BTL - Volume 5 - Teaching 131

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 

Volume V - Teaching 111 - 142 
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Book of True Life - Volume 5

Teaching 131:

(Easter Saturday)

1. On this day when the bells ring to announce to the world that heaven has opened to receive Christ, I tell you that for you these traditions are past Now is the time for you to gather yourselves together instead of mad talk; to remember and meditate instead of noisy joyful rallies. What would happen if the disciples of the HolySpirit were to materialize the divine teachings?

2. The Spirit is life, and therefore he will never cease to be. He must perfect himself so that he can dwell in the heights of heaven; you have developed, the proof of this is that you voluntarily turn away from the images or symbols of saints with which men try to portray me because you already understand me as HolySpirit - infinite and omnipotent - and do not want to see me limited. You have finally learned to understand that there is no better offering before your God than that of your good works.

3. Have I told you that I would rise from the dead on the third day? Then I have also symbolically spoken to you about the future events: Here I am in the Spirit at the beginning of the third time and make myself known through the human organ of the intellect and have also come to the dead - for the spiritual life. Through this rallies announced and promised at other times, you have heard that splendid garments and ceremonies are useless, that you are to provide your soul with integrity. You have already understood that it is a deception, not unnoticed by the Father, to show oneself outwardly pure and splendid without having purified the heart.

4. You can impress and even deceive man, your brother, but not me, because my piercing gaze discovers and directs everything Besides, you will experience how in this time of great spiritual light men reject everything that contains hypocrisy. I prepare you so that you do not let yourselves be taken by surprise by anyone, nor anyone beguiling your fellow men.

5. If anyone should appear and claim to be the born-again Christ, do not believe him; for when I announced to you that I would come again, I made you understand that it would be in the Spirit. If anyone should tell you I am the messenger of God - mistrust him, for the true messengers do not boast and do not trumpet the mission that I entrusted to them. They prove themselves only by their works. It comes to men to determine whether this one is a messenger of the Lord. Do you remember that I told you that the tree would be recognized by its fruits?

6. I do not forbid you to taste the "fruits of the trees", but you must be prepared to know how to distinguish the good fruit from the bad.

7. Those who love the truth, I will set up as candlesticks, so that they may illuminate the path of their fellow men

8. I have a desire for your soul, that being invisible to your eyes, for whose sake I once became man and shed My blood to teach it to fulfil its task.

9. Do not be afraid to meet people on your way who deny My presence in this form. They are blind men, who do not yet have light in their soul. At one time they also rejected Me, but when they saw My miracles, they had to proclaim that Jesus was the promised Messiah.

10. In this time you will see those who have denied Me contrite and repentant before you, without finding words to confess that this teaching has come from God

11. On this day when crowds of people are hurrying to their churches with a great rush of words to celebrate the moment when heaven opened to receive Me, I tell you that all this is only a tradition to impress the heart of men They are only rituals that today materialize My Divine Passion.

12. You should not follow this tendency and erect altars and symbols Do not make representations of sacred events, nor use special garments to distinguish yourselves, for all this is an idolatrous cult.

13. Call on Me with the heart, remember My teaching and take My examples as an example Give Me the tribute of your improvement and you will feel the gates of heaven opening to receive you.

14. Believe that just as Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, I have risen again today in the third time among men who are dead by faith and grace to teach you the beauties of spiritual life by means of the human organ of the mind

15. To the multitudes who listen to Me, I say: why do you cover yourselves with your Sunday garments and with jewels and do not rather clothe your soul with purity? I only want to see these clothes with you.

16. Avoid the false and profane representations that are made of Me and My Passion, for no one can represent Me Live My example and My teachings. Whoever acts in this way will have represented his Master on earth.

17. While some burn incense and myrrh as an offering to My Divinity, I teach you to offer Me the inner being of your heart, the fragrance of your soul It is this spiritual offering that I want from you.

18. On this morning of grace, mankind commemorates the third day when Christ rose from the dead to console His apostles and crossed the threshold of death to visit the spiritual needy. Remember that I have told you I am the great farmer or shepherd. These tasks are also assigned to you. Who but a shepherd can guide souls and direct the nations? And is the family man who tends the hearts, or a teacher who instructs the minds - are they not country men?

19. To every man is assigned a number of souls, which he shall lead or tend; and this task is not finished with physical death. The soul continues to sow, cultivate and reap in the spiritual world as well as on earth. The larger souls guide the smaller ones, and these, in turn, guide others who are still at a low level of development, while it is the Lord who guides them all to His Hurdle.

20. When I have now told you that the greater souls lead the smaller ones, I do not mean to say that these souls have been great from the beginning and that the second ones must always be small in relation to their brothers and sisters. Those who are now great are so because they have risen and developed in the fulfillment of the noble task of loving, serving and assisting those who have not yet reached that spiritual level of development, those who are still weak, those who have lost their way, and those who are suffering.

