BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 139

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 139:

(From the year 1945)

1. Be welcome, you members of My people, for you have known how to withstand the storms and trials with patience and presence of mind I have seen you pray and watch in the difficult hours, and I have also heard you blessing My Will when suffering came upon you. I then rewarded your faith and good will and sent you my peace because you were the boat that braved the storm without capsizing.

2. I also bless those who forget their own sufferings and "watch" for the peace of the world, or visit the sick in the bed of pain, because I will not leave these merits without reward.

3. During this war in which the world has lived, you have been united in prayer day after day, and in truth I tell you that I have not ceased to work many miracles among those of your fellow men for which you so much ask Me. Do not allow your prayer to become weak, O My people. I tell you that "Lent" is not yet over, even though the peoples say that the war has stopped. No, Israel, as long as the peace of the nations is not based on love among themselves, you should continue to watch and pray and win hearts for this work of peace and brotherhood.

4. Soon you will realize that this peace of which men are now speaking was false, that it only brought about a truce in the midst of their inhuman struggle, to continue later in their work of destruction.

5. Scattered throughout the world are those who have the task of praying and keeping watch for the peace of mankind. Among them is My people, whom I instruct with My word. You all have the duty to build the temple of spiritualization, the sanctuary of peace, in the hearts of the people who are your brothers and sisters. When this spiritual sanctuary rises to the heavenly heights and men find in it the direct connection with their Lord, you will be able to say that you have sown in the world the seed that I entrusted to you in this time.

6. People, strengthen yourselves in My Word and trust that your conscience will tell you whether what you are doing is in accordance with the teachings of My teaching Pray that your Spirit and mind may struggle to banish war. Do not become discouraged, lest its influence confuse your reason or your feelings.

7. When one of you prays, he is not conscious of what he achieves with his thoughts in the spiritual; therefore, when you pray for your fellow men - for those peoples who destroy themselves in war - you should know that a Spirit at these moments also delivers a mental battle against evil, and that your sword, which is peace, reason, justice and the desire of good for them, clashes against the weapons of the army of revenge, of pride.

8. This will be the time when men will become aware of the power of prayer. For prayer to have real power and light, it is necessary that you send it up to me with love.

9. I do not speak of sending the thought to your neighbour with evil intentions, because I have never given you weapons to use them for unfair purposes, because when ambition or hatred blinds you, you make use of what is most holy to you and use it to hurt and even kill you. I inspire you for the true fight against evil and reveal to you which is the most powerful and invincible weapon, so that you may win. Therefore I advise you to first cleanse your heart to then raise yourselves to Me where you fill yourselves with light and power, and then send your thoughts like flashes of light among the nations without peace and among men without hope.

10. Accept my mercy, O people. You men and women, for whom these last times have been very cruel, you homes that have been ravaged by pain - feel My peace where the daily bread has turned into bitterness, feel the gentleness of My caress.

11. The people of today have to fight hard to make a living But the Father tells you I triple your strength so that you will not despair.

12. Ignite in youth the love for neighbor, give great and noble ideals, for it will be the youth who tomorrow will fight to achieve an existence in which justice, love and the HolySpirit's freedom shines forth. Prepare yourselves, for the great battle of which the prophecies speak has not yet come.

13. Consider that the greater the development that mankind achieves, the greater are the weapons with which it reckons in its struggle. Sleep not, beloved people, and be ready to work for my cause.

14. A new "war" is approaching. All man's abilities and powers will take part in it, and it is necessary that the children of this people, to whom it is granted to live in this trial, should know how to pass it with their standard of truth and leave behind a deep trace of spiritualization.

15. The scientists, the theologians, the scholars, the philosophers - they will all prepare themselves for that great struggle in which the lie and the evil will be destroyed and the good and the true will emerge victorious.

16. Great will be the confusion of men before enlightenment comes to them: for among men there will be some who had a great faith and will lose it, others will change their creed, and some will go from door to door, from religion to religion, in search of the truth for their Spirit. It is necessary that all the way is passed through so that all evil will be expelled from souls and disappear from hearts.

