BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 123

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 123:

1. My word pours out upon you inexhaustibly. I am Christ, who dwelt among men in the Second Age and who comes down to you again to bear witness to Himself and thus fulfill His promise and His Word; at that time I confirmed with My works the law dictated by the Father of Moses, who did not act according to His own will, nor according to that of men, but according to the will of the Eternal; therefore I tell you, if I did not abolish what Moses said, I will not abolish now what I taught you in Jesus.

2. I am with you because this is what I promised and announced to My disciples when, on a certain occasion, I was surrounded by them and they asked Me in this way: "Master, you said that you were going to depart, but that you would come back afterwards. Tell us: When will that be?" I saw that their simplicity and desire for knowledge made them explore the secret advice of their master. Nevertheless, I spoke to them lovingly, "Verily, the day is not far off when I come back to men," by which I made them understand that my presence would then be in the Spirit, and at the same time announced to them the signs which would announce my next coming. Those signs would be wars, chaos and great suffering all over the earth. But truly, I tell you, just so, in the midst of chaos, was my coming at this time. Here I am, you men, with a message of light and peace for your soul, out of which I will now make a (spiritual) ark, into which all believing men who want to save themselves will enter, where mankind can find refuge. This ark will be firmly established by the faith, hope and love activity of those who follow me, and will have spiritual similarity with that which was entrusted to Noah when the forces of nature were unleashed.

3. In what time do you live? Think about it and be aware that I have given you My teaching in three ages. The first was that of the Law, the second that of Love, and the third, which is the present one, is that of Wisdom.

4. A single Spirit, which is Mine, has always been with you. But if I have revealed him in three different phases, consider that the forms in which I manifest myself in all creation are infinite and at the same time perfect.

5. In the First Time you have come to know the Father as judge and lawgiver. In the Second Time I allowed "My Word" to become man in Jesus, and His Word spoke with divine truth. Christ is "The Word," the same one who said to men, "He who knows the Son knows the Father. Now you are in the Third Time, in which I pour out My wisdom on you.

6. In the fulfillment of My promise I have come in Spirit, on the emblematic "cloud" which your souls form when they are lifted up to Me, and build the true temple in the hearts of men.

7. When you hear Me through these voice-bearers, do not think that My Spirit is settling in this small and unclean body I have already told you that it is your organ of mind upon which a ray of My Light falls, which is divine inspiration, which is wisdom and love.

8. Grasp the miracle of this communication and realize that over the organ of mind of these uneducated creatures and their lips comes the Word that enlightens the ignorant and converts the sinner so that he establishes in his heart a home worthy of God and gives him the key of faith that opens the door to wisdom

9. With infinite patience I waited for the time when the development of your soul would allow you to comprehend My communication through the voice bearer's organ of mind, as a preparation for the perfect union between My Spirit and yours

10. This is the reason why the voice bearer pronounces My word without his brain getting tired or his throat getting hoarse Because it is I who moves those lips to let my call reach men. I invite them to rest under the shadow of the tree of life and to eat the fruit of eternal life.

11. Again I bear my cross because I have to walk my way among sins, unfairness, adultery, materialism, mockery and doubts, considering that I make myself known through creatures who do not always know how to cleanse their minds and cleanse their hearts, and that I, on the other hand, present my rallies and my word before men of every creed and every inner condition. But the merit consists exactly in letting water spring up from these rocks, which is the trust and love of men among themselves. That is why I tell you that I walk step by step through the crowd and carry my cross on the shoulders.

12. This is the time when the soul awakens to new life, like a little child waking up crying; but its crying is quickly quenched by the lullaby of the parental caresses

13. What would you do if you carried life with you only in the body, and death in the soul? What works worthy of Me could you accomplish, and what hope of immortality could you then have? How many "dead" have I raised in this time, and how many "blind" have seen my light!

14. Awaken completely, become owners of My light, but not only because of My love, but also through your effort and your willpower Enter into the teachings that speak to you from eternity; they are rays of light that your soul needs. There are bonds between heaven and earth that sin and human wickedness cannot break. One of these bonds is that of my spiritual union with you.

15. My Cross is not heavy; yet you must always be aware that every spiritual work requires sacrifice. I will be like a tireless pilgrim who follows your steps everywhere until the moment you are safely in the land of promise.

16. I have not blinded you with the splendor of gold, nor with the splendor of liturgical ceremonies.

17. My love is the gift I am offering you and My Word is the best treasure humbly I offer to your soul what I have in store for it, for "My Kingdom is not of this world".

