Spiritual Festival Table – Festival of Love and Forgiveness

Text in the picture:
You can forget what people did.
You can also forget what they said.
But you don't forget what they made you feel.

46. Among the multitudes who hear my word are also the women of whom I have spoken to you. My coat protected them from your eyes and your judgments,
because I also put them on the great banquet table of the spirit.
47. I have called them to this feast of love and forgiveness so that in my presence they can feel the love they were looking for and which they have never felt and found among people.
48. My tenderness will flow down to those sad hearts and speak to them, and they will feel and believe me.
49. Then you will see the nature of the work that stains and the one that redeems. You will experience the miracles that true love does, and so you will help your Lord restore what you have destroyed yourself. I will cleanse what you have soiled. Then those fallen flowers will decorate the altar of the universe with their virtue and their fragrance.
50. See how I release sinners through the lips of those who are also sinners!
51. But women, who believe you belong to higher social classes and are
ashamed to approach those who have sinned ─ woe when you feel offended
because you have not understood that you are all spiritually equal! Many of
you have not sinned physically, but very much in your mind, and like many
of you have managed to hide your missteps! So if you have sinned, why are
you outraged? I tell you that girls as well as wives and mothers have to struggle
for the noble ideal that I inspired you that day.
52. This is the instruction that the Master gives you with His Word, which
gives you strength and love. Work and love so that your heart will have the
peace and spiritual bliss that I spoke to you in the Sermon on the Mount.
53. Not I come down to you, but you rise up to the "cloud" to hear my voice.

From the Book of True Life  – Volume VIII
Teaching 235:46-53


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