BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 113


The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume V

Teaching 113:

1. Beloved people of Israel, disciples, disciples, and the last come: The works of your Spirit by means of the material body are judged by the only being who can judge you in truth. You have been contemplated by the only gaze that can enter into your thoughts, and your Spirit is shaken at this judgment. It is not the flesh that realizes the greatness of its transgressions, but the Spirit, and it is he who has not dared to look upon the divine face. But you have bowed your necks to hear the voice of the Judge, O beloved disciples. I send you My blessing, My love and My forgiveness as Father.

2. When will the voice of the judge no longer reproach you and see only that your tears, like dew, purify your soul and your heart?

3.  I am with you; I have come once more on the way of your Spirit as Master, as Father, as friend and travel companion. I have penetrated into the innermost part of your heart and here I am again among you to teach you and to give you the Heavenly Counsel that shows you the way where My Grace is and from which you must not part.

4.  Elijah with his voice of a shepherd, who knows all his sheep, gathers and keeps you in the sheepfold. My secret chamber of the heart has opened for the souls incarnated and not incarnated, My grace and My mercy pour out into the universe, in Spirit and in truth. - The love of the Father is eternal. But in view of the revelation of My divine love - which of you have devoted yourselves to spiritual contemplation and have renewed yourselves to attain spiritualization? Who is that disciple who has already understood and exercised my teaching?

5. Of the Second Age I spoke to great crowds and was understood by many, and if now in the Third Age you understand Me and practise the teaching I remind you of, be blessed; for in the present time you will take a step forward on the way to spiritualize

6. During your whole existence you will live through My own way of suffering, because already in the Second Time I showed you how to be born and live in humble circumstances I taught you to live in such a way that you "give to God what is God's, and to the world what is the world's." I am the Lord's gift to you. I taught you that when the moment has come to fulfill the will of the Father, one must leave behind what belongs to the world in order to set out for the Promised Land, the Kingdom of Heaven. I showed you the narrow way of sacrifice, of love, of forgiveness, of mercy, always striding forward and upward until you reach the cross of sacrifice.

7. In this time you take Me as your model in My Passion of that Second Time because you were born in humble circumstances and during your human life you experienced pain, falls, thorns, insults and shed tears for love of My Work

8. In the Second Time, although He was pure in soul and body, the Divine Master was baptized by John in the waters of the Jordan to give you a proof of obedience and humility But if He who had no stains at all did not reject the symbol of purification, how can sinners in this Third Age call themselves pure to men?

9. Having retired to the desert to meditate and thus show you how to come into communion with the Creator, I contemplated from the silence of the desert the Work that awaited Me to show you that when you go to do the Work that I have entrusted to you, you must first purify yourselves. Therefore, afterwards, in the silence of your being, seek direct communion with your Father, and in this way equipped - pure, strengthened and determined - make yourselves unshakable in the fulfillment of your difficult mission.

10. In the Second Time I preached for only three years among the multitudes who listened to Me and followed Me. The great richness of love, wisdom, justice and law that was in My Spirit was expressed not only in My words but also in My works, in My looks, in the healing power that I poured into the sick, in the forgiveness that renewed stubborn sinners, in My voice that raised the dead, in My Word that removed the unclean souls and restored the lost light to them. The time had come and was written when I had to enter the city of Jerusalem, where the Pharisees and the powerful priests of that time were only waiting for the opportunity to kill Jesus. My works remained in imperishable memory for all mankind: the day of My triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the Holy Communion, the capture, the night of mortal fear, the painful journey and finally the crucifixion.

11. In those days you saw only the man who taught you, who wept and suffered for His disciples and the multitudes. Today you have a higher knowledge and see the profundity of that work, and you do not weep only because of the human pain of Jesus, nor are you moved only because of the blood that flowed from His body, but through study and spiritual upliftment you understand that in and around that man was the Divine Spirit, who with His light taught men the task of purifying them from all their transgressions. It was a God who wept and bled through a body because of the darkness and ignorance that covered mankind - a God who became man to dwell with men, to teach them the true way and to love one another - a God who humanized himself to feel the pain of man and to be close to him.

12. These times have passed, but man has not forgotten me. Men bear my name imprinted in their conscience. But they have moved away from the true way, and today they are content to know only my name, to remember it and to defile my teaching. For man wrapped these up in rites, in ceremonies, in customs and feasts, and with that he is content. He no longer loved his own brother, no longer felt the pain of his neighbor, filled his heart with selfishness, made himself Lord, forgot that his Master shed His blood and turned it into healing power, into grace, into redemption and into life for mankind, and that everyone who loves Me and follows Me can do what I did: renew and save through the Word, raise the dead to life and heal all sicknesses through spiritual caress.

