BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 117

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 117:

1. People, rest on firm ground, dwell in the shade of this palm tree and hear My Voice so that all your infirmities may be healed, you may regain your strength and continue your wanderings See that it is not necessary to tell Me the grief of your heart, nor where you come from, for I know everything. I know that your soul has been through a hard struggle and has tried to move away from the crooked ways. You come to seek support and strength from me so as not to despair. When you were close to becoming weak, when your powers were just coming to an end, you raised your eyes to Me to ask Me for help, and I immediately responded to you and called you to this oasis of peace so that you might have a rest in your pain.

2. How many of My teachings have you understood and fathomed from the moment you first heard the Word? By the same you have understood that the soul does not perfect in one day, nor in one year, nor in one life, because since it is of an eternal nature, the path of development must be long to reach its perfection. You have also learned to listen to the voice of conscience, which always speaks to you of the law, of love, goodness, righteousness and sincerity, and you have succeeded in distinguishing it from that other voice which comes from the senses of the flesh or the passions of the heart and which does not always lead to the good path.

3. You already know that you have weapons to defend yourselves, you also know which is the shield that protects you, which is why you have begun to make use of prayer, good thoughts, the power of will and faith.

4. You have learned to give the elements that make up your being their right place in life, because you have understood that the essential is your Spirit, and that after it come the emotions and the mind, which take a worthy place.

5. You now know that the true spirituality in man is not to separate from what belongs to material life, but to be in harmony with all creation, and to achieve this harmony, the Spirit must precede, must be above the human, in a word: must be the guide. Otherwise, the Spirit is a slave to the flesh.

6. You know that in my way one cannot feign either love or sincerity or knowledge, because you immediately feel a gaze that penetrates and directs everything. You know that your virtues and your works must be true so that your merits are real.

7. When I speak to you in this way, I do not do it because I demand the highest perfection from you, but to ask you to make an effort to achieve it.

8. If today you are suffering, if you are going through a difficult trial or are in a bed of pain, you know that that cup purifies you and renews you, that that crisis expiates your transgressions, or that it is a wise lesson for the Spirit, and then you empty the cup with patience and surrender

9. You have come to understand that I have built a temple in each one of you, and you no longer dare to destroy what you have built, but try to cooperate with Me in this work

10. You have well understood that you are not to acquire merits in the sight of men to receive praise or reward from them, but in the sight of your Father, the only one who can evaluate your works.

11. When you comprehend all these teachings of love I am giving you-no matter how stubborn your material nature is and how fierce your passions are-there must arise a submission of the flesh to the Spirit, which will be a beginning for obtaining the harmony and order which must be present in man to rightly call himself "My child.

12. On your behavior in the present depends the future of many people, beloved people, do not doubt it. So think about it, free yourselves from the last remnant of selfishness that is still in you and bring about for the future peace, unity, morality and spiritualization, which are indispensable so that the new generations may find the way paved.

13. Do not doubt to accomplish this work in the world, for it is not the first time that I entrust you with My seed The proof of this is that I speak to you in this form and you understand Me.

14. This is the continuation of my teachings, but not the end of times as man interprets it The world will continue to circle in world space, souls will continue to come to earth and incarnate to fulfill their destiny. Humans will continue to populate this planet, and only the way of life among humans will change. The changes that human life will undergo will be great, so great that it will seem to you as if one world is coming to an end and another is reborn.

15. Just as at all times the life of mankind has been divided into epochs or ages, and each of them has been distinguished by something, whether it be by its discoveries, by the divine revelations received by men in it, by the development of the sense of beauty, what you call art, or through science - I tell you, this epoch will be characterized by the unfolding of the gifts of the Spirit, that part of your being, with which you should have begun to develop it in you, to spare you so great evils and errors.

16. Do you not believe that human life could be completely transformed by unfolding your spiritual nature, developing your spiritual gifts, and enforcing the law of conscience on earth?

