Excerpt from "Regency over the peoples"

Excerpt from EBook "Regency over the peoples" by Anna Maria Hosta
for those, who cannot read the German Books !!
This morning, Jesus said to Anna Maria:
"Sign, sun."
"Clouds, rain, monsoon-like, for 3 days, mud, you get stuck, no one escapes, catastrophe."
she saw
the globe. A line on the horizon. The pole moves clockwise on the line.
"The Brocken, pole jump, 3/4 axis, Eclipse, Kataklysma."
She asked for a scripture and got it in random mode:
The Third Testament  - Chapter  54 – Struggles between Doctrines, Religions and Churches  - 
The Rejection of the Spiritual  -  Revelations and Spiritual Healings – Verses 41 - 46
41. The spiritual valley shall come yet closer to men, to give them testimony of its existence and its
presence. On all roads there shall be signs, evidence, revelations, and messages that insistently proclaim that a new Era has begun.
42. There shall be struggle, and there shall be upheaval in the peoples, for the religions shall sow fear in those who believe those messages, and science shall deny the truth of those happenings.
43. Then the humble shall rise up, sheathing themselves in valor, to testify to the truth of the evidence they have received: those who having been deprived of hope by science shall recover their health spiritually, and testify of the miraculous cases that reveal a power that is infinite, and of absolute wisdom.
44. Among the humble and ignored there shall arise men and women whose words full of light shall
surprise the theologians, philosophers, and scientists. And when the struggle is at its height, and the poor are humiliated and their testimonies denied by the arrogant, that shall be the moment when Elijah calls the wise, the lords, and the princes, and puts them to the test.
45. Woe to the false and hypocrites in that hour, for perfect justice shall descend to them.
46. It shall be the hour of justice, but from it many spirits will ascend to the true life, in many hearts faith will arise, and many eyes will be opened to the light. (350, 71 - 72)
The Third Testament - Chapter 55 - Purification of the Earth and Humanity in Judgment.
Anna Maria asks Jesus: Jesus, in the Third Testament the Rapture does not occur. You talked so often about Rapture. Are people even being raptured the way you ascended to heaven? ¾ of the earth's surface land sink in the sea. Jesus, what is left?
Anna Maria gets a vision:
She sees a coffee cup (her favorite drink) and pour in coffee and sip.
"You stay here. Job. You work well. "
Is there anything else you could say to me?
"I love you."
And I you. I love you too.
Anna Maria sees a bright sun.
"Sun. Liberty. " (Freedom)
"Come to Jesus. Nobody trust. Come to Jesus. You stay down. Trust me."
Reflection of the divine sun. (Anna Maria)
The Lord says ... This is My current Rhema for you Message from February 14, 2011
Anna Maria shivers.
"She is afraid."
It feels strange that she will stay down on that terrible day. How can you survive without dying?
Just like with the pregnancy. She never really understood that.
(see Book I and Book II. Priscilla)
Doubts sneak up again and the courage wants to leave them and the trust wants to disappear. The enthusiasm too. She is shocked.
"I'll release her."
Do you want to dismiss me too?
"Should I?"
You said you will not leave me here.
"Excuse me."
What should I believe now?
Tell me the truth. I can not stand it when they tell me the untruth or pretend to me to do what is required. Hurts me and hurts.
I'm still thinking. I have to stay down anyway. So I have nothing to lose but my life.
Is a person ever caught up? No one was without sin, not one.
Homecoming of the bride. What do you mean by this?
Ah. Like my husband. He has to develop, you said. Are these perhaps the 144,000 who are here until the end of the tribulation, and only afterwards are they acknowledged after the ordeals in the tribulation, which were already predestined by you to belong to them, and which will be protected by you in this hard time. The 12 tribes of Israel. Judah is one of them. And you said that my husband and I belong to this tribe.
Please, do not dismiss me.
Father, your will shall be done on me, now and always. Amen.
"Treasure. I come."
14. 04. 2018
Hebrews 4: 15-16 For we have not a high priest who could not suffer with our weaknesses, but he who tries is the same everywhere as we do, yet without sin. Therefore, let us join with joy in the mercy seat, that we may receive mercy and find mercy upon the time when help will be needed.
"Now she's still tired. The others have all flabbergasted. "
I'm afraid of the heart in my chest.
"Come over. Stay "
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. Take me after you.
"She sacrifices herself."
Yes. You also sacrificed yourself for me.
"That's how the guilt gets lost."
Atonement for my sins. Olives night. Blood sweat drips down you. Anxiety. You were afraid. High pressure. High blood pressure. Did you say salad?
They will seek death and not find it.
"Be undisguised. Stay. "
"Bombs." (Syria! - turns out later - a fake attack - false flag)
"For hours" (Jesus on the cross.)
Anna Maria gets a vision.
She sees an open garage door. She turns it on. Then it is open again.
The door is open. Occurs. Come to Jesus.
"joint venture." (??)
Means: joint venture
House of God. (Anna Maria - her name is Elisabeth - that means house of God)
Whatever comes. Jesus lives in it. She belongs to him.
"She loves"
Father. You only want the best for me.
"Could have been, you do not want me anymore if I do not take you away."
You know me but bad. Penthesilea fought with the battle ax on horseback against a whole army. She almost defeated her and ended up killing herself. I was that. (Review)
I stay on the earth. Make atonement. Continue your work of redemption. Die for you. As you say for father. Amen. A jump into the cold water.
Donald Trump had already declared war on Russia for poison gas attacks in Syria, which he blamed Putin for. On the night of the 13th on the 14.4.18 US, England and France have launched a mock attack (which was settled thing) with missiles and bombers on Syria and attack Damascus to provoke the 3rd World War. Putin wants to defend his allies in Syria.
WW 3: Real Time: Friday 13 US, UK & France Missiles Strike Syria W Tomahawk Missiles & B-1 Bombers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QdNNG2xGdQ  
U.S. and allies launch missile strikes on Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcxahzd6Xx0&t=3s  
Russia warns it will protect its people in Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHkwyUneBJk  
Trump names Putin in reply to Syria chemical attack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9wzQASa0xI&t=10s  
Anna Maria gets a letter from her pension insurance with an additional payment for the years of her independence of 12,000 euros. She explodes inwardly and writes to the pension insurance company that she is not a nurse but a geriatric nurse and that this law of 1933 is not valid for her. In agreement with the pension insurance, however, she lodges an objection.
What now?
"Can not take you, if that does not work."
Anna Maria is ashamed of her impatience and regrets.