13. After My parting in the Second Age My apostles continued My work and those who followed My apostles continued their work They were the new workers, the farmers of that farmland prepared by the Lord, made fertile with His blood, tears and word, cultivated by the work of the twelve first ones and also by those who followed them. But in the course of time and from generation to generation, people defiled or distorted My work and teaching.

14. Who told man to make an image of Me? Who told him to make an image of Me hanging on the cross? Who told him that he could reproduce the image of Mary, the figure of the angels or the face of the Father?


16. The image of the Father was Jesus, the image of the Master was His disciples. I said in the Second Time, "He who knows the Son knows the Father. This means that Christ, who spoke in Jesus, was the Father Himself. Only the Father could create His own image.

17. After death as a man, I revealed Myself full of life with My apostles so that they might know that I was life and eternity, and that I am present among you in the material body or outside it. Not all men understood this, and therefore they fell into idolatry and fanaticism.

18. Some asked me, "Lord, have we fallen into a new fanaticism or into a new idolatry? But the Master tells you: You are not completely pure, you have not prepared yourselves with all the spiritualize which the Master is teaching you at present, but little by little you will attain it. In this Third Age I have prepared prophets to look with the Spirit and to bear witness to the people.

19. Hear My voice through conscience, recognize that you are My chosen people, that you must set an example and be the clear mirror in which people can look at themselves. Later on, when you all form one body and one will, you will be the example for the (Christian) teachings and the religious communities, and you will have the right to speak of love and peace and to tell the others to love one another because you give them an example. You will teach the others renewal because you have renewed yourselves before and understood my teaching.

20. As long as you do not spiritualize yourselves - how will you be able to set out to overthrow the false gods? Only spiritualized will you be able to go out into the world and bring an end to hatred, foolish striving for power, false greatness and bad science. Only in this way, as equipped, will you be able to stop the encirclement of corruption. In what way? With love, which is spiritualize. Then you will be an open book. You shall not tell anyone that you are Masters, not even that you are My disciples. Without boasting you shall set out, and I will bring the crowds of people to you. I will prepare the lands and pave the ways, I will cause that you may communicate with your brethren from another language. Not all of you will cross the seas. Those who have to set out for far-off or near regions have been appointed by me; but they will all set out like a flock of doves. My messengers will be in all places of the earth as messengers of peace.

21. Yes, people, this is the task that awaits you. Today I speak to you with greater clarity through My voicebearers. In the Second Time I spoke to My disciples and to great multitudes in symbolism and parables.

22. Men did not understand Me, but their Spirit penetrated the meaning of that word. My disciples asked each other: "What did the Master want to say with this word? But none of them succeeded in understanding all my teaching, but it remained in them until the time would come when it should be understood in full clarity.

23. In this Third Age My Word, given by means of the human organ of understanding, has been clearer and more comprehensible to your comprehension because you have evolved. How could I expect development and perfection from you if I had first robbed you of your spiritual gifts?

24. If there are human beings who have lost the meaning of true life on their way and in doing so have turned into parasitic plants, I let the sap of eternal life flow into them, so that they become fertile plants again

25. People, make use of my teachings, because many of my words will not be written down by the "gold feathers", and many of the writings will be kept hidden by selfish and ignorant hearts.

26. Remember that soon you will no longer hear Me in this form, and that you shall then be equipped to receive My revelations and orders by inspiration.

27. Woe to those who should presume to twist My intentions, for when the hour of harvest comes, My righteous sickle will treat them as poisonous plants or weeds!

28. Understand that I have come to teach you to share with them the pain of your fellow men, so that you may prepare yourselves to sow peace and pour out My balm of healing on every suffering

29. Consider war as it is like a black cloak covering with sorrow the peoples and nations it passes through The seas, the mountains and the valleys have been transformed into places of blood and death. But you shall not lose faith; however great the confusion that prevails in the world, do not doubt your powers to withstand the trials. For then the spiritual upliftment and the way of praying, which I have taught you, will help your brothers and sisters to find the way to the true light.

30. Do you see those men who live only to satisfy an excessive hunger for power and in doing so disregard the lives of their neighbors without respecting the rights that I, their Creator, have granted them? Do you see how their works speak only of envy, hatred and greed? So you must pray more for them than for others, who are not so needy of the light. Forgive these people all the pain they cause you, and help them to come to their senses with your pure thoughts. Do not make the fog that surrounds them even denser around them; because when they once have to answer for their deeds, I will also call to account those who, instead of praying for them, sent them only darkness with their evil thoughts.

31. Does it seem impossible to you that these people will one day hear the voice of conscience? I tell you, soon the hour will come when they will knock at my door and say to me, "Lord, open to us, for there is no kingdom but yours.

32. In the life of men, evil has always oppressed good. But I tell you once again that evil will not prevail, but that My law of love and justice will rule mankind.

