting a reward. Be joyful in love and in the knowledge that you are loved by your Heavenly Father. Do not imagine your reward, for it can never be grasped by your mind.

9. Again I tell you: Prepare yourselves. You do not know whether I do not surprise you with great revelations this year. The light of the sixth seal illuminates you in this time, and it is good that you now experience the content of this mystery. I will explain these lessons through my voice-bearers.

10. John my apostle heard and wrote down what he saw in visions without understanding them. The blessed hand of that prophet left my promises and revelations described in symbols. And in the present time I give you the explanation for those words and inspirations, because I alone am able to do it. But so that I can transmit this light to you and you understand this word, purify yourselves, watch and pray.

* Usually ─ even has the often overlooked "Watch" in the first place ─ next to the invitation to pray. It is to be understood in several ways: First of all, it reminds us of Jesus' request to three of his disciples to stay awake at that difficult hour in Gethsemane shortly before his arrest (Mt 26, 36-46 and others). It is also the otherwise valid request to take part in the fate of others in a benevolent and thus supportive manner with an alert consciousness, just as it is done in intercessory prayer. Beyond that, a spiritual-emotional wakefulness is also meant, a constant readiness to pay attention to the often quiet, weak impulses of the Spirit and conscience, to make oneself aware of them in time and to think, feel and act out of an inner drive of neighborly love and mercy; not to let oneself be determined by egoistic, unloving intellectual thinking, whose decisions, seen from a higher spiritual viewpoint, are wrong, i.e. harm the soul, which is usually recognized only afterwards, when the consequences become visible. By contemplation and/or meditation ─ can be practiced above all inner, mental and also emotional ─ rest and attentiveness, so that thoughts and intuitions from this world as well as the hereafter with their effects on emotions and actions become immediately conscious and can be controlled. (See also: Teaching 146, 60) In this light, partly contradictory studies on the effects of writing and images in different media, from comic books to television and the Internet, especially with children and young people, should be seen. To be awake means to be attentive and receptive, both in relation to the environment and our neighbor, and in inner spiritual communication, in feeling for what God's will is (voice of conscience/inspiration). In this context, it is also worth mentioning dreams that are brought into consciousness through memory, and it is even possible to accompany them during regular sleep with a kind of waking consciousness, i.e. to wake up while the body is asleep. The importance of dreams as a possible source of deeper insights is evident from other passages in the teachings (e.g. T. 159:3; T. 162:4; T. 167:47) as well as from biblical texts. They are also dependent on the development of the soul and spiritual elevation or attitude (T.100, 30).

11. Verily I say to you, if you have not yet heard higher teachings, it is only because you have lacked elevation and purity. Make yourselves worthy through charity to receive in your hearts the pages contained in the book of seven seals.

12. I come to my children to teach you virtue, that your Spirit may be strong, and that you may overcome the temptations which are the inclinations of your flesh. Open your spiritual eyes and see the many things which I have prepared for you in my treasury.

13 I work your hearts with my word so that you may be a part of the temple of my HolySpirit.

14. Beloved people: The Master gives you the teaching, and in its meaning is the light that illuminates your Spirit.

15. You rise up to me in your prayer, knowing that through it you will be heard by your Father, who gives you strength and helps you to bear your cross like Simon of Cyrene.

16. In my word you will find the shield and the shining weapon to triumph in your struggle. I prepare you so that by the development of your soul and the unfolding of your spiritual gifts you may be able to resist temptations.

17. Live awake, beloved people, act like the wise virgins of the parable given to my disciples in the Second Age. Be like them, with burning lamps, that you may always put your faith and hope in me. In you is the sanctuary which I have prepared with great love in this third time. You are the keepers of my word, and I have turned every Spirit and heart into a fountain of love, virtue, healing balm, which will flow like crystal clear water among mankind.

18. Great is your rejoicing, Israel, because you have experienced that you have been able to bring comfort to the afflicted hearts and those bowed by pain have been encouraged by your Word, when you have been made ready Blessed are you who are fulfilling your task in this way. Continue to struggle to bring my mercy to men. I come with my word to encourage you in this struggle. I teach you to build and restore what mankind has destroyed with its materialism over time. Your Spirit knows the times in which he lives, he learns to pass the trials he encounters on his way better and better, because his faith and love for my work are great.

