BTL - Volume 2 - Teaching 44

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume II - Teaching 29 - 55
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Book of True Life - Volume 2 

Teaching 44:

1 With love I receive the prodigal son who was absent for a long time and who today comes to you in search of peace and comfort for his heart. Some of My children are approaching Me in search of their inheritance, others are still far away, but in all of them the Spirit is attentive and hopes that My voice will tell him: Here I am.

2 They have not forgotten My Words of the Second Age and although their flesh is weak, the Spirit is strong; he believes and trusts My promise to come back as a Spirit of consolation

3 You who are listening to Me today, remember the darkness you have crossed, the vicissitudes of the way you have walked to come to Me You are on the bank of a river, under the shade of a tree, and hear this voice you have been waiting for a long time. But despite all the light you possess, you have not yet reached the top of the mountain, nor are you at the height of perfection. You have only come before your Master, who comes in Spirit, and when you heard me, you became disciples and then disciples of my new teaching. When you learn from me you will become strong, and although you are poor on earth, you will possess the riches of the Spirit.

4 The news of My Word will in a short time cross the borders of your nation, the scientists and those who study the Scriptures will begin to deny My rallies; but I will give signs and do wonders through My chosen ones and by doing so I will stir men into great excitement

Scattered in all nations are men of high Spirit, prophets of My Trinitarian-Marian Spirit, to whom I have given a sword of light to fight every false theory and doctrine, so that only those survive who have love and truth as their basis.

5 At all times I have sent virtuous spirits to earth to teach you and give you an example with their works of how to live to come to Me Advisers, servants of My law, legislators and leaders: they have shown you your duties, have told you that your task is not limited to love your family but that beyond these limits you are to love and help your fellow men. They have also taught you that after these trials in life, spiritual life awaits you, where you will reap the fruits of your seed on earth.

6 I have equipped spirits and made them man after I had equipped them with wisdom and power; and when their body was developed and they were in full possession of their abilities, their Spirit proved strong and great. These are the scientists, the pastors and rulers; but there are few who have fulfilled their mission, developed their gifts and worked with firm faith. Most of them became vain or made bad use of their abilities, and they did not nourish the Spirit of men, did not know how to guide them, nor soothe the pain of their brothers.

7 Therefore, when I saw in this time my flock lost and without a leader on earth, I came as the good shepherd to give you my pure and pure teaching I have given you the commandments of My teaching so that you may live in peace and fulfil My Law and ascend in the way of your spiritual development, following the example I gave you with My works of love.

8 Where are the followers of My humble apostles who fell victim to the wickedness of men? what are the benefits that science has brought to mankind? - there are many who claim to be wise and who do not love nor teach love Wisdom is light, and light is love and understanding of divine and human laws.

9 In the Second Age I became man out of love for mankind. That body was the work of My Spirit, and how much scientists have discussed this mystery, which is part of My innermost counsel! verily, I tell you, the divine works cannot be judged by human science

10 The Spirit who animated Jesus was My Own, your God, who became man to dwell among you and be looked upon because it was necessary I felt as man all human sufferings. The scientists who had studied the nature of man came to Me and discovered that they understood nothing of My teaching. Great and small, virtuous and sinful, innocent and guilty received the essence of My Word, and all of them I honored My presence. But although many were called, there were only a few chosen ones, and even fewer who remained with Me.

11 I defended the sinners. Do you not remember the adulteress? When she was brought to Me, persecuted and condemned by the crowd, the Pharisees came and asked Me, "What shall we do with her? - The priests expected Me to say, "Let justice prevail" and then reply, "How is it that you preach love and allow this sinner to be punished? And if I had said: "Release her", they would have replied: "In the Laws of Moses, which you - according to your words - confirm, there is a provision that says: "Any woman caught in adultery shall be stoned to death.

Since I recognized their intention, I did not answer their words, bowed down and wrote in the dust of the earth the sins of those who condemned (them). Again they asked Me what they should do with that woman, and I answered them, "He who is free from sin, cast the first stone. Then they recognized their transgressions and departed, covering their faces. No one was pure, and since they felt that I had seen through them to the bottom of their hearts, they no longer accused that woman, for they had all sinned. But the woman, and with her others who had likewise broken marriage, repented and sinned no more. I tell you, it is easier to convert a sinner through love than through severity.

12 My teaching was written in the conscience, and it cannot be blotted out, because its essence is immortal like the Spirit which you possess.

13 You who hear Me now - learn, and teach those who live in other nations. Remind them of My words of the second time until My message of this third time comes to them.