33. Hear My word, O disciples, for the day will come when you can no longer hear it and it is necessary that you keep its meaning in your hearts I alone can quench your thirst for justice in this time of selfishness and lies. Drink this crystal clear water, for I tell you once more in truth: "Whoever drinks of this water will never again feel thirst.

34. When you remember that I give My divine word through these uneducated minds and that thousands of hearts find salvation and consolation in it, you bow down to this miracle

35. Verily, I say to you: if Moses, by touching the rock in the desert with his staff, made the water spring forth from it, quenching the thirst of the crowd, I, with My righteousness, which is love and power, have touched these minds and hearts of stone in this time and made water of eternal life spring forth from them

36. My word is the path; walk in it, and with the light of My love you will know the way. I am the guide who directs your steps. My voice, which is in your conscience, encourages and orients you, and My miracles ignite your faith.

37. At all times My law has been the voice that has led the nations to the light. The people whom I have sent to the head of the multitudes have been examples of faith, faithfulness and steadfastness, constantly showing men the true way.

38. Devote yourselves with love to the study of My teaching, because gradually you are approaching the time when you will have no other guide than your conscience nor any other shepherd than My Spirit

39. As long as you do not achieve complete armament, you need someone to help you to advance and direct your steps into the good path This is why I mention among you some of My children to appoint them as leaders of churches or larger groups. How difficult this task is, and how serious its responsibility! Blessed are those who, full of zeal, obedience and fear, lead their brothers and sisters in My way, for then their cup will be less bitter when the members of the church press it down like a heavy cross. I will stand by them once they are close to collapse under the burden of their responsibilities, and I will never let them fall.

40. Blessed are also the brethren in faith who obediently follow the steps of those who "watch" and suffer, so that they do not deviate one step from the path of fulfilling their duties.

41. Unite in truth, and you will clearly hear the voice of the Divine Shepherd, who will guide you step by step to the heavenly hurdle.

42. Everything was prepared so that you may hear me in the Third Time by means of the human mind. Those who heard Me in this way were already predestined for it.

43. Not all were expecting Me, and still less in the form in which I revealed Myself; for My Word was hidden from you, and you have forgotten My promise to come again But I, for whom time does not pass, have fulfilled my promise to you. Now My word announces to you a new time of revelations that will free you from every enslavement. No more chains, no more bondage, mankind!

44. In the first time one man was enough for Me to lead you into the land of promise. In the Second Time twelve disciples were prepared to spread My teaching and to teach the people the right way. Now I will equip a great people of faith, clothed with My grace and gifted with My word, to bring to the nations and countries of the world the bread of eternal life, which feeds the spiritually needy and those hungry for justice.

45. I leave in your hearts the bread of love and truth to be shared with men; for although they seem to be strong, behind their festive garments, their splendour and power, they have a weak, sick and weary soul.

46. Behold, here I am among you, I have fulfilled My promise. I come as God, as Father, as Master and as friend.

47. At the news of My coming, many have turned to the (holy) books and to historiography to find a confirmation of My new coming, and everything has told them that My Presence is true Does it seem strange to you that I have come now in Spirit? Understand that it is no longer the right time for "The Word" to become man to dwell among you. This teaching of love belongs to the past. Today you live in the age of the HolySpirit.

48. This is the time of spiritual upliftment, in which, if you wish to see Me or feel Me, you must prepare your soul, for you must ask no one whether it is true that I am among you. Do you not possess Spirit or sensibility? Have you no heart and no senses? Whom, then, will you ask if my rallies among you are a fact? Do not presume to ask the scholars about it, for they know nothing about Me.

Remember: While the men of power were surprised by My presence in the Second Time, and while the scribes were in confusion and the priests condemned Me, the humble and simple minds hear the echoes of My Word in the depths of their hearts. To those who hear Me at present and who are unable to comprehend My presence at this rallies, I say that if they want to know, in spite of their doubt and recalcitrance, whether it is I who speaks, they should put My teaching to the test by putting it into practice: that they fathom My Word, that they purify their heart and their mind, that they seek out their enemy to forgive him, that they wash the ulcer of the lepers, that they comfort the mourner - then they will know from themselves whether it is I, Christ, who spoke through these human lips.

49. It will be your conscience that will tell you whether this word is from God or from man.

50. When I speak through the human intellect, I am not hidden; on the contrary, I reveal myself through the same.

51. At that time I told you, "The tree will be recognized by its fruit. Recognize the fruits that My teaching gives; the sick abandoned by science will be healed, the degenerate repent, the wicked renew themselves, the doubters become fervent believers, the materialists spiritualize. The one who does not see these miracles does so because he insists on being blind.

52.  Much "trees" are cultivated by mankind; the hunger and misery of men makes them seek shade and fruits with them, which offer them salvation, justice, or peace. These trees are teachings of men, often inspired by hatred, selfishness, striving for power, and delusions of grandeur. Their fruits are death, blood, destruction and desecration of the most holy thing in the life of man, which is the freedom of faith, thought, speech - in a word, to deprive him of the freedom of the Spirit.

