Only part of the earth (1/4) remains as a refuge for the suvivers

16. The people challenged my power and my righteousness when they profaned
with their science the temple of nature, in which everything is in harmony, and
their judgment will now be relentless.
17. The elemental forces will be unleashed, the cosmos will be shaken, and the
earth will shake. Then there will be horror in people and they will want to flee,
but there will be no escape. They will want to tame the unleashed powers and
will not be able to do so. Because they will feel guilty and, regretting their
presumptuousness and foolishness too late, they will seek death to avoid punishment.
18. You, people, know these prophecies and are responsible for everything that
happens if you do not "grow" and try to maintain the peace that I have entrusted to you.
19. Prepare your walking stick and your travel bundle, because I will send you
out as prophets and messengers to warn the people.
20. Some will go to the east, others to the west, and still others to the other
points and paths of the earth.
21. Do not become vain that you are the privileged ones to whom I have given
orders to make you my disciples. But I also tell you this: do not be satisfied with
being called. Earn merits so that you belong to the chosen ones.
22. Reject all vanity from you, so that you are not like the worm, which inflates
with the moisture of the earth and then dissolves into nothing.
23. Do not sleep with confidence that I love you very much to avoid stumbling.
You are very much loved, but you are also very well tested.
24. Three quarters of the earth's surface will disappear, and only a part will
remain to be a refuge for those who survive chaos. You will see many
prophecies fulfilled.
25. You, people, fulfill my instructions, then I will let the promised things
come true for you.
26. Pray, watch, sow love, spread light, leave a trace of mercy, and you
will be at peace with your conscience and in harmony with the Creator.
27. Listen carefully to this word so that you can interpret it afterwards and
sow it in the hearts of your fellow human beings. Do not be satisfied with
understanding it: speak of it, set an example and teach through your works.
Be empathetic so that you know when is the right time to speak and when is
the right time for your actions to testify to my teaching.
28. I give you one language to spread my word, and that language is the spiritual
love that will be understood by all people. It is a beneficial language for the ear
and the heart of the people, which stone by stone will tear down the Tower of
Babylon, which they have built in their hearts. Then my judgment will end
because everyone will consider themselves siblings.

From the Book of True Life – Volume VIII – Teaching 238 – Verses 16 – 28


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