14 I want you to make sure that My Word reaches other nations before their inhabitants get ready to talk about My new rallies, and that when you meet you do not misunderstand each other, but that you bear witness and they confirm My Words and Works, in fulfilment of My Commandment which tells you: "love one another".

15 I have "enticed" you for My teachings to teach you and to deliver you from sin; I have "enticed" you for My teachings to teach you and to deliver you from sin Even if your transgressions are great - greater is My forgiveness. Live, gain experience, recognize My law in this way of trials and inconsistencies, and if you let yourselves be guided by conscience, you will not violate My law nor the laws of the world. But if you commit mistakes, you shall repent of them and clear up your transgressions; and when you then come to the end of the journey, there will be neither pain nor remorse of conscience - you will be at peace.

16 In this third time the Master's book is opened anew before the disciples to teach them the lessons of true life. As your body surrenders to silence and gathering, your Spirit rises to be refreshed by My words. It comes to My table to feed on the only bread that gives it life.

17 For everyone who knows how to rise (spiritually) in these moments, the body through which My Word is transmitted disappears and he takes it from the Divine Source directly into his Spirit. You recognize that from the moment you heard me for the first time, a light shines in your mind. It is the light of my wisdom that begins to illuminate your way, although I must tell you that those who hear me and do not fathom my teaching still walk in darkness. The light of their soul is still extinguished.

18 It is my will to mark twelve thousand children from each tribe But truly, I tell you, not only the marked ones will possess my light; everyone who follows my teaching will be called "child of light.

19 Do not sound the alarm that you are My disciples, prove it with works of mercy. Some proclaim publicly that they belong to My chosen ones. But I test him by hiding myself in the heart of his own enemy, to whom, instead of forgiving, he has returned the blow - a blow that is more than the cheek of his brother, who has struck My face. At that moment I spoke to him through his conscience, and he who boasted of being My disciple told Me with a weak remorse, "Forgive me, Master. When he then thought himself purified again and worthy of My forgiveness, he resumed his path.

Then I saw a virgin come to him, whose heart and youth is like a fragrant rose. She says to him: "I come to you full of confidence in your virtue to ask you for advice, which in my life shall be like a shield against temptations. But the one who forgets his task and My teachings lets himself be dominated by the baser instincts and looks at the girl with impure intent. At this moment I make myself known to the wicked disciple by saying to him, "Is this what I have taught you? The one who was caught replied to Me: "Lord, nothing remains hidden from you. Shamed, he has continued his daily work while My Voice asks him irreconcilably whenever he boasts about following My example: "Are you My Apostle?

Then I allowed him to suffer hunger, and immediately I hid Myself in the heart of a rich sick man who, although he has chests full of gold, does not have the health to enjoy it. When he learns that one of My disciples is in his area, he goes to him and tells him, "I know that you can give me back my health, and that is why I have come to you. I am rich, but all my wealth has not helped me to find a cure for my illness."

Dark thoughts penetrate the apostle's heart when he hears that confession, and he says to the sick man: "I will lay my hand on your head, and while I pronounce the name of my Lord, I will restore your health; but this grace you will have to repay generously. The rich patient answers him: "Take my festive clothes, my chests, my house, take everything, but heal me! And the sick man was healed, for his faith and his pain were so great that the master had mercy on him.

Full of rejoicing, the patient handed over all his possessions to the man he believed had healed him, while the evil apostle said to him: "Now I am no longer poor; for since I have fought and labored, it is just that I receive my reward. but behold, at this moment My relentless voice resounded in his conscience and told him anew: "is this My teaching? remember that when Jesus was in the world, He would have taken payment for His love? - He who could put crowns on His head and own all the treasures, when He healed by mere touch and raised the dead with His call?

20 A battle broke out in the heart of that disciple, and he said to his Master, "Why are you so unyielding with your disciples? Why don't you let us possess something in this world?"

But the Master answered him in a kindly voice, "Because at the moment of your election you promised to renounce human vanities in exchange for a true treasure.

21 The disciple still replies: "Hard is the way, very long is the daily work, we work hard and do not reap a harvest on earth. You want us to love people very much, even though they do not love us.

When the Master heard him blaspheme in this way, he told him, "It is good, child, walk according to your will, attain what you so eagerly strive for. And that man who said of himself that he was My servant, who trumpeted that he was My apostle, and who did not hearken to the voice of conscience, went forth and found on him a multitude of sick people whom he called to tell them that he was the owner of the healing balm which heals all ills; but he also tells them: "I am needy, what can you give me for what I grant you?

