The Way of the Woman and the Way of the Man

1. Get ready, because on this day I tell you: Whoever

believes in Mary must believe in her purity. Because she

was chosen among all women to be the symbol of the

immaculate perfection as a woman and as a mother.

 In the world she had to be the model for tenderness,

love, gentleness and chastity.

2. She is the perfect role model for every woman because

the task of all of them is difficult, noble and self-denying to

the point of sacrifice. Her bosom must harbor the best

feelings, in her lap the human being forms. The woman

awakens love in the child's heart, directs the child's feelings

on the path of the good, dries his tears when he cries, and

consoles him when he suffers. It is the mother who teaches

people the first prayer and reveals the existence of the Creator

to them. Until the end of the earthly life, the shadow of the

mother accompanies man, just as Mary was present at the

foot of the cross at the sacrificial death of the beloved son

and received on her lap the mortal covering of the man who

gave his life out of love for people.

3. The woman's mental task is great, her heart, her spirit,

her lap is sensitive, all her nerve fibers are sensitive.

Only in this way can she be able to accomplish her high

mission and drink her bitter cup.

4. Physically, the man and the woman are different,

but spiritually they are the same. They are all souls

who strive for perfection.

5. I put the woman at the side of the man to sweeten

his existence, to fill it with bliss.

6. The man is the shield in the life of the woman,

the guardian, her Lord. Because in him I put my light,

my law, my strength.

7. This is how I united you in this world and marked

out the path that you must follow.

From: The Book of True Life – Volume VIII – Teaching 240 – Verses 1-7


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