BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 121

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 121:

1. Fulfilled is My promise to return to you Like a thief I entered your bedchamber on foottips and woke you from your sleep. He who, when his eyes were opened, saw Me and asked Me to help him to rise, felt My power in his Spirit and in his body and rose up quickly. I show you again the narrow path of My law - a path that you all have to walk.

2. Blessed are those who have prepared to receive My Spirit, for from their inner sanctuary the prayers for peace of the peoples of the earth will burst forth. Later on they will teach their fellow men to pray in this way, so that through this connection they may succeed in hearing My voice, which will be manifested when speaking through inspiration, when counseling through intuition, and when "anointing" (healing) through the gift of healing. Today My light is communicated through the voice carriers, tomorrow I will connect directly with the Spirit of each one who is preparing himself inwardly.

3. Many say to Me: Lord, when will You give me gifts like My fellow men? - But I tell you: You are all gifted, you all carry your inheritance with you, even if you do not yet know it. You will see these spiritual gifts come to light to the extent that you penetrate into my teaching. When you then are My servants, I will show everyone his assignments and his mission.

4. You have prepared a humble meeting place in this time to receive Me and I have pleased you with My presence My Word has come full of goodness and light to lift you up to life so that in it you may take the place that belongs to you.

5. Do not fear those who reject or deny My coming You should act with sensitivity and have patience with them. It will be My righteousness that will afflict them. Verily, I say to you, those who have most denied and persecuted me will be those who follow me closely afterward. Remember Saul, the persecutor of My teaching, who then became My disciple. Those converts will join you tomorrow. But if you really want to find faith, do not be upset when they tell you that you are with a false God or a false Master. Nor should you be afraid to say that Christ has been with you. I prepare you for all that is to come. Be brave and I will send you to different regions where I will fulfill My word that tells you that through one of you a region will obtain peace and salvation because his heart will be like that of a shepherd who loves and guards his sheep. On top of that, the love he has for his fellow men and the sacrifices he makes for them will not be barren.

6. No one forgets these words, because he who is currently still living unknown among men will tomorrow accomplish a difficult mission among mankind.

7. I send My peace to your nation. Receive it in your Spirit and let it reach other nations. I bless them all. Pray that peace may be in the heart of all people.

8. I am waiting for the awakening of mankind to remember that I exist; they have done all their works before My Eyes, but now the hour is approaching in which My Justice will put an end to evil Listen to My teachings and abstain from evil deeds. Purify your body and soul, for if I as Father am infinitely loving, I as Judge am implacable.

9. The peoples of the earth have never lacked spiritual light. Verily, I tell you, not only this people have had prophets and messengers, but to all of them I have sent messengers to awaken them. Because of the light and truth of their teachings, as well as the similarity with what I have revealed to you, you can judge their words. Some lived before the coming of the Messiah, others worked after My existence as man, but all have brought a spiritual message to men.

10. Those teachings, like mine, have been profaned, for unless their essence was changed, they were mutilated or hidden from those who hungered for truth.

11. There is one truth and one morality, which was revealed to men by messengers, prophets, and servants. Why then do the nations have different conceptions of truth, morality, and life?

12. This truth, which has at all times been falsified by mankind, will be restored, and its light will shine with such power that it will appear to men as if it were something new, although it is the same light that has always illuminated the development path of the children of my divinity.

13. Many are those who died because they spoke the truth, many also of those who were subjected to torture because they did not want to silence the voice that spoke in them.

14. Think not that heaven has sent only those who have spoken to you of the Spirit, of love, of morality; no, it has also sent those who have given you good fruits of science, that knowledge which brings light into the lives of men, which eases their burdens and relieves their distress. They have all been My messengers.

15. There are also others who do not bring teachings of spiritual morals or scientific discoveries, but who carry with them the message which teaches to feel and admire the beauties of creation. They are ambassadors of Me, who have the task of bringing joy and balm to the hearts of those who are afflicted.

16. They have all drunk a bitter cup when they became aware of the incomprehension of a world blind to the truth, a humanity insensitive to beauty and goodness And yet - when I have told you that in this epoch everything will be restored; when I have announced to you that everything will return to the right path and that all my teachings will be restored to their original meaning - then you can believe that a time of spiritual splendor is near for this world, although you must not forget that before that happens, everything will be judged and purified.

17. Any pilgrim on earth who has no peace in his heart will linger for a few moments in the shade of this "tree" here, and he will feel comforted.