17. You will see men and women appear in the streets, in towns and villages, publicly proclaiming to be messengers of God, and claiming to be prophets or messengers of God. But already today I tell you that you should be careful that you recognize them by their works. Never say that you are prophets, seers, or apostles, but always give proofs of My grace with your works, of all that I have entrusted to you, and of the teaching I have placed in your hearts. Then it will no longer be your lips that say whether you are prophets or apostles or disciples of Me - your fellow men will say it because of the works they see you doing. I tell you again that you should remain in prayer until you see peace return to the nations and joy to all the homes of the world.

18. In this epoch the Spirit of your Father sets in when He hears your call. Hear now My word, which is food for your Spirit. From the day on which my word ends, you are to give each other help, as since then, but afterwards you will learn - like birds when they become fledged - to flap your wings and will be able to become more independent. Then through your spiritual elevation you will be able to reach me to receive inspiration and peace.

19. Watch, do not let sleep take possession of your heart and defeat your Spirit, for time is passing and the day will come when you will wake up and weep for lost time. Then you will want to replace those unused moments and opportunities, but you will not be able to do so, for while some are in old age, others will be in the Spirit in the hereafter. You will then ask your Father for leniency and mercy without realizing that it was you yourselves who had neither mercy nor leniency with your own soul.

20. Have mercy on your fellow men, which is as much as if you had mercy on yourselves. If you do not accomplish this task, you will be the first to weep, because you will experience that your hand, which was accumulated with gifts, will be empty, that the healing balm with which you healed the sick has disappeared, and those abilities to free the possessed have likewise departed. Be humble so that you do not judge, lose your spiritual gifts, do not try to appear higher than your fellow men. Do what I did to my disciples at Holy Communion.

21. I show you your faults, not to judge you, but that you may improve yourselves and become the people who are obedient in following My teachings.

22. What I do with you will be for the good of the generations to come. But do not forget that - to teach you - I have never offended you nor made your hearts bleed. Learn to straighten the tree that has grown crooked, and also to straighten the ways.

23. My righteousness is great. But when I speak from her to you, I do not threaten you, it is only to fill your hearts with fear. I speak to you with truthfulness because My righteousness will be in each one of you, and if you do not want to shed tears tomorrow, earn merits already today.

24. Every one of your works is recorded by Me, and the works that are pleasing I use as seed, which I have to tend until it is multiplied among men.

25. Seek me not as a judge, for then you would hear my voice full of righteousness and severity; seek me as master and as father. What do you expect for tomorrow? Will you atone for your transgressions in the hereafter? Do you want to prepare already now a way full of thorns for your soul? I do not forget your merits, but they are still like the young wheat beside which the weeds grow.

26. Exercise My teaching in trust in Me, for while you are fulfilling My word, I will watch over you and those of you. Why do I see some strong and others weak? Because the strong have not understood to communicate their strength to the weak.

27. Unite all of you, and all will be strong Love one another and be united with brotherhood, and you will see the weak shrubs become dense trees. Receive all, for no one knows the task that his neighbor brings with him. No one knows his past, so no one must be rejected by you. The more clumsy or stupid your fellow men are, the more mercy and compassion you shall have with them, taking into consideration that it is those who have fallen, those who have not understood how to put their feet on a safe path. Out of hearts as hard as rocks I know how to make hearts that radiate tenderness; you can do the same.

28. Cleanse your hearts, that your works may be pure. Remember that a bad tree can never bear good fruit.

29. For this purpose I have called you in this time to make you trees that offer their shade and shelter to the wayfarer; those who have understood this have opened their hearts to tell Me: today I know that I am your creature and that I have been sent to do a difficult and noble task I know that in You I have my origin, and with You is my end.

30. Yes, I am the way. Everyone who wants to walk on it, take up his cross and follow Me. So that you may walk this path, I only ask you to love your Father in your own brothers and sisters. This is the law or the way: to love God and to love one another. It is the law that has illuminated the way of men at all times.

31. With one love I have loved you all. Why should you not all love one another in the same way? The nations await the coming of the messengers of peace. The peoples of the earth lament their misery like strayed sheep in expectation of the coming of the Shepherd, the One who will unite them in one obstacle.

