BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 122

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 122:

(Proclaimed 1944)

1. Forget for a few moments the vanities of the world while you hear my word, then your Spirit will see the light of this time in its elevation

2. While for many nations these hours are full of pain and death, for you they are full of peace and hope. But do not put too much trust in your merits because the visitations may surprise you too. It is I who have given you this peace so that you may attend My rallies, enter into My word and put My teaching into practice. I have given you time to hear and understand My teachings, but I see that your investigation has not gone beyond the earthly-material, and therefore you have not discovered the meaning of My teachings. In this incomprehension you resemble mankind, which, though it has tangible proofs of My justice at every turn, does not pause for a moment to reflect and thus understand the meaning of these events.

3. I want you to open your eyes to the reality of the time in which you live so that you may pray for the world. That time which was announced in other ages, in which the battle of good against evil would take place, is the present one. Disciples, do not go to sleep in expectation of another age. You are the children of light, to whom I reveal great teachings so that you may be a torch of faith among men.

4. You are to go to your fellow men who are asleep regarding the spiritual revelations, and with kind words fraternally awaken them and make them understand that the reason for the cup of suffering that humanity empties is because the Spirit has been made to fall into oblivion.

5. When men truly believe that the leaf of the tree does not move without the will of God, they will feel My presence in every step of their lives. Some will feel Me coming as Father, others as Master, and still others will feel Me coming as Judge.

6. You have compelled Me to descend into your darkness to seek you I have been present on your ways to make Me feel in all souls. Like the shepherd who descends into the deepest abysses in search of the strayed sheep, I have descended into the darkest ravine into which men have fallen. You who hear me at present are to have a true understanding of the hour of justice and reparation in which you live. Remember, if you persist in ignorance, that the darkness that envelops the world would become even more impenetrable. You do not know how much time would pass before the souls could receive a ray of light.

7. At present I am sending souls to earth, whom I can call firstborn in the law, because they belong to those who received my first revelations. I will not tell you who they are, where they are, nor what they do, for if you were to recognize them, you might fall into idolatry or confusion.

8. To this people, which is growing day by day in search of my teaching, I say that they should live united so that they may come closer to me in this way If you do not make an effort - how can you become teachers of spiritual teaching?

9. Love is the seed which I entrust to you so that you sow it in the world See the barrenness of the fields, there is no more brotherhood, friendship nor respect. The seed that has sprouted is hatred and ambition, the fruits of which you already see: they are wars, destruction, misery and death.

10. After the period in which I have given you My Word, do you not think it is just that the Master asks you what you are doing in this epoch when nations and peoples should seek a better life and stop fighting each other? What is your work?

11. Although I have come to give you, do not be content only to receive Remember that the peace I am giving you is not only for you, but for many of your fellow men. Do not stand apart from the great battle, understand that I am preparing you so that you may be soldiers.

12. Are you waiting for the world to forge its peace? With what seed could it bring it about, since in souls the law of men now carries more weight than that of God?

13. Do not delude yourselves: in the hearts of men there is neither charity nor striving for spiritualization. Therefore, the foundations are missing for their peace, their homes, their jobs

or to confirm their form of worship of my divinity.

14. Soon there will be peace in the world, and when this happens, you will thank Me, My people, because you think that it happened by fulfilling your spiritual mission Then I will tell you: Open your eyes, this peace which the world has attained will not last, for it is not true. I will destroy it with my sword of justice, as I destroy all that is false. That peace of which I speak to you will be an apparent one, for it will be founded on mutual fear. True peace cannot come from dishonest hearts; it will come later; it will descend from the kingdom of heaven into the hearts of men.

15. If ye would prophesy to the world, ye may do so. Have no qualms, for I am not deceiving you. If you want to tell your fellow men that the peace that the nations are about to establish is not sincere, you will not err, for I cannot err. Soon you will experience the arrival of what I announce to you in this year 1944. The war, the ambitious, material aspirations will end, but later the "wars" of religions, doctrines, ideologies, and philosophies will arise. This battle of spiritual struggle will serve to find the way of truth.