18. Above the spirit of men hovers also the remembrance of the Spirit of Elijah as the shepherd of the incarnated and incarnate souls, who tirelessly seeks his beloved sheep in all ways to remind them of their task and to choose those who are to serve me in this time.

19. You have all been brought to Me through Elijah; but when you came into My Presence and felt the radiation of the Master, you saw how all your sacrifices and trials - which you have gone through - have been compensated to hear My Word in return

20. Verily I tell you, this people of today is similar to that of the First Times

21. Israel had long been a prisoner of Egypt, from which they were delivered by Moses. Obstacles, enemies, and adversities stood in the way of the people to prevent their salvation; but their faith and perseverance triumphed and they reached the foot of Sinai, where they heard My voice and received the law. There the idols fell, and darkness departed from their hearts, in their Spirit it became light, so that from that time on they believed only in the true God of justice and love, loved Him and served Him.

22. The life of that people soon experienced a change. The law they had just received promised them peace and well-being, while Moses, with his finger on the horizon, showed them the Promised Land as a refuge of peace and earthly bliss.

23. Forty years the crossing of the desert lasted, forty years that lesson of the Father for His people, to let love spring from His heart, as water sprang from the rock, to teach them to overcome temptations and to pluck out of their hearts the unfair cults; to teach them to take the first steps on the path of higher development, to purify them before they took possession of the Promised Land, and so that their new generations could build a new people based on their customs and their reverence for the Creator.

24. The life in the wilderness, the wonders I granted to My people, and the battle hardened their spirit, and in the face of the regained freedom they forgot their captivity, and the Spirit of Israel rose up anew.

25. It was the prophets who announced to the people the coming of the Messiah. It was they who kept the flame of hope burning in their hearts whenever they felt inferior under the yoke of other peoples.

26. Many awaited with rejoicing the coming of the rabbi from Galilee, whom they could not recognize in the child born of the virgin womb of a humble Nazarite woman in a grotto near Bethlehem. But while some felt that their Savior and Redeemer had been born, others denied Him from the first moment.

27. For thirty-three years I lived among men. That whole life was marked by examples and teachings for mankind, for I did not need to learn anything from this world. And when only three years were missing until My departure, I began My teaching among the people. My word was to be heard in the alleys, in the villages, in the houses and in the porticos of the temple halls; it was heard on mountain heights, in the desert, in floodplains and on the sea.

28. Among the crowds were those who detested Me, those who felt judged by My teaching at every turn, those who saw their positions threatened, those who held them without right. They were the ones who carried out judgment, condemnation and death on the cross for Him who had brought them eternal life.

29. Pain and sorrow was in the heart of the Master, for He knew about the long way which those would have to go through who denied the truth and in whom He had performed miracles, which neither sooner nor later any man was able to perform out of himself.

30. When I announced to My disciples that I would soon divorce, an infinite sadness took hold of them. Then I said to them to give them new courage: "Behold, I will come again, and the signs of My coming will be these: When rumors of war come to your ears and the corruption of men reaches its climax, My coming will be near. But before me Elijah will come to prepare the way". After those words an age passed so that they could come true. On September 1, 1866, the Spirit of Elijah manifested itself through a righteous man who was destined and sent by me to announce My presence and to be the forerunner of My spiritual rallies among men.

31. That man received the divine commission to found seven churches, which were to be simply the representation of the seven seals, and at the same time the instruction to train the minds of the chosen ones to be the voice-bearers of the Divine Master.

32. Since then, all those who came to hear Me in this form have had the inkling of being servants, marked or marked as children of that people who from the beginning have been united with their Lord and have received from Him revelations, miracles, His teachings and His law

33. Imprint these teachings in your hearts, and fathom them with love.

34. Drive away every selfish thought and think of your mission. This period of time is significant and decisive for mankind. Only My teaching, which is above human weaknesses, can reveal to you that this is the time when truth will destroy every lie and darkness.

35 This mankind, still sleeping today, having forgotten its Lord and even its own soul, will wake up startled by the voice of My Call First I have revealed Myself to the people of Israel - not to the Israelite people according to their blood, but to this one here, who is according to the Spirit and to whom I bequeathed the light of the Third Testament.

36. I seek you, people, because among you are those who have been faithful to Me. I cannot yet tell you that you have already fulfilled your task, for you still have a long way to go. I have found you devoted to earthly goods, materialized in your selfish life. But still I do not want to reproach you, but only call you to listen to me so that you are filled with my wisdom and can become masters of spiritualization, for which you were sent out.

