BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 128

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 128:

1. I bring you my word, which is a ladder that leads into my kingdom. When you realize what I teach you, you will awaken to a new life. Everyone who wants to perfect himself will find the way to it. My voice calls you because you are all My beloved children.

2. Come to Me and possess My kingdom Come, you children and youth, for I am pleased to listen to your petitions. You single women, I am the chaste husband who wants to accompany you; beloved men, belong to Me. All of you I see defeated by the trials, but I want to raise you up again from them. Do not be surprised that I seek you out for this. Have you not seen how love is reflected in My caring? Nor have you seen how the Mother cries out of love for mankind? The cup you all drink is very bitter, but it purifies you, because these tears you shed are like the essences Magdalene poured out when she anointed the feet of Jesus. Now, as then, I forgive you your sins.

3. You go through the world encountering wickedness and must pass over it without defiling yourselves. But my power supports you so that you do not fall, for without it you would become weak. Be wise, watch, pray, and you will be invincible.

4. I see mankind spiritually poor, because the power it has gained is material. Compared with the spiritual, the material works are small; these will not make the soul immortal. Only the merits acquired in the fight for good will give eternal life to it and make it strong.

5. The proud man believes to possess strength, although the afflictions remind him at every step that he is not sovereign, that his "greatness" is deceptive. Use the strength I give you to do good.

6. Do not doubt my words. I bring you a seed of faith so that you may grow it and through it learn to appreciate My wonders. I have put in your Spirit the light of conscience so that you may know the laws I have given you and through them guide your soul and body. In My teaching you will find health, peace and joy. This is why I have told you that whoever tastes of this bread will never be hungry again.

7. I show Myself to you so that you may recognize Me and later pass on the knowledge I am giving you at present as an inheritance

8. You live in the present and do not know what I have determined for your future I am preparing great legions of spirit beings who will dwell on earth and bring with them a delicate mission, and you must know that many of you will be the parents of those creatures in whom my messengers will be incarnated. Your duty is to prepare yourselves inwardly so that you may know how to receive and guide them.

9. The earth is prepared by Me and as pure as I created it. If something bad exists on it, this is man's work. How much evil you have created through your sin, humanity, even if someone could say that you are not responsible for what happened in former times. But I answer you: Your soul has inhabited the earth already at other times, it has been absent and has desecrated the earth. Do you know who you are? How much effort you must make to make amends to mankind for all that you have denied it.

10. When ye are weary, lean on the rod of prayer, for by it ye shall recover strength. As you hear My word, you will rise to higher regions from where you will feel My presence. Understand: To fulfill My law, it is not enough to uplift the soul by means of prayer - you must also do works of love and mercy.

11. The time is already drawing near when this rallies will be over. But always be aware that my Spirit will not depart from you.

12. When I cease to manifest myself in this form, this will be the sign that the period of armament has ended I will seal up the minds of those who have served Me and will give them a rest in the great period of work and will give a reward to those who have been obedient servants in My vineyard. To them I will leave the peace of My Spirit. But they will continue to be instruments of a higher revelation.

13. Just as "The Word" did not become flesh after it had been in Jesus, so this rallies of My Spirit through man will not be repeated. Only My light will continue to radiate from infinity to guide you spiritually on the true path.

14. Pay attention to this light, and you will not stray from the right way. Observe my laws, then faith and trust in your spiritual gifts will be very great. Understand what the powers of Mary, Jesus and Elijah are, for I have given you a share in them.

15. Be joyful in following My decrees, which is not a sacrifice but rather a joy for your Spirit Be like little children at their father's side, trusting and hoping in Him.

16. I have seen this people praying for mankind, loving them and being inspired by the love of the Master. Your pain is also great, but it is He who will unite you and make you a real family. I will comfort you during your whole life journey until you reach the land of promise.

17. The peace you hope for will come, and it will be as great as the pain has been The union (of all Spirit communities) will also come, but before that I will send announcements to you, announcing the nearness of the time when these prophecies will come true.

18. Welcome, you who have crossed the threshold of a new age. You have heard the ringing of the soothing bell and have gathered at the voice of its call because you have realized that it is the voice of your Father that invites you to listen to Him. This desire and this obedience caused My voice, when it reached your heart, to be recognized by you.