17. Alas, if you could become conscious of all that your Spirit possesses! But you do not know, despite the millennia you have lived on earth and in spiritual space, because in your selfishness - which is love for yourself - only science in the service of material existence was important to you.

18. It will be I who will uncover before you the virtues, abilities, beauties, powers, and wonders that are hidden in your Spirit, because this is the right time for it, because with it you will reap the last fruits of an age

19. Soon all nations will know that I, their Lord, have spoken to them in all the ages that mankind has passed through, each of My revelations having been like a step on the spiritual ladder that I have set up so that you all may ascend to Me.

20. This time will be called that of light, the age of the Spirit or the time of truth; but I tell you that it is the time of the ascension of spirits and their restoration.

21. The soul is the temple built by Me, a sanctuary that is continually desecrated by men. But now the so often announced age of light has come, whose bright shine will be seen by all and under whose warmth all the children of the Lord will gather together. I do not speak to you of a religious community which welcomes some and rejects others, which proclaims its truth and denies the truth of others, or which uses unworthy weapons to impose itself by means of violence or intimidation. No, I speak to you only of a law, explained by a teaching, which is precisely the message that I have revealed to you in this time through this Word. So when the hour comes to set you on your way and to spread this Good News, you are to preach peace, love, mercy, unity and brotherhood through your deeds. But if you should meet in your way someone who hypocritically preaches the same as you, but falsifies the truth, you shall expose the lie by your deeds. If, on the other hand, you meet with your brothers and sisters who preach truth, love, and mercy by their example, then you are to unite with them, for their struggle and yours will be the same.

22. I cannot help but tell you that if you should be unfair and not prepared, you will not feel worthy to do this work. If you then see that others begin to fight with true faith and with sincerity, do not stand in their way, for then your responsibility to my righteousness would be twice as heavy.

23. I call your attention to everything in advance so that nothing may surprise you, and therefore, when you rise to fight, you will know how to awaken in yourselves the ideal of spiritual upliftment.

24. This earth, which has always sent a harvest of sick, tired, disturbed, confused souls into the hereafter or of those with only little maturity, will soon offer me fruits worthy of my love.

25. Sickness and pain will more and more disappear from your life when you lead a healthy and spiritually mature existence, and when then death comes, it will find you prepared for the journey to the spiritual home.

26. Who could still get lost or confused when entering the home of the Spirit, if he has already suspected it in this life, in the moments of praying, meditating, dreaming or immersing himself in My law?

27. Today so much peace and so much good seems to you unattainable because you see all the confusion that exists around you, a confusion that, as you know, will increase in all areas of human life But I tell you, trust in Me, watch, pray and be tireless sowers, so that this stormy night may let the light of the new dawn appear and feel the earth as its new inhabitants provide it with noble works and restore and rebuild everything that the foolish and the wicked destroyed and desecrated.

28. People, on this day I have revealed to you a part of My divine plans with you I have given you a premature knowledge of that which belongs to the future and have prepared you for the battle that is coming upon all mankind.

29. Think carefully about this and you will feel encouraged, for verily I say to you: blessed are those who read in this book that reveals to you "My Word In it you have found many teachings which were unknown to you.

30. I wanted to be heard by those who call nothing on earth their own, to serve Me after them. I have chosen you among the humble as in all times when I sought My servants among the simple hearts. You know that the owners of riches in the world are always busy with the same and do not remember me. I have granted them a certain time to worship what they love so much. But the hour will always come to hear my voice, to take up their cross and follow me; but before that they will purify themselves in the crucible of suffering.

31. Beloved disciples, only seven years remain, which will be like seven dawns in which you can hear Me. I want you in this period of time to leave your impermanence behind and make your steps secure, so that when the year 1950 comes you can tell Me: "Lord, the unification among us has become a reality and we are giving You proofs of our spiritualization and our brotherhood.

32. This people know that I only expect his spiritualization to make My Voice heard in his conscience when I say to him: People, rise and multiply like the dust of the earth Cross valleys, cities, deserts and seas and spread this teaching with love and humility. My omnipotent care will open ways and destroy borders. My love will protect you against every persecution or ambush of wickedness, and I will put My word on your lips when the occasion demands it.