53. It is the dark powers that rise to fight against the light.

54. I drew your attention when I announced to you that a time would come when wars of ideas, doctrines and fratricide would break out, spreading from nation to nation and leaving a trail of hunger and pain among mankind. And that this would be the time of my coming "on the cloud," that is, spiritually.

55. A moment before I died on the cross, I said with the lips of Jesus, "All is accomplished. This was My last word as man, for spiritually My voice never fell silent, since My "Word" with all beings from the moment of their creation began a concert of love.

56. At present I am speaking to you by means of a human voice bearer; after 1950 I will dialogue with you from Spirit to Spirit and bring to your notice great miracles and revelations. But I will always speak because I am the "Eternal Word.

57. You are to stand by to teach your brothers and sisters what you have learned from me, and there will be no question, however profound, which you do not answer correctly - provided that you are humble so that you do not lose my grace.

58. Love, speak when you have to do it - be silent when it is appropriate, tell no one that you are My chosen ones. Avoid flattery and do not make known the benefits you do. Work in silence and thereby testify with your works of love to the truth of my teaching.

59. Love is your purpose. Love, for in this way you will wash away your stains, both from your present life and from past lives.

60. Do not say that I am the God of poverty or sadness, because you consider that Jesus was always followed by multitudes of the sick and afflicted. I seek the sick, the mourning and the poor, but it is to fill them with joy, health and hope, because I am the God of joy, life, peace and light.

61. If anyone has told you that there are sins which are not forgiven by Me, he has not told you the truth For the great transgressions there are the great purifications, and with sincere repentance there is My boundless forgiveness. I tell you once again that you will all come to me.

62. In this time My covenant with you will not be sealed with blood as it happened in Egypt when My people marked the doors of their houses with blood from a first-born lamb, or as Jesus, the Lamb of God, did in the Second Time, when He sealed with His Blood a spiritual covenant between the Master and His disciples.

63. Now I want you to set out for love, guided by the light of conscience and by the ideal of spiritualize, so that the blood of an innocent person does not seal this covenant. It shall be the light of My Spirit and your light, which unite in one bright shine, in one ray of light.

64. The way that Moses showed the crowds through the sea and the desert to lead them to the gates of the Promised Land is a symbol of the teaching that preceded the teachings I revealed to you through Jesus - lessons that began in the manger of Bethlehem and ended on Calvary

65. At this time you must set out and teach My teachings; in doing so you must empathise with the greatest respect in the heart of your fellow men, for the heart of man is My Temple If you find a lamp that has gone out or a wilted flower when you enter there, light the lamp and water the flower so that in that sanctuary the light and fragrance of the Spirit may again be present. But have not the desire to immediately reap the fruit. When you sow the seed in the ground - does it germinate immediately, or does it bear fruit immediately? Why, then, do you want the human heart, which is harder than the soil, to reap the harvest the same day you sowed?

66. Know also that just as there are differences in the material soil, so there are differences in men. Many times you will sow, and if you have already lost all hope that your seed will sprout, you will be surprised because you will see it sprout, grow and bear fruit. On other occasions you will think you have sown in fertile fields and will not see the seed germinate. If you encounter soil so hard that it should resist your efforts, leave it to Me, and I, the Divine Farmer, will make it fertile.

67. I speak to you in symbolism so that you may keep My teachings in your memory. I do not want you to feel like orphans without inheritance after 1950. Then, when My voice is silent, many will continue to long for Me. But my voice will no longer be heard in this form. - There will be a moment of weakness for the people, in which men and women will be unsettled. When their confusion reaches its climax, I will make my presence palpable in all its glory. Then everyone who is prepared will open their eyes and recognize the truth of My teaching. These will be those who will see Me and bear witness to My presence among you.

68. I prepare you for these times; for when you then no longer hear my word, temptations will want to storm your hearts and take advantage of your weakness to show you many ways. You shall then use your memory to help you in your search for My word and keep to the books that are being written at the moment so that you may find there the courage that your Spirit lacks. Then you will understand that you live in the time of purification.

69. You are still weak, but you will be strong again. Because at this time there will be rulers who tremble before the authority of my people. When will these events occur? When this people increase their spiritualize and the unfolding of their spiritual gifts reaches a high degree. Then rumors will circulate about your authority. These rumors will go from nation to nation, and this will be when that new Pharaoh appears who will try to enslave you without achieving it, for this will be the time of the freedom of the Spirit on earth. My people will cross the desert of slander and injustice; but they will not give in to pain and will go their way step by step, and in the treasure chest of their Spirit they will carry with them the teaching of the only book that has been revealed to men in three ages - the light of the three Testaments, which are the Law, Love and Wisdom of God.

My peace be with you!

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