37. Open your eyes and let your Spirit awaken so that you may become aware that you are really living in a new time and you see the fulfillment of My prophecies Then you will be able to say with conviction that I have come to you in the announced time. Only when you know the essence of my word can you give the right interpretation to the events that happen day by day on your world. But this mankind, which in its blindness discusses fiercely and does not see the Divine Light that shines before its Spirit, is not aware of the time in which it lives; for if it knew it, the fratricidal hands would already have paused in its work, there would be inner concentration and vigilance, there would be prayer and reverence, forgiveness among men and repentance. But none of this is there, every day new bonds of love among the peoples of the earth are torn apart. Spirituality and morality have been rejected, there is only an unfeeling struggle of hatred, selfishness and hunger for power, which reveals the lack of inner greatness in people. In the midst of this struggle, death brings in a daily harvest of life, its unforgiving and incorruptible sickle mowing down the weeds blow after blow. But this humanity, which sins, rapes, and desecrates, fights bitterly for survival, albeit selfishly and without considering whether the means it uses are just and humane, or whether they are the opposite. Now I ask you: What is it that you do in this time of Divine Justice?

38. Though the hour has not yet come when you shall arise and raise your warning voice. But you must know that the present moment is destined to be used for your armament, for it is this Word that steels you for the coming spiritual battle, that has called you and united you so that you may be a people of peace, that is able to open the gates of its heart to receive the stranger or the foreigner, and that has also entrusted to you the mission of the messenger to spread this message in all the ways of the earth.

39. I tell you, true peace can only come down to man's spirit from My Spirit, and it is this peace that I have brought to you in this revelation to bring to the peoples and nations Do you expect the world to create its own peace? - With what seed could it create it, since in it no feelings of love, justice or mercy exist?

40. Judge for yourselves your responsibility, beloved people, remember that a day you miss is a day by which you delay the coming of this good news to the hearts of your fellow men-that a teaching you lose is one less bread to offer to those in need. Work with love, and soon there will be peace among men. But do not forget what I tell you: you must not confuse My peace with the one the nations want to sign, because it will not be able to last. It will be a false peace that will destroy itself because it has no seed of love, which is respect and brotherhood - because it is based on fear of one another, self-interest or material advantage. True peace is that which descends from heaven to the hearts of men, and from there breaks forth and spreads in works of justice and love. I announce to you that this peace that is coming upon the nations is not true, and if you prophesy this, you can do so in the certainty that you will not deceive. I say to you: For the peace of My Kingdom to be established among men, the war of doctrines, religious communities and ideologies must first be fought. A conflict in which the one opposes My name and My truth to the false idols of the other and in which one teaching fights the other - this will be the new battle, the spiritual battle, in which the false gods, knocked off their pedestals, will fall and every falsehood that you have thought true will be exposed forever. Then you will experience how out of that chaos of confusion and darkness the truth will rise radiantly.

41. The royal star with its light gives you an idea of what the truth is. Its light shines during the day, and with its disappearance the night begins. Then, with the help of his science and using the elements of the same nature, man discovers a light with which he can illuminate the darkness of the night; but it is so weak that it disappears and sets as soon as the rays of the royal star reappear. You have managed to make light in the night, but who can hide the light of the sun by means of his science and bring darkness by day? - Only I can do this to give you a sign of my power, as I am the only one who can produce real light and also again hide it when it is my will. Also in the spiritual I am the only one who can let the light of truth shine there where deception and lies rule; who can cause that life comes forth from death; that love of neighbor, remorse or forgiveness spring from hatred, malice or resentment, or reason comes forth from the disruption of the intellect - in a word, that the light rises above darkness. Yes, people, the light of My truth will illuminate your world, and this long spiritual night, which you have lived through, will give way. Something has already begun to appear, like a new dawn; it is the light that has awakened you in this time with the words Watch and pray, awaken your fellow men, heal them so that they may rise up to fight, and seek for him who is lost. Be disciples of light, so that tomorrow - having become masters - you may pass on teachings full of light. To be a disciple of Me sometimes requires to reach the sacrifice; but I tell you, the peace of the soul is worth more than the prosperity of the earth. Be true children of light, that each of your prayers may be like a star in the sky of your life and that the prayer of all - formed by your united thoughts - may be like the light of a dawn.

42. Elijah pours light upon the ways, and the sheep gradually return to the fold. When I then come to every heart, to the people, Elijah had already made contact with all.

43. Prepare yourselves, disciples; I do not want that, when the pain reaches its highest degree in mankind, your thoughts and your reasoning be clouded as if by a dark cloak. I want My disciples in that hour of trial to be able to rise as strong and to hear the voice of conscience in the midst of the storm.

