Exploring the instructions requires preparation of the soul

35. Any divine revelation that has been denied by men

will be recognized and believed. Everything that

has been forgotten or concealed by churches and sects will come to light.

36. You should teach the world by your example to

penetrate with spirituality and respect the teachings

of what the Father has revealed and not to try to go

beyond what He has granted. Love, humility, respect ─ you

have to teach a humanity that has always intended to

explore the mysteries of the Lord without mental preparation.

37. Don't you respect your parents' bedroom? Then

respect even more the secrets of your Heavenly Father.

It is so much that I have revealed and shown that you have

not yet grasped everything, and you are already asking

for new secrets to penetrate them.

38. I tell you ─ students of higher science, a wisdom that

belongs to a higher life than human life, that you should

not want to know more, to know more than what I

reveal to you, because then you would soon fall into errors.

I have taught you many teachings and I have more to give

you through the mediation of human understanding.

You will learn many new revelations and will understand

more than what you have imagined.

39. My word, which is divine instruction, will always come

along with trials and events in your life so that this teaching

finds more and more confirmation in your heart and

you are not theoretical disciples, but are disciples who with

their works are mine Bear witness to truth.

40. Isn't it that you often only understand one of my

words when you have passed an exam?

41. If I occasionally spoke to you about the immortality

of the soul, about the misconceptions you have about

life and death, you did not understand Me at the time

when you received my instruction. But then your home

 went through a trial, you saw a loved one leave this world,

and your eyes opened to reality, to the light of truth, and

you thanked Me for doing so much in all my works I put

perfection in it and that I have torn you out of

 your ignorance and your error.

42. Enter my word with the mind and with the spirit.

Concentrate on the core of your being so that there is

only one will between the mind and the body. In this

way you will understand my teaching more easily and

survive the tests with greater elevation.


From the Book of True Life - Volume VIII

Instruction 238 - verses 35-42


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