BTL - Volume 4 - Teaching 110

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume IV - Teaching 83 - 110 
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Book of True Life - Volume 4

Teaching 110:

1. Disciples, Elijah has prepared you and left you elevation and peace in your Spirit. Verily I say to you, you do not know who Elijah is, nor who he was, nor who he will be. But the moment will come when you will look at him and say: "Lord, we have not been able to recognize who the shepherd was until today.

2. I speak now once more in the language of love which I have taught you so that you may attain the perfect union with your Father. It is not your body shell that feels my divine presence; for it is not your eyes that see me, nor your ears that hear me, nor your lips that speak to me. Your physical senses perceive My rallies through a human body, but the essence of the word spoken by the voice bearer is the divine portion that your Spirit receives.

3. You are soldiers in the long battle of this life, and all of you will reach the land you seek What joy it will be for your Father and also for your Spirit when you reach the promised kingdom, after you have lived through so many changing fortunes and survived so many battles! It will be when the Spirit finally prevails over the flesh and can reveal his light through it. The body will then no longer be the obstacle, the ruin and the tempter of the soul.

4. My marked ones will be recognized on earth. Even if your hands should close to hide their gifts, they will be discovered there; even if you should be silent, my teaching on your lips will surprise men, and even if you should strive to hide the sign with which I have marked you, it will radiate light and make you recognizable. But why hide you? Perhaps because you still feel weak and clumsy? I will continue teaching you until you are strong, full of faith and love for my cause. Then you will fear nothing more.

5. The conception of men about the spiritual has changed; my light has made them understand that the Spirit is free to believe. I do not impose a certain creed on anyone, nor do I force anyone to love me.

6. The fields prepared with the dew of My grace will provide favourable conditions for you to plant this seed The chains of religious fanaticism will be broken in this time, and the idolatrous evil will disappear. Spirit will no longer be a slave and will rise to seek me on the way of truth. The development and the knowledge which the Spirit has accumulated in life enables him today to carry out the mission which I have instructed him.

7. It is truth that you did not come into the world only in this time You are spiritually the same people whom I have taught at all times, reincarnated from age to age, because in a single earthly existence they could not have fulfilled the great mission that is their destiny. Sometimes one life is hardly enough to sow a seed, and there is no time to nurture it, and even less is it enough to see it blossom.

8. In many of My teachings I mention the people of Israel because they were an instrument of My Divinity to give examples of teaching and to speak to mankind. I gave them My love and graces to the fullest extent, but also the severe afflictions of My righteousness. In order to give him My teaching, I used his love as well as his weakness and unbelief; kings, priests, publicans and even the most uneducated people were tools for My lessons and teaching examples. But look - while in this day and age some have risen to a new life in different countries and have realized that the Promised Land is not Canaan but My Kingdom, others, who have inherited only the blood of that people, are still living according to their traditions and bound to the material interpretation that their ancestors gave to the divine teachings.

9. In My new manifestation I have changed everything: the places and the means of rallies, to eliminate the ignorance, error and misinterpretation given to My previous revelations Just as the sun rises in the East and you see it at noon on the highest point to watch it set in the West, so the light of My Spirit has moved from the East to the West over time, so that you do not limit My glory and My power to certain places, people or races.

10. Today you dwell temporarily in a new land, which you likewise found by divine promise, so that it may be your inheritance, though temporarily. Filled with lovely beauty, this land was developed, but other peoples have made your lives bitter and hard. Nevertheless, this people will never commit acts of revenge, but only those of forgiveness for their fellow men. Judea was also a prey of the foreigners until they turned it into ruins and ruins.

11. Pain has been your trial by fire, in it your Spirit has been tempered, for tomorrow he must give to mankind the fruits of his development and experience. The war has not reached you - what new teachings could you also draw from it? What steel could it give to those who have already become strong in suffering?

12. Your task is another: After 1950 you are to set out as prophets, your lips are to speak under my inspiration, and you are to perform miracles. At that time you are no longer to expect my word to come, as now, from the lips of the voice bearer. But when you prepare yourselves in prayer, all that you seem to have forgotten will come up from your hearts because I will continue to speak to you through your conscience.

