Hunanity is gradually awakening

9. I speak to you from the hereafter. If you raise
your soul, you will be able
to look at me. You still have to cover a part of your
path of development so
that the day of your return to Me comes. I, your father,
will sweeten your days,
I will give you peace so that you can pass the last
great trial that awaits you.
10. The prophecies relating to this time are now being
fulfilled. Those who slept
were concerned when they saw the events. The reason for this was that they did
not read the book of the prophets, the book of your God. But I will make you my
disciples who know how to interpret my word of all times.
11. Humanity is gradually awakening. Everyone awaits the light of a new day,
the dawn that must appear to bring them peace, understanding and light that
illuminates everything - a power that makes everything that has been falsified
in its basic principle returned to order. They also expect a guide who will
correct imperfections, who will give health to the sick and resurrection to the "dead".
12. This light has already been among men, Master tells you, but you
have not recognized it.
13. I will help you to restore everything that you have degraded.
14. In the imminent time of spreading my word, you must not falsify anything.
Do not make this instruction difficult to understand. If you prepare yourself in
spirit and in truth, you will have a good answer for those who question you. You
will reveal an infinite world of light, you will speak of the simplicity of my
instruction, which reflects my honesty, my wisdom and my truthfulness.
15. You will tell them that when I come this time, the prophecies and
promises made in the past will come true.
16. That Elias came before Me to prepare the way on which my
divinity would come.
17. That he called the souls to prayer and gathering and announced
that the time of the Holy Spirit had come.
18. All these teachings to which you have become accustomed will
be a great revelation for your fellow human beings and will
make the most sensitive strings of your being sound.
19. The manifestation of my spirit by man, the coming of Elijah, the
presence of the spirit world as a counselor - all this you will testify to them,
and they in turn will have witnessed other spiritual manifestations
with which they confirm my word.
20. Do not be satisfied with what you have achieved to date.
How much more can you increase my knowledge of my teaching if
you practice virtues. I will always reveal new teachings to you
to encourage your soul on the path of development.

From the Book of True Life - Volume VIII
Teaching  237 – Verses 9 - 20


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