19. Since you do not know the length of time you have been given in life on earth, it is necessary that you set out from this moment on, for however far your life's journey is, it will always be full of incentives to reach the goal. In each time a mystery has unravelled before your eyes. In this third time, where my word becomes spiritual fruit to nourish you, I will reveal to you what is kept for your Spirit. My Word pours out on the spiritually humble and the intellectually simple people because it is like a stream of crystal clear water that has not been stained with the impurities it encounters on its way as it runs through the mind and from the mind to the heart and from there to the Spirit.

20. In this time I have not entered the dust of the world. Only My Spirit is found in the inner temple, which exists in the deepest part of your being, where I leave the trace of My steps. You who have sat down at your master's table know the taste of this bread, this wine and these fruits, so that you never fall prey to deception.

21. I met your soul sick, but I placed Myself before her and told her: "I am the Way; I offer you My help; I am the Way; I am the Way; I am the Way Judge by My words, and you will reach the land you seek."

22. When you still had no idea about spiritual life, you blasphemed God when you felt desperate and wished to die to rest - as you thought - without knowing that rest as you imagine it does not exist, for the Spirit finds perfect happiness only in activity. Inactivity is egoistic, and egoism belongs to the flesh, not to the Spirit. Only the body finds rest when the last breath of life goes out in it. Spiritualize yourself, O people, that you may see the face of your Master, who smiles to you full of tenderness and peace.

23. Like a seed that multiplies and spreads, so will My teaching spread over mankind to save them Not only those who hear Me will be saved, but also those who were not destined to hear this Word.

24. On this people I have poured out spiritual gifts which will make fertile tomorrow the fields where love, concord and peace will germinate; for My seed will be carried by My messengers into the far country, into the provinces and into the cities

25. I have visited you in your cell, since you were prisoners of materialism, selfishness and sin. But I have set you free that you may bring this Good News to the hearts. Never will you be able to depart from Me. You are the tender leaves on the mighty tree of life, you are branches or shoots. Through your soul flows the sap of the tree. This is the covenant that unites you with Me and that can never be destroyed. The tree is the family, in it the father, the mother and the children are united forever. In it all the children of the Lord must recognize each other as brothers and sisters: Brothers and sisters not only out of principle or because of their origin, but through love.

26. The symbol of this tree was the cross on which you nailed me.

27. Here is the Master to sweeten your path with His Word; for those who once felt peace on this path hardly move away from it or fall back into the errors of their past lives, where the whirlwinds whipped them. My Word, which is always full of new teachings and revelations, enliven you so that you do not stop, nor retreat.

28. All the time I tell you to make use of the time in which I give you My teachings with My Word, because when the hour of My farewell comes, you will no longer hear this "nightingale" beat.

29. I want the "first" to be good teachers of the "last. Recognize that great spirits will come among them, who - after they have gone through the crucible of suffering - will embrace my spiritual work with great love and with my teaching in their hearts and my encouragement in their spirit will begin their fight among men.

30. Let Me teach you, prepare you and test you so that you may become strong and your faith be true. I will use you as instruments of My will and will accomplish many works through your mediation. Through your lips I will speak to the multitudes of men, and among them I will choose those who will follow Me in this time.

31. Be filled with charity, feel the tragedy of mankind, understand their trials and their atonement, so that you may pray and watch over them Remember that the Master does not abandon you in your times of crisis so that you, as My disciples, do the same to your fellow men.

32. Do you think that you are indispensable for My message to reach the hearts of your fellow men? No, people, but you must fulfill the mission I have entrusted to you and for the accomplishment of which I give you all that is necessary. Do you know what those who have nothing to offer you today can do for you tomorrow?

33. A great purification weighs on mankind and you can feel My righteousness even in the air you breathe But this very cup of suffering will morally and spiritually transform mankind.

34. Strive for your renewal, and no longer be little children in the face of My teaching, so that you may gradually become disciples, not only because of what you understand, but because of what you put into practice

35. Rest in the shade of this tree, O weary wayfarers, and when you have recovered your strength, become guardians of the tree and tend it. This care and this love for its preservation will be like water that makes the earth fertile and refreshing. Then you will cause the branches to grow, so that the shade will become expansive and many in need will find refuge under it. There will come multitudes of people with a desire for health and spiritual peace, and you should then be prepared, because on this tree they will find fruits that they could not find in any other place.

