The Three Divine Revelations and the Seven Seals

The Third Testament Chapter 38 - The Three Divine Revelations and the Seven Seals Revelations of Jesus Christ
The Revelations of God and Spiritual Development
Thus says the Lord...

1. In the three eras into which I have divided the evolution of mankind, I have come to mark for you with My light, the same straight and narrow way for the elevation of the spirit, the only path of love, truth and justice. 2. I have guided you from teaching to teaching, from revelation to revelation, until you have reached this period in which I have announced that you are able to communicate with Me from spirit to Spirit. Could mankind have communicated with Me in that manner during the First Era? No; it was necessary that it be aided by a material worship, with rituals and ceremonies, with a traditional feast and with symbols in order to feel closer to the Divine and the Spiritual. From that inability to approach the spiritual, to elevate themselves toward the Divine, to know what is profound and to clarify all Mysteries, the different religions appeared, each one according to the grade of backwardness or spiritual advancement of men: Some were more devoted to the truth than others, some were more spiritualized than others; but all were striving toward the same goal. It is the path which all spirits have traveled throughout the centuries and eras, a path followed by the different religions. Some have advanced very slowly, others are at a standstill and still others have been falsified and contaminated. (12, 92 - 93) 3. Today I have come in Spirit and truly I say to you: There are some who believe that during the first times I was closer to you than I am today: They judge incorrectly, for at each of My comings I have been nearer to you. 4. Remember that in the First Era I descended upon a mount and from there I conveyed My Law engraved upon a rock; during the Second Era, I left the summit of the mount in order to descend into your valleys, becoming man to live among you; and in this period in order to be nearer, I have made My dwelling place within your heart to manifest Myself there and speak to mankind from within. (3, 31) 5. Do you understand that I divided My Divine Revelation into three great eras? 6. It was in the spiritual infancy of mankind that the Father gave to them the Law, and promised a Messiah who would come to open the door to a new era. 7. The Messiah was Christ, who came among men when these were still in their spiritual infancy. He came to teach men a higher manner of complying with the law that they had earlier received from the Father and had not known how to obey. The Word of God spoke through the lips of Jesus, and so I say that the world continued hearing the voice and commandments of its Father by means of the doctrine of love of the perfect Master. 8. Jesus, in his turn, offered to send the Spirit of Truth to men, to help them understand all that of his teachings not understood by them. 9. Well, beloved people, this simple and humble word that you now hear is the voice of the Spirit of Truth, it is the spiritual light of God that pours out over your being so that you may open your eyes to the new era. That light that begins to make you understand all the revelations of your Master clearly, is the light of your Father, the Holy Spirit, which finds humanity in greater heights of spiritual evolution, that is to say, when it is approaching maturity, to understand the revelations of God. 10. In all that this light reveals you are receiving the teaching of the Father, for the Word is in Me, and the Holy Spirit is My own Wisdom. (132, 10 - 15) 11. I did not speak to you thus in the past times. In the First Era, the Law illuminated the human spirit; in the Second Era, Christ illuminated the hearts of men with the light of love. Today the Holy Spirit illuminates your spirit to elevate it above all that is human.

We entered the third revelation time - attributed to Elijah - to the time of the Trinitarian-Marian Holy Spirit or the Spirit Church of Jesus. The Third Testament is intended for the third and eternal time.
We are in the 6th seal. The seventh seal that is still closed is God the Father on earth.

Listen to the whole message on YouTube

38. THE 3 DIVINE REVELATIONS & THE 7 SEALS ❤️ THE THIRD TESTAMENT ❤️ Revelations of Jesus Christ

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