21. Those who are still small today will be great tomorrow because of their perseverance in the path of development.

22. The ladder of spiritual perfection, which Jacob saw symbolized in his prophetic dream, is the way that begins in the world and ends in heaven, that has its beginning in the material world and its end in the perfection of the spiritual life.

23. You yourselves will not leave your children, your disciples, your peoples, even with death, for the distance between one world and the other is only apparent. From the spiritual sphere you will still be able to look after, guide and care for your number, and often you will then be able to accomplish such great works as you would have thought impossible on earth.

24. Blessed is the way of your soul, which daily makes you recognize with greater clarity the love of your Father and teaches you to understand the greatness of His works.

25. Will it be possible that, after these teachings, someone continues to hope that death will deliver him from his cross, or that there is someone who fears that it will rob him of his seed?

26. Everything lives in Me, everything perpetuates itself in Me, nothing is lost

27. In this time I seek you in your homestead, for if you seek Me, I seek you also I want to speak with you, let me penetrate to the bottom of your hearts and do not try to hide neither your grief nor your transgressions from me.

28. Try to hear Me in silence, lift your Spirit to your Father, then you will soon hear My Voice speaking to you in a language which has never been heard by you and which you can still understand as if you had always heard it

29. You should not be surprised about this because you must understand that I am the "Universal Word". I speak to consciences, I speak to hearts, souls, reason and senses, I speak in all beings, my voice never falls silent.

30. Learn to hear Me and explore My lessons remember that I have told you that whoever drinks of the water of My Word will never thirst again I have poured out My Wisdom on all that exists, so that you may collect it throughout your journey of life.

31. Even if there were no religions in the world, it would be enough to concentrate on the bottom of your being to find My presence in your inner temple. I also tell you that it would be enough to observe all that life offers you to discover in it the Book of Wisdom, which continually shows you its most beautiful aspects and its deepest teachings.

32. You will then understand that it is not right for the world to go astray while carrying the right way in its heart, nor to wander in the darkness of ignorance while living in the midst of so much light

33. I have not come to judge you with the sole purpose of judging every sinner. I have come to judge you, but not without first offering you a new opportunity to free your soul from all its transgressions.

34. I call everyone, because I want to see myself surrounded by this great family, which for me is mankind, to whom I have bestowed so much kindness and tenderness to such an extent that I made myself one of its sons.

35. You who have had the opportunity to hear Me in this form should know that you have come at the right time. Neither have I come before or after the right time, nor have you arrived too late or too early. This is the time which has been promised to your Spirit since the farthest times, that he may receive in it the continuation of a teaching which in earlier times had hardly begun.

36. You could not return to me without first having tasted all the fruits of life and enjoyed all pleasures. How few beings are there who have been able to remain faithful and pure at the Father's side! They have only done His will. But you, who have repeated many times in your prayers, "Lord, your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth" - it is a lie that you have always acted according to my will. Because you have lived according to your will, which is imperfect, you have committed such grave errors, which you now pay for with great bitterness, sickness and hardship. But you will no longer enforce your will and submit yourselves to a divine authority that directs everything with wisdom and justice. Then you will no longer commit errors and suffer for their sake.

37. Pray and seek the solitude and silence of your inner sanctuary, then in this prayer the senses and faculties which are currently still dormant within your being will come to the fore and speak to you of past teachings and future events which are now beyond the reach of your minds. Then you will experience that you have to finish a work that you left without completion in past lives. In this day and age, man begins to recognize himself spiritually. He is already standing before the gate of the sanctuary, where he will find the explanation for all the secrets that have surrounded him up to now without him being able to explain them. But woe to those who, despite my constant calling, prove to be deaf or insensitive to the voice that knocks incessantly at the doors of their hearts, because there will be weariness of life and a melancholy in them, which were previously unimaginable.

38. O women of this people, who hear My word, which touches the deepest and noblest strings of your hearts-wake for yours, keep the flame of faith burning in them, cultivate virtue, peace and brotherhood I turn to you because your heart is more receptive to My word, although your Spirit is equal to that of all men.

39. I want to make of you all the beloved disciples who learn to rectify without hurting or judging anyone - those who know how to heal a wound without making it bleed, those who know how to forgive without causing humiliation If you are so prepared, I will send you to the nations as advisers, as messengers of peace, as heralds of this Good News, as worthy disciples of Him who taught you so many things. But you must not forget that the only one who can give is the Father, and He is also the only one who can give back to the soul all that it has lost.

40. After 1950, when My rallies in this form will end, I will not leave you alone. I will continue to be present in another form, in a more delicate way, and when you are in truth watching over the teachings I have entrusted to you and spiritualizing yourselves, you will feel My presence even closer to you. When you have faith, you will see Me with your spiritual eyes, and when you unite as brothers and sisters in My work, men will flock to you as they have rushed in this time in which I have made myself known through voice bearers.

41. No one will be able to pluck this seed out of your heart, for it will pass from one generation to another.

42. There will be struggle: The wicked and the hypocrites will point to you and pursue you because you follow this trail. But nothing will be able to cause this people to retreat because this seed, which was sown by me into your hearts, will rise in the moments of trial, as the word of light on the lips of your children.