Those who are poor tell him that they have nothing, but that they are willing to work, overcoming their suffering, to obtain what is necessary to pay for it. - This trade seems good to the man who begins to lay hands on the sick, while at the same time receiving from their hands the payment that grows from time to time. He "anointed" the sick, but they did not get well; on the contrary, they became even more wretched. He tried to give them courage, but they fell more and more into decline. When the apostle then saw that the people had lost confidence in him, he secretly disappeared from their midst, taking with him a fortune in money and leaving them in fear.

22 Already far from them, he turned to the residence of a rich man, to whom he said: "Lord, I can render you services, I know how to work, I have the desire that you employ me in your splendid residence. I can comfort you when you are sad, I can look after your interests when you feel tired.

"Who are you?" the rich man asked him, to which the apostle replied: "I am the owner of a law, a teaching so powerful and convincing that if your subordinates should ever rebel against you, it will be enough for me to speak to them to make them obey it again.

23 That empire was impressed by these words, and believed in this man, and told him, "Your words reveal greatness, and if you fulfill them as you say, I will always hold them true. Then the rich man gave that man a position and presented him with the keys of his palace. By flattery he won the heart of his servant; but since he had cast his master out of his heart and did not listen to the voice of his conscience, he soon caused a change in the life of that manor house: he humiliated the little people, exalted those who flattered him, made sure that the best servants left the house, and behind the back of the master he squandered his riches on festivities.

But the day came when the Lord of that possession opened his eyes to reality, and convinced of the falseness of the one in whom he had put all his trust, when he heard him utter words of great power and wisdom, he called him to himself to say to him with indignation, "Is this the teaching you spread? Do you thus prove the power you claim to have?" And immediately he had him taken to a dungeon, only to condemn him to the gallows later. There in prison he did not understand how a disciple of the Divine Master could come into captivity, and even less that he would be condemned to death. He could not believe that these trials were the wake-up call that called him to repentance to get him back on the (right) path. So he made an urgent plea to the rich man whom he had deceived, promising him not to talk or deceive anyone else, and the rich man, convinced of this, let him go.

24 Now when that man was free, he felt a desire to know new ways, and after he had found them, he threw himself upon them. Once again he ignored the call of his conscience, giving himself over to pleasures as never before, with his lips becoming a blasphemous mouth. His body fell ill, and his heart fell into the deepest disgust. From step to step he had gradually sunk until he fell will-lessly into the depths of an abyss (of depravity).

He did not know how much time he spent there, but when he awoke he asked, "Where am I? Where is my inheritance? I speak to my Father, and He does not answer me; I am sick and depressed, and He does not come to my aid; I ask for a word of comfort, of encouragement, and He does not come into my heart. Now where is that teaching and that healing balm which He gave me and with which I could free myself from so much sorrow? I want to close my wounds, but they bleed even more. I want to give peace to my heart, but it fears even more. Who am I? Is it deceit that the Father gave me?" And he cried heartbreakingly.

25 People from all walks of life passed him by and looked at him indifferently, no one listened to him, no one thought about him or stopped, no one felt his pain. Then it seemed to him as if deep darkness enveloped him, and when he thought that he could no longer bear such great suffering, and when he felt that his Spirit was about to leave his unclean body, he heard a kind voice, which was familiar to him, telling him, "Here am I; I have come down to where you have sunk to help you.

When that man heard the kind voice of his father, full of forgiveness and tenderness, he was no longer able to withstand the burden of his remorse and said to his master: "Do not come near me, do not descend into this abyss and do not enter this den of vice, for there is darkness and mire here. Tear not thy garment at thistles, leave me here, for I have condemned myself to it.

26 The son wept, and through his tears he knew how righteous his father was. The father did not look at the uncleanness of the son, nor at the darkness that surrounded him, nor at the mire in which he was. He only saw that he was His much beloved Son, whom he asked, "Why has it come to this with you? And the Son answered Him, "Because I assumed that You were not so close to me, nor did I want to believe that the voice of my conscience was Yours. Do not heal me, today I understand that I do not deserve health. Do not forgive me, I do not deserve your forgiveness. Let me suffer in this abyss, let me atone for my crimes."

When the Father saw that the Son had finally realized the extent of his transgressions, He did not let him suffer any longer, and allowed that it became light in this being, that those tears washed away the stains of shame, and then the Father pressed on that bowed forehead a kiss of peace; He lifted up the weak and defeated body and pressed it to Himself with infinite love.