19. Beloved children, I will give you your reward at the end of your struggle. At present you do not yet know when and how this will happen, but verily I tell you, my word is fulfilled and I have offered you the land of promise where you will experience bliss, refreshment and happiness. You will fully feel my peace because then your Spirit will have won the victory.

20. I show you again the way your Spirit must go; on it are my light, the virtues and the spiritual ideals with which you must go your way. I have come at this time with a flaming sword - not to kill the Spirit, but to fight the darkness that has spread around you.

21. Behold, this is the power of my word, which I reveal before you in works of love! With this I bear witness to myself. I work wonders in every heart to transform you into children of light, for your Father is the light and the infinite wisdom. To each one I give my word, which is law. But recognize that I do not force you with my power to obey it and see in my word a scourge that hurts your heart. Do you not know that as a father I do not want pain for my children? Know that through my teaching I cleanse you and heal you from the wounds you bring before me; and if my word judges you for a moment, it is because I am the perfect righteousness and thus spare you the pain you create when you forget the fulfillment of my law.

22. I want you to be free spiritually. But do not get into licentiousness to which the body stimulates you because I have entrusted it to you so that it may be the willing tool that supports your soul in its upward development. But this has become the slave of him whom it was to rule. I teach you with my word so that you do not let yourselves be carried away by the storm of your passions and know how to control yourselves.

23. My people, love and bear witness to me in all your works. Exercise the virtues and spread my light. I let it flow into your Spirit and feed it with the bread of eternal life; it feeds on the fruit of life, it receives my wisdom. This is the essence of my word. You have prepared your hearts like a pure cup, and into it I pour my blood drop by drop.

24. My people, comprehend the parable-like meaning of my word and refresh yourselves in it.

25. Your material eyes cannot see my radiant face, but yet you understand me because of the Word which your Spirit receives within you. My word is the vibration that gives rhythm to all created things, so that everything is in perfect harmony. Thus your Spirit will give way to the power of my Word so that you may reach the gate of salvation and then the Promised Land.

26. Here is my presence! See the power of my Spirit, become law within yourselves, a law that tells you to love one another. With this invisible law I unite all my children. I will let the flame of love blaze up from all hearts, so that all may merge into one ideal.

27. Your Master brings you the message of peace and salvation that you have been waiting for so long. I alone can help you with my teaching to find the way that will lead you to the spiritual home.

28. You hear my word through human lips.

29.  What do you need to take the way to spiritualize? If you have love, you will rise very high, and if you trust in me, you will not stumble in your life, and the abilities to heal, to speak and to convince that which is in you will unfold, and all this will serve the progress of your Spirit.

30. You can all follow my footsteps, for you are all equipped to ascend and come to me. Who has told you that some will reach and others will not?

31. I have not created Spirits of different hierarchies; they are all created in the same way, and you all have my divine anointing. But today you are not all pure as you were when you were created, and therefore I tell you that you must purify yourselves. For I want that what emanates from your hearts to be pure, that you obey my inspirations, so that your work is selfless and your righteousness is reflected in all your works. Selfishness or envy are not manifestations of a superior Spirit. When you have purified your heart to make room for the light, then you will be prepared to make my work known, and only then can you be transmitters, seers, and prophets of truth.

32. My universal ray enlightens, purifies and uplifts the Spirit of men, for I want you to stand above the purely human and do miracles as I have taught you.

33. Remember that I am benevolent and have not judged your works. I give you my support, come to the aid of those who suffer, of those who stray from the path, and do not condemn them, for they can still repent and avoid new falls. I have not exposed anyone, I have only equipped your Spirit so that you may feel responsible for all and every one of your deeds and you may rise up to make amends for your transgressions and build on solid ground from now on.

34. Heal the sick by faith and love. Develop your abilities so that you may know with how many graces I have prepared for you, and you do not say that what I ask of you is beyond your ability.

 35. Desire my presence earnestly, and go your way vigorously, and preach love. Teach with proofs and demonstrate that love can restore health to a sick person, since it is the most powerful remedy known to man.

36. Lift up your spirits and think of the millions of sick people in the world, and pour out on them all the balm of your prayer.

37. Christ is not dead; he lives forever to give life and resurrection to souls. If you have come to me in suffering and, on leaving this place of meeting, seek your pains and no longer find them, it is because you have fathomed my word and found in it the balm of salvation which has given you back health and peace.