Jesus says ... This is my current Rhema for you Message of 15th February, 2016
TO THE REMNANT CHURCH... DO NOT FORGET THESE THINGS! ️ Message from February 15, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3VF0yHmbIE&list=PL73-eEs6JmCvNVfSuyZTpsfSJ6wB9cAbV
The Lord says ... This is my current Rhema for you message from November 13, 2008
THE MASTER'S TABLE & STARVING CHRISTIANS ️ TRUMPET CALL OF GOD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41N0QAk-y5U&list=PL73-eEs6JmCtgpDObQGYXYIo7HBgwnrGu
The Lord says ... This is My current Rhema for you Message of May 12, 2004 Timothy's Calling  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDC_BacdcZs&list=PLlE_EbCIMQYxKjcqr2IBWSwUi4rNVpqY6
Jesus says: "Bring me the whole channel"
Jesus says ... This is My current Rhema for you Message of December 1, 2015 Keep My Honor upright this season, My Bride  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXvWJ7KQlKY&list=PL73-eEs6JmCvNVfSuyZTpsfSJ6wB9cAbV
My beloved ... Focus on Me! ***
World of signs  -  That happened on our earth in the time from … to ...https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2vfhm1DVuJz_TIIxN-_oOg/videos 
Jesus' Great Prophecy of the People of 1945 - The Third Testament - Chapter 64 - to the seven most important nations on earth and their fulfillment, which is in full swing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH2n5XXuSEM&list=PL73-eEs6JmCvAOY1ifg86rr4hrb_XCM6p
Dear God. You put those to the test ..... the faint. Forgive my unbelief.
After Anna meditates for hours to question her heart, she realizes: Her husband and she, they would not be together if they did not do what they are doing with God. If she does not do it her husband is taken away. If she gives up, does not overcome her weakness, time will be turned back to the bush government. Priscilla - page 256; Page 260 "It all depends on the thread" Priscilla Page 50 (28.10.2017) "You are my last hope" Dear God! Thank you for putting such immense trust in me. I did not know how important that is for you. Now I know it. Keep going with me. And thank you for stopping by. I really needed it. I'll continue now. Please, continue with me.
Anna Maria sees a withered corncob, which lies on the field soil and with the fork is lifted up and down so, powerless and sapless.
A messenger from the great cloud – Video of Clare
Jesus began, “Make no mistake about it, the enemy has stolen much I wanted to give you, through the misunderstanding Religious spirits generate in the minds of faithful, Bible-believing Christians. When you come to be with Me, you will be astounded by the amount of grace you were deprived of. Demons were assigned to influence those who lacked a depth of understanding of Scripture, as well as discerning of spirits. They have kept you away from My vessels unto honor, by scaring you into thinking those things were demonic. Much of this stems, not from Scripture, but religious tradition and man's opinion. “When I stood upon the Mount of Transfiguration, I declared the Heavens open. And from that time forth, a river of manifestations of the Kingdom of Heaven upon Earth began. These were not idle words, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" Matthew 12:28 These, as well as many other of My words, were meant to be taken literally. “But those inspired by fear, needing man-inspired walls and retainers to stay safe, stripped them of their true meaning. When I stood upon the Mount, I gave you an example that you, too, should encounter the patriarch's and saints of old, to be strengthened in your journey on this Earth so fraught with deadly traps of quicksand and so devoid of encouragement. And so, for My purposes, I permit heavenly beings to visit Earth to strengthen you."
Anna Maria wants to think about it.
"Another one, those ... legs."
How the hand? Thanks for the free will. Anna Maria crosses her legs.
"Sky. Preparation. Engaged."
Anna Maria sees God with a white hood on her head and a white robe with a book in her hand - the Master with the Third Testament and a sun shining through clouds
"Many would be glad to be in your position. Bell jar."
I'm just one of ....... Infinitely many .... Nice to line up.
"Now she's building a wall around her so she will not get hurt anymore."
Little weakness. I'm sorry. I will continue. Otherwise, time will be turned back to the Bush administration - and then, all over again. I'm the silk thread ... if he breaks ...
you have to prevent that.
The visible nature, that is the body, the body of the Creator, the Father ....
"... and he's good to be with me. Since when do you know that the son in the father ...? "
It's in the third will, there I read it. The three are in one ... Trinity ... I too am a Trinity ... body, soul, spirit = triune one.
"Do not forget to thank ..."
The eternal Lord, he has done you much good.
Remember, in Jesus he will forgive you,
you can guide him the way you are.
He is merciful, patient and gracious,
much more than a dad can.
He threw our sins into the extreme sea,
come worship the Eternal.
Anna Maria sees a group of people linked as if in a net, they scattered, throwing up their arms
"Now they are awake."
It's so good to be alone with you, to be filled, to feel your light of mercy, your warmth from what you pour into me. It totally refreshes. Thank you, beloved God Father.
"That acts. Witnesses. I need witnesses. Instead of denying, wanting to round off in their own interests ... "
... and not having the welfare of your whole creation in mind ... understood. My father, give me a drink.
Thank you.
"You have to develop. You have to let the world go. "
I give you everything, JaHuWah, I give everything to you.
17. 04. 2018
The Third Testament - Chapter 61/1 - Admonitions and Warnings
24. Keep the mind moving forward so that you never stop perfecting yourself. 25. Live for the Father by loving His children, who are your brothers and sisters, and you will attain immortality. If you succumb to selfishness and encapsulate in your self-love, the seed you leave behind will hardly survive your memory.
26. Be gentle and humble from the heart and you will always be full of my grace.
Jesus says ... This is My current Rhema for you Message of February 15, 2017 I have given you time & resources ... Do not waste them  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA43BPso95k&list=PL73-eEs6JmCtSlFexjMujw0sYaztbgO5I
The Lord says ... This is My current Rhema for you Message of May 1, 2012 – Prized Possessions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mVYNT_NVw0&list=PLlE_EbCIMQYyWYRW7ZfGTsq3OkuLbbODpEbCIMQYyWYRW7ZfGTsq3OkuLbDp  
Anna Maria wonders:
What happened? Why am I disqualified from the Rapture? I ask for a conversation.
"Noise. Harsh. Trips."
Mainau with her husband, discussions with garden neighbors - Anna Maria feels like a rubbish bin of mental garbage and when she turns away they talk to other neighbors about her. For a while, nothing like that had happened, only after she made the above mistakes were these demonic attacks allowed - because she was well on the way to becoming lukewarm.
"Come here. I love you."
Come, Lord Jesus - I love you too.
Jesus, do I have another chance to be taken?
"Waiting. Patience."
Yes. Forgive. Let us talk about it when I'm alone.
Parking ... Anna Maria is repeatedly harassed by a car park neighbor and has to justify the landlord. She asks Jesus - can you take care of that?
"You do that."
"Earthquake swarms. Idaho.
"So you are now ready to receive me at least."
And when is it going?
"The Black Suit Gentlemen, they are gathered, now."
"A young man."
What do you think?
"Stay." "Me."
Anna Maria smiles. Lieb. Saw you. Back then. On the bench. Very young. Eternally young. But that's nice that you say that. Nervous. I am nervous. Sudeck is nervous. Tell Maus to me so I will not be so vain.