33. Great, very great is this work which I entrust to you because I want you to be strong and great in your Spirit In truth I tell you that selfishness has no room in your father's heart.

34 For seven years I entrust the people who have received these blessed fields to reap from them fruits worthy of My Divinity.

35. People, have mercy and patience with those who are just taking their first steps. Counsel them with the kindness with which I have corrected you. love each other with the love with which I have loved you, then there will be harmony among you

36. Come near, My Presence is like the shade of a tree, My Word is like the song of a bird Come to Me, you hungry and thirsty for justice, you sick, you poor and ignorant in Spirit, approach Me!

37. I do not reject you because of your poverty, nor do I despise you because of your rank. I know that within each one of you exists a Spirit who needs My Light to rise to life.

38. I bring health to the sick and hope to the afflicted. No one will go away without comfort for his suffering. But when you have then attained peace, you will feel clothed with that dignity which I give you. Do not scold the world and its changing fortunes and sufferings. Remember that it was the same ones who led you to Me. Also do not withdraw from your fellow men, on the contrary - now that you have experienced how I receive you and how I give you presents, go still more toward them and do to the needy what you have seen me do to you.

39. Through one of you who really practises My teaching, there will be many who will receive My grace

40. Prayer, charity and good will is all you need, so that your knowledge in My teaching may shine out like bright light in the midst of darkness. Times of visitation are coming, and I want all My disciples to be prepared.

41. As long as men enjoy peace or worldly pleasures, they will not call you, but driven by pain, they will seek you. Be prepared, for soon sorrow will pour out on the world. Then you will be called by the sick to bring them my balm. Many of your fellow men will ask for your prayers and also desire your teaching to find the path that leads them to spiritual ascent.

42. Do you see how delicate and great is the task that awaits you?

43. In silence you confess that the revelation which I have given you in this time is great If you know how to behave like My disciples, you will see even greater light in My work.

44. Form the people of peace and spiritualization, remove from your hearts the last remnants of fanaticism that are still in you Obtain purification through renewal, then I will give a sign in heaven that will be seen in the world and that will tell you that "the day of the Lord" has come. This sign will be seen even by the "blind" and understood by the uneducated mind.

45. Make use of the strongest weapon I have entrusted to you, which is prayer; and pray, that you may not listen to those who try to put out the flame of your faith. Be vigilant, people, do not allow anyone to darken your heart and try to miss the way. You already know My Law, this is the Way; never deviate from it and you have nothing to fear.

46- If on earth some would like to destroy you, and some pray for you because they think you are lost, remember that in the spiritual there are some who watch over your every step Your Heavenly Mother protects you under her mantle, Elijah protects you with the love of a spiritual shepherd, and your brothers and sisters who live in the hereafter and devote themselves to goodness protect and counsel you. Thus I speak to those who take their first steps in the midst of indecisions and doubts and still frequently stumble and fall.

47. Soon faith will be inflamed in their hearts, and when this happens, nothing and no one will be able to extinguish it. But first I have to give you my teachings so that your hearts are strengthened at the same time, as your Spirit turns away more and more from uselessness. In this way you will gradually develop upwards. Then you will feel how the thirst for truth and love, which you make known to me, has been quenched so that you go full of strength and courage to the fulfillment of your task.

48. I prepare you with infinite love because my teaching through these voice bearers does not last forever. Soon you will no longer hear this word, and yet you must be strong in the struggle that will come when my word is no longer transmitted in this form.

49. What would you do if you had not understood the teaching of the Master? How would you be able to defend your faith if you had not known the weapons that can help you to defend yourselves? Think about these words, for many will again fall on their knees before idols because they did not know how to use my teachings.

50. People, do not be deaf to my voice and do not misinterpret my work I have told you to make it known with the sincerity with which I have entrusted it to you. Listen to my voice so that when you hear those of your enemies, you may be able to free yourselves from their snares and traps.