27 When that heart felt the tender love of its Father, it made ready to follow Him forever and love Him forever. Then he saw that the light which the Lord had put on his foreheads was shining anew, for the gifts which God granted, He never withdraws from His children. But what His grace withholds from them are their offences against My law.

Thus that Spirit set out to begin the way of life anew, but with greater light - that of his painful experience. The voice of conscience was heard by him with clarity.

* From time to time in the teachings, persons were called who were among the 144,000 chosen ones. The Lord placed His light on the foreheads of the persons concerned in symbolic form.

28 Which of those who have received My teachings day after day may well wish to travel the ways of suffering? Know that you have already gone these ways, that your Spirit has already passed through great trials, thanks to which you can follow Me today with determination.

29 I have sent you to multiply your seed and for this I have marked you with My Light on your foreheads so that when you are ready, you may scatter in the ways (of the world) where men await you. The doors of the homes will open to welcome you, and the hearts will receive you with rejoicing.

30 There will be the sick who hope for their recovery.

31 I, the Divine Savior, will come to all through My faithful disciples. but not as in the Second Time: today I will come to men - hidden in the heart of My messengers - by speaking through their mouth and letting My inspiration flow into their minds Thus, through the works of love and mercy of My disciples, I will come to the sick, to the needy and to those who thirst for peace of spirit and body.

32 Bless the nations who do not block their ways and open their gates to My messengers; for truly, I tell you, that nation will be saved

33 During this battle some will be called and chosen earlier than others; but for all this hour will come, and all will see the fulfilment (of their mission) among men. Some will begin and finish their work earlier, others will come later; but in the end, when you reach the limits of perfection, there will be neither great nor small, you will all be equal in the love of the Father and belong to His perfect family.

34 To all I have given the same gifts at the beginning of their life; but while some, by the development of their virtue, have been able to rise and become great, others have stopped, and still others have gone astray.

* At the spiritual creation

35 I have distributed among all My children gifts of equal value; therefore ye must not judge that more has been given to the one than to the other, neither that one commission is greater than another. In My perfect wisdom and righteousness, and knowing the guilt of each of My children, I have given them according to their needs.

36 I give you these explanations so that you may be devoted, for you know nothing of your destiny, of your past and your burden of atonement.

37 If you consider My children, through whom I make myself known, to be very gifted and even desired their gift, I tell you this, it is indeed an exceedingly great grace, just as it is also the spiritual obligation they have towards the Father, and their responsibility knows no bounds.

38 Let everyone take up his cross with love; but do not seek pleasures, honours or rewards, for you will reap only pain

39 Remember that I healed you with My love, that I cleansed you from your stains and closed your wounds remember that I took bitterness from your lips, stripped you of the dirty and ragged clothes you wore to replace them with others white as snowflakes You were the most despised and are no longer. You came without inheritance, and today you know that you have a gift. Do not challenge pain any more, do not become pariahs again, do not return to sinners, and do not consider yourselves untouchable, in that you can forgive when you are offended.

40 How often have you promised me to forgive your brothers, no matter in what way they offend you. You have asked Me for strength to be able to fulfill, and I have given it to you. But how rarely have you fulfilled your vows.

41 I divide those who have tried to grant forgiveness into three groups: The first is formed by those who, having received an insult, did not know how to control themselves and, forgetting My teaching, let themselves be carried away by dark feelings and took revenge by returning blow after blow. This group, defeated by temptation, is the slave of their passions.

42 The second group consists of those who, after having been insulted, remember My example, shut their lips and hold back their impulses to tell Me afterwards, "Lord, I have been insulted, but instead of taking revenge I have forgiven. But I, who penetrate into the hearts, have discovered in that one the desire that I should avenge him by discharging My righteousness on his brother.

This group is still in the midst of the struggle.

43 The third group, the smallest, is made up of those who take Jesus as their model and who, when they have been offended, rise to the Father full of compassion for their brothers and say to Me: "Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do. They have hurt me; but (in reality) they have not hurt me, but themselves. Therefore I ask Your mercy for them and that You grant me to repay them only good things. This is the group that has overcome.

44 Your conscience, which demands and expects perfect works from you, will not leave you alone until you know how to exercise true forgiveness on your brothers.

45 Why should you hate those who offend you when they are but steps to get to Me? When you forgive, you will acquire merits, and when you are in the Kingdom of Heaven, you will recognize on earth those who helped you in your spiritual ascent. Then you will ask the Father that they, too, may find the means to save themselves and come to their Lord, and your intercession will make them obtain this grace.