Kind. Yahushua. Yahuwah. Tender.
Sudeck. Nervous disorder in the brain. This will never with the hand break point. As with epilepsy.
Association. Reaction. Pain. The hand opens like a steamed noodle (swelling). Central Nervous Disorder has the neurologist said today to Anna Maria.
"Having lunch. Alone. At home ... go out of his way. Revel. Seduce you."
"These people"
Yes, we humans are strange beings.
"To die."
YOU ARE THE LAST GENERATION & YOU HAVE CHOSEN DEATH ️ TRUMPET CALL OF GOD  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swu3dzC55qk
Why Russia did not respond – US und Syria news https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_aMiE6fq5Q&t=338s
A cinema film published before the "attack" in Syria had to serve to deliver images that were not real. According to Benjamin Fulford, Donald Trump was forced to fake the attack on Syria. He was blackmailed by the cabal, as the Russian Maffia had helped him in the bankruptcy of his casinos. There was an agreement between the West and Russia that only warehouses or similar. were used as targets that are empty or that had been cleared before. It was a Fals flag action. The whole thing could lead to a revolution against Prime Minister Makron in France. 33 missiles were fired by the Western powers on Syria.
Benjamin Fulford – 16.4.2018 – Deutsch https://youtu.be/fFTAKWdWPaw
FOLLOW YOUR HEART & BREAK FREE FROM THE INFLUENCE OF YOUR PARENTS & REL ... ️ Love Letter of Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8eFAhjZ36M
THESE ARE THE REASONS, WHY YOU CAN NOT HEAR ME ️ Love Letter from Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjFyYqmPrBo
Jesus: "You who have followed me, I want to refresh you"
 Visions: Anna Maria sees fireballs detonating in the air, two in a row.
She sees the masses of water running down a wall and enclosing everything.
Vision a few days ago:
The Light Circles and Trump disappear in it remind them of the mock attack in Syria.
Lord, we ask you to come and bless us. Lay your peace on us. Blessing hold hands over us. Touch us with your power. In the night of the world you have asked us to proclaim your love In sadness in the midst of suffering let us be your messengers ....
Jesus says ... This is My current Rhema for you Message from 4th & 7th February 2018 DO NOT PRESUME TO KNOW EVERYTHING & YOUR SUFFERINGS ARE NOT IN VAIN ️ Love Letter from Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO57HIYPabY
I BLESS YOU WITH MY PERCEPTIBLE PRESENCE ️ Love Letter from Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWC5cndiNa0
From , PRISCILLA 'from 02/25/2018
Today Anna Maria has three visions:
She sees an archer at the edge of the forest among trees, who has an arrow on his bow and - shoots, to a distant, big city, during the day. The sun is shining, it is bright. The city has a golden cupola. After the archer has shot down his arrow, he quickly runs into the forest so as not to be seen.
Anna Maria sees the globe, all around it is blue, everywhere, with white floes, scattered on the water, many - global, a single sea.
Anna Maria sees 4 horses walking next to each other galloping through the air - white and black.
(the four apocalyptic riders - they stand for heavy hearts – Jesus told her)
THE TURN-KEY-EVENT... THE DESTRUCTION OF THE DOME OF THE ROCK IN JERUSALEM ️ Love Letter from Jesus  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jikB4ZZiuK8
"Envy. Get out of the fire. Let me be. Wedding. Liesel. Recommended."
"Problem. Wrong. You die. G. Come. Elbow. Wedding with me. Soon."
Come over.
"Known. From the garden. Parallel."
I know that. S. That was remarkable before you came. In summer. Suddenly I was alone in the garden. The dispute. Because of S. She says I'm a gray mouse.
"There must be something to it.
"Do not you wonder why I adore you so much?"
Yes. Say. Why. I'm no different from everyone else. Why. Say.
Only because of that? How is Priscilla?
Rhema: Psalm 126: 5-6 Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. The one who carries on and weeps and sows seeds, will indeed cheer, carrying his bundles.
"E. also. The mother."
Jesus - will this place be swallowed up by the water? You said, past or future, you're safe.
"In front of me is a pillar of fire ..."
"Mother. Wedding. You are not forgotten. I come…. See the .... Still full ... .. the volcanic river flowing .... Hibernation .... The calm before the storm. Finally. Black and white. All in the same way. In the description there is nothing missing, is carried out in full. "
In Anna Maria a heat wave rises, which shoots her in the head.
What is left of Germany?
"Northern lights. Gas. Winter. Ice cream. The earth."
Will it be completely gone?
"You also. Wedding. Marry. Child. Mater. Even in the mud. Dr. K., an honest doctor. Everyone else would have lied to you. They also. His wife. She is also sincere. Stay there."
How long should I stay on earth?
"Take what I give you. Are with me a hallelujah, sing with me a thank you. Come over."
Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.
... because in thanksgiving, there is blessing, and in thankfulness I pay him. Yes.
"Northern Hemisphere completely covered in ice."
Anna Maria sees Anna in the Physio Center as forces aim at her genitals and pull on them so that they contract and harden in her.
Anna Maria has massaged her lower thighs. The tension is gone to the right neck, which usually hurts because he is totally tense.
Feeling guilty, the left leg, the right neck - crosswise.
The thigh is now warm and well supplied with blood, otherwise always cold and hardened.
The northern hemisphere will be covered with ice?
"In May. Desert. "
An ice desert.
"The application. Tomorrow is no more. "
Monday, 23.4. If there is one more, the last one, it will not be possible to use it again until September. That is not more then.
"No. This is the miracle. That I live and tell you the truth. "
We praise your death.
We believe that you live.
We hope you come in glory.
Come, O Lord, stay with us, come, Lord, life of the world.
We praise your death.
We believe that you live.
We hope you come in glory.
Come, O Lord, stay with us, come, Lord, life of the world.