18. The people who listen to Me are truly Israelite, but not by race but by Spirit, and I send them again and again to earth so that they may be like a link in the chain between My Spirit and that of mankind.

19. Among this spiritual people are the 144,000 who are marked or marked by Me, so that they may be the light that illuminates the way of the great multitude, as the tribe of Levi did in the First Days, when Israel crossed the desert. Your reparation together with your repentance has purified you, and your humility has made you worthy. Go through the world pure in this way, and I assure you that your way on earth is like fruitful rain, so that My seed germinates in the hearts of your fellow men.

20. Great will be your toil because the heart of men is disfigured by wickedness. But nothing will surprise you because I will have prepared you for the fight.

21. In this moment I have flooded your hearts with love and peace, and through this you have felt satisfied and happy.

22. I did not offer you material bread, and yet you were in communion with My Spirit.

23. Today, remembering the First Times, you remember that in times of scarcity the people received the manna, which was invigorating food so that the masses of the people would not perish Today My Word nourishes you and sustains you in the days of the visitation. How often have you sought to retreat or flee because you lack faith. But I have let you feel My presence in the middle of the desert of your life.

24. Verily I say to you, I am with you always in all your trials and in every one of your trials.

25. He who has faith, even if he is as small as a mustard seed, keep it and make it grow. Blessed is the soul that has faith. How many are there who - because they do not know that they carry Me in their being - seek Me without understanding how to find Me. How many are there who - although enlightened by Me - do not gain inspiration because they have not opened their hearts to enjoy such a precious gift.

26. Israel, you are once again My messenger. I had promised to come again and here My word has been fulfilled. I announced to you My return among angels and on a cloud. But if you know how to fathom and interpret correctly, you will soon know who the angels are of whom I spoke to you, and what the cloud is that I announced.

27. Elijah prepared your Spirit by telling you: "Be prepared, for the coming of the Master is near, and with him you shall experience wonders, spiritual glories, and momentous events in the universe. But only a small part of mankind was awaiting the fulfillment of those prophecies and wondered whether the presence of the Lord was imminent, since the signs had already been fulfilled.

28. When then my Spirit was present to reveal itself in the third time, I called one after the other from you to confirm your faith that this is the time of my return and to urge you to strive spiritually upwards until you reach the spiritual union with me.

29. But when your fellow men misjudge you because you hear me and follow me, when you are slandered, then do not be afraid. Close your ears to talk and senseless words. Do not expect to be understood in the world. The only one who can satisfy your longing for wisdom, peace and love is I. But to achieve this, you must surrender yourselves to Me, and I will give you peace and health.

30. Pray more with the Spirit than with the body, for to obtain salvation, not a moment of prayer or a day of love is enough, but it requires a life full of perseverance, patience, noble works and following My commandments For this I have given you great abilities and empathy.

31. My work is like an ark of salvation inviting all to enter. Everyone who obeys My commandments will not perish. If you let yourselves be guided by My words, you will be saved.

32. This seed which I have brought to the hearts will bear fruit and give food to mankind. But I tell you that you must persevere so that those works which have not blossomed may flourish. For everything that has its origin in love and faith tends to grow. Faith, love of neighbor and good will will bear much fruit.

33. I want the strong to help the weak, the healthy to give health, the fruit of your gifts to be shared with your brothers and sisters, and in this fulfillment to feel how your soul makes progress and how happy it is when it practices charity.

34. When My word ends through the voice bearers, you, My workers, shall offer My word. But how much you must prepare yourselves to receive My inspirations! That time which you have seen far away is already drawing near. Do not therefore deem My words to be of little importance, however simple and humble they may be. Each of them has divine power of being and the power to comfort and heal many hearts. This power will come as radiant light to all those who have not grasped the meaning of existence and expected a result from their life struggle, which they did not receive because I sent them to work for the benefit of their soul and not for their flesh. My simple and tender word will give them peace and let them rest.

35. Pray for the nations who do not have My word. Pray for the nations who suffer the bitterness of war; pray for those who have no home of spiritual peace - also for the defenseless women, for the men who are mercilessly dragged into war. Pray, hard is the hour you are living through, and only your unity will save you.

36. You have entered into the end times, and as these are progressing, mankind understands how divine judgment is upon it and causes men to enter into a thorough examination of all its deeds. But the judgement will not corrupt man, on the contrary, it will save him. And then all of you will come to me pure and without fault as beings who have fulfilled the mission, which was entrusted to them. Only the exercise of love, as my teaching shows, will give you a claim to the highest good, which is the peace of the Spirit.

