BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 132

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 132:

1. Be welcome, you who gradually feel within yourselves the flame of love for your Master Be welcome, you who seek to sweeten your life with the caress of My Word. Welcome also you who doubt My Presence, for I will free you from your doubt and it will give way to My love. Welcome also you who come here with a sorrowful heart because I will give you the consolation you need. My love embraces you all.

2. When you see how I receive you, you tell Me from the bottom of your heart: "Lord, I have been expecting you, I have already longed for your coming, as well as your loving word;" I have been waiting for you for a long time - Do you seek the Kingdom of God? I will bring you to him step by step until you reach the highest level of perfection. Many who have preceded you on earth are already reaching that sublimity. It is the Spirits of Light, the messengers or messengers of God, who invisibly come to men to bring them messages and inspirations.

3. O disciples, strive for the advancement of the Spirit, and you will learn to solve all those problems which you consider impossible to solve, even though they are within the range of your possibilities. If you are blessed with such high gifts, why do you want me to do everything for you? Remember that you must come to Me through your merits, efforts and even sacrifices. I show you the way to progress on the way to reach the goal.

4. See, My word is like a good seed. Sometimes it falls on hard earth, under stones and thorns: it is materialism, the indifference of hearts, in which My teaching cannot germinate. Sometimes a plant just begins to bloom when an unclean hand comes and cuts it off. This happens when the heart lets itself be guided by bad passions. When the seed falls into fertile soil, it germinates in time, blossoms and starts to bud, the perennial plant rises higher every day and gives abundant fruit.

5. You sometimes ask yourselves, "Why does the Master - instead of choosing His servants and disciples - not take all of us who are all His children?" and I answer you: I choose those with whom it is the right time, as with ripe seeds. To the others I leave some more time until they reach full maturity so that I can serve them. The Master acts like a good fisherman who boards his boat at the early hour, casts his net where he knows that there are overabundant fish, and when he has caught it full of fish, he allows the useless little fish to slip through the net to select the larger ones. I am the fisherman of souls who lays out His net to catch your hearts in it. How many who were caught in My nets of love returned to the sea of their restlessness and passions! They cannot yet belong to the chosen ones who follow Me loyally and renunciationally. But they will come to it later.

6. I try to make my voice audible in all souls, but the materialism of men only allows them to hear the voice of the world and the flesh. Nevertheless, there are some who hear Me, and these are the afflicted, the needy, the sick, the despised, those whom the world no longer needs and has fallen into oblivion because they have nothing more to give. They hear me very well because they know that they can only expect something from me. What can my voice, my word, mean to him who finds everything in the world that he desires? This one sees only his material happiness, and when he hears my call sometime, he says to me too, as he would say to a beggar, "Today I have nothing to give you, come back tomorrow! But who knows this "tomorrow"? Who can know how long it will be before another call is made to him? It can be on the morrow, just as it is possible in another existence. Blessed is he who forgets his suffering over the pain of others.

7. Pray, realize that now is the time when My justice and My light has shaken up all dark powers This is a difficult and perilous time, because even the beings who dwell in darkness will pose among you as beings of light to seduce you, to confuse you. I give you my light so that you do not stray from the way, nor let yourselves be deceived by those who abuse my name.

8. The seducers are not only invisible beings; you also find them incarnated in men who speak to you of teachings that pretend to be light, but which are contrary to my teachings. You are not to listen to these. My word is recognized by its high spirituality, its meaning and divine "taste. Whosoever succeeds in getting to know the "taste" of my word and becoming familiar with it falls into no error. I have conceded to you the right to explore and fathom my word, so that you may get to know it from the bottom up.

9. Since I am watching over you like the shepherd who tends his sheep, when I cast out My nets to save your souls from the troubled waves of the ocean, you in turn should pray for your fellow men, then your prayer will spread over mankind like a mantle of peace

10. You now understand that I have divided My divine revelation into three great epochs.

11. It was in the spiritual childhood of mankind when the Father gave her the law and promised her a Messiah who would open the gate to a new age.