Translated from the original Aramaic text The Gospel of Perfect Life Chapter 54 - The Test of the Blind Born So they led him to the Pharisees, who used to be blind. But it was Sabbath that Jesus made the dough and opened his eyes. Then the Pharisees again asked him how he would have seen. But he said to them, "He put a dough on my eyes, and I washed and am now seeing." Then some of the Pharisees said, "This man is not of God, because he does not keep the Sabbath." But others said, "How can a sinful man do such miracles?" And there was a discord among them. They spoke again to the blind man: "What do you say of him, that he has opened your eyes?" But he said, "He is a prophet." But the Jews did not believe him, that he had become blind and seeing, until they called the parents of the one who had become sighted. And they asked them, saying, "Is this your son, of whom you say he was born blind? Then how is he seeing? "His parents answered them and said," We know that this is our son and that he is born blind; but as he is now seeing we do not know; and who opened his eyes we do not know. He is of age, asks him, let him speak for himself. "His parents said that, because they were afraid of the Jews; for the Jews had already agreed that if anyone confessed him as Christ, he would be expelled from the synagogue. That is why his parents said, "He is of age, asks Himself." Then they cried again to the man who had been blind and said to him, "Give glory to God: We know that this man is a sinner." answered and said, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I do not know; One thing I know well, that I was blind and now seeing. "Then they spoke to him again:" What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes? "He answered: “I already told you and you did not hear it. What do you want to hear again? Will you also become his disciples? "Then they reviled him and said," You are his disciple; but we are Moses disciples. We know that God spoke to Moses. But we do not know about the tubs. "(Note: This seems to separate Jews and Christians from each other.) He answered and said to them:" This is a strange thing, that you do not know, from which he was and he is mine Eyes opened. But we know that God does not hear the sinners. But if someone is God-fearing and does his will, he hears it. From the world it is not heard that someone opened the eyes of a born blind man. If this man were not of God, he could not do anything. "They answered and said to him," You are born entirely in sins and teach us? "And they pushed him out. It came to Jesus that they had cast him out; and when he found him, he said to him, "Do you believe in the Son of God?" He answered and said, "Lord, what is it? To believe in him. "Jesus said to him," You have seen him, and he who speaks to you, that is he. "And he said," Lord, I believe. "And he worshiped him. And Jesus said, "I have come to judgment upon this elth, that those who see not there may see, and that they may see blind." And several Pharisees who were with him heard these words and said to him, Are we blind, too? "And Jesus, having come to a place where seven palm-trees grew, gathered his disciples around and gave each one a number and a name known only to those who received them. And he said to them: "Stand like pillars in the house of God and execute the orders according to the numbers you have received." And they stood around him and they formed a square and counted the numbers; but they could not. And they said, "Lord, we can not." And Jesus said, "Let him who is the greatest of you be equal to the least and the sign of the first like the sign of the last." And so they did, and there was equality in every way, and yet each bore a different number, and one side was like the other, and the upper was like the lower, and the inner was like the outer one. And so is the house of the wise builder. It is square and perfect. The rooms are many, but it is only a house. "Again consider the body of man, which is a temple of the Spirit. Because the body is one with the head and it is a body. And he has many limbs, but all together are one body and the mind rules and governs everything. So it's in the Kingdom of God. And the head does not speak to the bosom, I do not need you nor the right hand to the left I do not need you nor the left foot to the right foot I do not need you; neither do our eyes speak to our ears we do not need you nor our mouths to the nose I do not need you Because God has put every link where it works best. If the head was the whole, where would the chest be? If the guts were the most important, where would the feet be? Yes, these members, some of whom consider themselves less worthy of honor, have given God the most honor.
And those parts, which some consider offensive, have been given so much more good that they cared for each other; so all the members suffer, if only one of them suffers, and if one of the members is honored, then all the other members enjoy it. Now you are my body; and each of you is a special member of mine, and I give each of you its proper place, one head over all and one heart as the center of all, so that nowhere is there a gap, so that as well as your bodies, your souls and yours Spirit also praises the All-Father-Mother through the Holy Spirit who works in all and through all. "
Source: Das Evangelium des vollkommenen Lebens ISBN 3-7197-384-3 Humata Verlag Harold S. Blume, 1988 + 1993; Bad Homburg, Baseler Str. 2
SEE!!! What's going on, why does not anyone talk about it !!! (2018-2019 Please subscribe to the channel: https://goo.gl/1GJqJ3
Large land masses break away from the African continent
The Test: Will I Trust in God Alone? Faith is not easy, dear ones. The Lord is continually stretching our faith, until He has us where He wants us: total reliance and obedience to Him. Just when we reach the crest of the mountain and peek over the rise, finally getting a view of what is ahead—fully expecting to be above it all and a valley down before—it just doesn’t work that way. Rather, as we finally conquer that crest, we get to see an even bigger mountain looming before us. Jesus began, “I cannot even begin to tell you the horrors you would have encountered if you had gone ahead with your plan. Men know so very little about the human body, let alone the spiritual realities that affect it. You would have given up the perfection you receive in My care for him, in exchange for batteries of painful tests you could never afford—and you know how I feel about being ‘on the system.’ If I cannot take care of My own, what kind of omnipotent God am I?    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04rd1p3Dgcg&t=70s
Anna Maria remembers her vision .... Water trickles down a building wall, closing everything inside (here in New York today) and Jesus was worried about New York ...... when she asked him when come with the water, he said
"Now" and "New York"
As seen in this video today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHBsmnQrV0s
This hour is supercritical .. is with me in the divide - love letter from Jesus Excerpt from the message! Jesus says ... This hour is super critical, is in the gap with Me - April 6, 2018 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare Jesus began ... Jesus began... "You know I am with you. You know you can never out-give Me. You know I love you and Ezekiel. Is this too much to ask of you, Clare? I know it seems that way sometimes, but you're doing your part. And it is so important to Me. And thus far, have I not given you the strength you need from day to day?" "Don't worry about music. I promise you that your time will come. You have tended to Me in My infirmities. My Body. (And there He means by husband, Ezekiel.) Lying there in your bed. Broken. Wounded. Weak and stripped. You've been faithful about what was most important. I will be faithful to sustain you and your whole crew. You have nothing to fear or worry about, Clare. All is covered for you." "And I speak to your hearts, Dear ones. All of you have a part to play in this. Your prayers ascending with hers and Ezekiel's and Carol's and Mine. And all the prayer team. Your prayers added together are an important part of what I am doing. And while you don't see or understand it right now, what you suffer for My sake is vastly more powerful than anything you could do through the ministry that I've given you or chosen for you to do. Music. Painting. Writing. All forms of expression do not hold a candle to intercession, backed by suffering. This is tremendous personal loss! And you're giving it with great love." "Know, also, that the Cloud of Witnesses IS with you, cheering you on. Watching your struggles. Crying out on your behalf. And We (The Holy Trinity) hear their prayers." "Though they cannot suffer in Heaven as they could have on Earth, their hearts are also torn, seeing the dramas unfold every day. And no tear or cry of theirs goes unnoticed by My Father and I. And as I have taught you before: one authentic sigh of your heart and the incense of prayer goes up to the Throne, where My Father responds by sending Grace." "Holy Spirit permeates all of Creation. Each soul that cries out comes before My Father in Heaven, even as I, too, cry out! You are not alone in your sufferings and battles. For when one member of the Body suffers, all suffer." "I have put the Body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it. So, there should be no division in the Body, but that it's parts should have equal concern for one another. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." "And again, ‘When the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the Word of God. And for the testimony they had upheld. And they cried out in a loud voice, 'How long, O Lord Holy and True, until You judge those who live on the Earth and avenge our blood?' That's Revelation 6:10 "That was a personal prayer they cried out for Me to avenge their blood." (Clare) And at that point, I had a question. I said, 'But Lord. Aren't those who have shed their earthly tent no longer part of the Body?' Then He quoted 1 Corinthians 12:27... Now, you are the body of Christ and each of you is a member of it. - "So, where is that written, Clare? That you cease to be part of the Body of Christ when you're in Heaven?" (Clare) I don't know, Lord. It's just a tradition accepted... “In error. It's in error. Are not all My apostles busy about My work in Heaven? Have they ever ceased to be a part of the Body? Are they not still functioning as apostles? Is it not written in that same place 'Now you are the Body of Christ and each of you is a part of it… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIvXRq7E5_A
President Putin (RU) has threatened Donald Trump with war because of sanctions and urged the Russian students of England to return home immediately ... ..