32. Prepare yourselves, for the time is near when you will receive these instructions (directly) from My Spirit, for they will no longer be given by any man on earth Nobody will do anything without having received the divine order first. I know the way and do not want you to shed tears on it. I will prepare you beforehand and indicate to you the time to begin the "work of the day.

33. The great religious communities and sects consult among themselves, they prepare themselves for the battle, because they foretell the battle. You also consult among yourselves, prepare yourselves and pray so that you will not be surprised; for if you would not act in this way, My teaching would be condemned and slandered by men, My Spirit would receive all reviled, and I would show you miracles similar to Jesus on Golgotha.

34. Your Spirit is currently awakening to a higher life. Already the ideal of a better world is beginning to form in it.

35. I teach you to gain peace of mind and keep it as the true treasure of the Spirit. My word will free you in this third time from evil and keep you away from the uncertain ways in which you have wandered and suffered for so long.

36. My voice will cry out at the doors of every heart, and it will be the Spirit who answers from within every human being.

37. Some will immediately recognize my call. Others will wonder uncertainly who it is that calls. And so gradually one after another will set out and strive toward the light.

38. How glorious is the awakening of the Spirit when man asks himself, 'Who is stirring in me? Where does my inspiration come from, and who inspires me to do good?

39. My word also teaches you to read in your Spirit, to penetrate into it, to discover its essence, which is light, truth, love, obedience and purity.

40. When man discovers himself spiritually, he feels in himself the presence of his Father. But when he neither knows who he is nor where he comes from, he feels me distant, strange, unreachable, or he remains insensitive.

41. Only the awakened Spirit can enter the kingdom of truth. With his science alone man will not be able to recognize it.

42. I see that men strive for knowledge, fame, strength, riches and power, and I offer them the means to achieve all this - but in its true, essential qualities, in its spiritual truth, not in the outward and deceitfulness of the world, not in the transitory and deceptive.

43. When man devotes himself to the material and locks himself up in the small space of a world like yours, he becomes poor; he limits and oppresses his soul; there is nothing left for him except what he possesses or what he knows. Then it becomes necessary for him to lose everything, so that he may open his eyes to the truth, and after he has admitted his error, turn his gaze again to the Eternal.

44. Nothing is better than my teaching, which is inspired by the divine love for you and shows you the true way. Who better than I could teach you to give to God what is God's, and to the emperor what is the emperor's?

45. This is the reason why I made My Voice heard once more in your world, for I have seen you lost in a sea of darkness and error

46. My Light of Love will light the lamp of faith in the hearts that are in darkness and My Mercy will awaken those who have died for My Kingdom

47. Whoever does not understand to discover the meaning of this word will be able to come to the opinion that My teaching is a yoke that holds man and enslaves him. But who is able to give it the right interpretation will feel his whole being flooded with light, and his rejoicing will be boundless. An inner song of praise will break out of his soul, which will lead him to a harmonious life, which will be the best form of worship for me.

48. Whoever walks within my law will not fall, however much he is tested. Faith will give him the necessary strength to be victorious. However bitter his cup may be, he will never blaspheme. He will be patient and know how to hope, as it is the will of his Lord. Whoever practices my teachings in this way will earn merits, so that my wonders will be revealed in him.

49. Faith, devotion, and humility toward that which I have decreed will shorten the path of testing, because then you will not go through the way of suffering more than once. But when rebellion, dissatisfaction and even blasphemy arise in the trials, the visitation will last longer, because you will then have to go that way anew until the lesson is learned.

50. Life is a constant lesson for souls. When the universe took shape under My command, it had no other task than this: to teach. Life is a melting pot and a struggle for the soul. It is not an absolute bliss, as many would like to have it. Joy, triumph, peace or bliss are beyond all struggle, beyond this touchstone. The bliss of the Spirit with all its happiness consists in the perfection of the Spirit.

51. Understand this truth, that you may not carelessly pass by the book which day by day shows you new pages of wisdom. Educate your soul in such a way that it becomes a good observer. Educate your mind by reflection, pray with the prayer proper to the Spirit, make the mind and the heart sensitive so that you may receive My divine messages, and learn the spiritual language of the life around you, which shows you the way to perfection.

