BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 135

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 135:

1. I come full of love and armed with patience to make myself understood to all. Find comfort with me. Eat and drink so that you may quench your thirst for justice. I want that the one who is misunderstood by men feels understood by Me, and that the one who felt his hand empty when he goes away after hearing Me feels that he carries gifts with him. That the one who has come into My presence with remorse in his soul while listening to Me, feels relieved of all this and can raise his face like that adulteress in the Second Time when I told her, "Where are those who persecute you? I forgive you, go in peace and sin no more.

2. I am the Divine Judge who never passes a more severe judgment than the transgression is. How many of those who accuse themselves before Me I find clean. How many on the other hand trumpet their cleanliness, and I find them corrupt and guilty.

3. How unjust is human justice! How many victims of bad judges atone for foreign crimes! How many innocent people have seen the bars of the prison close before their eyes, while the guilty man walks free and invisibly bears his burden of thefts and crimes!

4. Spiritually, your world is imperfect. You are to help it to improve.

5. The material world, the planet, is not near its dissolution, but the end of this world of errors and sins, of darkness and bad science is brought about by the light of My teaching, and on its ruins I will build a new world of progress and peace

6. Your task as workers will not end in 1950 On the contrary, just then you will gradually cease to be students and become teachers who, with the Word of Love, lead men on the path of light.

7. Great spiritual legions are only waiting for this purification among men, to incarnate and dwell on earth once more. They have a great mission and are waiting for you to give them your place so that they can take it.

8. I will explain My teaching to you, making My word materially audible to make you understand who you are.

9. Never let yourselves be intimidated by the burden of responsibility I have imposed on you; the burden of sin weighs heavier More painful is the abyss with its darkness than the light that is on the top of the mountain where the Master dwells. Again I tell you that "the yoke of Jesus is gentle.

10. I have called you Israel because in your Spirit there exists a mission of peace, a destiny of spiritual harmony with all mankind. For you are the firstborn, because you are not only born of Jacob, your covenant reaches beyond him, even beyond Abraham. Your starting point (as spirit beings) is even before the time when I sent the first man to earth, who founded a family from which I chose the seed to form My people, who are strong in faith, obedience and love for the invisible God. Thus I prepared it and blessed it, and it was like a lighthouse in the midst of mankind.

11. Nothing was lacking for you to carry out your destiny, and yet you experienced that other peoples rose higher than you, who afterwards humbled you with chains of bondage.

12. Were there nations superior to yours? Neither in material nor in spiritual matters were they superior to you, whom the Father had showered with the precious gifts of inspiration, truth, beauty, love, health, and power. I prepared you so that you might be like a mirror of My love for all created things, in which mankind could contemplate Me, and like a spring of crystal-clear water, in which those who thirst for truth should quench their thirst.

13. However, finally, men, you have become weak, and in your decline you have been subjected by other peoples

14. In this time I seek you and am very close to you. I remind you of My Law and awaken your Spirit to hear the voice of conscience and tell your hearts: Awake, the chains that weighed you down have been broken by death and today life has given you back your freedom. For this very purpose I came to you in the third time.

15. Do not believe that there were prophets, pioneers, and spirits of light only in the bosom of the people of Israel. I have sent some of them to other nations as well, but people took them for gods and not for emissaries, and created religions and cults from their teachings.

16. The people of Israel did not understand the mission they had toward other nations, and slept in a resting-place of blessings and gifts of grace. The father had made it like a perfect family, in which one tribe had the task of defending the people and maintaining peace; another cultivated the land, another tribe consisted of fishermen and sailors. Another was entrusted with the spiritual practice of the cult, and so each of the twelve tribes that made up the people devoted themselves one after the other to a different task, which together resulted in an example of harmony. But verily, I tell you, the spiritual gifts you had in those earlier times you still have.