One thousand bisons have been killed in Yellowstone National Park, fearing the life-death situation when the volcano erupts.
Anna Maria sees the sun as a vision - as floodlight - so bright
"The truth ... beings with high intelligence, like you."
"Two together - against a house." ??
The Gospel of Perfect Life Chapter 67 - Entry into Jerusalem
1. And on the first day of the week, when they came near to Jerusalem, Bethphage and Bethany, to the Mount of Olives, he sent out two of his disciples, and said unto them, Go into the spot which is before you; and when you have entered, you will soon find a donkey, tethered, on which no man has yet sat; Unleash him and lead him to me. 2. And when someone says to you, why are you doing this? So say that the Lord needs His. And immediately he will let you have him. "3. And they went their way, and found the donkey tethered in a place where two ways crossed, and they untied him. And some who stood said to them, "What are you doing to untie the filling?" And they spoke to them as Jesus commanded them, and they let them do it. 4. And they brought the donkey to Jesus and laid their garments on the beast, and Jesus sat on it. But many laid their clothes on the road, and some broke young branches off the trees and scattered them on the way. (Here an inspiration: "wedding") 5. And the fore and those who followed, shouting and saying, "Hosanna, blessed are you who come in the name of Jove: Blessed be the kingdom of our father David and blessed be you who come in the name of the Supreme! Hosanna in height! "  6. And Jesus went to Jerusalem and to the temple, and having seen all things, said this parable unto them, saying, "7. When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. And before him shall all nations be gathered, and he will separate them from each other, just as a shepherd separates his goats from the sheep. And he will put the sheep to his right, and the goats to his left. 8. Then shall the king say to those on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom that prepares you from the beginning of the world. Because I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty and you made me drink. I was a stranger and you hosted me. I was naked, and you clothed me. I have been ill and you have visited me. I was trapped, and you came to me. 9. Then the righteous will answer him and say, Lord, when did we see you hungry and fed you? Or thirsty and have you drunk? When did we see and harbored you as a stranger? Or naked and clothed you? When did we see you ill or trapped and came to you? 10. And the king will answer and say unto them, Behold, I show myself to you in all forms of creation, and verily, I say to you, what you have done to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done to me.  11. Then he will also say to those on the left: Go from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire that you have prepared, until you have been purified seven times and freed from your sins. 12. Because I was hungry, and you did not feed me. I was thirsty and you did not drink me. I was a stranger and you did not house me. I have been naked, and you have not clothed me. I was sick and trapped, and you did not visit me. 13. Then they too will answer him, saying, Lord, when have we seen you hungry, or thirsty, or strangers, naked or sick, and have not served you? 14. Then he will answer them and say: Behold, I show myself in all forms of the
Creation, and truly, I say to you, what you have not done to one of the least of these my brothers, you have not done to me either. 15. And the cruel and unkind will go into eternal torment, and if they do not repent, they will be completely destroyed. But the righteous and the merciful will enter eternal life and eternal peace. "
Source: Humata Verlag Bad Homburg, Baseler Strasse 2 ISBN 3-7197-0384-3 Siebente Auflage, Neuausgabe Verlagscode 9-406-75-3 1988 + 1993 Humata Verlag Harold S. Blume
 Translated from the Aramaic Urtext into English and edited by G.J.R. Ouseley
German translation by W. Zimmermann (repository in the monasteries of Tibet over the centuries and there inaccessible to our time)
Video by Clare - Jesus took me dancing and my shame for wasting time
He took both my hands in His and held them over His heart. He was so poignantly aware of my deep feelings of failure and meaninglessness. I could feel that everything He wanted to do was comfort and restoration. We were somewhere in the deep space sky on a dance floor, hung by four angels. There were comets, lights and fireworks and it was so romantic. But mostly his attention was focused on me. His chin rested tenderly on my head. I felt His love and deep concern so intensely and all I could do was cry tears of gratitude. Jesus began, "Oh, how did I want to talk to you, Clare, all that pain and worry in vain, just in vain, I know what you're feeling and going through, I understand everything, and we're coming out now, you have your priorities in yours Heart set, you see that your flesh takes too much out of your life, how I want to free you from this pit, will you
work with me? "
Anna Maria feels again a sword piercing her heart. A stone's throw that hits her heart. And she thinks: This is what you only do with someone you really love, with all your heart. It's not like that with her. She feels traded more like a business. Jesus is always matter-of-fact, cool, distant, with no touch, distance, and only gives her what to say to his children - what will become of them.
Now she was crying.
In ReWe she has u.a. Bananas bought for Sunday. The cashier took a banana from the stick of bananas and set it aside. He said to her, 'This is in vain.' He did not charge it.
from Anna Maria's EBook, HOSTA '- p. 93/94 - on 5/29/2017 - quote:
Whether the Clare, with her visionary gifts, was really the woman at the well, Maria Magdalena?
Jesus: "Oh, yes."
Aha. Then I know that too.
The Lord has brought down her savings - after her accident and the break of the arm / the hand. The pension insurance now demands 12,000 euros additional payment because of their independence.
Anna Maria also complains that she is not allowed to do anything with her husband as she used to, they needed it and her husband is dissatisfied.
Jesus tries to encourage Anna Maria to give him her life, but deep doubts gnaw at her. She says: I do not do that anymore. I can not anymore. The video, the whole earthly development to total annihilation, the loneliness, her dissatisfied husband and the tenderness that Clare gets - it breaks her heart.
Jesus says, "I needed it that way. America's condition. She needed the comfort, too. "
These videos, which are then leaked to Anna Maria, do not do her any good. They break them inwardly. And she is crying. They plunge her into deep doubt. She feels ridiculous. And it just hurts her a lot. Her husband supported her, comforting her when she cried. He also does not get what he longs for. She is not even allowed to make any more trips with him, which he loves so much. They used to do a lot together. You also needed it to balance the nursing activity.
Jesus says, "Problem. Anointing. "(Problem your anointing)
Because she said she does not do that anymore, Jesus said:
"This will have consequences. No more money. Not a penny more. Not one. The career is over. There will be no more care. There will be no more money. The Russians. Then there is no more pension insurance. Bill. Then you do not have to pay them.
