Sept. 1, 1866 - Birth of a New Age

46. ​​This is a day of remembrance: on a date like today I dedicated my first voters to announce my new instructions and my new revelations. The spirit of Elias shone through Roque Rojas to remind you of the path that is the law of God.
47. The moment was solemn, the soul of those present trembled with fear and delight, just as the heart of Israel trembled on Mount Sinai when the law was announced; how the disciples trembled, who saw the transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor, when
Moses and Elias appeared spiritually on the right and on the left of the master.
48. That September 1, 1866 was the birth of a new age, the dawn of a new day: the "third time", which dawned for mankind.
49. From that point on, many prophecies and many promises that God has given man
for thousands of years have come true. With you they have been fulfilled, you men and
women, who inhabit the world at this time. Which of you have been on earth when
those prophecies were made and those promises made? I alone know; but the essential
thing is that you know that I promised you and that I am now fulfilling it.
50. Do you know of that "cloud" on which my disciples saw Me rise when I last announced
myself to them? Because truthfully it is written that I would come back "on the cloud"
and I have fulfilled it. On September 1st, 1866, my spirit came on the symbolic cloud to
prepare you for the reception of the new instruction. After that, in 1884, I started giving
you my instruction. I did not come as a person, but spiritually, limited in a ray of light,
to let it rest on a human mind. This is the means chosen by my will to speak to you at
this time, and I will credit you for the faith you have in this word. Because it is not Moses
who leads you through the desert to the Promised Land, nor Christ as a man who lets you
hear his word of life as a way to salvation and freedom. Now it is the human voice of
these creatures that reaches your ears, and it is necessary to spiritualize to discover
the divine essence in which I am present. Therefore I tell you that it is meritorious that
you believe in this word because it is given by imperfect beings.
51. The merit will be greater than that of those who believed in Me in the Second Period,
or that of those who followed Moses through the desert. But you will not be missing a
guide for a moment, since my word was not vague or inaccurate, but is a clearly defined
and perfect teaching. In addition, the spirit of Elias, who came at this time to awaken the
world and to pave the way for the soul of man to enter my spiritual presence, will always
watch over you.
52. Blessed People: This moment of remembrance should be full of joy for your soul and
should also be dedicated to the memory of all the instructions that I give you. Train your
mind and open your heart so that I can pour my grace into it. For a moment forget the
trifles of the world and approach me spiritually.
53. You are just hearing my word once again through a human vocalist who ─ although
chosen by me ─ is not above you, nor has something divine about him. They are
mouthpieces of my word, still imperfect creatures, although the elevation of their souls
enables them to connect with the father. Listen to the teaching address with keen
hearing, so that it runs through your brain unclouded. Then let it shine through your
heart like a ray of light. Then the divine meaning as bread of eternal life will reach your soul.
54. If you prepare yourself in this way, you will feel that I have really been with you.
55. I don't want you to be traditionalists, but it is my will that you remember all those
events by which I announced myself to you and gave you examples and instructions.
Celebrate a feast in your heart by memory, then your steps on the way will be firmer.
56. In 1866 I proclaimed the law again among my people and thereby opened a new
spiritual age, with which I made a promise of me that I gave you in past times. Since then,
my Holy Spirit has been shining down from the sky tent through my ray, and the voices
of my angels can also be heard on earth.
57. Now is the third time in which I have merged the commandments that I gave you
through Moses ─ the teaching of love that I gave you as Jesus in the Second Time,
which was a confirmation of the earlier one, into one law. At this time I am giving you
this teaching as a lighthouse, as a lifeboat, as a step ladder to perfection so that you
can achieve the upward development of your soul.
58. I give you my instruction with great simplicity and clarity so that you, as good
spiritualists, can answer those who may ask you whether you are a Mosaist or a Christian.
59. Before the law of the First Age was revealed to you, you lived in natural law,
encouraged by people through whom I recommended to you the virtue through
which I revealed my truth and my righteousness ─ people through whom I as God
of Good and Love revealed myself.
60. The people of Israel who knew how to remain in the fear of the true God and who
could maintain the recognition of a God of righteousness and kindness are the people
of Israel. But this people did not know a specific and fixed law until the father - when
he saw the danger of falling into paganism and idolatry - let a man of strong spirit
emerge from his own lap to mediate the law of God for him to hand over the people,
written on living rock. This man was Moses ─ liberator and legislator ─ who, with
unwavering faith and great love for the Lord and his people, led the masses of people
to a suitable country to establish a sanctuary and to offer worship that was pleasing to
the living and invisible God.
61. Realize that I have inspired you from the earliest times to spiritualization. With the
proclamation of the law on Sinai, the first time for humanity had its climax. That first
emissary was like a star in the desert, was the index finger that pointed the way, was
counselor and legislator, was bread when hunger was felt, and water that quenched
thirst. He was a benevolent companion in the loneliness of the deserts and leader of
the people to the gates of the longed-for country.
62. When Christ appeared in the lap of that very people among mankind, many centuries
had passed since Moses.
63. It was the dawn of a new day for the people awaiting the arrival of the Divine Master
who was born and lived among men to teach them the second part of the Book of Life.
64. You have met the God of Justice. But now He came to show himself as God of love
and to prepare a new time with his words and his works, a new life for the soul. The
Second Time and everything I taught you with my words, miracles and examples until
it culminated in my passion was the leaf of the Law of Love that I wrote for you.
65. Now in the Third Era, Elias reveals his spirit as an emissary and pioneer of the
Holy Spirit by saying through human understanding: "Here is Elias, the prophet of
the First Era, the same one who followed him on Mount Tabor with Moses and Jesus
appeared before the disciples at the transfiguration of Christ.
66. Elias has the key with which he has opened the third age, the new era.
67. Now you can understand what even the apostles themselves could not understand
from some of my revelations.
68. Elias is the ray of God, with whose light he drives away your darkness and frees
you from the bondage of this time, which is that of sin, and which will lead your soul
through the desert until it reaches the "Promised Land" in the womb of God.
69. Know the three messengers of God through whom you received the law and
the greatest revelations.
70. Today has been a time of light for you, in which you have been told the revelations
of the past and given the prophecies of what will happen.
71. But this time of my announcement by means of a voter's mind will soon pass,
and then there will come a time of grace and spiritualization in which those who
prepare themselves will be able to speak to Me in a spiritual way.
72. Once my kingdom is established in the heart of men, when temptation is
dethroned and man loves Me above all, this world will become the place of great
souls in which people really love each other and accept the needy souls with
compassion understand to renew it and fill it with wisdom.
73. You do not know today in what form I will reveal myself to the whole world
after 1950. But I am waking you up because you will experience that the gifts and
abilities of the spirit will prevail over the senses of the body, and humanity will feel
that it is living in a new time, the time of dialogue from spirit to spirit.

From the Book of True Life - Volume VIII
Teacching 236: 46-73


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