38. Chosen to form with them my apostle body have believed in hearing my word, and their faith is unshakable. But those who have gone away after hearing me and who deny that it is I who makes himself known already carry the seed of my love in their Spirit, and sooner or later they will return to me.

39. If you should be misunderstood for my sake, and they would like to convince you that you are in error, what would you answer?

40. You tell me that you will follow me till the end, that you have kindled a light of love in your heart, and that you will endure the greatest trials to bear witness to me; and I give you firmness, for great storms will arise to extinguish the light of your faith.

41. If, as a testimony of this truth, you point to your simple and righteous life and let the Spirit speak with authority, you will defend your faith, and I will be believed. The strongest weapons to overcome your enemies are love, wisdom and justice. Respect the faith of your fellow men, but make light in their spirit. Be humble and do not antagonize each other because of my teaching. All say that they obey my commandments and perform deeds that are unworthy before me. Prepare yourselves and do not act contrary to duty. Through you I will speak to mankind, for each of my chosen ones shall be a mouthpiece of my teaching, a messenger of good will.

42. If you want your fellow men to receive me, carry me with you in the sanctuary of your heart. I leave the book of my truth open so that the world may read in it.

43. I want to leave you spiritually prepared before the year 1950, want to give you my peace when I bid you farewell. It is my will that you acquire the right to receive my last orders and instructions.

44. After that year in which the 144,000 who are marked with the fire of my love will be united, some in matter, others in spirit - they will be prepared, and there will be no human power that can take away from them again the spiritual gifts I have granted them or provide them with other gifts.

45. Blessed are those who up to this time have become spiritualized, who have allowed their souls to develop by following the upward path, for they will be prepared for the time of transformation awaiting you and will be strong enough to stand their ground against sects and religious communities.

46. I have brought to your notice my teaching, which is like an invigorating river that flows from me. No one will be able to stop its course. It has come down from a high mountain to make the thirsty earth fertile.

47. I am with you, and you have nothing to fear. My inspiration flows eternally, and forever you can feed on me. Like that angel, I say to you today: Glory to God in the consciousness of spiritualized man and peace on earth to mankind as it strives to establish peace in the world.

48. Beloved people, I pour out in you the purifying fire of My Word so that you may have power, light and life I am sending you my thoughts through this voice bearer, without being able to stain yourselves as you pass through it. Divinity is not defiled when it manifests itself through the human brain, even if it is not spiritualized.

49. I must repeat my teachings more often, so that the "last" who continually come before me may take the first step, and from that time, from this first lesson, may know the essence of this rallies.

50. Know that those who love one another can communicate over great distances; I love you, and you love me likewise. There are no barriers to the Spirit; you have many opportunities to experience this in your life journey. You are learning to love me, and there are moments when you feel you have reached true love, which I have appointed to enlighten your heart so that it will give you strength in your life's journey.

51. I do not ask you to do something that you do not know or that you are not able to do If I were to do this, I would be unjust with you. If anyone knows the level of development you have reached, it is I. Note that I do not require you to dialogue with me from Spirit to Spirit without first receiving preparation. This preparation I give you when I communicate through the voice carriers, through whose brain I give you my teachings.

52. Learn to listen, O disciples, for listening is not the same as hearing. All hear, but there are very few who know how to listen, and this is the only way in which the truth of my teachings can be understood.

53. Know that the Master takes upon himself this effort of spiritual approach between man and his God when he sends his thoughts to you so that they may enlighten you as they radiate down. Outwardly the language that comes from the lips of the transmitters is all too simple, but its meaning is perfect as your Father sends it to you. The intended meaning of this work is beyond what you imagine and comprehend; therefore you should imagine it divine, great, and eternal. It is more than a consolation to the toilers, more than a balm to the sick. It is the supreme gift to the Spirit, which gives you the happiness of loving God, and which gives you the knowledge of true life.

54. Know that the one who understands and recognizes something of what is to those who are spiritually uplifted, can no longer tear his Spirit away from that light which has been revealed to him. Whether he enters unknown worlds or returns to earth time and again - what he once received as a divine spark of light will always rise again from the purest of his being as a presentiment, as a divine inspiration. At times it will come to life like a sweet awakening or like a heavenly song, which will flood the heart with bliss, like a longing to return to the spiritual home. This is what my teaching means for the souls that return to this life. Spirit seems to forget his past, but in truth he does not lose the knowledge of my teaching.