Yes. I accept your judgment, sir.
"Admit that you can not be without me."
"Got married. Engaged."
"Priscilla. It was a girl. "
And what has become of her? Why was she a girl? Is not it anymore? Where is she?
She is spirit. You can not see her? You have not told me anything since last year of her.
"I like you."
Anna Maria feels her heart. A sting. A wound. From the stone. He gnaws at her heart. She thinks: you love Clare. Long for her. More like me. She is much closer to you. You can not wait to have her with you. Unlike me. "You stay down," you said to me. You do not long for me. Do you know that by now I am very lonely. Because I always did everything you wanted and never said no. You were so sure of me, you
It did not even occur to me that my heart, that I long for tenderness - and my husband too. I have always come before you in all your wishes, so that you do not have to make an effort. That's why I did not receive any tenderness from you. And you did not like it when my husband was tender to me, even though he got nothing. He cried in his heart and stayed with me.
What about Priscilla? What happened to her?
"She is your heart. Dizzy. Marry. She loves me, but she can not show it. "
How right you are.
Is she my new soul, the azure cloud that entered into me in your presence at Easter?
Oh, how horrible it would be to be separate from you. I can not show it. The husband. And Clare. And Hosta? Who was Hosta? Where is he?
Yes. Gladly. If I may.
"The heart!" You said. "If you are no longer there, then the heart is missing."
Anna Maria asks for a scripture from the Gospel of Perfect Life
and happens to strike:
From the Gospel of Perfect Life - Chapter 58 - Divine Love for the Penitent
From the parable of the prodigal son:
12. Now the elder son was in the field, and when he came back and approached the house, he heard music and dance. And he asked one of the servants what that meant? And he said to him, "Your brother, who was lost, has returned, and your father and mother have brought him bread and oil, and wine, and the most beautiful fruits, for they have kept him alive and well."
13. And he was angry and did not want to go into the house. And his father came out and invited him. And he said to his father, See, for many years I have served you and have never broken your commandments, but you have never given me such a feast that I am happy with my friend.
14. But as soon as your son, who has wasted his inheritance with whores, has returned, you prepare for him a feast of the best that you have.
15. And his father said to him, My son, you are always with me, and all that I possess is yours. We are now happy and happy because your brother died and lives again, he was lost and has been rediscovered.
That this is so with Clare is good for Anna Maria finding what she has to find.
It is Priscilla who enters, who was given to Anna Maria, a girl instead of her ancient, mortal nature. So magnanimous is your work, you loving God.
Praise and thanks be congratulated - from "Glory to God" from the Bach Christmas Oratorio
Bach Chor - Glory to God
Oh Jesus, make me ready in the right place at the right time to meet you when you come in glory.
"You shit."
Yes. In the vision of my rapture, I hid myself behind the others and did not dare to make myself known to you so as not to attract attention so that no one is jealous. I'm sorry about it.
I am always shy and quieter because I never understand myself or be understood by others.
"What are we doing there?"
I would like to be unobserved to be alone with you, so I can open myself again.
The forces are tugging at my leg, left, especially at night, that it hurts terribly.
Invite? Invite you? Do I make Jesus.
"I like you."
Me too, Jesus. Yahuwah. What is your name in heaven? What is your name in heaven? Father, I should call you, you said. Father.
I invite you cordially. Wake me up in the night. And if you feel like it, give me a peck, too. If I may say so.
Anna Maria remembers, 'This new one. Whenever I'm grad .. mixes up again. I have two more. '
You never kissed - me. As I said. I have become lonely. There will be some place in heaven for me, where I will be happy again. Did you also prepare an apartment for me there?
"I will lead you back. Stay where you are. "
Yes. Father.
"I connect the aching wounds."
Thank you. Father.
Anna Maria sees a picture in the mind's eye:
She sees herself as a queen. With crown and scepter. Sitting on the throne. Looking down graciously. With a wide flared white dress decorated with flowers.
The whopper - huge, observed since March, every day, in Alaska from a weather station - each time deeper and closer to the earth - in about 1,200 miles in orbit around the earth.
I am HE - I am the healer
Everyone who comes to me is healed
Everyone who lives in me will always be, forever - says Jesus.
Jesus says, "Then you tried to help me." (He means Good Friday).
"Disappointment in the love of the father."
"Welcome to Joshua's world."
(Anna Maria asked him for his heavenly name the other day.)
Thank you very much, for the recording, Joshua.
"The gas cloud."
What do you mean by that?
Jesus distracts. That's not her business. And instead say, "Marry."
"Do you really think I forgot you. How could I ever forget you? "
Forgive me, please. Joshua. I did not think that you forgot me, but only surprised me that you were so silent - wounded - because of me! Excuse me.
Anna Maria would like to know how it relates to the gas cloud.
Then she sees the gas cloud enter her and she will die from it.
If the gas cloud will take the earth, will the earth become a gas planet? There are already gas planets (Neptune, Jupiter). When the earth ascends to the fifth dimension, does it become a gas planet?
Anna Maria searches for the gas cloud in YouTube and finds a video from the Max Planck Institute about a gas cloud that glows ultra red and is torn and eaten away by a black hole in the Milky Way.
Could the second sun, which we can all now see, and which is very bright, not be that black hole that begins to shine brightly when it gets food, that black hole that consumes this huge gas cloud.
We do not always see such a black dot in the pictures, surrounded by a red yard. Or a yellow dot surrounded by a red yard. We also do not see plasma ships around the sun, red balloons, as I called them. And you can not see in the photos even such a long beam through this bright sun. Maybe that has something to do with Nibiru.
Das Video: (short form) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5oTj4oWlZw   
 Are that red plasma ships? Gas clouds? A feeding, therefore brightly shining black hole? Could the new earth emerge from this?
Jesus. Enlighten me. You're welcome. Was I myself Maria Magdalena? 2 children. She was supposed to have been married to Jesus.
Mary Magdalene followed Jesus everywhere. Accompaniment.
"It's enough. She is faithful. "
What does all this mean?
Clare. You are forgiven. Me too.
New video: Clare is called by Jesus as a child in Jesus' succession and that she has to learn to overcome much. What is the truth. Joshua. Say. You're welcome.
You were my mother. America has no share in maternity. Would you also marry me? "You said - to me.
Will she be stuck by your side forever? She twisted your head, that's why you were manic - as you told me - right? That could have led to being manic, I mean.
Come, Lord Jesus.
Video from Clare: 'More suffering ...'
Jesus: It's important, Clare, otherwise I would not allow it ...
Please, help me bring clarity to this mess, make the truth a breakthrough, publicly. Please, Joshua.
You can do it. You bring out the truth for everyone. You have forgiven her, but she is unwilling to grow or is prevented from doing so. Now I understand why she hates me.
