Focal points

A. M. Hosta 

Teaching 239:60-62
60. Do you know what will bring you closer to that promised realm? Your works of love, mercy, humility.
61. Today my people do not know who it is, nor where it is, nor what it should do. But once the spiritualists appear all over the world who preach with words and testify with their works of the light that inspires my teaching, they will all become one, acknowledge and eventually unite to form the new people of Israel, that will be the bulwark of spiritualization and the true interpreter of the Father's Law.
62. With my light I mark all those who should follow me during this time. My light will flow down from mind to mind.

Father says:
"Don't let Satan's children take you off the right path because of lack of courage."
I feel a tremendous weariness knowing that Eve was the mother of the good (Abel, children of light) as well as the mother of the bad (Cain, children of Satan). It is a kind of fatigue and weariness.
Mother of all - of all peoples.
It is the responsibility of each child, each of them has the responsibility to resist Satan's cunning and temptation. Mocking Eve is not really a solution and does not really help. Who of their children did not fall for Satan's cunning and lies?
No one except Heavenly Father is free from missing and sin. He always loves - He alone. It shows how reparations can be made. He alone can do it.
The door is open again - I can come again - and everyone can follow - home - back to the Father and back to the lost and reopened paradise, which is heavenly, spiritual Jerusalem, the heart of God, the kingdom of spiritual life.
"Parabolic mirror"
I see an open book.
The solution is: read the book of True Life.
What is a parabolic mirror?
Definition: A concave mirror that collects all light rays “parallel in diameter”, parallel to the axis, at the focal point. (e.g. a satellite dish). Glass, ceramics are precision-ground and brought into a precisely reflective shape and used as a receiver for distant objects or vice versa for bundling and far-reaching radiation through a parabolic trough curved in one dimension. It concentrates plane waves along a straight line (along the diameter) with large mirrors compared to the wavelength on the surface. The mirrors are suitable for electromagnetic waves (light, radar, radio waves, sound waves, e.g. sunlight, satellites, radio, frequencies)
"Look it up first!"
Excuse me. I'm no expert on this matter. You could have told me the meaning right away:
A parabolic mirror (receiver and transmitter) of the divine light that receives and emits good, bright frequencies as well as those of the dark side.
".. the effect cannot develop among smokers ..."
You mean that the effect of the received and emitted divine light has no effect; the effect of the Divine Light fizzles out behind the veil of impurity and sins?
"You know them."
"Top, roof!"
You mean I know your thoughts, yes.
(We got a new roof on our garden shed this week.)
.. and I made it public, yes.
How stupid? Who?
"Related ... Spaetzle"
He said Goldie to me. He said he didn't read your thoughts, but if he hadn't read them he wouldn't have known I was saying Goldie to you. GOLDIE.
I fell asleep again.
In this dream I investigated the question or peddled whether someone would hire me, whether someone would accept me, who meant well with me and then I have found an outstanding, five-digit phone number with a name, so I wanted to call and ask.
Then came:
"Remain a Christ a l'echo."
As it resounds from the golden rain, I want to announce it.
"Run after me."
Yes. I know who I trust. Why did you say Marie was only here once? Why don't you tell me the truth.
You are ashamed of her and then I mistrust you.
"The orange fish are both - the good and the bad"
We have red goldfish, orange and white with bright colors (Schubunkin)
Why did you allow Eve to fall for Satan's lies? You told me that you are also Satan because you created him.
"Gamble ... who really loves me."
Ah, now it's clear to me.
"Just go away again."
Seems to be the truth.
"I'm also tired of souls falling victim to Satan."
"Corona. We will be surprised when some people give orders using their cell phones. ”
What are they for which - what is their meaning?
Those who monitor us and give instructions and orders.
I see an Amazon invoice with numbers and writing on it.
"They are robbers."
How do you mean?
Parabolic mirror - Amazon! All are collected there as in one focus.
"Later, only those who have the chip can buy there."
“You also"
Then I go out of Amazon. Thank you. I have known it for a long time, Amazon is spreading as much as Microsoft. They starve small businesses.
I see a few people, adults, children. All half-naked. They sit together on a deck chair in the sun, tanned.
What do you want to tell me, what does that mean?
"Feeling of shame"
You mean they have none and hurt others' eyes and faces. In the garden they like to do it this way, half-naked or the children completely in the sun. The Essenes too, right when they were among themselves, right?


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