55. To those who doubt that it is the Divine "Word" that speaks to you at this moment and in this form, I say that if they do not want to give me that name, if they do not want to ascribe that Word to the Divine Master, they should take the meaning of this teaching and get to the bottom of each of his thoughts; if, in reflecting on what they have heard, they come to the conclusion that it contains light and truth for mankind, they should use it as a yardstick for their steps on earth and thus transform their lives.

56. I know that I give you the true wisdom; what men believe does not change the least of my truth. But it is necessary that man is certain of what he believes, what he knows, and what he loves. It is only for this reason that I sometimes, in my rallies, go to the level of mankind to reach such a point that they recognize me.

57. To those whom I already call disciples, I must say that they have the sacred duty to teach and bring to understanding this teaching which I call "little child," for they do not yet understand what they see or what they hear in my teachings. To be my disciples, it is not enough to understand, they must also feel. For there are many who, though they understand enough of the teachings which I have given them in my words, are not able to stretch out their hand to that which the Divine Teaching has not yet been able to grasp. Be aware that my "little children" often need your explanations and your experience. Train yourselves so that you can teach them and experience how faith develops in them and the gift of the Word in you. You shall ignite deep faith, which also includes reason and understanding.*

* Here it should be remembered that in earlier times and even today many regularities were and still are unknown. Due to ignorance and errors, the contradiction between faith and knowledge, between religion and science, arose. This contradiction is removed by the spiritual teaching, because instead of "blind" faith, it enables a faith based on spiritual knowledge and insight ─ a knowing faith and thus a science that is expanded and enlightened towards spiritual and otherworldly reality.

58. It is not true that you are all hard-hearted. I have often seen you crying for the sake of others and have experienced that your hearts were torn apart by a strange pain.

59. This epoch was opened with the rallies of my ray through the organs of the mind, which were chosen for this because they carried this mission within them. Do not believe that they were chosen for their purity, for if they were, I would not have found a single one.

* The thinking and speaking abilities of the "voice bearers.

60. Saturate yourselves with my divine strengthening and feel safe because you are with me. Tomorrow, when your heart awakens to love and is enlivened by the feeling of neighborly love, let it ceaselessly do to its fellow man what I have done to him.

61. Remember that day which was full of light and rejoicing for the first gathering of disciples of this work. It was September 1, 1866, when the light of Elijah was shining as an inspiration to those who gathered around Roque Rojas*.

* The name of this first voter and proxy is pronounced "Roke Rochas" (Swiss "ch").

62. On that day, those who would become the first leaders and the first voters were consecrated. It was a day of inspiration, of revelations, of promises and covenants.

63. Those disciples felt spiritually transferred to Sinai or Mount Tabor, they remembered the great revelations of the first and second times. And they were not mistaken in their foreboding, for the spiritual presence of Moses, my presence, and the Elijah was with them, as it was on Mount Tabor in that spiritual face which was seen by some of my disciples - the revelation which was called by men "the transfiguration of Jesus.

64. To you who hear me this day, I say in truth to you who hear me on this day, that the spiritual presence of Moses, my presence and the Elijah is with you. What did the people of the Second Age have that you do not have? You have the same faith as they had, just as I tell you that there is imperfection and sin among you as there was at that time.

65. Here you have the presence of the three messengers: those of Moses, of Jesus and of Elijah - a spiritual presence, invisible to human eyes and perceptible only to the senses of the Spirit. Therefore I say to you: Prepare yourselves so that you may enjoy the light that is pouring out on your Spirit at this moment.

66. Open your heart and feel in it the presence of Moses. Become sensitive and hear his spiritual voice that encourages you to continue the journey, just as he encouraged his people in the first days when they crossed the desert.

67. Moses is not idle in the bosom of the Father; his Spirit works without ceasing and causes the voice of the law to be heard in every spirit. He tells you that you are to be the true children of faith, so that you may reach that land promised to the Spirit.

68. People, keep in your hearts the lesson you have heard, that you may always enjoy my spiritual presence which has guided you throughout your life.

69. Pray, for I receive your thoughts, and as long as your intercession continues, I will pour out my blessing upon mankind.

My peace be with you.


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