"injured. You also."
Cried. Joshua.
"Infant. Maria."
Which Maria?
Anna Maria sees a black horse pulling a carriage ...
"You have to decide. Slept deeply. "
Give me the grace to decide.
"Long ago done."
Come, Lord Jesus. I give you my life, my heart, everything. Take it. With me, according to your will. Amen.
'You are my last hope' you said to me.
'With you I want - everything' you said - to me.
So take everything, Lord, please - take. Give me a Rhema.
"Come over."
Yes. I'm there. Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Will you stand when the world falls apart?
From May 11, 2015 to Clare.
Do you mean May 11, 2018?
Mary Magdalene, pure, chaste, bride of Christ, knew even as a child that she married the messenger, a son of him, Joseph, continues her earthly line, persecuted by the church, denounced as a whore, often died for Christ and by him saved, burning, madly burning love for him alone, anointed by Mary, the mother of Jesus, she lived with Christ as companion of divine sexuality, spiritually one, because they could not unite on earth. His eternal bride. Teacher of thousands. Wears calyx and myrhyr.
"Enthusiast. I know who I choose. "
He is happy about this realization with me.
"You have to decide."
I want to be the only woman of the man who takes me to wife. This (Anna Maria's husband) is my husband. I was happy with him.
Anna Maria is filled with peace.
There they were separated in the tunnel and found themselves afterwards.
"Stay where you are."
"Stay. If you've read all that, you know who you are. "
It's about the Gospel of Perfect Life. '
6th chapter
Jesus was married to Miriam at the age of 18, from the tribe of Judah. They were married for 7 years. Then she died so that Jesus could devote himself to his task. Heavenly Father has taken her.
Mary Magdalene was the spiritual bride of Jesus - as a symbol of redeemed Christendom.
In Egypt, Jesus experienced the wisdom of the Egyptians.
The bride appears only in the Age of Aquarius - now.
Anna Maria wants to know?
Jesus, what's the biggest assignment you've ever given to a person?
"Savior - through true love."
From Hosta page 59 - quote:
Jesus: "You barricaded yourself because you thought the assignment was too big for you."
Jesus: "Govern. You own the office. You are chosen for it. "
Anna Maria imagines kissing him, clasping her cheek to his.
Thank you, Father, for everything you give me.
Reward? - The good in the divine barn?
Yggdrasil - World Tree - here to sting Satan's eyes and born of God.
Hosta, that is herself, to manifest the divine on earth, to represent it, his soul (the word, the love trail) and Priscilla (the heart, his mind). She takes what he gives her, for his children, all peoples, to build his kingdom of peace.
Hosta - quote:
04/02/2017 at 01:30 am
Jesus says to Anna Maria:
"Peace for all time.
I give you all peoples.
You have freed her.
The seed is spread.
The cow is slaughtered
Satan will not exist anymore
Your character has outscored his eyes
You were obedient to me
And you passed all my exams. "
Rhema: Psalm 102: 17
He turns to the prayer of the Forsaken and does not disdain their prayer.
04/27/2018 at 3:54 am
Anna Maria sees a halo (a glowing ring around the sun)
She asks: what's wrong with that?
"Chemical Wappon (the gas cloud?) Earth is well on its way to being swallowed.
What about Israel?
"Belongs to me."
"Photo. In the bathroom. Now. And - if I say so. "
Anna Maria takes a picture of the sun.
Anna Maria wants to have her car washed.
No, not because of the image, but so it does not rust and there are no scratches from the bird shit and what comes down from the trees. Is only borrowed. Must pay everything else. Even in summer, bird droppings can rust. I had that before. Please, do not count as sin. I do not care about the image.
28. 04. 2018
Jesus - do you really come to us on earth in the form of a visible crop?
It is true. You answered all of my questions about "end times" by giving me videos that tell you in detail.
Endzeit: Die biblischen Namen der Nationen Teile 1 – 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXUt3RP7ZWc&t=77s  
Endzeit: Was man über die Entrückung, die Trübsal und die Wiederkunft Jesu wissen sollte https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgry1ANqWR4&t=42s  
Endzeit: Die Entrückung der Gemeinde
Endzeit: Was für eine Aufgabe haben die 144.000 Versiegelten Jesu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBhaWCAIUt8&t=81s  
Endzeit: Wer sind die 24 Ältesten, die bekleidet sind mit weißen Kleidern https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyVRdQIGdaA   
Endzeit: Reihenfolge der Ereignisse
Joshua - one more question remains! Am I one of the twenty-four elders who have ruled the earth from Jerusalem for a thousand years serving you?
One who belongs to the faithful, the 144,000 of the remainder of the congregation and in the tribulation is under your protection and seal and will win?
With your grace and help?
"You're my woman. Other function. I'm in love with you."
Joshua. You make me happy. That you say that makes me indescribable. And I'm in love with you just like you. No, I love you infinitely, as you said. "
Yes. Gladly. Very much. Oh lover. What prospects. It will be a celebration to live with you.
"The Holocaust, the Jews, that was me," Jesus told Anna Maria earlier, "because they did not obey me." Yes. The Germans too. All who opposed God had to die. It was a court, tribunal, as in these End Times Mystery videos. Anna Maria's father had to go to Stalingrad at the age of 16. He survived and was taken to the forced labor camp in Siberia, where he had to work in the forest. Until 1948. Then they were allowed to go home. On foot. 60 km per day. There was hardly any food. Anyone who broke down was shot dead. Her father came home in 1948 and married her mother in 1951. Jesus saved both. They were meant for that. That's what Jesus told you.
The real tribulation, maybe it will start this year, in May or October. The dead. You have not been raised yet.
Jesus does not know how to explain it to Anna Maria.
"Take a Futhark. Patience. Poison (gift) "
Past: 19 - Ehwaz Twin Soul - God the Father Mother as Unity or Jesus - Mary
Present: 8 - Wunjo Only if we follow God's laws of nature can we experience happiness
Future: 2 - Ur Primal Power in a Primal Being
Yes. Two.
"There are more. She does not know that. "
30 you said, let's see who does the race. Then we'll have 30.
What you say is the way you say.
Anna Maria sees
Black clouds over a big city - a detonator (explosion) behind walls
"The full extent. Will not be abbreviated. 10 days.
"I'm sorry"
I am sorry. I'm so sorry. You are holy. You are holy, you alone. Only good example. In particular. Universal.
"Weapons. German."
Anna Maria prays the consecration of Germany to the divine Heart of Jesus.
"Come on. I want to be merciful again. Get up again. Do not break him. Serve. "
Lord, I have sinned against you and my brother, your child. It regrets me. And I'm sorry. I want to serve him faithfully. Lord, your will shall be done on me. I am sorry that I opened the door to Satan through my licking and allowed the demons access and was brought down by them in my thinking and acting. I'm sorry that I quarreled with my husband.
