Eternal in the HELL ??? Jesus explains ...

Jesus Christ revealed by Jakob Lorber: From hell to heaven - The otherworldly leadership of Robert Blum 

6. Only one thing lingers on, a clarification of the concept of the so-called eternal punishment, which occurs in almost all Christian religious sects. Is there such a thing or is not there? If one receives an eternal reward for the earthly days of honest and legal life, one can also assume that there must be an eternal punishment. For if an eternal reward is due here in the realm of the spirits of a short, noble deed, on the other hand an eternal state of punishment in hell is due for a brief, evil deed. I find this assumption quite logical. " 
7. Say I: "You already, but I do not - because with all that I have created, I could not possibly have more than one purpose in mind! Since I am the self but eternal life, yet I can never have created beings for eternal death! A so-called punishment can therefore only be a means of attaining one of the principal purposes, never of a kind of hostile counter-purpose, and therefore there can never be any question of eternal punishment. " 
8. Does Joseph say: "Lord, everlasting thanks, love and honor, I now understand that completely! But the scriptures clearly state that there is an eternal fire that never dies, a worm that never dies! It is also written, 'Depart from Me, ye cursed, into the eternal fire that is prepared for the devil and his servants!' - Yes, Lord, I know a lot of texts, where hell and its eternal fire are thought very palpably. But if there is no eternal punishment, and it depends even on the convict to remain in it as long as he wills, then I do not see at all how one can speak of an eternal fire in Scripture! " 
9th Speech Me: "My dearest friend, it is well written of an eternal death, there is an everlasting judgment, and this comes forth from My eternal order. But this is the so-called anger or better zeal fire of my will, which of course must remain forever unchangeable, otherwise it would be completely out with all creations. 
10. Whoever lets himself be carried away by the world and its matter (which nevertheless must necessarily be judged, because otherwise it would not be a 'world'), is, of course, considered lost and dead as long as he does not want to part with it , There must therefore be an eternal judgment, an eternal fire and an eternal death for the creatures. But it does not follow that a spirit trapped in judgment must remain trapped for as long as this judgment lasts - as little as on earth if you had built a strongest prison, and therefore the prisoners for the entire duration of the prison to be sentenced. 
11. Is not 'prison' and 'captivity' two different things? The prison is, and remains, eternal, and the fire of My zeal must never go out. But the prisoners remain in prison only until they are converted and reformed. 
12. Incidentally, there is not a single syllable in the whole work of an eternal rejection of a spirit, but only of an eternal damnation of the non-order to my eternal order, which is necessary because nothing else could exist. The vice as resignation is truly eternally damned, but the vicious just as long as he is in the vices! So, in truth, there is an eternal hell, but not a spirit that would forever be condemned to hell for its vices, but only until it gets better! - I said to the Pharisees, 'Therefore you will have a longer damnation!', But never: 'Therefore you will be condemned forever!' - Do you now understand your such dangerous-looking texts?"   

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Repentance, Request for Homecoming to God 
The Third Testament

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