17. Know the prophets among you, see the men, women, old men, and even children bear witness to My truth with their revelations. You have the spiritual elevation to pray, the authority to make the forces of nature listen and obey you, of which you have an example in Noah who defeated the waters; to Joshua, to whom you attribute that he stopped the course of the sun; to whom I tell you that the stars never stopped their course, and that it was My Divine Light like a radiant sun that prolonged the day and hid the night, so that the people might win the victory while the universe continued its course without deviating from its laws of harmony

18. Moses likewise had power over the forces of nature, and his voice was obeyed by the waters, the winds, and the rocks. I have entrusted man with this nature so that he might make use of it; but he has upset the order of creation and has become a slave to nature, in which he has often sought his God.

19. In the Second Time I gave you another lesson about these teachings when I quelled the storm by stretching out My Hand, even when I walked on water, or when I raised the dead. The miracles I was performing then were done to save the lost, to turn darkness into light and hatred into love. I did not want to astonish men by such deeds, or to arouse their astonishment with them, which would have served only for the admiration of the intellect, like some who let themselves be admired by men as higher beings by performing apparent miracles and yet are not able to convert a sinner. I have not come to teach you useless or astonishing knowledge: I have revealed to you My existence and the reason for yours. I have revealed to you the mystery that the power that gives life and animates everything is love; it is the primordial power from which all beings have come forth.

20. Know that you are born of love, exist through love, receive forgiveness through love, and through love will be in eternity.

21. Prepare yourselves so that - when my word ends - you will go to the different nations of the earth, where you will find peoples whose origins are lost in grey prehistory and whose inhabitants practice cults and sciences in which the spiritual world has revealed itself. There you will hear of transformations, of signs and wonders, which will astonish you.

22. You are to be prepared then because you will have to endure great trials. You will feel temporarily confused when you experience in the circle of those people how they connect with the spiritual world and work miracles which you could not have performed. When they present you with writings that contain their history, their laws and commandments, you should open your eyes so that you do not let yourselves be confused by the material miracle, by the amazing experience, but also so that you can admire them and take them as an example in all that which your conscience and your intuition tell you contains truth.

23. Also you will find zeal in them to find the way that leads to perfection - a longing for eternity.

24. Others you will meet in their spiritual rapture, of which they have made a rapturous cult. They are like parasitic plants, because they neither fulfill the laws of love commanded by God nor satisfy the duties of the earth. These teachings should not be extended to other countries, because true spiritualization will eliminate fanaticism and rapture.

25. Since the earliest times I have taught you a law that is fair to Spirit and to matter. Remember that on one particular occasion I said, "Give to God what is God's, and to Caesar what is Caesar's." This is the law I have taught you since the earliest times.

26. many will be surprised and even judge you badly when they hear that you as My disciples obey the law of material work, when they see that you have wife or husband, that you have children and family, that you know how to be refreshed by contemplation and by the fruits of nature, which you love like a mother. Then they will ask you: Why - if you are servants of the Lord - do you not live only in the meditation of the spiritual? You will also meet and marvel at those who possess the gift of prophecy, for there are indeed advanced Spirits among them.

27. Prepare yourselves, when you are put to the test, I will speak through your mediation, and if this preparation is also clean, plain and pure, you will experience My wonders

28. I am speaking now to those who are to fulfill their mission as apostles and prophets in other countries, lest they boast of the mission I have entrusted to them. These are not to make a fuss by fighting religious communities or creeds. Others will be the ones who arouse indignation against you, not realizing that they will help you to spread My teaching by awakening the curiosity of many, which will subsequently turn into faith.

29. For some, the present existence will be their last incarnation. It is time for you to prepare the journey to the beyond. Fill your granary with good seed so that you follow with firm step the call into the spiritual valley, which I send out to you, which awaits you and from which no one can escape.

30. A number of souls has been assigned to each one of you, whom he is to help to rise up and lead them into the path of my truth No one may arrive without those entrusted to him, for then he would not be received.