52. To assist you, I come down to your weary hearts to give them new life

53. When the mind of these voice-bearers rises to Me in purity, My Word goes directly to the Spirit The simple word, which has already moved great men, will perform the miracle that you return to Me, O beloved people, because for a long time already you had strayed from the way of truth. You had forgotten that you carry Me within you, and when you came to hear Me, you felt My Presence shine out again like a bright star illuminating your hearts.

54. I receive you, but before I do this to your human part, I turn to your Spirit who is the true child of My Divinity In the Spirit is the conscience, the intelligence, and through it I will let My inspiration and thoughts reach the human part.

55. People whom I love infinitely, a thought of Mine that has become the word on the lips of these voice-bearers, is like a way full of lights for your Spirit

56. Listen to Me: Be humble in the world and sow good things on it, that you may reap the fruits thereof in heaven. If it does not please you to have witnesses when you do evil, why is it pleasant for you to have such when you do good works? Of what can you boast, since you have only done your duty?

57. Understand that praise does harm to your soul, since you are so inexperienced and human. Why, immediately after you have done a good work, do you expect your Father to give you the reward? He who thinks so does not act altruistically, and therefore his charity is false, and his love is far from being true.

58. Let the world see that you do good works, but not with the intention of receiving honors, but only to give good examples and teachings and to bear witness to my truth.

59. In all places of the universe the angels of the Lord are present, distributing their mercy and love among all the children of God. In spiritual silence they are unceasingly active to do good for their brothers and sisters. When have you experienced that they come to earth to boast about what they have given you or the help they have given you?

60. Be humble, for man's megalomania, his arrogance and vanities belong to the earth, are material qualities, and with them you sink into the grave. The Spirit preserves only that which he can take with him into the heights of heaven, that which can shine in the light. If greatness is not spiritual, if it is only vanity, tomorrow he will suffer affliction in his soul.

61. There is truth and falsehood, and it is necessary that you should know both ways, so that in your choice you may follow the true way. Open your eyes, awaken your Spirit, refine your senses, so that in all created things you may perceive the love of your Father. I have given you everything without demanding anything of you for me. If you should have said in your incomprehension that it is much that I demand for all that I have given you, you are in error. If I demand something or much from you, it is only for your good, for your happiness in eternity.

62. You will have to give an account to your Father of all that you have done in life. But how will you, in that most significant hour, silence the voice of conscience? What will you answer when your Spirit hears the voice of the Lord pointing out to him that you can never justify evil?

63. Only the efforts to raise you up from your fall, the love and zeal with which you walk in the path of reparation, will cause the traces and marks of sin to disappear from your being, to show you pure before the Divine Judge.

64. Learn all this already here. Remember that where your interests lie, there your thoughts and your hearts are also. If they are material, you will be materialized; if they are spiritual, you will be on the way to perfection.

65. Live on earth as My Word has taught you. Experience the struggle, love and strive for the good, rejoice in all that I have entrusted to you, but let your Spirit float like the clouds in the infinite spaces full of purity and love.

66. It is in vain that men seek perfect pleasure in vicious materialism. Everything is sad and empty without the presence of the Father. He is the true joy.

67. Let all bad thoughts depart from you and attract noble thoughts. Happiness lies not in what one possesses materially, but in what one realizes spiritually. Recognition is to possess and to act accordingly.

68. He who has real knowledge is humble in the Spirit. He is not proud of the knowledge of the earth, who strives only to know everything (earthly) and denies everything that one has not understood. He who carries within himself the light of inspired knowledge is able to receive revelations at the right time, just as he also knows how to expect them. Scholars have called themselves many, but the sun, which shines in full light day after day, has been a mystery to them.

69. Many have believed to know everything, but verily, I tell you, the ant that imperceptibly crosses their path also contains for them an unfathomable mystery

70. Men will be able to explore many wonders of nature, but as long as they do not do it on the path of divine love, they will not reach the true wisdom which is in the immortal life of the soul

71. You men, approach Me You need not rack your brains to discover secrets and mysteries. You need only open your heart with the key of faith.

72. Have the firm will to go to the Father, to be with Him, to enter His dwelling place, and you will be amazed, and later on you will perform miracles if you exercise My love and forgiveness in your life

My peace be with you!


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