13. You will be surprised to see how people from different religious communities will follow you and confess that the one you had among you was the Master They will be like Nicodemus, who spoke privately with Jesus, whom he recognized as the Son of God, whom he loved as his Master and wept bitterly when he saw Him coming out of Jerusalem with the cross of injustice and ingratitude on His shoulders. At that moment His Spirit told Me in tears, "Master, I will follow You". And he also followed Me.

14. Blessed are those who at this time likewise decide, without fear of men, for in them shall be my light.

15. What are you thinking of, My children? I know it: you think of the fact that the Father has just entrusted a new year to you so that you may succeed in him to take a step forward - a year which sometimes does not seem to end and yet which for the Spirit is only like a second in eternity.

16. A year has now passed, and it has left its mark on men. When you heard my judge's word, your Spirit has awakened, and through your memory the memory of your works, words and thoughts, of all your sufferings and joys, of all what you have achieved and of that what you could not achieve. When you had finished your self-examination in the light of your conscience, you thanked your Creator for all that you received from Him.

17. Man and all creation have given Me their tribute and sacrifice. Be blessed!

18. As if all creatures were at this moment making a rendezvous to unite in homage to the Father, so I see all worlds and all beings united before My gaze. I see even the smallest works done for Me, I hear the voice of My creatures when they call Me, and the hymn of those who praise Me.

19. There is life and sensibility in all created things. Verily, I tell you, even the rocks feel the divine touch. All creatures refresh themselves in themselves, which is as if they were finding refreshment in My divinity.

20. The royal heavenly body is the image of a Father who gives his life, energy, warmth and light to his children.

21. The earth is like a mother whose womb is an inexhaustible source of tenderness With her there is the mantle that protects the orphan, the bosom that nourishes, and the warm and comfortable shelter for her children. Her hidden treasure has revealed its great secrets to men, and on her face chastity and beauty have always been reflected.

22. The year that has now passed was full of trials, a year in which Divine Justice made itself felt in every human creature. Who did not empty the cup of bitterness?

23. How many beloved beings left this earth to go to the other world, because spiritual life called them? The hearts finally shed crystal clear water, and many white hairs appeared on the temples of the ancients. Yet there were also joys: new children came into the world with their message of innocence, the sick regained their health, and some of you who had been abandoned saw your beloved loved ones return.

24. You listen to Me with joy in the Spirit and ask Me to lift the veil of mystery that veils the New Year, which seems to you like a road to travel But I say to you: do in the future what you have done in the past. Hear Me today when the essence of My Word is still pouring on you like the Blood of the Redeemer that once poured into every soul.

25. A year passed, people, but the war found no end in him. Men were not reconciled, the mighty leaders did not shake hands in a sign of peace. At this very moment when you are spiritually refreshed in communion with My Divine Spirit, lives are being destroyed, the number of orphans and widows is increasing, and blood continues to flow on earth and soak it, the blood of men, which is My blood.

26. I will once again put peace on men's hearts and grant them some more time to do this supreme

Achieve good of the Spirit. But if they do not take this opportunity, their sufferings and bitterness will increase.

27. Draw peace through your renewal, through prayer and the practice of my teaching. Do works worthy both of your Spirit and of mine. It is time for you to value yourselves a little higher, to attach your true value to what I have put in man: the Spirit.

28. When you attain the true knowledge of your worth, do not be conceited. Know that you are only simple mortals, that you are messengers and instruments of My divine counsel.

29. No one is born by chance, no one is created for the straight and narrow. Understand Me, and you will know that no one is free on the path of life, that there is a law that guides and governs all destinies.

30. Let us speak together, My children; speak to the Master! I do not want to reproach you but bless you, and as I began My teaching speech, I will end it also among you: by caressing you.

31. Tell Me in silence your sufferings, entrust to Me your desires Although I know everything, I want you to learn little by little to formulate your own prayer until you are ready to exercise the perfect dialogue of your Spirit with the Father.