31. Fight and work, take pleasure in learning and teaching I make the fields fertile and remove all weeds from them, so that my sowers may find them prepared through my mercy.

32. Then a path will open before your eyes through a desert, offering you its oases and far on the horizon a bright silhouette of the Promised Land, whose open gates will invite you to enter with those entrusted to you and with the multitudes of peoples who will not only love the same God but who will also practice the same spiritual worship of God

33. Convert with your prayer those beings in darkness, who fight and battle like armies while you sleep. Be aware that an unknown world hovers and stirs around and above you, where light fights against darkness in a war whose noise and influence confuses your world, your heart and your mind.

34. Therefore rest and also peace have fled from the heart of men; but well to him who feels that battle, and to him who prays, for he will go forward well.

35. Whoever takes the judgment of this time as mere coincidences does not know that he will be exposed to death, plagues, plagues, and hunger.

36. Rest ye on safe earth. Stay under the shade of this palm tree and hear My word, so that you may be healed of all your ills and regain your strength to continue your journey.

37. You need not tell Me what is on your heart, nor where you come from, for I know all these things I know that your soul approaches the Father after it has won in the difficult battle that it has fought to turn away from the wrong path - that you come to seek help and strength from Me, so as not to despair. When you were close to losing courage when your powers were already running out, you turned to me in your thoughts to ask for help from me, and I answered immediately and asked you to come to this oasis of peace so that you might find rest through the infinite mercy of your father.

38. How many revelations have you come to understand since the time you first heard this Word! By these you have understood that the soul is not perfected in a day, nor in a year, nor in a lifetime; for since it is eternal, its path of development must correspond to the high reward which awaits it.

39. You have learned to distinguish between the voice of conscience, which always speaks of the law, of love, of good, of righteousness and sincerity, and that other voice which comes from the senses of the flesh or the passions of the heart, and which does not always inspire to good.

40. You already know that you have weapons to defend yourselves, and you know which are the same. You also know which is the shield that protects you, and you begin to make use of prayer, faith, good thoughts, the power of the will.

41. You have learned to give the different values that make up your being the right place in life. You know that the essential is the Spirit, and that after him - but taking a worthy place in man - are the emotions, the mind (i.e. the soul), and the physical needs.

42. You now understand that true spiritualization in man is not to turn away from the flesh or to spurn the material, but to harmonize your life with all creation; nevertheless, for the Spirit to attain this harmony, it is necessary that he always precede, that he stand above the human, that he be the guide. If it is not so, then the Spirit is not free and becomes a slave to the flesh or an enemy of it.

43. You know that love, sincerity, and knowledge cannot be feigned in my way because you feel a gaze upon you that sees all things and judges all things.

44. Today you know that your virtues and works must be true and inspired by love for your fellow men, so that your merits are real.

45. Fear not when I speak to you in this way. I tell you anew that I do not require of you the highest perfection but a constant effort to attain it.

4. If you suffer today, if you are under a hard test, if you are in the bed of pain, you know that that cup of suffering purifies and renews you, that that pain expiates you some mistakes, that it is a wise lesson - then you drink it with patience and submission.

47. You have come to understand that I am building a temple in each one of you at this time and you no longer dare to destroy what has been built; on the contrary, you are trying to help Me in this work

48. You have understood that it is not before men before whom you are to acquire merits in order to receive praise or reward from them, but before your Father, who is the only one able to evaluate your works.

49. However much your passions may have taken root, if you have understood all these explanations, they must bring about a submission of the flesh to the Spirit, which will be a beginning for that harmony and order which must exist in man to be a child worthy of Me

50. On your presence depends the future of many people, beloved people, do not doubt it for a moment. Therefore, when you think of this truth, renounce the last remnant of selfishness and bring about peace, unity, morality and spiritualization for tomorrow.