44. My children, you tell Me in your ignorance or fearfulness: "Lord, if You want us to come to You - why do You allow temptations and incidents to thwart our way? But the Master answers you: Because the trials bring light into your soul - the only way that you can see, and it is necessary that you see to gain knowledge. Understand that there is much to recognize in your spiritual life, because as children of light you are the heirs of My truth.

45. You will be the pioneers of the time of grace, so your responsibility is very great. The foundations of such a great work must be strong so that the sanctuary of My divinity can rise on them. I reveal to you much of what the future holds for this people. In this way you will not look at Me eternally hidden in mystery.

46. Fathom My Word so that you may spiritualize yourselves, for if you do not get to the bottom of this teaching, you may fall into a new fanaticism Understand, disciples, that in spiritualization there is no room for fanaticism nor for prejudice, idolatry, or superstition. Spiritualism means spiritual attitude; spiritualization means freedom of the soul, for he who attains it has freed himself from the material, has freed himself from the passions of the flesh, has lived sacrifice and correctly understood renunciation. O people who have heard Me so often, already the time of the termination of My Word is near, but I see with you no understanding of My teaching, let alone armament and the right interpretation of the teachings I have given you.

47. You sleep sweetly in trust in My love but I tell you: Watch and pray so that it is not the pain that wakes you up - not the pain that I send you, for it is something that has not come out of Me. The pain has its origin in man as a result of his disobedience. - Everything speaks to you of Me and of My love: Nature, the outer life, the inner life, the whole creation; they are like a forefinger, which shows you infinity as a goal, toward which you are to direct your steps. When you think about all this - does not the thought of your passing come to you? - Are you not aware that every day you live is a step that brings you closer to the home of the soul? Hear and comprehend it, for where many see death, there is life, where they think there is darkness, there is light, where they see nothingness, there is everything, and where they see the end, there is eternity. How many men, in their unconcern, resemble small children, who, devoted to their childlike games, do not think about the future.

48. Men, you who possess in your heart the light of the experience of this life, and in your soul the light which the development leaves behind during different earth lives - why does your soul occupy itself with what is useless for it, and why do you often cry for reasons which do not deserve your pain?

49. Seek the truth in everything; it is in all ways, is bright and clear like the light of the day.

50. Go and speak of these teachings with your fellow men. Already I am preparing the provinces to receive the Good News. But I see that you are still afraid of confrontation, of the opinions of your relatives. Some fear their parents or their brothers and sisters more than the judgment of their God. Do you fear their opinion that you are in error, that they call you traitor or deceiver? - Verily, I tell you, I have placed in your Spirit a jewel of such glory that one word from you can convince those whom you fear so much.

51. You see the rich of the world, the learned, the powerful, the philosophers, the scientists, the clergy of the denominations, and the men of power all too great, and I tell you You do not need this greatness to be able to speak of my truth. None of this you need to be great, because the true greatness, which is that of Spirit, needs neither gold, nor human science, nor titles. Where the soul does not express itself with love, there is no true greatness. Do you know nothing of monarchs who sit on their thrones today and carry their misery with them tomorrow? Do you not know of scholars who correct what they proclaimed before as truth? Have you never seen a beautiful, admired, and desired woman who later walked in rags? - So do not confuse eternal values with transitory human vanities.

52. Take up your cross and follow Me. Carry it on your heart and do not be afraid. Go step by step; leave My word in your hearts like a trail of light. Forgive those who hurt you. But if you should fall and they mock your fall, do not care, because now Christ, who speaks to you, will be the help of those who take up My cross.

53. Hear people, 1950 is already near, and the will of the Eternal will be fulfilled. You must not be divided at this time, for you do not know the trials that are approaching. Here, where I have prepared a people who should receive my word in this time, no confusion must arise. Until then this people must be united and its men and women must then prepare their Spirit for My last rallies in which they will hear My last words that will tell you: I await you in heaven!

54. If you prepare yourselves in this way, you will soon feel the light of My Spirit come upon you without human transmitters or voice bearers to communicate from Spirit to Spirit to the disciples By then you shall have purified your forms of devotion so much that your fellow men will be surprised when they recognize the spiritualization of My new disciples, a spirituality that will testify to the inner cults you practice.

55. Then mankind will realize that the time prophesied thousands of years ago, in which my return was to take place, is the present time, for men will be able to realize for themselves that the Divine Light is poured out on all flesh and spirit.

My peace be with you!


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