12. The Messiah was Christ, who came to men when they were in "spiritual youth. He taught men a higher form of fulfilling the law which they had previously received from the Father and did not know how to fulfill. The "Word of God" spoke through the lips of Jesus, which is why I tell you that through the love teaching of the perfect Master, the world continued to hear the voice and commandment of their Father.

13. Jesus, for his part, offered to send men the Spirit of Truth to make them understand all that they had not understood from his teaching.

14. Now then, dearly beloved people, this simple and humble word which you are presently hearing is the voice of the Spirit of Truth, is the spiritual light of God which is pouring into your being to open your eyes to the New Age. This light, which is beginning to make you understand with clarity all the revelations of your Master, is the light of your Father, the HolySpirit, which surprises mankind at a greater height of spiritual development, that is, as it approaches adulthood to understand the revelations of God.

15. In all that this light reveals to you, you shall receive the teaching of the Father, because "The Word" is in Me, and the HolySpirit is My own Wisdom.

16. This form of rallies through human voice-bearers is only the introduction to the true spiritual union of men with their Creator and Lord, when, filled with the Spirit of Truth, you speak with your Father from spirit to spirit.

17. To those who do not yet believe in my rallies at this time, I say: Do not deny that the master is again in touch with men, for he promised to come back to you, and none of the divine promises have remained unfulfilled. Nor must you depart from your Father when you say that it is impossible to have dialogue with Him. In truth, I tell you that the Lord has always been in touch with men in various forms according to their spiritual maturity.

18. This new age, because it is that of spiritualization, will be called that of the Holy Spirit, because it will be enlightened by the divine light that explains everything and teaches you to understand everything.

19. The new age has already begun and will never end, for the climax of this age will be married to eternity.

20. Do you not yet suspect the greatness and wonders which the time of light promises you? Do you not rejoice at the thought that the time is already near, when the world escapes its darkness and opens its eyes to the new day?

21. The confused circumstances will come to an end, the deceitfulness will disappear, the mysteries will be unraveled, and a radiant but at the same time sweet and mild light - because it is that of the Divine Spirit - will tell men who have long sought, doubted and tormented themselves: Here is the truth.

22. Understand that Christ interpreted the law of the Father, and that the teaching of the Master is illuminated by the light of the same Father whom you call the HolySpirit.

23. To attain this light, lift up your thoughts, allow the Spirit to be free, open your hearts, for I will pour out a stream of blessings on you.

24. You men who only today have come to the light of My Word: open your needy hands and take the bread and wine of My teaching.

25. The trials have passed over all; in some they have been short but violent, in others they have been prolonged and bitter: moments, hours, days and years of pain shall be past for you, and peace shall return to your hearts. From My Spirit to yours flow My balm, My power and My light.

26. Let My Radiance envelop you so that you may forget here grief, sorrow, misery and tears It is now time for you to discover the treasure that you carry hidden within you and to stop being pariahs in the world.

27. People, do not fear, for I will not give you orders or responsibilities until you have gained the peace, strength of soul and health you lack As soon as you feel strong, your heart will thank Me and at the same time ask for a place in My vineyard.

28. "Ask and it will be given to you" I say to the sick, the needy of peace, the poor, those who hunger and thirst for justice, the widows, the orphans, those who have no loving person in the world, in short, to all who drink the cup of bitterness. But do not promise me anything for my good deeds. Allow that I flood you with My love, but you have full freedom to follow Me or to turn away from Me. Whoever follows Me or not, I leave this to the gratitude of your heart, your understanding, your conscience.

29. It is not a command I give you, but you too must not impose conditions on me to follow me.

30. What you are to remember is this, that to every one who renews himself, who lives a righteous life and puts a spark of virtue in his works, the most precious treasures of the Spirit are at your disposal, such as peace, health and the light of wisdom

31. If you are obedient and gentle, you have nothing to fear. In Me you will see only love, justice and goodness without limits.

32. Your fear will be justified if you walk away from the right way. But then you will have to fear the consequences of your imperfect deeds.

33. There is someone among you who says to me, "Lord, why have you called me, although you know that I have a very hard heart that has never felt charity for anyone? to him I tell him not to worry, for My Power is great and makes crystal-clear water gush even from rocks

34. Persevere in listening to My Word, it is the only thing I ask of you Then - when you think least of it - the darkness of your mind will dissolve so that the Light can penetrate; and this heart, which is like a dead man in his coffin, will rise to life, feeling and loving, as befits every child of God.

