Words from Jesus given to Byron Searle   

Ezekiel 12:26-28    
26 Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying.
27 Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel say, The vision that he seeth is for many days to come, and he prophesieth of the times that are far off.
28 Therefore I say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; There shall none of my words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have spoken shall be done, saith the Lord God.

My son, the words and visions and dreams I have given to My prophets, watchmen and seers and dreamers will not be prolonged any longer. The world is deep in sin and darkness, and My fury cannot be held back any longer. My messengers have been shouting the alarms and warnings, but the majority of My Church is sound asleep. I have lifted up and placed an anointing on the shepherds who hear My Voice. The shepherds are not known but to their flocks and Me. They do not seek money or fame, only the lost. My servant, T. D. Hale, has been anointed to raise the standard and lead a mighty revival for My Glory. Many others across this nation have heard the cries of the watchmen and now have lifted up My Name and begun the Great Harvest. 

My son, others have not heard My Voice, but follow a deceptive spirit and use illusions to fool the very elect. My son, shout the word DANGER!!! DANGER!!! for now the evil is strong, and the deceptions will be stronger! My Children, have been lulled to sleep and fed every kind of lie that satan can come up with! I abhor sin, yet the majority of My Children play in it!! REPENT!!! REPENT!!! Fall on your faces before Almighty God, before the judgment continues in earnest! The words will be prolonged no longer! All that has been spoken in My Name by those I have called will now commence! 


My son, I know the people say the words I give you are hard, but when the words start to happen, many will remember what I have told My watchmen and prophets to share. Continue, My Remnant, in My Word, pray to take authority over all demonic enemies! Shine, My Remnant, now is the time to shine!! I love you all very much, for I AM COMING SOON AND WILL NOT BE PROLONGED!! Stay in My Word, for it is the truth! Stay in prayer, for I will inhabit your prayers! I am the Truth, the Life, and the Way - no man comes to the father but through Me!
Messiah Jesus

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