37. To Mary, the loving intercessor who watches over you, I have said: persevere in patience, for men will soon take the path of renewal and turn their thoughts to you

38. You crowd of people who come to hear My Word, do not be confused about the corruption that reigns in this world When you see that the ideal of men is human megalomania, vanities, and pleasures that flatter the senses, you shall kindle in your hearts the longing for spiritual upliftment.

39. I will inspire you; for this purpose I have chosen these humble places from where I call you to prepare you as a seed that succeeds - when it rises in My fields and multiplies itself to counteract the evil that reigns on earth

40. The mission I am entrusting you with is that of love But do not consider yourselves the purest on earth because of the fact that you have been called by me. Consider that you are still far from being free from sin. But do not therefore feel less loved because in many cases my most fervent disciples have come forth among the greatest sinners.

41. Among these you belong, to whom I now say: come step by step on the way of love, always trusting in Me, but always living vigilantly, because at every moment the weaknesses of the flesh can appear in your being, with which you have to struggle until you have purified your flesh and liberated your soul

42. Verily I say to you, in the measure in which you walk, I will reveal to you more and more all the spiritual gifts that you possess. Therefore do not reject the trials I am sending you day by day, for they are the chisel that forms and smoothes your souls. Become aware that after a test you will stand up again with greater firmness and more trust in me and in you. What would become of the soldiers who fight for any cause if they did not first prepare themselves for battle? What, then, would become of My soldiers if they did not know the pitfalls of temptation to reject them? They would be weak, they would whine at the first difficulties and retreat with every blow.

43. Behold, disciples, the year 1950, in which I will cease to speak to you as I do now, is already near. This is why I announce to you that the multitudes who will listen to Me in the last days will be very great, which is why many people will also get to know this message.

44. People will learn in the world that Christ has been among mankind anew, no longer as man but in Spirit, and they will understand that I have a new form of revealing Myself in every age.

45. Understand: If I came in that time to render merits for your salvation, it will now be the merits you have earned that will save you and through which you are to save your fellow men. Disciples, who had a teacher who taught you with so much love - do you think that my sacrificial death as man was in vain, and in vain also the blood that was shed? Verily, I say to you - no! For the blood of the Lamb of God, which symbolizes Divine Love, is still fresh in the conscience of every soul. At that time, when the crowds led me to Calvary, I carried the cross; today everyone will carry it who loves me and follows me in humility, and to him I will be his help on the sorrowful way and send him the guardian angels, so that they may give him light and spiritual strength in the hour of death.

46. When you reflect on the fact that I made my presence palpable in this time in the West and not in the East, when I let you hear my word, do not get into confusion, for I do not seek certain points of the earth, but the souls

47. If you think that my word is not exquisite, understand that it is the teacher of humility, of simplicity, who speaks and that if you get to the bottom of this teaching, you will soon discover in it true wisdom

48. You are still little prepared and not yet at the height of the struggle, for the great day's work will not begin until the end of 1950, and you cannot know when it will end. Those who fall in the fight will hear my voice, which will tell them Your soul has not fallen, you have risen spiritually, and when you have not received honors on earth for your sacrifice, then be unconcerned because my kingdom awaits you so that you see from it how your children and disciples continue your work.

49. This people will be hindered by heathens and Pharisees to stop it, but exactly the same ones will submit - in view of the truth, justice and love that flows from My words. Harret out, beloved disciples, for when the crowds of people once arrive at the gates of the "Promised Land", they will open up as a sign of welcome for My people, who triumphantly reach the thresholds of eternity.

50. How beautiful is the battle that awaits My soldiers, how important and how noble!

51. You, My listeners, cannot throw yourselves into this fight because you still feel weak; and yet I will know how to find among you the seed that will bring the Good News to all the peoples of the earth Fear not, I do not ask the impossible from you, nor do I lead you to death. I will accompany every step of the one who goes his way in My Name, and when his faith is great, he will discover insuperable powers in his soul. But whoever denies me like Peter out of fear, or doubts me like Thomas out of lack of faith, will be poorer than the weakest, he will feel clumsy and needy, will have to close his lips and hide his hands because he has forgotten that he is full of gifts, and he will even deny having listened to me.

52. Do not feel better than anyone because you have been given the grace to hear me in this time But surely you are to realize that this Word which you have received is the Third Testament which I have bequeathed to your Spirit, and that only the first two parts of this book were known in the world until now - the first part revealed through Moses and the prophets and the second part which I gave you through Jesus. But you did not possess the third part, which is the one that my Spirit sent you in this time.