43. Just as Christianity succeeded in making known My teaching of love in the times when men found it difficult to feel love for one another, so will spiritualism fight in this time in an epoch when materialism has petrified men's hearts And if in those times the word of Christ shook the life of men to its foundations, now too this light will make the most sensitive strings of their hearts tremble. There will be periods of time in which my seed will seemingly have disappeared. But it will be successful and continue to exist in the midst of all events on earth.

44. If some succeed in hiding my truth, others will strive to make it known. If the parents are silent, the children will speak. But My word will flow over the lips of My disciples, and the testimonies will appear everywhere. But do not demand to experience the fulfillment of all that I am announcing to you at this time. Let the seed germinate first, then let the plant bring the longed-for fruit, and even after that you shall allow the fruit to ripen. Then you will experience how all My prophecies, one after the other, become reality. Some of you are zealous, some are careless; but I tell you that you must all be patient and persevering.

45. When you know what it costs to reap a fruit or a seed after you have nurtured it and cared for it, you will have true love for it Therefore I want My seed to pass through your hands so that you may love it and give it its full value. To help you in the fulfillment of your task, I strengthen you for battle.

46. The shepherd lovingly brings the flock to the hurdle of his love, which is the bosom of the Lord for the souls.

47. Go forward, My voice tells you, do not stop on the way Love time like a precious treasure, use it in the fulfillment of the duties of your Spirit and in those who impose your earthly duties on you. Use it in all that My law commands, and the reward you will receive will be light and peace for your Spirit.

48. For many people of this time their atonement on earth is nearing its end. You who hear these revelations and do not know whether you belong to the number of those chosen ones - use even the last moment of your existence, examine it in the light of your conscience. Examine the trials you have to go through, settle as far as possible all your debts, and with this preparation you will obtain a joyful fruit, which your soul will reap as soon as it crosses the threshold of spiritual life.

49. Think not of death, lest the unknown become a depressing obsession for you. Remember that you will live, and be certain that when you see the way of the spiritual sphere, your soul will cry out in joy and surprise: It seems to me as if I have been here before!

50. Study and interpret My teachings correctly, for if you should not do so, you would fall into fanaticism as a result of the bad rendering you give My teachers of spiritualization, and since this is the exaltation of the Spirit, it does not allow any error.

51. Live purely, humbly, simply. Fulfill everything that is just in the human sphere, as well as everything that concerns your Spirit. Remove from your life the superfluous, the artificial, the harmful, and instead refresh yourselves in all that is good in your existence.

52. The way is so even and the burden of the cross so light when you have already learned to live, so that it will seem easy for you to fulfill your duty of atonement. But for those who carry heavy burdens and drag chains through the world, it seems that it is impossible to take the way of the Lord and follow the traces He has left.

53. Know that the Master does not ask the impossible of you. I do not even tell you to change your life in a moment. Free your heart from material things, make it free from selfishness, and you will advance on the way I have marked out for you with gentleness and love.

54. These are not my servants who pretend to serve me with vain words and thereby boast with knowledge or judge the works of their fellow men. My servants, My disciples, My soldiers are those who with a pure, industrious and useful life sow My light on their way and leave a trail of virtue and examples of goodness.

55. No one is entitled to judge the actions of his fellow men, for if the one who is pure does not do it, why should the one who has stains of shame in his heart be allowed to do it?

56. I say this to you because you are always seeking to investigate your brother's seed, hoping to find fault with him, and then to show him your seed and humiliate him by telling him that your work is purer and more perfect.

57. The only judge who can weigh your works is your Father who dwells in heaven. When He appears with His scales, in His eyes will not be the greater merit of the one who understands more, but the one who has understood to be a brother of his fellow men and a child of His Lord.

58. It is necessary that My people appear among the nations and set an example of brotherhood, harmony, charity and understanding, as a soldier of peace among those who again misuse the divine teachings to quarrel, hurt each other and take their own lives

59. To My children of all associations, churches and sects I speak through their conscience. I exhort them to reconciliation and inspire them with great thoughts full of light. But it is indispensable that you know that through you I leave them a message which you must deliver to them in My name.

60. You must be humble. You must not mind being insulted. Be gentle. They will humiliate you and make you suffer. But your word, which will be my message, they will not be able to banish from their Spirit. Therefore I say to you: If some remain insensitive and deaf to your call, others will wake up from their long sleep and set out to go forward and put their lives on the right path of renewal and repentance.

61. Arm yourselves with courage, faith, and strength to face the struggle. But I call your attention to this: Do not be intimidated when you speak to one of your fellow men because you see him well dressed or because he is addressed as prince, lord or minister.

62. Take an example from Paul and Peter, who raised their voices before those whom the world called lords. They were great in Spirit, and yet they boasted to no one that they were masters; rather, they declared that they were servants. Follow their example and bear witness to My truth through the love of your works.

My peace be with you.


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