46 Neither try to uncover the hidden feelings of your neighbor, because in every being there is a secret, which only I am allowed to know. But if you should discover that which - since it belongs only to your brother - should be holy for you, do not make it known, do not tear this veil, rather make it thicker.

47 How often have I seen men penetrate into the heart of their brother until they have discovered his moral or spiritual nakedness, to take pleasure in it and make it known immediately. None of those who have thus desecrated the confidentiality of a fellow man should be surprised if someone exposes and mocks him on his path of life. He should not then say that it is the cubit of righteousness that measures him; for it will be the cubit of unrighteousness with which he has measured his brethren.

48 Respect others, cover the exposed with your cloak of mercy, and defend the weak against the gossip of men.

49 Disciples, I do not forbid you to study in the books which teach you good; but if you should not find them - here you have My teaching, which in all its simplicity and humility contains more wisdom than all books. So imprint it in the innermost part of your heart, study it, that it may be the one who guides you in all your works.

50 Those who have come weeping under the shade of this tree through the many trials of life have found the consolation and strengthening of My Love

51 Blessed are those who listen to My words in the third time, for they will not go astray. At the moment of his (physical) death his Spirit will rise to eternal life and will safely tread the path that awaits him beyond this life.

52 Blessed is he who bears his suffering with patience, for it is precisely in his gentleness that he will find the strength to continue bearing his cross on his path of development.

53 Blessed is he who bears his humiliation with humility and is able to forgive those who have offended him, for I will justify him. But woe to those who judge the actions of their brothers, for they will be judged in their turn!

54 Blessed is he who fulfils the first commandment of the law and loves me above all created things.

55 Blessed is he who lets me judge his just or unjust cause.

56 My teaching renews you, strengthens your Spirit, so that when your lips open to repeat My teachings, they close themselves for blasphemy or curse.

57 In this time I have come to water anew the seed which I have put in your heart in the Second Time.

58 From the first times I have sought the form in which I could make myself audible and understandable to men. That is why I have sent righteous and prophets into this world so that they may be messengers of My will and My commandments with their words and works.

59 In the First Times I made a covenant of love with Abraham because of his obedience to My command and rewarded his steadfastness, zeal and faithfulness by blessing and multiplying his descendants. To test his obedience and faith, I required of him the life of his son Isaac, whom he loved so much, and with the submission of the great Spirits he was ready to sacrifice him. But I held him back because he had already proved his obedience in his heart, and this was enough for me.

60 Isaac was the father of Jacob, to whom it was given to see the way of perfection of the Spirit, symbolized in a stepladder which stood on earth and was lost in the infinite, and on which spirits in the form of angels ascended and descended.

61 These three patriarchs form the tribe of the people of Israel, from which twelve branches and an infinite number of leaves sprouted; but its fruit is still not ripe.

62 The people of Israel received the law when they were on their pilgrimage at the foot of Mount Sinai. Moses, their leader, received the tablets of the law and the (divine) inspiration. The crossing of the desert was done to purify hearts, to spiritualize them, and to ignite in them faith in the invisible God.

When the people came to the Promised Land and took possession of it, they had imprinted the faith in their Lord deep into their Spirit, and they practiced a simple but sublime worship of God, in which their heart was strengthened. But behold, the children of the children did not persevere in faith and spiritualization, and when other - pagan - tribes introduced their idolatry and superstition into the bosom of the people of Israel, they divided it spiritually and earthly. Then the prophets appeared, exhorting the crowds and announcing My judgment upon them because of their infidelity and sin, but the prophets were ridiculed and some were killed.

63 I tell you this because spiritually in truth you are seeds of those first patriarchs and the "sheep" of Moses; but I also tell you that you are among the fruits that are to ripen in this time and give life and spice to mankind.

64 Christ at that time watered the tree of life with His Blood and today He comes to water it again with His divine Word, so that the fruits of love and mercy of all His children may ripen.

65 In this time I come to fight all fanaticism and idolatry of your hearts, because spiritualization does not allow any materialization He who practises my spiritual teaching with fanaticism does not do my will, nor has he interpreted my teaching correctly.

66 Why do men materialize the worship of My divinity still in this time, although I forbade since the First Time in the first commandment of My Law that I be worshipped in figures and pictures made by man?

67 My Word in this time will fight like a double-edged sword to remove from the human heart all error, so that it may rise free from ignorance to My Divinity and reach the union of Spirit to Spirit

My peace be with you!

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