When the night falls

Humanity is in the time of judgment. People are reaping what they have sown in all their lives. 

For many, the night breaks in and their dark actions come to their consciousness. Some burn this hotly in the conscience, while the divine spirit burns its faults with a consuming fire, because nothing unclean can remain before the divine spirit. Fire is the balance to which all things must return in the long run to justice or punishment of the ostracists with restrictions of all kinds, but not necessarily as insurmountable limits, rather than lack or scarcity that man needs here. The attainment of justice can be achieved by patient endeavor against the adversities. Basically, we admit to ourselves what we do to other beings when we disregard the cosmic laws.When the consuming fire purifies us, it gets dark and the night of the spirit breaks. The wind brings the hail. The hail covers the ground with a layer of ice. The forces retreat inwards, rest and gather new strength. The night and the winter are a compensation for the dominance of the conscious side in humans with their turn to the outside. At night and in the winter the new things that man will produce when the new day dawns ripens.Man, know yourself during the time of the long night of winter and your task in the divine symphony. Take the court verdict your conscience now shows you. Harvest what you have sown in your many lives and take stock and realize your true destiny. Do not rebel against your destiny, which you have created for yourself, but seek to understand and act constructively. You are in the place where you are forced to turn back. This place forces you to 'see you here and not further.'In the freezing night you are in a sheltered room where you can not contaminate yourself until the new day dawns.It's about developing forces that can not be obtained at the expense of others who promote the common good, the energy that pervades the earth like a fountain that is tangible before it manifests, the energy of a good, physical condition, general health in the body, in thought and in the mind, in which one taps the surprisingly powerful source of creative energy that lies within all of us as connection with the divine powers that we find ourselves in the protective space of the long night of winter to transform those events that have existed in the past that created the present states in which we find ourselves through the development of healthier behaviors.
Repentance, Request for Homecoming to God 
The Third Testament

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