Prophetic Word for America

Prophetic Word – R.S.V.P.
Given to Barb @ 278Pikelk on October 10, 2012

Your land is sure to burn (1). The Earth will swallow (2) your cities. The hearts of many will be filled with
unthinkable evil. The oceans will cover (3) your nation. Your currencies will be worthless (4). Fireballs will fall (5) and make your cities desolate. War (6) will erupt around you. The government will collapse (7). Wailing and terror in the streets (8) of Babylon. How fitting for her. Men's hearts failing them from fear (9). Blackness for three days (10). Human flesh dissolving off of bones (11). Many don't listen. Many don't care. These warnings fall on deaf ears. Can they not hear? These things are soon to befall you, very soon. Those who face these things will cry out to Me. I will say, "I never knew you." The terror felt within
will be worst than the events themselves. From riches to rags. Your once great and honorable nation. So many lost. So many doomed. These words are a sweet aroma to some. The feast is prepared and the wedding supper of the Lamb is on the table (12). These servant angels are at attention, ready to serve the feast to My sheep. The succulent aromas of the delicious foods travel to the noses of My elect.
The words of My coming wrath only make them long to devour the food at the feast. They are so
hungry now. Can I keep them waiting much longer? The time of satisfying their hunger draweth nigh. They will drink from the cup of righteousness, from the cup of love and peace, from the cup of son-ship and daughter-ship, from the cup of the Father. While all those left will drink from the cup of the Father's wrath (13). They will not want the cup, but it will be forced upon them. They will long for the grave, but they will be kept from it. They will see, hear, and feel the wrath. This cup will not be
removed from their hands. Some will be purified through this wrath, others will not.

You are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb. You have received your invitation. Now reply to Me, R.S.V.P. Don't miss this or the consequences will be dire. Give your heart over to Me now. Be present at the feast. Do not miss this.

Event Chronology:
1. Kick-off Event – Fire from man-made weapon.
2. Massive earthquakes, earth splitting open
3. Tidal Wave – Tsunamis both coasts
4. Financial collapse
5. Fireball asteroids / meteors
6. War – USA Attacked
7. Government Collapse
8. Riots in the streets
9. Hearts will fail due to “It coming to the earth” – Planet X
10. 3 days of Darkness and invitation to the wedding banquet
11. Nuclear War
12. Wedding Supper of the Lamb for the righteous
13. God’s wrath for those who refused the free gift of Salvation found only in the Blood of Jesus

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