36. From your Spirit let prayer for world peace and for enlightenment rise for the people who rule the nations, because you are not to be hard-hearted and difficult of mind so that my work does not come to a standstill. I am currently planting and spreading My "trees" in many regions to save the straying hearts. These "trees" have the task to eliminate the (religious) fanaticism and idolatry of the people.

37. Again I say to you: I am the way; go no longer on dangerous paths.

38. All these communities will form together the obstacle that Elijah will present to his Lord. But you who have the commission to watch over these communities, keep your ears open to hear My word, which will be the light with which you shall straighten the crooked paths.

39. Verily I tell you that you have Me very near in the essence of My Word and you also have My "spiritual world" with you through their support, their protection and their counsels My mercy strengthens you so that you do not become discouraged on the way, for the mission you have received in this time is very delicate. But I leave you equipped with the necessary spiritual gifts so that you can make progress.

40. Carry your cross not as a burden but as a blessing.

41. Be with you My mercy as Father and My teaching as Master Feel My warmth and peace and I assure you that at the end of My teaching your faith will be greater and you will have more courage to face the struggle.

42. My Word will be a shield in your hearts and a sword on your lips But know how to use it right both in battle and in peace.

43. Here is your savior. Have you not sought me with difficulty in all ways? Have you not called on me with hymns and psalms that I may save you? Well, here I am, though I have come in a form you did not expect. But the form that is not new, let not the form that is new alienate you. Rather strive to seek the essence of My teaching, and you will be convinced that this tone with which I speak to you, this love which My words pour over you, and this wisdom which shines in every one of My teachings, is a language which your Spirit understands.

44. Use the light of My Word and free yourselves with it because for a long time you have been occupied only with earthly things and have become guardians of earthly goods, not taking into account that the soul is destined to return to its ancient homeland and that you have to prepare the provisions and the walking staff to help you on its journey

45. Men strive for immortality in the world and try to achieve it through material works, because earthly glory - even if it is temporary - stings in the eyes, and they forget the glory of the Spirit because they doubt the existence of that life It is the lack of faith and the absence of spiritualization that has put a veil of skepticism before the eyes of men.

46. If this mankind had faith in My Word, would carry Me in their hearts, they would always have present that sentence of Mine which I once said to the multitudes who listened to Me: "Verily, I say to you, even if you only give a glass of water, it will not be without reward".

47. But men think: If they give something and get nothing in return, they preserve what they possess by keeping it for themselves.

48. Now I tell you that there is a perfect balance in My righteousness so that you never fear to give away anything of what you possess. Do you see those men who gather and accumulate treasures and do not let anyone share in their possessions? Those people carry their dead Spirit within them.

49. On the other hand, those who, until the last breath of their existence, have dedicated themselves to the task of giving their neighbor everything they possess, until they saw themselves in their last hour alone, abandoned and poor - these have always been led by the light of faith, which has shown them in the distance the nearness of the "Promised Land," where my love awaits them, to give them compensation for all their works.

50. Verily I say to you, with the powerful of today it will come to an end to make way for those who will be great and strong, powerful and wise because of love and mercy towards their neighbor.

51. Disciples, take My word as another proof of My love for you Feel My healing balm in your body and soul. But if your conscience tells you that your pain is a consequence of your sin, banish it from your being, for in My teaching you will find the strength to overcome the weakness of your flesh. Come all to me so that I give you the strength to achieve your spiritual liberation.

52. Let the children come to Me. Let the youth come near Me. Men and women - the one in the best age and the other in old age come to Me, I want to enjoy your presence, want to hear your voice calling Me Father.

53. Sinners, weep with your Master, so that your tears may purify you But your weeping shall be like the repentance of Magdalene, so that your love may come to Me as the prayer of that repentant sinner.

54. Overcome your arrogance so that you may become humble to your brothers and sisters. Humility is victory, vanity is defeat, even if you judge these things differently in the world.

55. What can you be proud of if nothing on earth is yours? I did not make you heirs in this world. I entrusted them to you in the same way as the landowner does with his workers: he divides among them the responsibility of tilling and tending the fields, and then brings in the harvest and gives to each his due share.

56. Take from the earth what you need, rejoice and delight in all that it gives you in good things. But never go so far as to look at your earthly life as if it were the perfect home of the Spirit, nor consider what you possess in the world your greatest treasure.