"Zacharias did not believe either. He was kept blind. "
Until John was born. Ah.
"You believed. And that was my will. "
"To shine."
"I rarely see you so clearly."
A shadow birth. In the winter. Above.
Anna Maria sees her head relax in the bathroom.
"Stay." (Insistently)
Anna Maria tries to describe to her husband the course of the end times.
Anna Maria describes question 1 for Facebook participants who want to join the group.
"Nice. I love you."
I love you. I love you too.
The Parable of the Fig Tree (The Lordship of Christ - God's Judgment on the Peoples)
Math. 24: 3 What will be the sign of your coming? And from the end of this age?
Math. 24: 32-33 32 Now learn this parable of the fig tree: if its branch has become tender and produces leaves, then you know that summer is near. 33 When you see all these things,
so also know that it is near (HE) - at the doors! 34 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass until all this happens. Heaven and earth will pass, but my words will not pass away.
(Summer: symbol of the harvest (when the reaper gathers the harvest, brings the wheat into the barn (the righteous are raptured) and carries the chaff in bundles into the purifying fire (the wicked perish in natural disasters, wars, etc.) be carried away to the place of cleaning)
The fig tree parable tells us the time of Jesus' second coming. What's up with the fig tree? The following parable of Jesus:
Luk: 13: 7 I have now come for three years to see if the fig tree bears fruit (works of mercy, love of the Father - God) and I have found none. That's why it's killing him. The fig tree refers to Israel, (heavenly name for the People of God) where Jesus searched for fruit and did not find any for three years. Through the parable of the fig tree he lets us know the destruction of Israel and its independence and the time of its second coming.
If you see Jerusalem besieged by armies, you will know that its destruction is near.
(Luke 21:20) According to the prophecy, "To cut the fig tree" means that Israel was destroyed in 70 AD and the people were taken captive to all nations. (Because she did not obey God, did not believe Jesus)
(Lk 21:24) Since then, Israel has been wandering the world for 1,900 years. And according to the prophecy, the fig tree would be revived and Israel regained its independence.
On May 14, 1948, Prime Minister Ben Gurion declared Israel's independence by law. The independence of Israel was a torch that heralded the return of Christ to earth.
On May 14, 2018, the millennium - 70 years after the founding of the state of Israel and the time of the second coming of Jesus - is at first spiritual to the harvest (judgment of nations and individuals) or the rapture of the righteous.
"The wheat" (the righteous, the living and the dead with a new body) will ascend with the clouds and meet Jesus in the clouds.
The bundles are thrown into the fire. They come to the place of purification and are cleaned seven times and if they do not regret they will be destroyed forever.
After the Rapture comes the Great Tribulation, which will last 7 years. The third temple is then built, and in the middle of 7 years, after 3 1/2 years, Satan is hurled to the ground - the Antichrist ends the sacred rituals in the temple, squatting in the temple himself and claiming he is God. Because the Antichrist (probably Obama - the Obama foundation) has now become world famous.
A battle ends at the end of the seven-year tribulation of Satan's reign, when Jesus physically returns to earth, first to the final battle in Bozra, Jordan, where he will slay Satan with the breath of his mouth and his followers.
Then Jesus comes to Jerusalem to rule over the nations for a thousand years.
The people now have 1000 years to purify and perfect themselves as Jesus ruled over the nations from Jerusalem. At the end of the 1,000 years, Satan is released once more and, together with all those who have not chosen Jesus, thrown into the lake of fire while the righteous enter into eternal life with Jesus.
The old earth will not exist anymore but there will be a new earth and a new heaven and there will be no more time.
Now learn this from the fig tree. If its branch has already become tender and yields leaves, then you know that the summer (the harvest, the peoples harvest) is near. And when you see all these things, know also that it is near (HE) - at the doors!
Anna Maria thought she must be 120 years old because Jesus told her that she had only traveled half the way. There came a video by Angelika Wintering:
6 steps are necessary to eternal life
And Anna Maria has noticed that she has only taken the first three steps.
Oh, Jesus, please excuse this negligence from me. How thoughtless.
Thank you for pushing me
I promise it. I will obey. I know you want to forgive me and save me from my sins. I want to avoid it in the future too. Are you leading my life?
"Yes. Always come. "
"Now you're doing it right."
"Down" on the knees. "He'll be back soon."
Jesus, please come soon. Come soon. Prepare me to meet you and take me home to you.
That is the central purpose of Jesus, why He came and comes. Salvation.
04/30/2018 at 2:05
"Twothousend escalate. Tenthousand. May. "
Jesus comes down in May with 10 000 horses. They are already restless and start to escalate.
"Once you have made a request and the deity has not recognized ...... then the request can not be implemented."
Anna Maria has to stay here!
"Still waiting. Longer. Are you so worried ... "
Oh Jesus, I have sinned in thoughts, words and works.
I heartily regret my sins. I ask you to forgive me my sins. I promise you to shun them and stop repeating them - with your grace. Amen. And to atone for them through works of mercy and to make amends as well as possible.
Dear Jesus, please, take the lead in my life. I give you everything. I belong to you now. You alone.
"Power, greed, doubt. Did not listen to the call of God in you. I love you. Asked a thousand times, you did not want to hear, I came, but you were not there. 'End', I do not do anything anymore, I can not do that, I never want to ... all in all, you're lost. I have not spoken yet, take me, even there ... I do not want two.
Take me. "
"Thank you."
I thank. I have to thank.
"I have one."
Give yourself to me. Come, my Jesus.
"Knausere. Sex. Do you think I wanted you for that? "
No, because you truly, honestly love me. I thought I had to organize that down here for another 60 years. I wanted to go to you.
"A stitch. Next games. "
This is true.
"I love you."
I love you too.
"Escape. Run. What do you have of it?"
That is also true, what do I have of running away from the closeness to you, to the only good father, to my king of hearts.
Now you have washed me again. It feels pure, a stream of grace. Thank you, my deity. Blessed are you, forever. Amen.
"Come. Well-behaved."
You love Me.
When you asked me, your perfect love and mindfulness applied to me and I was often quite different. When you talk to me, your perfect love and mindfulness apply to me, and I am often somewhere else - in the world of demands. If you talk to me, there is nothing for you except me. Precious. You are so valuable. Unique.
"Greed. Incentives. "
"Langt. You're good."
"Dramatic Events."
Vision: Anna Maria sees a building, many walls, rooms, on a rock, red stones, windows. It stands in bright, blazing flames.
Conscience explores. Shared with Jesus. He said, "It was okay."
Anna Maria passed a strawberry booth. But she was running out, past it ... not licking it again. But Jesus said, "Take it."
The strawberries. I can take her.
Jesus, because you allowed me, I have no more cravings now.

Sequel follows !!

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