32. Ye old men, young men, and virgins, children, and parents Ask, and it shall be given you. I am the fountain of justice and love and will show you your way of life illuminated by my light.

33. What do you ask Me for the earth that shelters you? What do you feel for all creatures of the Father? Live in harmony with all beings, for in truth you are all brothers and sisters before Me. Bless all created things, and you will bless me.

34. I see that you fear the future because the shadow of war and the echo of its roar reaches you, because the threat of hunger, pestilence and devastation lurks everywhere. But what can you fear when you have my light in your soul? Have I not called you "soldiers of My Cause"? Leave fear to those who have no faith, to those who deny Me.

35. many afflictions will befall mankind, but through them they will know My Word and My Work

36. I want your heart to remain sensitive to the pain, the needy, the hungry, the sick, so that it may be like the threshold of the New Jerusalem, where the people of God, who are mankind, gather.

37. The sixth seal is broken, and with it you have heard My word through the human organ of understanding, which among you has been law, revelation and prophecy I grant you another seven years in which you will hear Me in this form - seven years in which the spiritual world will still send its messages through the brain of the chosen ones, and of these years you will have to give account to the Father on the last day of the year 1950, which will be a day of judgment for you when you then hear Me speak to you for the last time from the mountain of the New Zion.

38. I write these words in your heart and in your conscience, for I want them to be unforgettable for you.

39. Do not forget what you have heard from the Divine Master - not even what you have heard from Mary, the Universal Mother, and what you have heard from Elijah, the messenger of the Third Age, who gathered you like a shepherd in the hurdle of My love

40. Many graces have pleased you; but they will end because the time has come for you to work in sincerity according to My Law

41. Seek no personal advantages whatsoever in serving me. Serve me out of love, without thinking of the reward or the reward that awaits you. Think of those who suffer, of those who have fallen, of those who do not see the light nor know the way, and give them My teaching with a loving heart. Lead them to me and do not be anxious when they reach their goal before you. Be the "last", remember your assignment, because I will know how to wait for you, because you will all reach me.

42. People, I grant you a new year to fight. Over war, destruction and death the blue of the sky will spread like a cloak of peace. I will adorn the face of the earth with flowers, lenient airs will blow, which will be like a gift of love. The bosom of the mothers of all living beings will be fertile, and their abundance will benefit you. I enlighten the human intelligence so that it may discover new development possibilities in nature for the benefit of my children. I bless the oceans so that the beings that live in His bosom may multiply and men may not go hungry after war. I pave new ways so that the different races get to know each other and embrace each other.

43. Spring shall come to you as a gift of peace and hope, of reconciliation and forgiveness among men.

44. Summer will with the fire of its sun dry up some regions and deserts, where people will sink down as they cross them and beg Jehovah for mercy. Those who had forgotten Me will remember Me again. And scientists will be perplexed in the face of these apparitions, but at the bottom of their hearts they will hear My voice telling them to purify their actions and thoughts to enter the path of wisdom.

45. Autumn will bring Me the harvest of those who cultivate the land, and this harvest will be abundant, because some nations will return to peace and take up the implements again

46. There will be blessings on the seed, because the children and the women will cultivate the land in the absence of the men. The hands that lay down their weapons and take up the plough will be blessed, and so will those who were enemies and will embrace each other afterwards as brothers, for the bread of heaven will fall down like the manna in the desert.

47. Winter will come, and its snow will be the symbol of purification.

48. All things are prepared. Watch and pray, workers. I also bless the hands that nursed the sick, the lips that pronounced My word with love, the eyes that conquered sleep and watched over the head of the terminally ill, the heart that beat for the suffering, for they are the instruments of the Spirit that is able to lift up in prayer for men.

49. I will make your hearts beat towards a new life, for I find them dead to faith, hope and love.

50. I am the only judge who can judge souls, and yet I do not regard you as accused, but as children and disciples.

51. Let Me as Father be among you. Give the word I am giving you the value it deserves, or do you want to have me with you as judge? Do you want Me to make My righteousness palpable not only in the word but also in your lives so that you may awaken and believe Me?

