Practice sharing Mercy received

1. Welcome to Me the exhausted, the sad, the grieving, the sick, the sinner.
Because I comfort you, heal you and forgive you. I love both the fervent and the unbeliever.
2. To the exhausted I say: Come here, because I will free you from the heavy burden that you carry so that you instead carry the cross that you should carry in this way marked by my love.
3. I will heal the sick, who has lost all hope of healing, and raise him to real life.
4. Souls and bodies, I heal you now because my mercy is coming to heal all suffering.
5. I was always looking for you, and in the moments of the exam I revealed myself
clearly. Remember that I sent you the manna as a message of love in the desert
when the people were starving. When the people were thirsty, I caused the rock
to open and to spring from within to ignite faith in their hard hearts.
6. Don't you think that this desire for love, for peace and for truth, which you are
currently showing to me, is a hunger and a thirst of the soul? Don't you think that
my word at this time is the manna and crystal clear water I sent you to ignite your
faith and encourage your hearts in this way that reminds you of the First Desert?
7. Even if they experience my proof of love immediately, the hearts of many remain
hardened, and therefore the journey is longer and harder for them.
8. Realizes: Whoever does not know how to receive my mercy will not be able to
pass it on in his way. However, I have not only sent you to earth to receive my
benefits, but to bring my mercy to your neighbors.
9. Blessed are those who are surprised by physical death when they perform
mercy, for his soul will find its home because you are strangers on this earth.
10. If you show your sword to me when you come into my presence, posh or
broken, I will bless you because you fought bravely. Some will arrive earlier,
others later; but the coming and going of the souls will continue until the last
one reaches his home of eternal peace after he has accomplished his task.
11. I am currently examining those who will not return to this earth. In the
meantime, the world will continue to be home to men, women, the elderly,
and children who clean and purify themselves to come one step closer to
perfection so that they are prepared when they are called.

From the Book of True Life - Volume VIII
Teaching 236: 1-11


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