51. Up to now you have looked at life and men superficially. But now I am showing you the meaning and essence of all teachings that I have revealed to you in the Three Times, so that you may have full knowledge of who you are and that you may accept your destiny as Christ His cross and love your neighbor in the Creator. All this reveals and shows you My teaching. Now I tell you that he who has been marked by Me should not feel superior to him who has not received the mark, for many of them will give you proofs of spiritualization and that they possess spiritual gifts as great as yours.

52. This is the time when the Heavenly Bell is heard in the Infinite, calling men to the assembly, inviting them to reflection and prayer. Its echo resonates unceasingly at the bottom of every heart because it is the Third Time in which Elijah, as my messenger, calls souls from one end of the world to the other so that they may appear before the judgment. You are to be among those who seek Me at that hour by means of the Spirit and not by means of sculptures and images made by man's hand, so that I may say that you are among those who have insisted on My Law, since I commanded you in the same one I gave you on Mount Sinai that you - in order to worship Me - should have no image before your eyes that represents My Divinity.

53. If I have since then called you to spiritual worship, it is right and proper that you should offer it to Me now, O people who temporarily lose hope to reach complete renewal and spiritualization Recognize how I have prolonged your existence and how I have let you go through the path of restoration and development so that you leave behind every imperfection and every impurity in your steps and in your constant wandering. Have you not already experienced how the water masses clouded by the mud in their fast run finally become clear again? Verily, I tell you, the same will happen to your soul.

54. I am the Lord of life and of the created. Therefore I tell you that I am the only one who knows the mystery, eternity and destiny of all beings.

55. If mankind would not be so stubbornly hardened in their ignorance, their existence on earth would be different. But men resist my commandments, curse their destiny, and instead of cooperating with me in my work, they seek a way to circumvent my laws to enforce their will. I also tell you that if men would carefully observe every one of their actions, they would notice how they rebel against me at every turn.

56. When I shower men with My pleasure, they become selfish; when I let them enjoy pleasure, they come to debauchery; when I test their strength to steel their souls, they rebel; and when I allow the cup of bitterness to reach your lips to purify them, they curse life and feel they are losing their faith; I am telling you that if you do not listen to Me, they will not be able to rebel; I am telling you that if you do not listen to Me, they will not rebel; I am telling you that if you do not listen to Me, they will not rebel; I am telling you that if you do not listen to Me, they will not rebel; I am telling you that if you do not listen to me, they will not rebel; I am telling you that if you do not listen to me, they will not rebel When I place on their shoulders the burden of a great family, they despair, and when I take one of their kin from the earth, they accuse me of being unjust.

57. Never do you agree, never do I hear that you bless My name in your trials, nor do I experience that you try to cooperate in My work of creation

58. Do you not remember the examples I gave you in Jesus when He consecrated that life to the glorification of His Father?

59. Jesus had nothing on earth, and yet He never complained because of His poverty. He had to leave His mother and His home and renounced everything out of love for Him who sent Him. His work was very difficult and His way painful until the end, but He never rebelled against it. He was persecuted and mocked, condemned and finally killed, but from His heart, His lips and even His eyes came only blessing, forgiveness and comfort for those who loved Him and also for those who hurt Him.

60. But you can take not only me as an example worthy of imitation. Remember the obedience of Abraham when His Lord demanded the life of His Son from Him, the patience of Job, who blessed Me at each of His visitations, and like these examples, there are many others that have come to you through historiography.

61. You sometimes wonder when you see a sick man patiently carrying his cross, a blind or paralyzed man blessing My will. On other occasions you cannot comprehend the devotion of a Father who has just lost the Son whom he loved very much; the materialized men of this time, so far from the truth, cannot understand that devotion, that patience and that reverence for the counsel of God. It is I who bring these beautiful examples of humility, of obedience to My will and of spiritual maturity before your eyes so that you may have examples to emulate in your trials.

62. I tell you that if this humanity does in all that is My Will, it will know no more pain on earth because My Peace will be in its Spirit

My peace be with you.


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