35. Learn to pray, your Master tells you. I will speak to you in your quiet chamber. I will speak to My sick and anoint them and make them feel the consolation of My divine healing balm. I will grant you what you have been waiting for a long time.

36. Learn to speak to the physician of the doctors, O blessed sick people, for you still have to call Me often tomorrow when you are healthy again and other sick people are entrusted to you

37. Always have faith so that the miracle may come true, and earn merits so that you may always be worthy of what you ask.

38. What merits can a sick man acquire who is incapable of every fight? His merits can be many and great if he knows how to arm himself with patience and devotion, if he knows how to be humble towards the divine will and can bless me in the midst of his pain, because his example will enlighten many hearts that dwell in darkness, that despair and surrender to vice or think of death when a trial overtakes them. When these people meet on their way an example of faith, humility and hope, which springs from a heart that also suffers much because it bears a very heavy cross, they will feel that their heart has been touched by a ray of light. And so it really is, since they were not able to hear the voice of their own conscience, they had to receive the light of conscience that another fellow man sent to them through his example and faith.

39. Surrender not yourselves defeated, never declare yourselves defeated, never bow down to the burden of your sufferings. Always have the burning lamp of your faith before your eyes. This faith and your love will save you.

40. Men who suffer privations and miseries in silence, who have to drink the cup of humiliation day after day, I bless your steps. Yesterday you were masters and now you are servants; before, festive garments covered you, and now poverty envelops you. You dwell in a wretched corner from where you remember your past, and there you secretly shed your tears so that neither your wife nor your children will see you cry. You feel cowardice in those moments and do not want to make your loved ones despair. I alone know this sorrow, I alone know how to dry these tears. To all of you I will speak and teach, because all this pain that you have accumulated inwardly, I can remove and leave in your heart only that blessed light of experience. I assure you that I will bring forth the best Masters from those who have suffered most.

41. You must know My Word so that you may be healed and rise to true life, O you who are dead in heart and Spirit!

42. Pain has poured out all its contents into the world and is felt in a thousand forms.

43. In what terrible haste do you live, mankind! How laboriously do you knead the dough for the daily bread! Therefore men use themselves up before their time, women age prematurely, girls wither away in full bloom, and children become emotionless in their tender age.

44. An epoch of pain, bitterness, and trials is this time in which you now live. Nevertheless, I want you to find peace, that you reach harmony, that you reject pain. For this I appear in Spirit and send you My Word, which is a dew of consolation, healing and peace on your soul.

45. Hear My Word which is the resurrection and the life In Him you will win back faith, health and joy to fight and to live.

46. I give you the love which is in Me and which never exhausts itself you are part of Myself and I nourish you, My beneficent shadow covers you forever as Father I have taught you to take the first steps in the fulfilment of your mission You are at the foot of the mountain of perfection, ascend from there upward. My Spirit is on the summit and awaits your return. Humanity will follow your steps. I call on them, I speak to the family man who is appointed as My deputy and has the task of guiding the souls entrusted to him; I also speak to him who is a ruler, so that everyone may act within My laws and fulfill his task by overcoming the trials of this time.

47. From the beginning of times I have built the home, consisting of the man and the woman, and have poured out wisdom and love on it I have put a cross on both of them and a perfect purpose. The foundations of this home are love, mutual understanding. Leadership is given to the man, reverence and obedience to the woman. In both of them I have placed precious gifts so that they may perfect themselves. And it is not My will that this blessed institution be misjudged or profaned. Despite the storms that rage and threaten everywhere - be vigilant and defend these principles. Build the future of mankind on solid foundations. I, who am present in your actions, will then bless you and multiply your seed.

48. If your soul is not able to comprehend great ideas or inspirations, pray, prepare yourselves, and I will enlighten you.

49. All the commissions I give you are of great importance and responsibility While I entrust to some the guardianship of children, I make others spiritual leaders of a great number of people or rulers over a numerous people. Blessed is he who rises above the earthly to seek power and light with me, for he will be in union with me, and I will support him in all his trials during the fulfillment of his mission.