52. You have not always sown well the seed I am currently entrusting you with, and you see, you have not therefore reaped the harvest you expected But do not therefore give up the fight, understand that even if this is sometimes the cause of your tears, this too is true, that in this fulfillment of duty the peace of your soul is founded.

53. I will not see this people weeping in the ways of the earth and complaining about the unevenness of the way.

54. At all times I have set you on the way that leads to that home where I expect you. Fear not to find their door closed. Only he who has gone all the way will reach it.

55. You show Me your heart and I gather from it as from a granary the good seed and leave the worthless one behind to be destroyed

56. You shall no longer feed yourselves on imperfect or unfair ritual acts: You are now in the third time. Whoever practices My teaching as I give it to you will do My will, and whoever does the will of the Father will find salvation.

57. I have given you great proofs of my love at all times. I have given you opportunities to come to Me. But you have never obeyed Me and have preferred the pain of the world with its transient joys to the fulfillment of My law, which gives you true peace.

58. If I came to you only as a judge, I would frighten you; but between My justice and men there is always the cross, and so from Me come always only words of love and forgiveness

59. How much I have helped you in this world so that you do not have to repent when you come before the judge as spirit beings!

60. You are the same ones who crossed the desert with Moses, the same ones who followed Jesus through Judea, and still at this time you ask for miracles to believe, or you ask for the goods of the earth as if you did not know the final purpose of your destiny

61. Let not this rallies become a commonplace, for you will then lose the reverence and faith which you are to have toward them. For what use can you have of it when your Spirit is absent and your mind is scattered?

62. In my divinity lives intercessory love; it is Mary. How many hearts that had remained closed to faith have opened themselves through her to repentance and love! Her maternal being is present in all creation, she is felt by all, and yet some with a seeing eye deny her.

63. You shall be the tireless sowers of my revelations, so that the world may come to its senses and attain upward development and light.

64. Before my parting I will prepare the ways which you shall go. You do not know what I have decided for the last years of my rallies. I prepare you because great trials will come in those days. I will remove from among you every distortion you have inflicted on My teaching so that you may recognize My work in all its sincerity.

65. Watch, people, for after My departure some will come forward and make you believe that I continue to manifest Myself through the human mind. I make you watchful and prepare your heart so that it - since it knows my nature and the taste of this fruit - does not let itself be seduced by the deceivers. But if you do not prepare yourselves for these times and you lose what I have handed over to you - how then will you distinguish truth from lie?

66. Do not take up in yourselves any harmful influences which can rob the knowledge and the light which I have given you of their power; for then you would find yourselves caught up in the same evil situation as those who will betray me Day by day I have to warn you so that you live vigilantly and do not waver. Many of you will weep over my departure and find no comfort. You will long for the time back where I made myself known through the human organ of the intellect. But in the moments in which you pray, I will enlighten you and remind you of all the grace and the gifts I have put in you so that you do not feel alone and abandoned, but in recognition of the fact that I am close to my disciples, open up to you with your inheritance and earn merits through works of love for your fellow men.

67. Make use of this time of teaching. Remember that peace reigns in your nation while other peoples are tearing each other to pieces. You must comprehend that you must create an atmosphere of peace in your people so that every foreigner who comes to you may rest and find comfort in your midst and, on his return, may feel enlightened by good thoughts and inspired by noble intentions.

68. Now out of the nations shall come forth men strong in goodness and full of light. They shall make their errors and their faults known to all those who were born with a great mission and have failed in it.

69. Also the time is near when epidemics will break out in the nations and destroy parts of the population.

70. On this day I ask you if I were to send you to those countries and tell you: cross the seas and enter the cities of pain and desolation, would you do it, My children?

71. Beyond death, life awaits all; but who are those who go and bring a drop of balm and a word of light to those who can still resurrect to the Truth in this life? These shall be My disciples.

72. Many people will see the mysteries of My manifestations already enlightened in this world, but others will have to enter the spiritual world to see the truth

My peace be with you!

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