16. It must therefore be done so that mankind may open its eyes, expose the false gods and break the chains of slavery.

17. When this battle ends, when peace is restored and those who pray humbly go into themselves and repent, you will see an offering rise from the heart like the fragrance of the flowers, and it will be for the one and true God.

18. I will cause this world, freed from its leprosy, to rise again; I will also bring life to life from death. I will cause the fruits of reconciliation to come forth out of hatred, and reason out of folly.

19. Until then, continue to multiply, both in number and in knowledge and in virtue. I give you weapons so that you may stand firm and advance.

20. This corner of the earth, where you live, is favorable to your mission. It is similar to that "Promised Land" of the people of Israel in the First Days. But do not be obsessed with the riches of the earth, for you must remember that the city of Jerusalem was razed to the ground by its enemies and that even the temple of Solomon was destroyed.

21. Your land is like that which was given to the people of Israel. But this was not the homeland of the Spirit, nor is this the Second Jerusalem, because the Spiritual City is not of this world.

22. Continue to be hospitable, as Abraham was. Prepare yourselves so that the stranger may sit at your table to eat and rest under the protection of your roof. Carry my balm of love in your hands so that you may heal the sick man, make him feel my comfort and restore his health. You are that people to whom the living and invisible God has spoken at all times, but also that people who have always let themselves be influenced by the idolatry of other peoples.

23. Now I have come to set you free from fanaticism and superstition, to remind you of the spiritual worship of your Father, so that when the nations turn their gaze towards this people and large crowds come in, they may be surprised because they find morality, virtue and spiritualization among you

24. Take with you in your Spirit this lesson which I have given you that it may serve you as an armament.

25. No one rebels against the idea of having to return to this planet in another body, and do not think that reincarnation is a punishment for the soul. All souls destined to live on earth have had to pass through the law of reincarnation in order to reach their higher development and to carry out the task I have entrusted to them.

26. Not only the less developed souls must incarnate again, but also the higher souls come back time and time again until they have completed their work.

27. Elijah is the greatest of the prophets who came to earth, but despite the great works he did and the great proofs he gave (that God exists), he had to return to this world in another time, in another body and with another name.

28. This law of love and justice was long unknown to men, for if they had known it earlier, they might have been confused. Nevertheless, the Father gave you some revelations and some indications which were the light that preceded this time to unravel all mysteries.

29. The past of your soul with its various existences on earth is forbidden to you. I have revealed to you only the truth of reincarnation, because it will give you a more real idea of divine mercy and justice, and in the unfaithful, in the sinners, in those who waste life uselessly, there will arise the hope of a new opportunity in which they will be able to correct the errors they have made.

30. The idea of eternal death or eternal damnation is destroyed forever by this revelation, and both the soul and the human heart rejoice and praise divine goodness as soon as they have grasped this truth.

31. In the former times this was not revealed to you because you were not mature enough to understand it; and if you have now come to know it and yet have no clearer idea of who you were in former times, this is further proof that you are not yet far advanced.

32. When men once love each other and know how to forgive, when humility is present in their hearts and they have achieved that the Spirit prevails over matter, neither the flesh nor the world, nor the passions will be the ones that form the dense veil that prevents you from seeing the way behind or in front of you. On the contrary, the "flesh" spiritualized by following My teaching will be like an - the instructions of conscience - obedient servant, in contrast to what it is today: an obstacle, a trap, a bandage before the eyes of the Spirit.

33. At present you are amazed when you experience a beginning of the gift of vision which allows you to see something from the past, or which makes you a revelation of the future, while I tell you with certainty that this spiritual vision should be constantly present like the vision of your physical eyes during life on earth.

34. It is necessary to walk a little longer on My Path so that you may reach these heights and your soul, while reaping in itself every fruit of its past experiences, may free itself, rejoice and be edified in its own being

35. Consider: if there were already much light in your soul, there should be much peace in your heart

36. Do not listen to those who seek to intimidate you by exploring what is related to the Spirit, for they are those who wish to continue slumbering in the sleep of ignorance

37. Many sections of your material life you have attached more importance to than that which concerns your soul, and therefore you have created a world that is perverse and devoid of content. But the hour has come when you will take a lively interest in what is essential in your existence, and when this happens you will give life and true beauty to your existence.