50. Feel My warmth as Father, hear Me and understand Me. Let not those who hear Me for the first time think that this man through whom I give you My Word wants to make you believe that he is the Lord, the Master. No, your eyes do not see Me, but your Spirit receives Me, and in your heart you feel My presence. I speak to you from infinity and it is the sweet echo of My Voice that you hear through these lips prepared by Me so that you may hear My Holy Word.

51. For why are these rallies? in another time I promised you to come again I announced that my coming would be when wars would be unleashed, when the corruption of men would have reached its climax, and when plagues would have spread on earth. I also made it known that my coming would be in the Spirit. The time of my coming has already come, the time of my presence among you is this, where wars shake the whole earth, the homes are destroyed, the virtues are trampled underfoot and the law is falsified. Therefore many ask themselves when they recognize all this: "When will Christ, our Savior, come? They do not know that I am already in the world and am preparing the seed that will bring them the light and peace. I have hardly begun to fulfill My promise.

52. I have come anew to the humble, the poor and the ignorant, but who are hungry and thirsty for justice, love and truth. And when this simple and unknown people recognized that someone had turned his attention to them and that this someone was their master, they set out - driven by a very great inner power - in search of My word. It came sad, tired and sick - in My presence it found the balm for all its evils. He came repentant of his sins, his stains and vices, but when he felt the caress that My forgiveness gives him, a firm resolution of renewal, of correction, arose in him. It felt that its Spirit lacked works worthy of its Father, and it received teachings to do great works and miracles.

53. The human and spiritual life were mysteries which their little knowledge could not fathom. While it listened to Me here, it learned the truth about all created things. If in that time the Israelite people expected the coming of the Messiah as that of a mighty king, warlike and strong in earthly things, who would give them back their freedom, give them weapons to defeat and humiliate their oppressors, and then shower them with earthly goods to make them the greatest and most powerful people on earth - so in that time this people did not come here so that I might make them rich in the world, nor that I might make them great and lord over others. These here have come to me to find truth, redemption and peace. I have likewise granted them the material goods, but this has been done as an addition.

54. The bread of the poor in this time, though it is so bitter, is not so much as that which the mighty, the great lords, the kings, eat.

55. Men, return to me, begin to pray as I taught you, so that you may feel the peace of my coming. Pray spiritually before Me and feel the sentences I taught you, which are: "Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Your kingdom come." How many times have you uttered these words, which are an imploring request for My coming, without understanding what they say, what they contain, and therefore without feeling them. Christ taught you to pray by raising your thoughts to the Heavenly Father, without any image or cult form coming between the Father and the child. Since when have you forgotten these instructions?

56. O my new people Israel! I entrust this work to you as if it were a tree. Today it is still tender, tomorrow it will be mighty. It is destined to give shade and fruit to the tired and sick pilgrim. But if you, who come from the provinces and districts, from the mountains and from villages in the desire for its fruits, do not care for it, this tree will wither, its fruits will fall down, and it will give no more shade. The day will come when you will return to it because you will feel hungry and tired of life, but when you come to the place where the tree was, you will find no trace of it because you did not know how to care for it, because you were content to eat of its fruits until you satisfied your hunger, and then you turned your back on it. This tree grows in the heart of My children. Its fruits are love and mercy, your trust and gratitude will be the best watering you can give your tree to live, grow and bear fruit.

57. So here I am in the midst of this humility, that is why I have not turned to the great ones (of this world), because they would try to please Me by offering Me treasures of the earth. Remember that at that time Jesus did not even have a hut in the world to be born in. It was a simple grotto that gave Him shelter, and straw served Him as a store. "My kingdom is not of this world," I told you later, and I proved it to you from My birth. A simple tunic covered My body, which was wetted many times by the tears of sinners, of those who suffered much; and the faith of those who touched it caused real miracles on them.

58. Today, when I come to you in the Spirit, I tell you that the mantle that covers Me and with which I cover you is the only one of My Love Come to Me and dry your tears on this blessed mantle, for over your faith a new miracle will shine, that of your salvation.

My peace be with you!


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