51. Do not doubt to be able to carry out this work in the world, for it is not the first time that I entrust to you in your way my seed The proof of this is that I speak to you in this way and you understand me.

52. This is the continuation of My teachings, but it is not the end of this planet. The world will continue to turn in space; souls will still come to earth to incarnate and fulfill their destiny. Men will continue to populate the earth; only the way of life will change.

53. The transformations that human life will undergo will be so great that it will seem to you as if one world is coming to an end and another is born. Just as at all times the life of men has been divided into epochs or ages, and each of them has been distinguished by something - be it by its discoveries, by the divine revelations it has received, by its unfolding in the sense of the beautiful, which is called art, or through his science -, the time that begins, the age that is already emerging like a new dawn, will be marked by the unfolding of the gifts of the Spirit, that side of your being which you should have cultivated to spare you so many evils, and which you have always put off until later.

54. Do you not believe that human life can be completely transformed, that spiritualization can unfold, that the gifts of the Spirit can be nurtured, and that the law can be restored, which in this world is dictated by conscience?

55. Alas, if you knew how much your Spirit holds within you! But you do not know, in spite of the millennia that you have already dwelt in the world; for in your selfishness - which is love for yourselves - only science at the service of each individual was important to you.

56. It will be I who will reveal to you the virtues, the gifts, the beauties, the power, and all the marvelous things hidden in your Spirit. This is the favorable time for this, now that you are reaping the last fruits of a world or a life that is coming to an end.

57. Soon all nations will understand that God has spoken to them in every age, that divine revelations have been the ladder the Lord has lowered to men so that they might ascend to Him.

58. This new time will be called by some the time of light, by others the age of the HolySpirit, and by others the time of truth. But I tell you that it will be the time of spiritual upliftment, of spiritual reclaim, of reclaiming.

59. This is the epoch of which I have long desired that it should live in the heart of man, and which was constantly fought against and destroyed by man himself. A time whose brightness is seen by all and under whose light all the children of the Lord unite - not to a religious community of people, which receives the one and rejects the other, which proclaims its own truth and denies it to the others, which uses unworthy weapons to assert itself, or which gives darkness instead of light.

60. People, when the hour comes that you set out to spread the good news, you shall preach peace, love, mercy, unity and brotherhood with deeds. If in your way you should meet others who preach the same thing hypocritically and only for appearance, expose their lie through your works. But if instead you should find that they preach truth, love, and mercy by example, unite yourselves spiritually with them, for their struggle will also be yours.

61. I cannot refrain from telling you that if you are unfair, unprepared, and unworthy to do this work, and you should see that others have set out to fight with the necessary sincerity, do not hinder their way, for then your responsibility would be twice as great.

62. I speak to you, disciples, of all things, lest anything should surprise you, and when you set out for this struggle, you should really know how to awaken in your hearts the ideal of spiritual upliftment.

63. This earth, which has always sent its harvest of sick, tired, disturbed, confused souls or of those with only little progress into the hereafter, will immediately offer me harvests, which are worthy of my love for you.

64. Sickness and pain will gradually be banished from your life, and as you lead a healthy and elevated existence, death will find you prepared for the journey to the spiritual home when it comes.

65. Who could be surprised or get lost when entering the unknown abode, if already in this life his Master has shown it to him in the moments of prayer, meditation, dreaming or inspiration?

66. At present so much peace and so much material and spiritual well-being seems to you to be unattainable because you see all the confusion that prevails in your surroundings, a confusion that is increasing in all areas of human life. But afterward, when this stormy night lets the light of the new dawn appear, the same earth will feel that its new inhabitants are sowing true life with noble works that will restore and rebuild, and that the destroyers and desecrators and the wicked are already leaving to find their purification.

67. People, on this day I have revealed to you something of the divine plans of the Father, which He has with you I have foretold you what belongs to the future and have prepared you for the battle that is coming upon all mankind. Think about this teaching, and you will feel encouraged.

My peace be with you.



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