38. But I must tell you that even if life in this world reaches the heights of virtue and justice, it will not be here where you will find your perfect home. Your walk through this earth valley is temporary; it is to serve you only as a melting pot, as a school, as a textbook, to achieve the upward development of your soul.

39. There are other, higher homes in your father's house, which I have prepared so that you shall dwell in them.

40. Blessed are those who, in meditating on these words, have faith in them and put their lives in order for the good of their souls, for they will obtain the fruit of them in eternity.

41. Beloved people, with certainty you could say that all that has happened in this world has been announced or prophesied to you in previous times.

42. That word which man has heard through the mouth of My prophets has been My voice. They did not speak out of their own intention, but because of the divine will.

43. The true interpretation of My prophecies, announcements and promises I give you when you experience that My words come true in due time.

44. How many and different interpretations have you given to divine revelations! You have only recognized the truth when I let my word come true. Many of the prophecies have already come true, others are presently taking place before your eyes, and others are still waiting for their time.

45. I am still training and sending new prophets through whom I will reveal great miracles to you, and at the same time they will announce to you the presence or nearness of what was indicated to you in past times.

46. The old prophecies will be confirmed by the new prophets. Everyone who feels this gift within himself, pray, watch and prepare to speak only the truth. So when you do, you will experience that some will confirm what others announce. This is how it happened when the prophets of the past fulfilled their mission, although some came to one era and others to another.

47. Do not worry if you sometimes do not understand what you receive by inspiration or what your lips speak. Even those ancient prophets were often unable to understand what their mouth was saying.

48. I will pour out My light on those who receive your testimony, and in due time I will make each of your predictions come true. Woe to those who should not speak the truth, for they too will be discovered in their own time. Then they will not find anything in their flesh or in their Spirit to wash away their shame and pay their debt.

49. Who shall be the judge of the false prophets? The truth, for it is light that reaches those hearts through conscience.

50. The truth always seeks pure hearts to be able to reveal itself. Purify yours, so that this may be light in the words, in the thoughts and in the works of my people.

51. With a key of love which I possess, I open your hearts. I have found you flaccid; I have surprised you how you walked your way of life with sluggish steps. I came to let you know that you are messengers of My divinity. This tells you "The Word" of the Father, the One who became man in the Second Time.

52. Not only once, but several times and in various ways I proclaimed and promised my coming again to my disciples. I foretold them the times which would announce my coming: Signs in nature, events in mankind, worldwide wars, sin at its highest level of development. But lest the world be mistaken in expecting me as a human being again, I let them know that Christ would come "on the cloud", that is, in the Spirit.

53. That promise has been fulfilled. Here is the Master in the Spirit, speaking to the world. Here is the Lord of peace and of the kingdom of light, who forms an immeasurably great ark, in which men can find refuge and be saved as in the First Days, when Noah made the ark to save the human seed.

54. For the sake of your progress and perseverance in My teaching, I will show you in all simplicity the content of many mysteries The Book of Life, sealed with seven seals, is an incognito for you, for the sixth seal is now broken, and its contents are what enlightens your time. Everything has been a mystery to you, and I do not want it to continue to be so. I have already told you that the seven seals are the seven Divine Revelations which I have given to men, of which you are currently receiving the sixth; but you are still lacking the seventh.

55. You know that Roque Rojas founded seven churches to which he gave the names of seals, and that symbolically the sixth of them was like a fruitful tree multiplying its branches. You also know that in 1866 a new era began. But you do not yet know how to order your ideas. Some wanted to get to the bottom of these teachings, but their interpretation has been erroneous, because it limits and includes the Eternal and Divine in the human and material. But before this aberration spreads, I will drive away the darkness of mankind with the light of my revelations.

56. I have prepared this spot of earth, which you are entering, so that my divine light will fall on its inhabitants in this time. Here I have reminded you of the Divine Law which I taught you as Father in the First Times. Here I have repeated to you My Word, which I gave you as Jesus, as the true Song of Songs of the Spirit, and I have brought you the Light of Truth, which enlightens every mystery and explains every misunderstood lesson.