57. The earth is not spotted; it is blessed and pure. It is men who have stained their heart. If the earth had sinned, I would have already destroyed it and sent you to another world to dwell there; but I find no blemish on it. That is why I tell you that it is mankind in which you should work - for its renewal - so that it may bring you peace, prosperity, love, abundance and true progress anew.

58. See with how much patience I am teaching you so that you too may have patience when you teach your fellow men, and whenever a needy knocks at your doors, you never deny him your presence nor receive him with aversion What could your hands offer him if there is no love in your heart? I tell you, if anyone feels fatigue, it is because he has no true spiritualization. On the other hand, he who always finds himself ready to give, has managed to raise his feelings above the selfishness of the flesh.

59. At times I withhold My mercy from you so that you may be urged to think of those from whom you also withdraw it But I never disown you because what I have once given you is yours.

60. Do you think that you have received many disappointments from men? This happened when you expected something from them and when you had nothing to offer them. But now that you are gradually discarding this material interest and your selfishness, now that you know that it is I who watch over you, even though the world has nothing to offer you, you can no longer speak of ingratitude, disappointments, or deceit. You are to close your eyes and your heart to every human wretchedness and open them only to serve your fellow men with true mercy and love.

61. Those who make you suffer most are those who can help you most to progress spiritually. Encourage the longing for spiritual progress, eliminate the monotony and routine of your life. Do you not find My rallies through the human mind highly significant? Are you not aware of the value of all the spiritual gifts I have granted you?

62. It is I who receive the ingratitude of all; I who love you and give you everything yet - have you ever heard that I am disappointed in you? never, My children. who can know you better than I to disappoint Me, knowing that you will love Me and come to the dead of My Kingdom? If I were to think as you think now, it would be as if I were demanding from you the blood I shed at another time as man. But I tell you that that blood was that for you, which paved the way for your upward development.

63. It is necessary that you understand your task so that you can carry it out, as it is your duty. Remember: Whenever you deeply feel the pain of a neighbor, make it your own and bring it before me in prayer, you become a real intercessor and mediator between God and your fellow men. I will place him who still has to live in the world and also him who has to part from it on your path of life because you will be able to awaken the longing for renewal in him who continues his way on earth, and in him who soon sets out for the spiritual sphere, you will be able to point to the way that leads him to the light. I have given you spiritual gifts so that you use them for the good of your fellow men and for your own good, but not so that you hide them out of fear of the world, and also not so that you show them off and even boast about them. Exercise mercy in such a way that the ignorant, the needy and the innocent feel the desire within themselves to possess also your gifts in the desire to serve their neighbor as well. Then you are to instruct them and reveal to them that every creature carries within itself gifts of the Divine Spirit.

64. No one should presume to cause offence with teachings that my work has not revealed to him, for they would be the cause of my teaching being persecuted, and you would therefore have to answer to my justice. Speak of my truth without ever changing it. Never keep silent out of fear, for verily I tell you that if you should keep silent, the stones would speak. Think that the structure of your planet is made of rock and that from its interior a booming sound would burst forth to tell of the time of justice. Do not wait for this testimony, rather speak for yourselves. But let this voice come from your heart, for in it your Spirit will speak.

65. People, I have come to sweeten your existence, to give you the bread of eternal life. Make Me your confidant, and I will put My Peace in you.

66. It gives me joy to give you My Word in this time, as I gave it to you in the Second Time: a simple word so that you may understand it and when you hear it, you fill your hearts with courage and virtues See how its divine essence has captured your Spirit and has been balm on your wounds, so that tomorrow you too may heal your fellow men by letting them hear My word.

67. When you prepare yourselves spiritually, you will see miracles, you will be healed, and your fellow men will receive rewards and benefits.

68. Great afflictions are coming upon mankind, and you shall be prophet and bulwark. Pray, work, and the forces of nature will pass over you without leaving a mark on you. Lift up your intercession, and I promise you that a cloak of love and protection will protect your loved ones. I demand of you neither repentance exercises nor sacrifices. To be pleasing to me, it is enough to lift up your Spirit, and I will flood you with peace. Love one another, and I will bless you.

69. I have not asked you to go into far-off places to spread My teaching; this time has not yet come. but the moment will come when you will move with your loved ones to other places where you will settle down and continue to be the tireless sowers of the precious seeds I have entrusted to you

70. My people will be sought by people of different races and creeds, and it is necessary that My disciples show them the shortest way to come to Me by teaching them to love one another

My peace be with you!


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