I'll just ask you that you will obey me, the rest do I

41. This people here will multiply every day. But although the multitudes that are rushing to hear my word appear large today ─ truly, I tell you,
they will turn out to be small if you compare them to those who will gather after my departure in the time of your testimony .
42. However, I have to tell you that the news of the Lord's New People will only spread when your unity and fraternity prove you are worthy of the great miracles and demonstrations of power that I have for my people.
43. I do not ask of you a sacrifice, I do not ask for perfection, I only expect the irrefutable intention to obey my commandments
and a little mercy with you and with your fellow human beings; the rest I do. But if you have taken this step safely, then I will
ask you to do an even bigger one so that you do not stay in the
desert, because there is not your home. You know that in your
development your soul will find the blessed land
of promise wherever I take your steps.
44. Never say: "I have fought a lot, but nobody has seen my
efforts and my victims." Do not forget that I see every step you
 take and record each of your works. Do not expect world rewards,
 understanding, or full justice from your neighbors. Trust in Me,
because truly, I tell you that I will never leave what you
re justly entitled to as wages.
45. Do not think that you have to die to harvest your crop ─ no,
some fruits will be given to you in this life as a reward for your
merits in human life. On the other hand, those merits that have
been spiritual remain unrewarded until the time has
come when you are in the hereafter.

From the Book of True Life - Volume VIII
Teaching 237: 41-45


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