57. I will rebuild My Temple, a Temple without walls and towers, because it is in the heart of men; I will give you My Word, which I have given you as Jesus, as the true Song of the Spirit The Tower of Babel still divides mankind, but its foundations will be destroyed in the heart of men. Idolatry and religious fanaticism have also built their high towers, but they are weak and will have to collapse. Verily, I tell you, My laws, both divine and human, are holy, and they themselves will judge the world. Mankind does not believe to be idolatrous, but verily, I tell you, it still worships the Golden Calf.

58. I am Spirit, I am divinity and light. Awaken, open your eyes, see Me and hear My voice. The connection you have today of My Spirit through human mediation is not the most perfect, and therefore the time of communication from Spirit to Spirit will begin, in which you will hear the voice of your Father.

59. In that second time I met the blind man and gave him sight, the lame man I let go again, the dead man I raised. Now I find even greater desolation in the world, because I see thousands of blind, deaf, lepers, and the dead of the Spirit. It is true that I come to you with justice, but also full of love, because I will never cease to consider you as my children and I will always consider you as little children.

60. People, will you follow Me on the way I have marked out for you long ago with My works and My example? It is true that on it is the path of sacrifice, but in the end is the "land of promise". Also in this time I will not blind you with the false glory of human riches. Your master will show you only the splendor of virtue. "My kingdom is not of this world," I told you - of this world of vanities, selfishness, and lies. For truly, I tell you, I reign in perfection.

61. The last link of the chain, which will form the 144,000 marked ones, will receive the divine sign on his Spirit in 1950. From them will come forth in the nations the messengers, the prophets, the disciples, who will bring to mankind the seed of a new life through their teaching, prayer and example.

62. This word which you are presently hearing will cease, and the joy which you experience today in listening will also cease. If you still want to enjoy my presence spiritually as you do now, it will be enough to sink down and prayingly ask for my love.

63. Do not think because then you will no longer hear me through these voice bearers that I am absent, and you must not then lose the reverence and the armor that you have today when you hear my word Be aware that I will follow you wherever you go, that I will observe your work in my vineyards and question your conscience after every one of your steps.

64. I am preparing you for this because I know that after this time of armament false voices will arise and proclaim that the Master continues to give His Word in this form and I want you to free yourselves from this confusion that will be caused by those who think they are awake but in reality are sleeping and who, believing they are serving Me, in reality are serving themselves

65. I announce to you that the hour in which this union will end will be the hour of revelation for this people, for each one of you will at that time reveal what seed he carries in his heart and progress in his Spirit. At that time the inclination of each one will become visible, his understanding, his obedience, his spiritualization.

66. I know that some will desecrate My orders and for this reason will stop in their development and fall into error, thus stopping the progress of the mission that has begun. But after some time the Spirit will bring back into consciousness the remembrance of My Word, My teachings and My prophecies - in which I warned you of everything that will happen - and cause those to return to the way of obedience who have separated themselves from it.

67. No one say at this moment "Lord, I will not turn my back on You, I will not disobey You.  Do not promise the Master what many of you will not keep.

68. Watch and pray, make your heart free from materialism, purge it from selfish interests and passions Study My teaching so that you may not be indifferent in this hour and take the next step with courageous righteousness.

69. I do not ask you for vows, I ask you to fulfill your mission.

70. Keep My word in the most secret of your heart so that tomorrow you may not deny Me by your works or your words and say that I have not pointed out to you what you well know that I have repeated to you innumerable times

71. Some say in the depths of their heart: "Master, will we be able to deny You even though You have come to resurrect us to true life?

72. I tell you that you cannot yet trust each other completely because your love and faith are still small.

73. You must persevere in studying My teachings so that your virtues may develop, and then, when the hour of trial - which is already approaching - comes, you should have My Word present and not despair for a moment

74. See, disciples, with how much love I am calling you to prepare yourselves If tomorrow you do fall, you will not be able to say The Lord had not given us any indications concerning His parting.

My peace be with you.


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