53. These are the three testaments which together comprise the law, love, wisdom and eternal life.

54. I see many of you who long for peace and exaltation and express the desire for a life of spiritualization and love; this desire will soon become a cry for spiritual liberation in all mankind.

55. So whenever you hear that I announce to you the establishment of a Kingdom of Peace on your world, you eagerly ask: when will these prophecies come true, Master? When will all men finally live in morality and virtue? When will we see mutual respect between parents and children and between spouses? When will we again see innocence in children, purity in virgins, righteousness in men, venerability in old men, justice in judges, generosity in rulers, in a word: love among men?

56. I bless you, for you are beginning to long for all that is good, beautiful, and true. But I tell you, if you want the time until the coming of this Kingdom to be shortened, you must watch, pray and fight. For this fight I want to equip you in body and soul; for if I do not oppose what I have revealed in other times, I must also tell you that I am not against the laws that rule nature. I bring you My love so that you may attain harmony with all that surrounds you.

57. Understand that that which disapproves of My law is the useless, the vices, the abuses or debaucheries, whether in the physical or in the spiritual realm This is why I tell you constantly that you should immerse yourselves in the contemplation of the law, so that you do not fall prey to error, passions, or fanaticism.

58. You are the stonemasons with whom I am building the temple of spiritualization, the one in which I will refresh myself and in which you will receive the bread of eternal life.

59. Fulfill My laws on earth, and you will have no reason to fear your coming in the hereafter As you saw the light of the world on your arrival, and as you felt the presence of your parents on earth, so will you feel the presence of your Lord in that "valley" which awaits your return. And when you have come to My bosom, you will hear My voice telling you, "Beloved children, here is your Father. Look at Me, recognize Me, love Me, and then contemplate creation, because I want you to know that what is Mine is yours.

60. Disciples, to enter My Kingdom, you must pass through the spiritual ladder, which is the Way, inhabiting one home today and another tomorrow, until you reach that of the perfect Spirits. Remain conscious of what I told you already in the Second Time: "In the house of My Father there are many dwellings.

61. Pray, then, and renew yourselves so that the suffering among you may be removed, and then, when you are free from its burden, devote yourselves to the work of the soul, which consists in striving for the moral improvement of your life by doing good and sowing with love the way of your fellow men.

62. Bless those who improve out of love for me and to set a good example to others, because they will walk unperturbed on the way which I have paved for them.

63. You who know that Israel was a prisoner of other nations in times gone by, and that I had mercy on him and sent him a deliverer, are the same ones who now cry out from the depths of their hearts that I should save you from the bondage you are suffering. You ask me fearfully that I free you from everything that persecutes, threatens and tortures you. On all this I tell you the same thing that I once said to you: "What has he who is with Me to fear? Do not remove yourselves from Me, and you will feel safe at any time and in any place. If you are afraid, then either you are not on the right path - and if you are - then you have become weak in your faith.

64. You are to dedicate your life to loving, serving, and doing good, so that then all your works are directed to a noble goal - both in the human sphere and in the spiritual.

65. See in no one an enemy, see in all men your brothers and sisters, that is your mission. If you persevere in this until the end, justice and love will triumph on earth, and this will give you the peace and security that you long for so much.

66. Do you think that I lack compassion, or that I do not feel your tribulations? What makes you think that I lift up some and humiliate others?

67. Life is a battle, but never call your fellow men enemies, and by no means ask Me to unload My justice on your oppressors. Pray for all, and your prayer will be light and peace, which will spread from minute to minute on the earth's surface.

68. Take the example that the people of Israel gave when they crossed the desert in their spiritual sense, so that it may be applied in this time by My new people and later on be emulated by all mankind. Although the people of Israel had moments of weakness, their faith and perseverance eventually prevailed and allowed them to take the land they dreamed of.

69. His long wanderings in search of a life of freedom, love and peace were a constant struggle against adversity and vicissitudes of life. That people experienced hunger, thirst, persecution and persecution from the enemies that surrounded them, and they had to fight against everything to defend their lives. It had to fight against other peoples who stood in its way and prevented it from reaching the land that was its ideal.

70. Those struggles, that struggle against adversity, are similar to those you are engaged in today to achieve your ideal of liberation, upward development and peace for the soul. But you have not yet united your forces, as Israel did at that time, to achieve the goal you long for, because many still lack the understanding of the task within the Work that has been entrusted to you, which consists in fighting with zeal and without ceasing until the goal is reached.

71. Strive now for the "Promised Land" in eternity; there you will find the peace for which you have struggled in the long journey of your life.

My peace be with you!


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